Patty Popeye in a Growing Concern By lilguy Someone steals Dr Egg head shrink Gun Author Note- This is a commission I did For more or to get one for yourself go here Patty was in the Doctor Egg Head Private Warehouse. She was there for Bodyguard Duty, Dr Egg head assist he didn't need it, but Doctor Egg head had been attacking plenty of times, so it was best to guard him. She been assisting him for a while. As normally the place was a mess with paper all over the place. There were bottles and beakers all over the place "You really should clean this place" She Said "Everything in the right place" He Said "I am working on my science" "How Goes it Doc" She said She was doing a couple f push up. Doctor Egg head had made a makeshift Gym for her. He had said if his assistant/bodyguard on working here that it best to work out her body and her mind. A health body would make a healthy body. Patty said he made it because it was because he liked seeing her in sweat clothing. She was wearing sweatpants that hugged tightly to her ass that was nice and thick. Her blond hair flowed down her body "Slow but good" He wanted to study the effect of spinach in this town and the effect of it on her Gene of the Popeye family. Vegetable grew big here, super large. He wanted to maybe Copy The growth of it. She stood up her blond hair flowing down her body "You could sale this Doc you know" Patty Said She went to the boxing bag because she wanted to keep up her kick boxing. She had on a tight belly shirt showing a flat stomach. She as thinks but pretty athletic. Her forearms were big like her mother. She worked the bag and did some kicks to it. She was working up a sweat as she dances with the heavy boxing bags "You want some Chinese. We should go out" Dr Egg Head "No..let order." She Said She jumped on the desk he was working out and stretch out her body. Her bra was tight showing the outline of her breast under the shirt. She was young with a nice little perky body. She knew Dr Egg head would sometimes take a peek. She liked the way she blushed "I like to go out. Been copped up" "Come on Doc you . You know your rival compete in the same technology. Braindead been trying to buy up farmland. Sometimes forcing people to sale" "I took care of myself find before I met you, you know" She did a handstand on the table and flipped over. She landed on her feet. She put her hand on Doctor Egg Head Shoulder "Now Doc ... its no shame in Helping people" She Said She was a quite a bit taller than him. Egg head was short balding older man. She tapped him on the head and gave it a rub. She moved down and rubbed her shoulders. He blushed a bit. She laughed. She always thought he was cute when he was nervous "Go ahead my Treat" She Said She knew Egg head was very cheap and wouldn't passed up a free meal. He was a type of guy that collected ketchup packets when he went to a store. "Well I do need to eat" He Said She ordered who food. Meanwhile Doctor Braindrain was sitting his desk. He had hackers hack his phone and spy on any incoming content "Found out who going to deliver it. And take over that car, and take their outfits" Brain Drain Said "Sure, thing boss" One of the Thugs said "Bring as many men as we can" He Said Meanwhile back at the lab. Doctor Egg Head grabbed his shrinking and enlarging gun. Patty stood behind him There was an apple on the table "All right let's see if this works" He Said "I believe in you Doc go right ahead" She Said He fired at the apple. The apple started to shake. It grew big. The giant apple grown up. The apple grew nice and large. It was growing and growing till it hit the roof. It took up the whole room. "WOW ... IT WORKED" Patty Said lifting him up and spinning him around "You did it. It worked and NOTHING blew up" "For now. Let's me how its tastes" He Said blushing "Now please put me down Patty" Patty laughed. She got a little bit to excited. She put him down. He grabbed a pickax and took the pickax to the apple. He was taking some chunks out of the apple. He grabbed pieces of it and gave some to Patty. The apple taste nice and sweet. He then put the piece of apple under the microscope "EUREKAEE ... it seems like the apple parts are stable. It won't blow you up if you eat it" He Said "Well Maybe you should of check that before we ate it" She Said "I can't worry about tiny little details like that" He Said and took the gun. He changes the setting "Now let's see if it can go into the reverse" He shot at the apple. The laser shot out the gun and