Diary of an Abuse Husband 10 By lilguy brownguy2004@yahoo.com Trip to the mall Sandy walked in front of me through the mall. She was wearing a tight leather skirt that showed off her thick ass and well muscled legs. Her legs were long and thick she had on 12 inch heels to show of her already tall body. She was 6.2 without the high heals. Her shirt was tight and sleavless to show off her arms and belly button. Her black hair was freshlesly done up. She had on make up to show off her blue eyes. I look like a child walking 8 feet behind. Her perfume was exotic, I could smell it from here. Her nails were done up in blue paint. She had jewelry on. I had got punch by her with her left hand that had 3 rings. They tended to leave a mark. She bags in each hand. "Hurry up you fucking wimp" Sandy said I walked behind her carrying her bags. The bags she had been carrying had weights and she carried them with ease. I had trouble dragging her clothes. She made me dress in tight pants that were like speedoes. It still had butt plug deep in my ass, clamp down. My cock was tight in my pants. It had grown inches longer sense she had me working on a new penis pump. She said I still wasn't man enough for her. She had me wear a T shirt that said whipped. I sported two black eyes from when she hit me. My arm was broke and had some ribs shattered. I was shaken in fear next to her but also had an erection ever time I was near her. "Going to by some clothes for a date tonight. Going to fuck a real man" She smirked She started putting some lipstick. I knew I wasn't man enough for her and she deserve more. Least I got to be fucked by her even though it was savage. She walked into a clothing store. She picked out a sailor outfit. That was meant for kids. "Try this on faggot" She said "But it kids ... " SLAP!!! The slap was loud and hard and sent me down. She grabbed my by my hair. We were in the corner of the store. "You think I won't beat your fucking ass in this mall. Try the shit on now" Sandy said "Get your little black ass in there and put on the suit" I cried going in. She smirked. I tried the clothes on and came out in the sailor suit. People gave me strange looks. "Turn around" She said I turn around "Bend over ... Let me see how it looks ... mmmm nice" Sandy said She pinch my ass. "Cute little fuck. Take that one" She said She grabbed me up and kissed me. She gripped my ass and shoved her tongue down my mouth. I laid my body against and was held in my arms. "Look in the mirror babe." "I like it" I say "See. I treat my bitch nice. I buy him stuff. See how easy things are when you stop running that smart lip of yours" "Sorry Sandy for being a little cunt" I say as Lay in her arms "Better be. Now try that little cowboy outfit on" She said 40 minuts later I came out in a cheer leader outfit. I made me give her a cheer. "Give me an S..give me A..give me a N..D Y ... Sandy..Sandy" I was red face with embarrassment. "Nice" She laughed. She was talking on the phone. "Yea just picking out clothes for my bitch. Yea what you here to. What you doing. Meet you there" A man muttered under his breath about how he would never take that shit from a bitch. Sandy got up. The manager knew her. Sandy spent a lot of cash there. "Sandy wait he didn't mean it" He said Sandy slapped the girl away. The man was 5.10 and had a young girlfriend that look very cute. "Got a fucking problem" Sandy said "Yea what of it bitch." "How about a kick your ass" "Jonny calm down" The girl said "Don't worry Mona. Won't hit her. She lucky I don't hit women" SLAP!!! Sandy slapped him. I couldn't look. "You bitch" He said He went to punch her but Sandy caught it and crushed his hand. She dragged him into the waiting room and slammed him to the wall. She punch him hard into the gut with just force and made and hole into the wall. Sandy then started punching him while he on the ground. Fist rain down like hammer making him a bloody mess. He was crying. Mona looked on shocked as the ounce brave man scream like a girl. Sandy was Animalistic but erotic. She stripped Jon naked and stomped and beat him. "What now you bitch. How it feel to be by a big titted bitch" She said She grabbed one of the belt and fold it. She started to whipped him. He screamed with tears running down his eyes. Sandy had a lusty look in her eyes. "Sandy that