Heather Popeye- Teen years By lilguy lilguy4174@yahoo.com Heather Popeye protect Popeye from Bluto Author note- This is a Commission Work For more http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/lilguy31/profile In was during the high school time and Popeye was walking to his class. He had "I'm a big boy pipe" brand tobacco pipe in his mouth. It was a tobacco pipe brand specifically made for kids (it was a different time back when Popeye was a kid). He was skipping around with his big back. In the book bag was his favorite funny papers that he was going to read "Oh boy can't wait for class" He Said "Where you are going wimp" Bluto Said Bluto was standing there in a football Jersey. As a teen Bluto already had more hair on his chest then his dad. He had two other boys with him. Todd and Finch. Todd was a young ruffian with red hair. He went by Red sometimes time. He had on some brass knuckled "He probably going to pick flowers" Finch Said Finch was a crazy one. He had once put a kid through a wall because he scuffs his favorite sneaked by accident. He was tall and wire. Finch wipe his nose with his hand and put a cigarette in his mouth. He blew smoke in his face "Come on guys just let me get to class" Popeye Said "What you going to do about it WIMP" Bluto Said, "You going to fight ... you going to fight me Finally" "Come on you know Spaz don't fight" Todd Said "violence never solved nothing" Popeye "I disagree for instance I have an issue with your face I don't like it. Want it rearrange" Bluto Said Bluto punches him in the face and knocked him down. She bloods dripped from Popeye nose, bending the nose a bit "See It rearrange ... with violence ... see it solve it" Bluto laughed "Come on fellas ... . cut it out. This could single and endless episodic cycle of violence. Which what's never ends" Popeye Said Bluto grabbed him by his hair and punch him in the stomach. Popeye moaned in pain. He took his pipe and broke it. Bluto picked Popeye up "Come on boys ever see a NERD FLY" Bluto Said He swung Popeye into the locker. Couple of student were watching. Bluto stood over him and started punching him in the ribs "Fight him ... FIGHT HIM" The student Said "No" Popeye Said, "My MA'S said fighting wrong" "What a rube" Todd Said Bluto grabbed Popeye and grabbed him by the underwear. He lifted him up and pulled on the underwear. He moaned din pain and swung him toward Todd. Todd had his fist out. Popeye face hit his fist "Look he is running into your fist ... you really shouldn't be so clumsy" Bluto laughed He did the same with Finch making him run into Fist finch "You did it again ... what a WIMP" He Said He tossed Popeye on the ground and was over him with multiple punches to his face. The punches were coming down like hammer. The two other Bluto was cheering him on. More students were coming cheering on the fight "Fight him Popeye" One of the boys Said "Yea quite being a wimp" He Said "Nope ... . Not going to do it ... you get tired out" Popeye Said "Not before I put you in a coma wimp" Bluto Said The three body were so focused on Bluto that they didn't notice that the crowd has parted. It was Popeye Sister Heather. She as a beautiful busty blond. Her body was very tones. Her muscle ripped. She wasn't total bodybuilder size but she was in very good Shape. Her stomach was tone and her legs nice and thick. She had some tight Jeans on a tight belly Shirt that had her Team on it. Her arms were tones and he had thick for arms that was the biggest in school. Her eyes were deep blue and her hair beautiful. She wasn't as tall as Bluto but taller than most people in the school. She put her finger on her mouth in a Shhh motion the other students "You going to cry POPYE.YOU GOING TO CRY" Bluto Said She got up behind Todd and kneeled so she could punch him in the balls from behind. He moaned in pain as the fist his balls. He screamed a high pitch scream like an opera singer. She covered his mouth and pushed him to the locker. Her fist connected with his face spinning Todd around. His teeth started to fall out like tic tacs. Heather like giving these guys pain and humbling them. She did a round house punch and knocked him out "You are seeing this. Think he going to wet his pants" Finch Said Heather started doing a deep voice intimidating a guy "Yea I bet his Sister would be real mad. She might pound you" She Said "OH HEATHER. She all talk. If she showed up we show her