Heidi gets her kicks…..and then some! By Kickfan, s.adamdrake@att.net Intro to Heidi, hot teen martial-artist seeks serious payback for mothers’ death. Sunlight streaked across her bed as she arched her back and yawned after only a few hours of sleep. Heidi felt fortunate to get any rest at all. She could not remember a time when she was this psyched up about anything. Then again, this was to be a rather unique experience that may never come along a second time. Therefore, as precarious a task she faced ahead, Heidi intended to make the most of this opportunity at the complete expense of her most deserving target. At the youthful age of sixteen, her self-regimented life had not produced anything close to the extraordinary circumstances that would culminate today. Heidi now had the chance to make the most of all the years of incessant martial arts training. She would have free reign to employ the exceptional skills that had allowed her to reach the lofty rank of 3rd degree black belt just a few months ago. It wasn’t as if she had not had the chance to practice her amazing skills on countless opponents over the course of the past ten years. Today was very special for this encounter would not simply end in a point victory or even in a knockout, as Heidi was so efficient at producing. This endeavor would not be concluded until only one of them was capable of walking away. Heidi’s absolute mental and physical domination over her foe was essential for her to prevail; her very life would undoubtedly depend upon it. The element of surprise was entirely on her side since her mark had not the slightest idea of the trap he would enter into until the door locked behind him sealing his fate. The only question that remained was if Heidi had it in her to employ her unequaled mastery of martial arts to this brutal extreme and unleash her most lethal weapons upon this vile, despicable criminal who happen to be well over twice her age and much larger than her typical opponents? Not that she worried about his size, larger targets had never posed any problems in past matches. They always made the same mistake with Heidi; overestimating the benefits of their larger bodies over her petite form before getting properly educated by her unparalleled speed, strength, and skill. "I cannot wait to get it on!" Heidi stated confidently, satisfying any doubt in her mind that she could put forth her most creatively painful and destructive efforts upon this scum. Heidi was not content with the idea of a swift, deadly attack. She would require him to suffer long and hard before snuffing the life out of him. It must be a prolonged and excruciating slaughter filled with screams of agony followed by feeble pleads for mercy. In other words, a manner Heidi believed fitting the horrendous crimes he committed against young women throughout his pathetic life. Heidi would act as judge, jury, and executioner in this trial, without the slightest chance for plea-bargain or appeal. In the mind of this lethal young lady, there could be no one more deserving the final justice her talents would bring forth. Heidi glanced at the clock that read 6:15AM and thought, "Good, I’ll have plenty of time to get to the gym before the games begin. I wouldn’t want to show up on our first date without a nice pump on." She smiled as she imagined that initial scene. "When I strip off my baggy old sweats and he sees the package underneath, it should make for a very interesting moment. He won’t believe his eyes. Why is this hot young babe standing here half naked in front of me? He’ll probably think it’s his lucky day, at least until my feet start flying and his blood starts flowing. No asshole, this is my lucky day and this little hard-body you’re drooling over is going to put you out like a nasty cigarette butt." Heidi giggled at this last thought. It was mind-boggling to conceive that a teenaged girl could already attain the level of physical excellence; then again Heidi wasn’t your average teen. Sixteen years old, an expert martial artist, a top level gymnast, and undeniably gorgeous, with a sexy compact physique that exhibited a high degree of sinewy muscle that belied her youthful age. To see her walk from behind perfectly illustrated her level of self-assurance. Heidi emanated exceptional poise, gliding along, her chin held high and shoulders back with a graceful, confident strut. Though not an Amazon by any means, Heidi’s smallish yet powerful build carried an arousing athletic charisma that both attracted and intimidated concurrently. Her wide capped shoulders and thick upper back tapered in sharply like a ‘v’ to her tight little 21" waist which was exquisitely accentuated by her magnificent tail-end that rhythmically contracted and flexed as she pranced along. Then came those amazing lethal legs; thighs and calves that just about defy suitable description, all this in a 5’3" streamlined package. A package that every guy who saw her would love to unwrap but would be would be extremely foolish to underestimate due to size of gender. Now in her junior year of high school, Heidi had easily shattered all the state physical fitness records for girls as well as setting marks that rivaled most of the boy’s records as well. Finishing