Female Baddies win part 5 Double Impact By lilguy brownguy20@yahoo.com An Alternate version of Double Impact where Corey Everson didn't die. In the movie you know Two twin brother found each other. Both were played by Jean Claude Van Damme. Their names were Chad and Alex. The story had bad guys trying to stop them. One of those bad guys was played by hot fitness model Corey Everson. In a closing battles she was killed fighting on high walk way in a factory. But there was there other realties where she win. Where she ducked Chad's Kung fu hit. Kara was fight Chad dress in her tight sleeveless Gym shirt that showed off her strong bicep. She wore tight showing off her dangerous legs. Her blond hair flowed as she gave a punch to his jaw and another left staggering him. Blood dripped down his mouth as gave a drop kick. Steam was coming from the vents as they fought on the rafters. "Come on is that all you got. I thought you were a man" He punch her in the face and knocked her back. Her went for a Judo Chop to finish her but she caught it. She grabbed the arm and slammed it against the railing. It snapped hard as she slammed her hand into a kung fu chop. She laughed as his armed broke. "Nice try punk" Kara said She squeeze his neck and slammed a kneed into his balls repeatedly. He screamed in pain but she had leverage and had trouble fighting her off. She slammed her knees again hard into his balls. His back was push against the railing. Her was pushing her trying not to fall off. Her hand dug into his neck choking him. His eyes was rolling in the back off his head. "After I kill you. I will kill your bitch ass brother." She said She nibbled on his ear and then punch him hard in the gut. Her long tongue licked his face as she bent his back over the wall. She gave him a long deep tongue kiss forcing her tongue into his mouth. She slowly pulled down his pants. Despite the pain his cock was erect. She pulled down her tights. The blood rushed to his cock as she choked him. She started fucking him on the railing and kissing him. "Ohhh yea baby. Quit fighting it. Just Die" Kara said She orgasm as she felt the life slipping from him. Chad came the hardest he ever had In his life. It was an intense and long orgasm. The life left his body and she dropped him off the railing. Later Alex came back in After beating the main bad guy. Kara didn't care. She was meaning to take his place anyway. Alex walked in and saw his brother body. He was filled with rage. Kara was waiting for him. She came from the shadows with a flying kicking to the face. A chain was wrapped around her fist and slammed it hard in Alex gut. He gasp for hair. The beautiful killer uppercut him knocking him out. He woke up tied naked to the ground. His ankles was tied and his wrest wrapped around the grate. Kara stood in front of him naked. Her muscles glistening. His cock became hard at the site of the killer. "Let see if you last longer then your bitch ass brother." She said She straddled his cock and choked him. Her pussy was still wet from Chad's cum. She rode him and intense orgasm. She screamed and put her hair back as cum shot deep into her cunt. She let out a moan and squeeze the life out of him as she came. She stood up and laugh. Year later. She stood in her throne as the new crime empress. She snapped her finger and her two slaved crawled. Alex and Chad. She didn't kill them after all. Revive them by calling the doctor. Sure there were crippled now but their tongues still worked. She smiled as both of the broken twins licked her. One licked her ass and the other licked her cunt. A double impact for sure.