what's. What" Finch Said still looking ahead "Yea bet you show that dame who boss. Show he the back of your hand. Only thing she would pound is so Cookie Dough when she cooks you some Desert. Only thing she would beat is some eggs for your breakfast" Heather "HAHHAH your right. Like the way you think ... what your name Fella" "Heather" "Heather that an odd name for a guy" He Said He turns around and was face to face "Wow ... you got some big tits fella" Finch Said still not quite getting it He then looked out her. The wheels in his head and was turning like a machine that wasn't oiled in centuries. "Hu ... wait you're a girl ... your HEATHER" He Said "OH CRAP H ... ...h ... . ea ... . either ... p..p..p" Finch Said trying to talk. He tapped Bluto on the shoulder "Will you just spit it out ... I am busy pounding a nerd here" Bluto Said "H ... .h ... eathe ... ... P ... p ... p ... HEATHER" "You really need to lay of the smokes Finch" Bluto Said "The coughing making it hard to understand you. Heather who" She grabbed Todd and punch him in the gut. He was lifted off the ground. She picked him up over her shoulder and slammed him down. She stomped on his balls and twisted her foot. She flexed her arms licking her biceps. She had no bra underneath her shirt. He nipples were rock hard. She kicked him in the face knocking him out and breaking his nose "" Now to really wrecked you" Bluto Said raising her fist to Popeye She grabbed his by the wrist "What your friend was trying to say. HEATHER POPEYE IS here and she about to kick your ass" She Said She picked him to his feet and punched him in the stomach. Bluto was big but Heather was faster. Despite her mom being against violence, her mom as a boxer and in the army. She daughter Heather how to box. Popeye was never quite as good, skinny, really hated eating his vegetables. Popeye mostly cared about boats and the sea. Popeye said the boat will be his muscle when he becomes a sailor. His mom would say you need to be in shape even to run a boat "Picking a little wimp like my Brother ... well that wound stand" She Said She was giving heaving punches to his belly. He swung at her. She dodges swiftly as the first hit the locker. Bluto Jumped in pain. She caught him with a punched under him chin making him bite his to "Just because he some boys don't mean he not a wonderful guy. You should pick on such because he hits like a girl" She Said. She gave her brother a Thumbs up "Got your back bro" "Ummm thanks Sis" Popeye Said Bluto went to tackle her. He started punching her but Heather had her arms up absorbing the punches. People were cheering her on. She grabbed Bluto and pushed him in the locker. She caught him with a right hook and left, giving him to black eyes "You get slow. Too much time at the burger shack" She Said She grabbed her shirt and pulled it over his head. She did a couple of knees to his stomach and chest hitting him hard. She knew she had to avoid Bluto Strikes he was an Ox of a man. He tossed Bluto outside into the recess hall. It was wear student ate outside "Kick his ass heather" A man Said Bluto did a right hook and knocked her back. Bluto Got up. Bluto put his fist up "You going to cry" Bluto Said "NASA ... you hit hard. That not your issue ... it that you don't know how to get up when you get hit back" She Said She waited for him to get close and did a hard punch to his jaw. He was knocked down falling out. He was knocked out. She is slapping him away. She hovered over his face and put her thick ass against nose. She let out a long fart. The fart was loud. The students were laughing. He struggled to push her off but she had had her legs wrapped around tight "Opps to much Chillie Dogs" She Said She eases his ass toward his mouth as he moaned. He tried to close his mouth because Heather made him eat her far enough times where he knew what was coming. Heather grabbed his hand and squeezed. She bent them back making him moaned in pain "Dinner Time" She Said She farted in his mouth. He felt the hot gas against her. The farts went deep against throat. It went against it, filling up his throat with hot gas. The gassed filled him as he tried fight back "Think that form my Spinach Pizza ... mmmmmm this one from the Car of beans I had" "Stop" Bluto Whimpered "Oh, come on WIMP...you know you haver crush on me. My beautiful blue eyes, my long blond hair. My big of forms and large breast. " "That's a Lie" "Shame ... . I was going to ask you out to the dance. But if you don't want me. I guess I can't date you. Real shame. Really wanted to take a big strong fellow" She Said She got up. She ran her hands through her hair and sighed "Sad guess I want have a Fella ... give me a kiss at make out point. Guess I am not attractive enough. Dang shame. Maybe my muscles are too big ... and my legs thick" She Said Flexing "No ... no..you HOT pieicer of ass" Bluto Said "Really ... . you think so. What some gentlemen" She Said "I LOVES your BABE..would love to take you to dance" "Oh that great. But I can't ... I don't date people who eat farts" Heather laughed "why you dumb DAMME play with my emotions" "You make it so easy" She Said He went to grabbed her but she grabbed him and picked him with his own momentum. She tossed him through the table. She pulled down her pants showing her G string. "Look like someone hungry farts" She Said She grabbed a canned of beans and crushed it. She squeezed it and swallowed some of the bean's Her stomach started to rumble. She stomps on Bluto crotch and put her ass over his face. She sat on his face and let the gas go into his nose. He mouths was filled with farts and he got tear eyes and was crying. The fart sound was loud. The people laughed "Oooooo nice and Stank Bluto" She Said She licked her huge forearms as she was humping his face. She pulled down his pants. His underwear had holes in it that said Monday on it. It was Friday. He had an erection "HAHHAHAHAH GETTING turn on by my farts" She farted again which made him cum. He filled his underwear. She laughed and grabbed him by his hair. "NIGHT...NIGHT loser" She Said She did a hard punch to his face and knocked him out. She pulled up her pants and walked back into school. She saw Todd and Finch getting back up. She did a right hook to Finch knocking him out a left to Todd doing the shame. She helped her brother up "Oooooo look what they did to your face" Heather Said "It aint nothing. mama chicken soup won't fix" Popeye Said "Won't always be here for you buddy. You really got to start defending yourself" She Said "naaa don't likes to fight. I am gentle Soul. When I am out there on the seas won't have to fight. Going to get me self a nice Dame and sell the seas" "Sure, thing Popeye the Sailor man" She Said sarcastically She rubbed his hair and helped him with his books. She walked him to class to make sure no one else would get hurt "You don't have to walk me to class heather" "Of course, I have to bro. If you get hurt and put in the Hospital I will have to you share of chores and who want that" She laughed She gave him a peck on the cheeks "Stop. That girly stuff ... . quit it" "Well I am girly Girl Girl. Need you to get your first tattoos. Make a manly man out of you. Grow some hair on that chest of yours. Look smooth as a baby belly" "If only I could be as hairy as You" Popeye Joke She gave him a playful punch in the grounds "Where was that fight spirting early. You need least take a swing at ones of these guys or they knock you down again and again" "Ma Said no fighting" "Quick being just a mama boy. Boys like you should be ignoring their mother. Getting into fight and getting your hand dirty., A good fight is fun. I liked it" She Said "Wont they come at you more" "They going to do that ANYWAY...if you don't fight. This is a rough town. You either have a few lugs coming at you who won't quiet, or a whole army of lugs. I mean has not fighting stop them" "Nope" "Well there you go. If they come say Let them. I LOVE to fight" Bluto was with his boys later humiliated. They all were tending to their bruises. Bluto was pacing back and fourth "We got to do something about her ... they are getting in a way of our Bullying" Bluto Said "Yea are money form take LUNCH money has gone down" Finch Said He pointed to a chart he made "Where down...300 percent this quarter. Who going to beat the sissies, wimps, nerds and people who choose to impress themselves artistic ... WHO ... it be chaos if we don't" Todd Said "Yea it to the point I can't even take candy from babies or push down old ladies anymore. This is not the country I grew up in ... shame DAMM SAHME" Finch Said, "make me WANT TO GO NUTS" "Well Desperate times call for despite measure" Bluto Said He went into a big book. The big was dusty "what that boss" Todd said "It a book of Bullies. In the neighboring towns and or in street in towns. Us