the apple started to shrink down to normal size. A couple of minutes passed when they were a knocked on the door "That much be the food. Can you get it Patty" He Said looking over her note? Patty looked at the hidden Surveillance camera. the feed was going through the doctors Laptops. She looked at it and it seem to be a couple of bulky guys in the chinse restaurant hats. She opens the door and went to get the money "That was fast here you go" She Said One of them pulled out the taser. She shot with it a knocked down. The men came in and grabbed the Doctor "What the meaning of this" He Said One of the men punched him in a stomach. The main henchman was a local thug named Rocky. The ball floated in the air. A Hologram of Braindrain appeared "Hello Doctor ... LOOK like you got outsmarted again." He Said He looked around and saw the giant pieces of apple. Braindrain laughed "Well LOOK like you actually did its OLD MAN. Too bad you won't be alive to see" He Said looking around "But better test it" "You never get away with this" Egg Head "Grab the gun ... SHRINK him. Want to keep him in bottle before I DESTROY him. Set it to shrink" Brain dead Said Rocky Grabbed a gun and fire at Doctor Egg head. He shrunk down to a tiny size only a few inches. Rocky Grabbed the bottle and put it over. He put a cap on it and poke some holes. Patty Got up and tacked one of the men. She took him down and took him out with a few punches to the face "Its that OAF ... fire at her ... SHRINK HER" Brain Dead Said She dodges as he fires. The furniture around her was shrinking. She grabbed one of the henchmen and use him as shield. He shrunk down to the size of some hard candy. She put that henchmen in her hand and flicked him into a 3rd henchmen mouth. That Henchmen choke on the other henchmen as Patty clothesline him knocking him out. Rocky ran. There was a van waiting for him. Four men came out of the van "Think four will be enough for me" Patty Said "No toots..but maybe four that FOUR times their normal size" Rocky Said Rocky put the Jar with the professor in it on the passenger seat. He turns the ray to enlarge and shot at the men. The men grew to 40 feet. "Fizzle Sticks" Patty Said The Van pulled out. Patty Saw one of them slammed her fist down. He slammed the fist down. She ran up the giant and caught him with a kicked to the eye. She then slammed on the side of it neck doing a pressure point. That attack knocked him out. A Second giant grabbed her and tossed her through the roof of the Lab "HAHAHA LITTLE WOMAN" He Said The giant ripped open the roof. Patty went an grabbed a Can of spinach. She went to open it "No, YOU DON'T LITTLE WOMAN" The Giant laughed It stomped a big foot on him. He smiled "CRUSH LITTLE BUG" She felt her foot being lifted up. Her muscles ripped with 40 inches biceps. He clothes had ripped revealing her body. She smiled and tossed him on his back. She then grabbed the giant foot and started lifting him up banging him like a rug. She was swinging him around and around and then those her high in the air. It went through space slamming through the moon. She stood their muscle bound and strong. She tore off the rest of the clothes "Come here Giant Man" She Said She ran at the second Giant man and leaped in the air. She was punching him into a blur. She looked like a misquote to him, but she was hitting with a force of a train. Each punched rock his block off as she had beaten him down to size literally. She punches all the muscle off him. She rounds up and punch him under the chin breaking his jaw. He was sent flying through the cloud in a whole another country "Crap listen lady" The Last Giant Said She stood there with her tattoos forming into firing rocket. She smiled. Her body was nicely sculpted with huge HH cups tits. She leaps high in the air and form her fist into hammer. She was flying over him and about to come down. It seems like slow motion. The hit of her punch created a shock wave that shook the ground. She knocked the man out. She leaped in the air looking down. She was looking to the van. She chases him down to a big mansion "Crap" Rocky Said There were four men waiting at the top of the steps. The fire at her. She stood there laughing as the bullets were bouncing off him "Is that all you got" She slammed her breast against the bullets. The Bullet bounces off him. The Bullets were hitting him in the arms and shoulders "Well that backfired" She said them Rocky ran into the place and grabbed Brain Drain "She Crazy ... .Help" Rocky "Who ... .Who Crazy. What" "That GIRL he with ... .She ... SHE UNSTOPPBALE" He Said in the panic "I got an army of men that I paid a fortune" Brain Drain Said He whistled and 50 men came out with guns. He heard the sound of guns fire and then screaming. Then he heard what sounded like thunderstorms. There were a bunch of people flying through the wall. She walked in the place "Well do you have to pay those guys Hospital bills. Look like your going to be paying for a while" Rocky was freaked out. He was holding a bottle with the professor in it "You want him ... HAVE HIM" Rocky Said He tossed the bottle with Egg head in. she caught it and put him on the counter. Rocky went for the gun as he thought he had an opening. She ducked and caught him with a right hook breaking his jaw. The gun dropped down breaking. She punched him in the nose. Brain drain was in the room and grabbed the gun. He tried to fire but it just created a spark "You in trouble LITTLE MAN" She Said Doctor Egg head tossed down a flash bomb and blinded her for a bit. He then ran to a secret room. Patty ran at him "Where you think you're going you little Runt" She said She ran toward him when he ran into a room. He locked the door and metal doors came down. She punched the walls "What this" "hahahhaha DUMB DUMB" He Said through the intercom "This is my panic room. Deep steal. The steal is multiple feet, double plater with some of the strongest metal. There no breaking in here" She looked up at a camera and sneered at it. Laughter echoed through the room. "Now Stuck in here, I have this broken gun, which I will reverse engineered. Then COPY RIGHT IT. And say it is my Idea" "That's LIE. You won't get away with that" "He and OLD man ... a crazy old man. NO ONE will believe crazy Dr Egg head" "I will vouch for him" She Said "You won't be ALIVE to do that. As you can see after all this time ... my BRILLANCE, will beat you" He Said Out the walls came machines gun. It was enough to take out tanks. The machine guns fired the bullets bouncing off her. She turns around placing her back against the wall. She pushed her hands deep against the metal. He was pushing her finger into the metals "Thanks for the massage" He Said She smiled. She was letting the bullet hit her ass. The Bullets was dancing off. It made her tits bounce. He pressed the buttons to shoot more bullets. He was shocked at the power she had. She smiled and then laughed "You are willing focusing on the breast" Patty Said "Are All you super scientist such perverts. You and the Doc have a lot in coming at your weird muscles Fetishes" "I AM NOTHING like that FOOL" "Yea he much more smarter and handsome. His perversion actually Charming and not weird and creepy like yours" Brain Dead Was furious. He would not let this big titted oaf mocked him. He was upset he was accusing him of perversion. He put a book over his erection instantly despite no one being looking at her "Face its little man took out your guards, took out your toys. And I am going to barge in there and give you an extra-long beaten. Trying not to masturbate thinking about its creep. You can try all you want but you will NEVER be as smart as Doc. You're lucky I don't clobber you to the moon. But I think I take you to Jail this time your big jerk "Ohhh YEA ... let's See how some Fire will treat you" She Said A couple of flame throwers came out of the wall. The place filled with fire shooting from every direction. It filled the room with fire, hot that could melt most steal. "Yes BURN!!" He Said The Fire cleared. She was laying on a beach chair. Her body was slightly tan. She was wearing some shades with her arms behind her head. Her pussy exposed. Her body was dripping with sweat going down the curves in her muscles. It went down the veins in her muscles like a big river. Somehow, she had a glass of lemonade in her hand that she was sipping from a straw "Can you please leave that on for a bit. I need tan my back" She Said "DAMM you" He fields the room with smoke. The smoke covered his view of the camera. . It was a mixture of tears gas and poison gas "Got you" He Said The smoke cleared as she sucked the smoke in. She looked for a vent and blew inside it. The smoke went into the room. He stared coughing and choking on the gas. He fails over coughing. As the gas went into his eyes "You ok in their little guy" She said She knocked on the door and put her ear by it "You don't seem so good" She Said "Let me go in and help you" He struggled and grabbed a gas