her big stretch, she lay back down and rubbed the dense muscles of her young tan thighs. They felt a bit tight after the intense training she had given them over the past few months in preparation for today’s showdown. Heidi locked her feet and ankles together and slowly contracted her thighs together as she ran her soft delicate palms over the muscular contours of her sinewy upper legs. The teardrop shaped swells of her outer quadriceps knotted to a steel-like hardness as she increased the constriction of her mock scissors hold. Heidi took a great deal of pride in her lethal lower extremities. The teen’s powerful and talented legs had evolved into a most potent pair of tools for destruction as well as distraction. This fact had become a painful reality to many over the past few years; exemplified by the deft efficiency those legs had dispatched her unworthy opponents in the most injurious and humiliating way. Heidi massaged the tightness away with her dainty but able fingers as she secured her leggy grip and sharply squeezed her thighs together. Arching her hips off the bed, Heidi slid both palms around the back of her legs and caressed the hard rounded prominence of her firm sculpted bottom and thick bulging hamstrings. It turned her on to feel the incredible power held within her legs and ass. "Wait until I stick his nasty old head between these babies. He’ll be begging to lick my butt hole just to stop the pain", Heidi whispered as she reduced the pressure of her vice and relaxed her legs. "Umm, much better", she sighed softly. Her face brightened with a slight smile as she thought about something at school. "I’m so sure those old, out of shape gym teachers are clueless to my true abilities. They see me as a hot little super-jockette they can leer at and fantasize about, and most likely beat-off imagining how they could rock my world. There isn’t one of them that would stand a chance if I felt like wasting them. They just have no idea at all. A couple of those jerks are really starting to annoy me with their slimy stares. I think sometime soon, when the moment is right, they’re going to find out what I’m truly capable of and ‘rock their world’ like they never imagined". A warm tingling swam between her legs. It excited something deep inside her to visualize that last thought. Physically dominating someone, especially someone larger than she was an incredible turn-on for Heidi. It gave her a rush just thinking about it. Once again Heidi slipped both hands around the backs of the marble-like cheeks of her bottom and stroked the silky smooth tan skin covering layers of perfectly formed muscle. Ten years of constant training, executing thousands of kicks of every conceivable height and angle, while achieving a degree of flexibility that would make a contortionist jealous. This had honed her legs and behind to the point of sinuous perfection. Tensing her twin mounds of teen muscle, Heidi gritted her perfect white teeth, bearing down hard enough to make her little butt quiver from the tremendous clenching force. Again she imagined his face plastered against her crotch. She bit down on her lower lip and grinned as that familiar tingle of electricity coursed through her lower regions. Heidi softly moaned as she spread her legs apart to caress the cable-like tendons of her inner thighs. "Ooh, it’s going to be such a blast finding out how much pain and damage these babies can inflict before putting you away permanently. For the first time ever, I won’t have to hold back at all. I can make you cry and scream all day long without the slightest care in the world, and be sure of one thing, you will scream, scream like a baby"; Heidi sighed with a slight giggle. Rays of sunlight shimmered off her supple tanned body as she thought, "Yeah, this is going to be one special day, one to remember...well, at least I will remember". Heidi smirked at this last thought. At the age of three, Heidi set the foundation for her present form with ballet lessons. Her father felt it was necessary for his daughter to explore the natural physical gifts her late mother exhibited as a professional dancer. Ballet was her father’s way of keeping the memory of Heidi’s mother alive after tragically being killed when Heidi was just two years old. Heidi’s genetic make-up began to shine through right away and continued to grow over the following three years. By the age of five, Heidi began gymnastics lessons at the urging of her ballet teacher. She saw in Heidi an athletic energy that could be channeled through the freedom of tumbling rather than the restricted structure of ballet. Her teacher was right; Heidi took to gymnastics like a fish to water. By age six, the young girl’s coordination, flexibility, and tumbling skills were developing at a prodigious pace. The other girls acted jealous of Heidi’s innate abilities and began to shy away from her. Heidi didn’t seem to care. She somehow understood, even at such a young age, her physical superiority to the others was not her fault and like it or not she would evolve far beyond them, even at the cost of alienating herself from her peers. Nevertheless, Heidi began to feel restless as if something was missing in all of this. She wanted a new challenge; as