top Bullies each have one so we won't be on each other turf. It to avoid another Great Bully war. We need to call them up and have a meeting" Later Bluto clubhouse was filled with Bullies from different parts of town. Bluto explain his issue with them, "Why should we care" Babyface Ray. Bully of the east End Said "Yea why should we care about YOUZ" Oldman Face Steven Said. He bully of the westend Said chewing on some hard candy "Why is this our issue "it because the word will come out. Heather beating up Bullies In our town. The word has spread. You haven't notice people in your town being mouthy. Nerds being even more Nerdy, dweeb being even more dweeby. Lunch money getting low. There getting cocky" "I have seen nerd reading a book ... at a football game ... FOOTBALL GAME" One of the bullies Said "One even opens a DRAMA club ... this is madness" Another Bully Said "Gentlemen where outnumber. Where tough but there more geeks, dweeb, spaze, nerdos, and sisises in the world then us REAL manly men. Sooner or later they will know that if this comes up" Bluto Said "Ahhh you just mad that she made youz Jizz your pants" Lady Face Kevin Said trying to mess up his own hair to try to stop it from being" "Yea" A couples of Bullies Said "Why I would have knocked your beutifull block off if It wasn't such a work of art" Bluto Said "GENTLEMEN ... MAY I SPEAK" A voice in the crowd Said A man in a polo shirt came out. He had thick blond hair and a main cink. He was holding cricket bat. His shoes were nice and shin. He stood up on the table "My name is THEODORE CONDRAD THE 3RD. I am not like you coming from a rich family. I am rich douche Bully. You know a rich family who buy up parks, and bars and replace them with rich clubs that your kind not welcome in. The type to tossed pig blood in a nerd we made prom queen as a gag. Good times. I was like you...thinking this anti Bully sentiment wouldn't spread. Then one day in some town a few towns before me a rich camp challenges a poor camp to a contest to see who get banned from the park. They had high level trainer, all the equipment in host in their pockets. But the poor kids beat them. I took that as a fluke. Then the NEXT month.the very NEXT MONTH. Some nerds decided to show up on the cool kid's ski hill. They of course beat up the nerds. But they kept coming back. The nerds eventfully took over the skill hill with Hijinks. Then it was me ... my dear fellows it was me. It used to be part of a Dojo. A GREAT dojo. This geek looks my girlfriend once. So of course, I made his life a living hell and bully him at a level that would be considered a murder attempt in most circles" "Of course, you did.don't sees anything wrong with that" Todd Said "Yes ... then he ran from me tried to hide with some Janitor. Some disgusting Janitor. Some veteran of some war" Theodore Said "Well clearly he just started another hiding that nerd" Bluto Said "I know so of course ... I did what the rational thing was. Going and vandalize the store of some old veteran to settle some high school beef" He Said "See nothing wrong with that" Babyface Said "But the school didn't see it like that. They wanted me to pay for it and started picking on them. So, I agree one condition he fight me in the kung Fun tournament. The school of course didn't do the irrational thing and just expel or do something crazy like call the cops from my rampant destruction of property ... but did the rational thing and agree with my terms" "a Good school ... a find good school" Bluto Said "So, night of the Dojo...we of course snuck the kid and broke his leg and then we fought at the tournament" "and you KICKED HIS ASS" Oldman face Said "No ... he KICK MY ASS" The bullies gasp "Knock me right out. My dojo master was furious. So, he decided to kick this old Junior ass, only to then have his ASS KICKED. The Dojo became a laughing stock. The Dojo disbanded. So, this stuff can spread. So, my Question to you may find sirs. Is not should we help Bluto ... but we afford NOT to" The people cheered by the passionate speech and planned. Two days later Heather was walking with Popeye buying some stuff downtown in the business area. Popeye had a bag of canned vegetables. She was holding it "Going to get flower for MA" Popeye Said "But it not her birthday or nothing" Heather Said "It's always a good day to get something for your ma" He Said "Ok don't go too far. Going to get some new shirts" She