masked the gas masked shot oxygen in his mouth. He moaned as he sucked in the air "Let me see" She Said stroking her chin "How did the big bad wolf did it ... he huffed and puffed to get in it" She then punched the door. The Door bent despite being pure metal. She punched header making a hole through the feet of metal. She then put her hand in and tore open the door. She stuck her head in. "HERE PATTY!!!" She Said Brain drain went for his gun. Patty came in and grabbed his wrist. She then crushed it in her hands. He moaned "Little boys shouldn't play with guns" She Said She took gun in the other hand as she held him up with one hand. She crushed it and bent it. She looked around he had a bar "That wine looked expensive" She Said "Yes ... .Quite ... Don't brea ..." She put him over her head. She tossed him. He slammed into the wine breaking the bottle. The wine and beer poured over it. She grabbed the bottle of wine and rank drank in down. She heard some metal moving around "Is that a Shot Gun your grabbing" She Said She heard a clock "Yea can hear it. You know I got shot with one a couple of times by gangers and dirt bags all around. I hate guns myself. Most violence I really try to avoid in general. Lucky normally seeing a bullet bounces off these abs is enough to make MOST people to stop fighting" He pulled out a shot gun and pointed it at her head "Be careful with that" "I know how you use it. USED to hunt BIG GAME back in a day. This can take down an elephant" She Said "Your two closes to ... " The gun trigger pulled. The force of a shot gun slammed into the wall. IT made a huge dent. The lighting fails down on him and then the other bottle each one cracking against his walls. His eyes were bouncing in his head. The Bullet bounce off her and part of it went in his arms "You two Close the wall ... You're to close ... to the wall. Silly Man" She grabbed the shot guns and bent it into a pretzel "Last chance to stop and walked to Jail" She said He pressed a button and two robots came out from the side of the wall. He smiled as her pressed a button and chair came out of the wall. He took a seat and put his feet. The robots had long arms like two metal hose and wrapped it around her arms and pulled them "Sure, about this." She Said "I might take offense" The robots had arms that came out of their chest and wrapped around her large tits. It gave it a nice squeezed pushing them out showing her big nipples. Her nipples were rock hard and about nipples. IT was pulling and yanking on her breast. Two hands came out of the hose "KINKY" "Not Kinky. I did always admire those breasts of yours. Those hands will PLUCK them right out. It will tear your apart limb from limb" Her arms were pulling pulled by the robots "I spent MILLIONS on these. Some of the most advance ones in the world. Not those junk yard monstrosity Egg head Build. You really Should of Join me" He grabbed a wine and poured it into a chalice "You could of bene one of MANY lovers. Egg head couldn't handle a woman like you" "Well he would never TRY to. A perfect gentleman. Who wouldn't have sex with a student? Although I flirted with him. Sure, he peaked, I made him blush, but the guy would never make a move"" A Third Robots came out of the other wall and a couple of houses came out. The hose had natural lube. It was dripping down the long hose. An electric rod came out of the thirst robots' hose like arm. It was something from an old AMAZING STORIES magazine that Kari's boyfriend would read. The rod was pushed between her legs and started electrocuting her. She moaned "Now this is JUST RUDE" She clamps her pussy down against the hose and crush the hose ribbing it out "Now play time over little man The Robot kept pulling as her muscles tense. She yanked at the robots and arms and smashed them together. She picked one up and slammed her fist through it and yanked out its guts. Wires sparked. She picked the Robot by it itself and use to slammed down on the other one. She slammed down on the second Robots with the first one flattens it, and breaking it "Ooooo was that EXPENSIVE" She said "A FORTURNE" Brain Dead The Third Robot wrapped her its arm around her neck and squeezed. She flexed her neck muscles and broke the hose. She grabbed it hose "Was this the one in my private spots" She Said She ripped its arms ff creating sparks and wrapped it around it. She pulled on the hose and crushed the robot flatten it. She tossed it and gave it a huge kicked sending in it a wall. The first Robots had