enough" I found myself saying. She looked at me in anger and slapped me. "Sit your fucking ass in the corner before your next" She said I crawled over in the corner. "Wipe the blood of your face slut" She said. She walked over to Mona and asked her name. Mona answer. She looked deep in her eyes. Jon was on the ground helpless. Sandy was looking through her. She spoke in a sultry voice. "After I beat your bitch ass man. Why don't me and you meet later say after the mall. Fuck that tight pussy like it never been fucked" She kissed her deep making he knees weak. When she broke the kiss. Sandy had a big smile. "Sure" She said Sandy gave took her number. "When I call..better pick up." Sandy said Jon was crawling away. "Where you think your going faggot" She said Dragging him by the hair into the back of the store. She cracked the belt and followed it with stomps. The belt hit her his ass and back. I couldn't see him but heard the screams. "You got blood all over my shirt you little wimp" She said She stomped him again and sat on his face. "Eat my clit" She said Couldn't see all the action but could see the smile on her face as she rode the man. She came with her huge tits bounching up and down. Her nipples were piercing through her short and her biceps glistening with sweat. She took off her shirt and grabbed one of the outfit. A cowgirl vest and put it on. She looking amazing in it. It barely held her tits. "Put back on your clothes slut" She said as she lit a cigar She spit on the man. She grabbed her wallet and took out some cash. She gave it to the clerk. "For the damage" She grabbed me up by my neck and brought me close to her. "If you ever tell me what to do again. I will break your fucking jaw." She says "Yes Sandy" She slapped me hard across the face with her ring. "Better" She said She dragged me to the jewelry store. Rachel was there. Rachel was an 19 year old gold digger and fitness model. She wore a short little pink skirt and a tight pink top. She was a spoiled stuck up and beutiufull. She was use to getting what she wanted. She had a knew old husband with her. He look about 70 and was in a wheel chair. Rachel probally put him in it. She had on lip balm and sparkles on her face. She had blond hair and snake on her left breast and flower on her left ass cheek. "Hey babe" Sandy said and gave her a French kissed "Mmmm still hot as always. See you got the little shit with you" Rachel said "He a good distraction" Sandy says Rachel was look at a dimaon necklace "Honey we all ready spent 50,000 can we slow it down" The old man said She sneered and then smiled. " Sandy mind going for a walk with me" Rachel said pushing the wheelchair Sandy smiled back "Sure" "Please I am sorry" The old man said scared She pushed him outside. "It ok just a little walk" She went to the parking lot and came to the steps. She pushed him on the wheel chair and let him fall down. She walk calmly down and place her toeless sandles on his chest. Her toes nails were painted with hello kittly images. She chewed some gum a blew a bubble. "I think you broke my arm" She punched him in the face and slammed her elbows on him. "Broke your legs too. Would of though that was a lesson for you" She place her foot on his neck and filed his nails "You know how lucky you are to have a young thing like me" He nodded "Then all I ask is a few gift is that to (STOMP STOMP) much to ask you old fuck (Stomp stomp) I let you watch my body, let your jerk that Joke you call a cock." "Yes" "You forgot your place. I will spend as MUCH money as I fucking want. And it not a damm thing you can do about..got that you fuck" She said She snapped his other arm "Arrrggggggg got it" He screamed "Maybe I should fucking kill you now. Take the money from the will and say it was a mugging. I am pretty..guys will beleave anything from me" "Please don't" He cried "Little fuck pissed himself" Sandy said kicking him "Got to teach me how you keep you men in line so easy" Rachel said grabbing my hair "Well in fairness it is easy with him, not a man" Rachel laughed "Did a number on this fuck. His punk ass son wanted to stop me from marring. He got a matching wheel chair now just like his dad" Rachel laughed "Let get out of here. Got a nice girl we can fuck. Have this little bitch cook us some dinner for later" "Sure thing Rachel smiled