Said "Ahhh quit babying me" He Said and ran off She was walking around, when she bumps into Bluto. Bluto was punching his palm. He had a big smiled. "Well look like you walk into the wrong neighborhood TOOTS" He Said "Don't have time for this wimp ... get out the way" She Said He punched her across the face. She rubbed her face and then punch him in the stomach. He gasped for air "You much really love the tasted of my farts Bluto" She Said Suddenly She was hit with cricked bat. Theodor was behind him. Todd came in and kicked in the ribs and Finch caught her with some brass knuckles, she moaned in in pain "This girl doesn't look so tough" Theodore Said She did a back kick to his balls and made him drop the cricket mallet. She slammed it over Bluto head and used the stick to hit Todd and Finch in the gut. She elbows Theodore breaking his nose "4 against one. That low even for you" She Said "Make that 5" Baby Face Ray Said She tackled against a table with some clothes in it breaking it. Heather moaned in pain. She was grabbed by her shirt and tossed into Oldman face Steve's face "This how we do it in the rest side" Steven Said She was punch under her chin making her moaned in pain. She was tossed into Lady face who hit her with a chair. She moaned. She punched Lady Face and flipped her over trough the table. But the Bluto was outnumbering her. She manages to take a few down but there were keeping coming. They stood over kicking her "What you got to say now" Bluto Said "You hit like a girl" Heather Said Bluto hit her with a bag of pennies to the face. It was leaving a bruise as he was hitting him her. The men held her arms "Put her to her knees" Bluto Said He pulled down his pants showing his hairy ass. He wanted to give her a tasted of her own Medicine. He spreads his cheesk "Get ready to eat farts Heather" He Said She bit down on his ass. He moaned in pain as she left Teeth marks breaking the hold. She grabbed for her can of spinach only to have Theodore Kicked her in the chest knocking her in a dressing room. She broke through the doors as a half-naked woman ran out. One of the bullies grab her "Were You going toots you going to enjoy the show" Finch Said He grabbed the woman breast. She was trying to get out "Unhand me you brute" She Said "Where your wimp bro" Bluto Said and stomped on her stomach She moans in pain as his big boot was drilling her stomach. She got kicked in the face as she moaned in pain. There was anger in her blond eyes "He not here" She Said "Your lying ... go out and get him. He somewhere around here. He always follows her around like a puppy" He Said "Better than trying to hump my legs like a Dog" Heather Said Theodore grabbed his mallet and went out with 3 guys. They spit up and went looking for Popeye "if you lay a finger on him you're a dead meat" She Said She was picked and punch in the stomach. She gasps for air as her eye got watering. punches were coming from all sides "Let's have some fun with her boys" Bluto Said, "What you say about a kiss" She kissed her cheek and force her tongue in her mouth. He grabbed hold of her ass making out with her. She was pushing against him and bit his lip. She was slapped across the face. "Like a GAL with some fight in here" Bluto Said She tossed her down and grabbed off her shirt. She covered her tits. There were big and firm. Nice D cup. She was topless "Don't cover those breast" Baby Face Said and punch her across the face They grabbed her arms. Her tits were on display. She shook them "Have a look. This as close you going to ever get to see a woman naked" Heather Said "I best take advantage" Bluto Said He grabbed her breast and she moaned. His hand was rough. He squeezed her breast molding them together. She was pulling on her. She looked up him with anger and tried to bite him but she couldn't; \ "Freely free to have a boy" Bluto Said He went to grab his crotch. Her gripped onto her pusysy making her moaned. He had a tight gripped as Finch was grabbing one breast and Todd was grabbing the other. They each licked the sides of his face. "Look at her getting wet for me" Bluto Said "Dames love me. I know you wanted a REAL MAN to touch this hot body of yours" "To bad I no Real man here" She Said She was punch in the stomach. Then she was punched across the face. Some blood was coming down her lips. She smiled "You still hit like a little girl" Heather Said Her big breast was getting boxed as