Women of Gordor: part 2 by Lilguy A world base on a cast system. A woman from the amazon cast fall for an Elf Chris was force to walk with Alisah across the forest. He strong beautiful legs traveled for miles. He was being pulled by a chain and his legs got tired. Alisha laughed and carried him over her shoulder. She walked with her best friend silk. They laughed and told jokes of rude nature. Silk will pinch her capture Orcs butt occasionally and makes joke about "the bigger they are the harder they cum". Chris had to admit he didn't feel sorry for the Orc. This Orc had been killing his Elfin people for years and he now was a whimpering slave. " Would he come to the same fate" He thought. Alisha was beautiful and enchanting but he must escape. They camped at night to sleep. The Sorceress Alisah was with her Orc and giving him a work out. She saw the beautiful amazon Alisah go to sleep. Her gigantic breast heaved as she breathed. Even sleeping she seems dangerous. He uses his small elfin hands to search through her bag as she slept. He pulled out some keys and uncuffed himself. He then ran into the woods as fast as his small legs could take him. It was getting dark and dangerous. The sound of the forest screams with promises of danger. His heart was beating fast. He was a long way from his original home. He tripped down and fails into a gigantic hole. There were skeletons down there. He started to scream. "Well Well little Elf...look like you fail to my trap" A scratchy voice said He looked up and saw a giant spider with human face. The Spider Queen smiled as it dropped down showing its hideous teeth. It shot web fluid trapping him. "Scream all you want no one can help.." SLICE!!!! Alisha sword hit and killed the spider. The spider was killed with one blow. Alisha looke down at him and smiled. She rubbed his hair like she would a child. A small knife appeared in her hand. He shook in fear. "Don't worry silly little Elf...Not going to kill you" Alisha laughed She cut him free and then lifted him upside down by his feet. She held him there and tilted her head. "Now where you think you were running off to slave." Alisha said "I sorry" He muttered "Well you have to be punish won't you" Alisha laughed She carried him back to the camp over her shoulder. He protest but held on to dear laugh. He felt so soft against her. Alisha felt a warmest she wasn't use to. When she arrived shortly she put him over the knee. He was kicking and screaming trying to get free. A hand hit his ass hard and he yelped in pain. Another hit his left cheek making it red. She knew from his erection it couldn't have been that bad. She spank him for 5 minutes. "Bad...elf very bad" She said laughing She then dragged him to a river. She pushed him down. "Sit down slave" She said She dropped some soaps by him and walked into the river. She took off her clothes. He big nipples were brown like big raisins. She had dark skin and sculpted body. He breast were huge and stood out with pride. It was like two gigantic boulders. Her whole body was curvy and had some meat to it. She had big hips and a nice ass. She seem to ozze sex with every movement. "Well are you going to stare slave or help me Bathe" She said. "Yes...mistress" He said taking the soap. He soaped up the rag. "Use you hands slave" Alisha said. He started rubbing the soap it. He rubbed it down her body and strong arms. They were like steal. He rubbed around her breast till Alisah pushed his hands on her nipples. Alisha loved the soft feel and moan as she rubbed it in. The boy had fantastic hands and light touch. She felt the sensation on her nipples and purred as he stroked her nipples up and down. Chris never felt a breast before. Never even seen a naked woman. "You ever seen breast this big slave" She asked with a confident smile. "No" "What you think slave". "There the most beutifull things I ever seen. Your a goddess" He said. She laughed so hard she almost fail down. "Wouldn't go that far. Keeping rubbing there...higher. Now put them between two longest finger..mmmmmm that it faster...faster...faster..FASTER. Yes stroke my nippples. You have beutifull hands. So soft.!!!". He close his legs to hide his erection. She open his legs. "Never hide it from me Slave. I want to see...mmmmm not so bad for a little elf" Alisha said stroking it. She stretch her legs back and had him rubbed her nipples and breast some more. She still could stare him in the eye at this position and play with him. She gave him a playfull slapped on the ass. "You ever touch a girl before" She asked. ..no."