Elizabeth Bathony- Fall and rise of Elizabeth Bathony By lilguy lilguy4174@yahoo.com The fall of the wicked Elizabeth Bathony This takes place years before the Sandra and Max stories. It tells the tale of how Elizabeth Bathony came to Angel falls, and how she built the syndicate and what is it Earth number 2032 Year 3060 AD Bathony Castle Bathony Castle stood on top of the smog filled city below. It was built of stone, marble and steals. It top reaches; seem to rip open the sky stretching into the sky. Harsh looking gargoyle statues watch the grounds below with hidden cameras in its eyes. Some of the window was bared and you could hear screams into the night coming from them. Shadows moves across the windows of the castle as if planning something sinister at all times. A song from an old piano every now played a musical haunting sound, echoing though the halls of the castle with its maze like corridors and catacombs. A road of bones lead to her castle and by them was her enemies were dipped in ember and put on spikes long the long road. It was People that Bathony vanquish over the many centuries of her life, a testament to her cruelty. It been ages sense Bathony found virgin blood made her skin younger. Just like the earth you know she lead a path of destruction. But here, in this world she found that the blood of monster, witches, and met humans could be made to give her power and strength. It could make her live forever. So in this world when the villages came to stop her, they found a goddess who overpowered them broke them and made them her slaves. It was very few powerfull metas in this world to face her. She soon took it over and ran it for centuries In her castle she bathed in a long pool of blood. The blood made her skin glisten with color and light. The water was above her breasts that were huge and oval shape, like two plump beach balls. Her tasting the blood of the powerful had done wonders to her body. She stood at a tall 7.3 of thick Amazon muscle and curves. Her muscles were thick, muscle on top of muscle and seem sculpted by marble. Accept for her plump ass and tits it wasn't a bit of fat on her. Her biceps could be measured at 8 inches and seem like they could crushed a man skull between them. Most men couldn't put their hands around them. If they did they would feel solid still buried under smooth soft skin that was smooth as silk. Her arms long and thick and looked like they could tear a man limb from limb. Her lips were bright blood red as always. Her teeth were perky white like as shark. Her eyes blood red, a side effect of her thirst. It was piercing, fiery, showing a woman with no remorse who saw people as cattle to be feed upend, or toys to be fucked and tossed away. Her faces beautiful, vibrant but had an air of maturity of years. Her hair was long and red with thick curls. She had her slaves run a comb through 200 times a day. She wore it halfway down her back. It took hot lasers to cut it. Her stomach was tight, six packs abs and been known to deflect bullets from the most powerful gun. Her legs were thick, and seem like tree trunks and at times. They were long and beautiful. Her feet had toes always painted red with blood mixed into the pants. Her feet were size 15. She would stomp man head like grapes for her drinks. Her hands were big, with long fingers that she used to squeeze her life out of her foes. Every part of her body was a weapon. Her breast were used to smothering people so could cut them to drink. Her nails were sharp and could slice a person so she could feed. She wasn't a vampire, so she had to cut them to drink. She was immune to most bites of the vampire; she wiped them all out and accepts for one. One important one. Elizabeth got out of the pool and 3 slaves came with towels and sponges to clean her off. The slaves were nude, hand picked by her. She towered over them watching the fear in their eyes, watching their hearts skipped a beat. The looked up at her. She stood tall, like a mountains, he nipples always erect, 3 inches her body always ready for pleasure. "Boo" She Said making a quick move like a cat. They jumped back. She grabbed a male slave by his legs and held him upside down. "Oh please ... as if you could run from. Could rip you apart in second boy. Go and cook my dinner, and make my bed. Want you ready in it for later" "Yes Countess" He Said She dropped him and walked over to the wall where a man was chain up. He was frail and weak. He said the thing he begged for, for centuries "Please end this ... kill me" He Said Elizabeth laughed. "Oh COUNT DRACULA ... your patheticness never cease to amuse me. To think it was actually somewhat of a challenge to beat you all those years ago" She Said The chain was silver, it kept him there. Dracula had made many attempts