her was hitting them like some boxing bags. Her tits were going up and down as she was punching them. Her fist drilled his fist into her tits. Big sweat was flying off her. The fist drilled into her stomach "" Still got something to say" Bluto Said "What was that ... a nice breeze or a punch" She laughed "Dammit you DAME YOU SHALL SHOW ME SOME RESPECT" He kicked him in the balls and head butted him. He was knocked back. He grabbed her sore nose. It was pumping up and down. He held his red nose "You little wimp" She Said "Watch her legs boys. She is a sneak little bitch" He Said Meanwhile Theodore and was looking for him. He had a picture of him from before. He saw Popeye "Hey Geek" Theodore Said He tripped him with the mallet. He fails on his stomach. He whistled the other two bullies over. They were standing around "Hey what the, big deal" Popeye Said "Me and some boys are beating up your Sister and now we going to kicked your ass. We going to beat the whole Popeye family" He Said Meanwhile Bluto was licking her breast. His long tongue was going against her nipples. He looked on Bluto in disgust. "You a real pig, going to have to Humiliate you extra hard. May even punch you into a building ... no ... a skyscraper ... no the MOON" "ahahhah you been reading to many funny books" Bluto Said Popeye was on the floor. Theodore was with two other bullies name Hammer. Hammer was a big burly guy, Spanish man. He had a big afro. The second man name was Jacob he had a long beard and slick back her. Her hair was dyed blue. His hair had some corn roils. "Come on quit it you guys:" Popeye Said Theodore punch him hard in the stomach. He moaned in pain. The fist was drilling into Popeye making him moaned with intense pain. They ripped his shirt showing his skinny and pale body. He had him by the hair. He was punch him in the face. "Look at that chest ... not a single hair on it ... what a wimp" Theodore "How the hell you, your sister" He grabbed his rose. "Hey that my MOMS" Popeye said as he grabbed his stomach feeling the pain "The hell with your MOM ... that fat cow" "What did you say" Popeye Said. A single small hair was growing on his chest "Said your mom is a FAT COW" Theodore Said Two more hair grew on his chest. He gritted his teeth. Bluto clench his fist. He was standing up "Maybe I should make it clear ... your mom is a FAT ... UGLY ... DUMB COW" Popeye punches him in the mouth. Theodore spent around and around. He fails down knocked out out cold. Bluto stood over him. His chest got really hair "NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY MOM" He punched Hammer in the chin was he tried to come after him. Hammer was knocked out cold. He fails on his back. He was passed out as he laid on the floor. "Woe ... now hold on" Jacob Said, "No need to be some Crazy Mama boys" "I am What I am and it isn't nothing wrong with that" He Said He went and did a punch knocking him out. He grabbed a Can of vegetable and took a can of spinach. He took the cricket pack" "Time, I make a woman out of you" Bluto Said unzipping his pants Popeye came behind him with a cricket bat. Then took out some of the people holding him. He was tackled by the numbers of Bullies. He rolled a can of spinach to her. Heather Grabbed it "You much of lost your mind Wimp" Bluto Said stomping "As if You wimp Popeye could beat up the MIGHTY BLUTO" Heather open the can. She sucked it down. She felt the power raging through her as her chest expanded. Her muscles flew up to huge proportion. Her biceps growing inches per second. She moaned as the Bullies tackled them "Yea isn't so tough now are you squirt" Bluto Said Suddenly he saw one of the bully's fly passed him and slammed through an apartment store. "Look in the sky" Someone Said Bluto looked and saw one of the Bullies get knocked through the clouds making a Bully shape. Popeye smiled "You may want to look behind you" Popeye Said He looked behind and their Heather was standing a gorgeous Goddess. Her breast were now huge J cups. They were nice and firm with large nipples. Her body was shredded with wall to wall muscles over her body. Her legs were with 40 inches thighs, 36 inches calve and biceps about 45 inches strong. Her shoulder was board and her skin radiant. Her ass firm and big with over 60 inches of ass "Well Look like just made a big mistake" She Said Babyface Ray took a pipe and hit her with it. The pipe bent. She grabbed him and punch