an arm come it head with a blade "So many toys. It's like a switch army Robots" She Said She tackled the robots and lifted it in the air. She wrapped her arms around it. Her biceps grew to AMMAZING SIZE. It grew 10 inches bigger before her eyes. She squeezed as hard as she could. The metal bent over her mighty might. Braindead was in the corner. He was white with fear BUT ALSO TURN ON. All the Blood rushed to his cock in a bone that the old man never had before. It broke the buttons on his pants and bounce off "Is only your heart could grow as big" She Said Her strong arms crushed the robot as it screamed for mercy in an electronic voice. She crushed it sending sparks and it exploded in front of her. Smoke was coming of her tits as she left unscratched. Brain Dead came right there shooting his load in the air "Now Where we" "Listen we got off on bad start" She Said She grabbed him and ripped off his clothes. She picked him up with one hand and squeezed his neck. His eyes bulge like two basked balls as his face turn blue as she chokes him with one hand. She flexed her arm. Her tattoos now form the words "OH OH" the other arm tattoos said "You're in trouble" "Now you been causing me and Egg head some trouble. Me I don't mind. But you keep messing with Egg head plans ... and old dude deserved a break and his invention will change the world" She tossed him and punched him into the wall. She worked his ribs with rabid punches. She was hearing ribs snapped as she worked him. Her fist was going into a blur. He cried out intense paint.; She gave him an uppercut. His eyerish started bouncing in his eye's balls like two basked balls. She then did a roundhouse punch and slammed her fist through him. His face bent around her fist like a clay. She pulled her fist away only to have Merge back. "Damm you" He put her hand on her strong thighs. She stood over him dripping with sweat. She smiled flexing her arms making her biceps bouncing. Her biceps were bouncing making some drums sounds. She made her tits slapped together. She lifted her hand foot up. She slammed her foot down on his balls. He screamed in pain "Argggg" He cried Tears rain down his face as she twisted her foot. His balls were flatten making her foot in print into his balls "You like My Abs little MAN" She Said She ran down her finger across her abs that were a foot thick with muscle. Her looked like she was wearing some armor. "Yes ... .VERY MUCH" "The little DICKLIET of your sure seem to like it. Like a little JELLY WORM" She Said She bent down and pulled on his cock. He cried out as she pulled it back. She held him upside down by his shaft. She squeezed it one hand "A SMALL size Jelly Worm" She Said She was yanking it up and down like yoyo. She was walking him across the room. She was slamming him against the wall back and forth. She was swinging him around and around. She was spinning him like a fan till he was blur. Doctor Egg head screamed "You know since you like my Ribs give you a closer look" She slammed him down and grabbed his head. She put him on his knees. She slammed his face into her strong abs over and over against till his face flatten. Teeth flew out of his mouth making pianos sounds. Then she ran his face up and down against her abs like a cheese grater "Come on THOUGHT you like My Abs" She Said He cried out in pain. There was still smoke going around the room. He was banging on her abs. she stood in front of him "You trying to punch me ... .GIVE me your BEST SHOT" He looked up at him afraid. "DO IT" She Says He winded up a punch as hard as he could. His fist hit it and his bones crushed. He moaned in pain. She laughed and grabbed his other hand crushing. Patty gave him a big slapped across the face. She was leaving big handprints across his face. Blood dripped down his mouth and nose. There were stars going around his head "Stars we can do better than that" She then gave him some hard-open palm hits. The room shook with each slapped. The stars were zoomed in showing some planets] 'Naaa we need better She said She punched him the face a couple of times. She was making some galaxies dance around his head in spectacle of light "Hmmm recognize that galaxy. Think I punch one of the Bluto to that moon" She put his face between her arms. She was crushing his face with her big thighs. She was squeezing his head. He was crying in pain. He tried to pull out from her strong thighs. Her pussy was dripping against the back of neck "Now let see what I have" She Said She looked