to escape during the day, in hopes the sun would end his misery, he hope to taste the final death. But now he was stuck as Elizabeth vending machine. She grabbed a bowl that was on a table by him. She grabbed him by the hair and pushed him on his knees. She places the bowl under him and took her long nail. It glinted in a moonlight night. She slices it across his neck. He bled into the bowl. Elizabeth stood up and took the bowl and started to drink. She tasted the power, the veins in her body started to glow. She licked her lips. "Yum" She Said "MOTHER" A woman voice said She turns and saw her daughter. Catherine, a tall beauty standing at 6.2. She wasn't as built as her mother, but was still shapely and stronger then most people of this world. Elizabeth had 6 daughters. She made sure she had only daughters, she wanted genetic perfections. Catherine was the strongest and most cherish. She had fought her sisters in battle and won. She also was a scientist, in advance research and adopted her mother cruelty and depraves appetites. She didn't have a much of her mothers brute strength, but she made up for it in intelligence, tragedy and scientific know how. She rocked the technology of Bathony world 1000 years forward to what it normally would be. She stood in a lab coat, short skirt, and tight top. "I worked on the interdimensional teleportation device mothers. Its finish" Catherine Said Bathony scientist was working on cracking in alternate dimensions. There were an infinite amount of earths across multiple dimensions. Catherine manages to crack the code. They were planning to take an army into one similar to early 21st century earth. Elizabeth got dress. She put on a skin tight leather corset that showed off her cleavage and strong arms. Her hair made into a bun where she kept sharp knives. She much likes to use her bare hand to dispatch her foes but she had two swords by her sides that could cut through steal like butter. She walked into the lab. Catherine gave her a watch. "This will help you travel through dimensions, without feeling any of the side affects" Catherine Said "Good ... is the army ready." "Yes Mother, first strike already happens on the miserable earth. Poor souls backwards, they haven't even landed on mars" Catherine laughed. The portal open up showing Bathony army descended on earth. Women in skin tight armor wrecking havoc on New York. Catherine smiled. "Go ahead Mother enjoy" Catherine Said Elizabeth rushed in the portal. She saw the shapes of the world bend around her and fast forward like an old videos. 1000 of colors flashed through her eyes, colors see never seen before in crystal clarity as she was punch through the very fabric of reality. But when she entered it wasn't the earth she saw. It was a city deserted. The portal closed behind her. "What the meaning of this" Elizabeth said A Hologram appeared on a watch of Catherine. "Sorry mother I forgot to tell you that I put your watch on a different frequency. Sent you to earth 4500A. It an earth that was ravage by asteroids. The people have long sense left, but I am afraid it wont be much left of the things they have built...and Asterodid the size of texas due to hit it in a few hours" Catherine Said "Why" "I am doing what you taught me, take out your enemy the best way you can. You're in my way of total dominance. I couldn't take you out with brute strength, so I played the good daughter and use your own arrogance and lust for power to vanquish. " "You PAY for this you bitch" "I want you to watch the asteroid slowly come for you. It big enough to kill even you mother. Want you to watch the seconds of life slowly tick away, now your been truly best due to all these centuries. Know your kingdom is mind, your slaves are mind, and everything you built is mind. And you will soon be ashes while I enjoy all your spoils. Await your doom mother...know it NOTHING you can do about it. So long mother ... hope you die slowly in a sea of your arrogance." Catherine Said The watch shot out sparks breaking the watch. Elizabeth looked up in the sky and saw it filled with 1000's of mini asteroid all floating around a gigantic one head toward off, set ablaze by the earth atmosphere. The gravity of it causing earth quakes around the city, sending building toppling. If it wasn't for her strength she is torn apart. She saw many asteroids bury into the earth creating huge volcanic explosions. She could barely hear it so full with rage and the quest for vengeance. Elizabeth screams of rage rang through the empty city as the asteroid headed to her, toward her death. To Be Continued For more stories and commissions check this out http://lilguy31.deviantart.com/ For interactive stories check this out http://www.chyoo.com/index.php/main.story.list/0/0/fethishboy/1