him in the gun taking his breath away. She picked him up over her head and backhanded Lady face sending him through a brick wall. She did multiple punches to Baby face stomach and then lifted him up in his arms and was spanking him. Baby Face. She never took her eyes of Bluto. She picked Babyface up and over her head in a stunning show of strength. She cracked him over her back with a loud crack. She ran at Bluto. Bluto was struck in fear. She tackled him and punched him into one the store selling beds, and other furniture. She walked in "come on you always wanted me in the bed room with you" She Said He was on the bed. He went to grab a lamp that was by the bed. He went to hit her. She grabbed his arm and twisted. She gave him some quick Jabs "You always Said I needed to cook you some dinner and be an obedient woman. But to do that you need and over" She Said She put the blanket over him and was punching. She lifted the blanked up and put her ass under it. "How about a DUTCH over" She farted into the blanket. The fart was stronger and more powerful than before. The gas filled into the blanket. She covered the blanket over him. It trapped the gas in it. The gas filled his nostrils and made his eyes red "Damm you...nasty Skirt" He Said She wrapped him up in the blanket and heavy the blanket over her shoulder. She swung the blanket around and around making him Dizzy. She did till the blanket was a blure. She able to do it with one hand by grabbing the tail of the blanket she made. She slammed it down on the ground back and forth. There was crunch sounds as she slammed it against the floor 'Like the smell Bluto" She Said She tied the blanket up and tied it to a ceiling fan. She started punching it like a punch bag, getting all over his bad, as Bluto was trapped into a gasp of his farts She was making sledge hammer level punches. She used her tits to hit "Damm Bluto this is a good workout" People were cheering her on. They were tried to these bullies in the town causing havoc. She did a wide up punch and caught him the chest with it, hearing a crack of his ribs. He punches were brutal. She heard him whimper, tears soaking the blanket "Wow you're a real wimp Bluto" She Said Oldman face ran into the store. He had a baseball bat. She saw him. She quick punched him in the gut and grabbed him. She slammed his face against her breast again and again smashing his face flat as a pan cake. She put his head between her tits and smashed her tits together crushing his head like playdoe. He tried to pull his head out but didn't. He was punching her ribs. It only broke his knuckles. She laughed "You boys don't like having the tables turn on you do you" She Said Two more bullies ran in. She spun around with Oldmaface Steve still trapped in her tits. Her fist connected to one of the bullies, bending his face like he was clay. She made a huge face imprint in his face. She knew him in the balls. The bully was on the ground. The second she did a might cloth lines sniping him in the air. While air she caught him with a choke slammed breaking his back "Now you the one who licked my breast were you old looking bastard" She Said to Steve "Only Fair I see yours" She pulled off his clothes and grabbed his cock. She held him from it dangling him in the air with one hand. He screamed in intense. The man she punched in the balls was getting up only to get a roundhouse kicked form her putting him in a concussion. She squeezed hard on Steve cock like she would a bottle of tooth paste. Steve scream. She spun her around by his cock, getting his shaft into knowns. She then swung around and slammed him head first into the ground. Her foot raised and came down his chest shattering. "Now where is Bluto" Bluto was slipping out of the blanket trapped. She grabbed him and put him on his back. She opens his mouth and put her ass cheeks over it. She let out a long stream of gas. She watches as his belly expanded like a Jiffy pop bag. He couldn't breathe due to her ass smothering him. Bluto stomach was filled with gas "How does it taste WIMP" She Said She pulled off his pants and saw his cock spring to life, spraying cum. People in the room laughed. He tried to push her off. She grabbed his hand and heard crunch sounds as she squeezed hard. She broke his hand letting out another far. His cock was getting full erect again by the sounds. Her ass covered his entire face "Can do this all-day Bluto "You suck