at the pants she ripped off. She grabbed his belt and swung it around. She hit it against his back. He cried out as she whopped his ass next. She left some long marks against his back "That for being such NAUGHTY (spank spank) naughty little boy (SPANK SPANK). Oooooo your ass getting nice and red. It's a nice color on you" "Arrrgggg" He Said crying "Now apologize little man" "I am SORRY ... I AM SORRY" "Say you're sorry ... Say I am WITTLE BABY ... I am sorry princess Patty" "What I will never ... WACK!!! Wack!!! WACK!!! WACK!!! "I am sorry ... .I AM WITTLE BABY ... .I AM SORRY PRICNESS PATTY" She looked around and found a recorder. It was something that he used dictators with "Now Say I DOCTOR EGG HEAD IS SMARTER THAN YOU" "WHAT I RATHER DIE" She said She squeezed her thighs around his head. He felt his head being crushed. His eyes were bulging out of his head. She shipped his back several more times till he was crying like a baby "OK OK ... !!!" She held on the recorder and told him to speak clearly "DOCTOR EGG HEAD IS SMARTER THAN ME!!" "Was that So hard" She Said "Now tell me why ... you Rob the gun from Doctor Egg head. Don't like. Or I will crush you" "Because ... because I couldn't figure Out the shrinking and growing technology myself. I knew he could" "hahahahahha good ... Now Let shave some fun" she said She lifted him over her head and held him there for a while. She walked around and she shook in fear. He couldn't move from the beating she gave him. She slammed him over her head knees and heard a crack of his back "Silly little man not done let" She Said She bent over him swinging him her big tits over him like two pendulums. There was sweat dripping off her hard nipples "You don't look so well. You got two black eyes, broke nose, Broken hands. Broken ribs and now a broken back. Let that little cock of your still hard" She Said She pushed her sweaty foot against his shaft and started rubbing it up and down. He moaned. "Why look at you despite all that beaten you still turn on. You know I been taking phycology. Think you may be a masochist. Been ready books on that" She had her feet slide nice and smooth across his shaft. His cock started to pulsate. She smiled and flexed her arms making her pecs dance. Her tongue glided across her biceps. "Wow you got a bad case of the muscle love don't you. Such the feel of my Sweaty foot against your cock make you ready to pop. And I thought Egg head was a bit of a pervert. But you really got him beat in that regard don't you. Maybe the ONLY regard you have him beat in" She made him moan. He couldn't take his eyes off this sculpted masterpiece. She is glistening with sweat. Ever muscle popped with power. He always felt Jealous that Dr Egg head was hanging out with such a thing of pure beauty. He started to cum, against her feet "Ooooo Gross" She stomps on his head flattening it with her big shoe "Dirty ... Ditty (STOMP STOMP) dirty ... Dirty little man. You got my Foot all sticky. Lick it clean. That a goods little man" She picked grabbed him by her legs crushing them in her hand. She slammed him back and forth against the floor skipping "You going to lay off DR Egg head right" "Yes ... .YES ... Yes!!" "Sure, you try again but maybe this beating going to stop you from trying it. Got cameras in that room when your men attack by the way. The Cops will love that. Sure, your money will get you out of it ... but again it will delay you for a while" She grabbed the other leg and squeeze hearing a crack as she slammed him into the wall. She stood him up and started slapping him with her tits. Her breast moved like some fist "Come on your like my Tits have it OLD MAN" She Said He was dazed. His eyes were getting close shut. She then did an upper cut knocking him. Patty slapped him awake and dragged him out "Time to go to go for a flight" She Said She did an upper cut and sent him flying the air. He landed far away in a desert slamming through the canyons. He was knocked out cold. She walked back inside and grabbed the Jar. The Doc was in there and annoyed that he was shrunk "Ahhhhh Don't be upset little guy. We can make another gun and building you again" He still looked upset "Don't worry got a treat for you" She Said She put Doctor Egghead between her tits. He moaned as he felt his naked body against bottomless breast "That's it ... .There the big smile on that face" " Well there no need to really rush to grow me back" He Said She laughed. Her big breast was shaking "Oh, Doc Your crazy" She Said