a wimp" She got up as he laid there with a huge belly. She stomped on it and the gas went out of his mouth. She smiled and walked away to the next bed. She let Bluto crawl away in pain to get some hope. He hid under the bed "Hmmmmm Wonder where did Bluto go" She Said pretending not to see him hide She looked around. She bent down over 20 feet away from the bed. She showed off her thick ass cheeks "All this gas and nowhere to go" She Said She let out a fart. The was gas fumes floating from her ass that was visible. The form lady like hands and search the room. They went under the bed and found Bluto. The fumes finger went into Bluto nostrils and dragged from under the bed. The other fumes hand grabbed the back of his head and brought him to Heather. He was slammed into her ass getting smother "There you are" Heather laugh She let out another wind of gas filling up his nostril. Tears ran down his eyes. He tried to get out pushing against her ass cheeks "What the matter. You don't like my smell. You might make me INSULTED ... you wouldn't want me to get INSULTED do you" Bluto shook his hands "Then Say THANK YOU ... thank you PRINCESS HEATHER FOR MY FARTS" "thanks, your Princess heather for ... for" "My fart ... THANK your mistress heather for your Farts" He Said The long far went into his nostrils and made him gag. The fumes were slamming his face into her ass back and fourth "Boy you're really in there you much like the sweet taste of my buttocks" She Said She was walking while she was getting dragged across the floor. She was walking casualty as she sucked his face in her ass. "You always wanted to be in my ass but bet you never thought it be like this" She laughed She let out another steam of gas filling his nostril. He cried out humiliated. One of the Bullies headed down a street in pick up trick toward her trying to run her over. She stopped and put her hand out. She grabbed the car and bend the metal. She squeezed it. She was bending the metal. She lifted it up in the air. She was squeezing hard as she lifted it with hand "Hmmmm never see a truck fly" She Said She tossed it in the air and gave it a gave it a kicked. The pick-up truck was sent into the sky to fall against the town below "Think you're going greedy on my Fart BLUTO ... you WIMP" She Said She crushed her ass cheeks against his head and crushed it. She took him out of her ass hole and stripped him naked She looked at his nude body that looked small compared to her. She gave her a big hug. She wrapped her arms around her. His face was between her large tits. She squeezed giving him a big bear hug. She squeezed her strong arms around him and was crushing his bones "Come on you always wanted these tits Bluto" Heather Said Bluto tried to budge her arms but couldn't. It was like feeling on steal. His cock was between her legs as she closed her strong thighs around him. Her legs were running against his hard cock. His big cock was pulsating as she was rubbing her strong thighs against her. She was shaking with some intense pleasure. His cock was pumping "Ohhhh fuck" He Said He was cumming nice and deep. His cock was pumping along stream of cum. The cock shot long ropes out. She closes her legs around him crushing his cock "Ahhhhhh fuck" Her cried out in pain She was feeling bones bent and crack. He was crying against her big tits. Her tits were soaking his breast. Big tears were melting down her tits. She ran her hands down on him and squeeze his ass "MERCY ... MERCY YOU WIN!!!" He Said "You going to leave my brother ALONE wimp" He nodded. She grabbed him by the throat with one hand. She flexed her strong arm. She felt his cock rock hard. She had big veins pumping into her biceps. She gave it a long lick "Now it time to go on a trip Bluto" She Said She winded her punch up. It was spinning around and around. Energy was coming from it "Here a new punch I been working on. Haven't name it let" She Said She winded up the punch and punch him under the chin. The punch made a huge explosion sending him flying in the air. He went into space. Bluto saw the earth getting smaller before he was passed out. He crashed right into the moon. She looked for Popeye and he leaped in his arms "See you stood up for yourself. Proud of you" Heather Said "Well no one messes with my family" "Come on brother...let's go have mom makes up some spinach pie" She Said "Yuck Spinach" Popeye Said "Come on lets go bro" She laughed