fate would have it, one was right around the corner, at least down the street a few blocks away. Her father was working evenings on an addition to a martial-arts school in the neighborhood. One night when he couldn’t find a sitter for Heidi, she got to come along to the dojo. Heidi watched in amazement as the higher ranked students paired of and began sparring practice. An excitement began welling inside of her the likes of she never felt before. The balance, speed, and controlled power were qualities Heidi had already been developing for three years. "I could do that!" Heidi stated matter-of-factly as she watched their feet and fists fly. "This is it, this is what I’ve been missing", Heidi remembered thinking. Her dad took one look at his daughter and knew right there he had to let her join the school. For Heidi, the passion for martial arts felt as essential as eating or sleeping. She never questioned why this was; all she knew was that this is what she was meant to do. Giving a great deal of her time and effort never felt like a sacrifice when it came to martial arts. When it came to fighting, her devotion to train was only matched by her sheer inborn abilities and instincts. These skills developed at a pace that even astounded her master. Within two years of her first lesson, Heidi tested for and received her 1st degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Now, after another eight years of nonstop training, Heidi had advanced to 3rd degree while also becoming a black belt or expert level in several other fighting styles. Her favorites included Savate, Brazilian Jujitsu, and Capioera. During that ten-year span, Heidi hit a point where her instructors no longer needed to teach her but rather guide her. She was already developing her own unique fighting style that incorporated all of these combat skills with the added flair of some extremely complex gymnastics and tumbling moves; Heidi was entering a league all her own. As she rolled out of bed, Heidi thought about the encounter ahead and felt a bit guilty that she couldn’t share it with her father. She knew it would be a huge mistake to tell anyone about her lethal intent upon this ‘man’. Telling her father might even make him an accomplice to her so-called crime. "I know you couldn’t deal if I told you the plans I have for moms killer", Heidi spoke softly to herself as she shook her adorable neck-length mop of silky chestnut hair from her eyes. "You would probably have me committed for just considering the idea; risking my life to avenge her death. Dad, you have no idea how truly capable I am. Maybe someday I’ll be able to tell you about this, I hope", Heidi said sadly. "I am just so ready for him", she stated as her pouting lips curled in a determined sneer. Sitting on the edge of her bed, Heidi examined herself in the vanity mirror. The teen was a total knockout in every sense of the word. Deep-blue innocent eyes studied her reflection. Heidi’s firm softball sized breasts jutted high against the delicate fabric of her jade green camisole, defying gravity by their protuberance. Heidi was happy to see all her intense training at the gym and dojo hadn’t diminished their growth. Her chest was the only place that she would tolerate any fat on her body. Observing how perfectly shaped and solid they appeared one would assume they were implants, if not for her young age. Heidi arched her back causing her silken top to rise up as she brushed her fingertips across her small stiffening nipples through the sleek material. A slight feeling of arousal began to stir as she took a deep breath and caused the bottom of her camisole to rise higher exposing her tight little bellybutton and lower tummy. Heidi continued playing with her right nipple as she pulled up on the camisole uncovering an amazing set of abdominal muscles that could be used as an anatomy chart. Giggling, Heidi breathed out then contracted her taut middle, which caused her beautiful tanned six-pack and oblique muscles to cut in sharp detail. It turned her on to be in better shape than girl her age. Truth be known, most fitness competitors would give anything to have Heidi’s body. She ran her fingers down the centerline of her bronze middle, over her bellybutton, to the edge of her matching satin thong. Heidi grinned devilishly as her hand dipped under the soft material touching the outer surface of her tight auburn mound. The pad of her middle finger slipped between the borders of her firm lips as she clutched her right breast, rubbing her solid nipple between her forefinger and thumb. Heidi closed her eyes and layback on the bed as her breathing rate began to increase. Suddenly realizing what time it was and what she really needed to be thinking about, Heidi removed her hands and instantly sprang up from the bed. "No! I don’t have time to play right now but later for sure, when I have his undivided attention with that scurvy old head imprisoned between my thighs, I’ll be sure to get off", Heidi stated with an air of frustration in her voice. Needing to relieve this pent-up energy, her playful imagination went to work. She envisioned her adversary lurking behind her in the full-length mirror on her sliding closet door. Heidi smiled as she flashed a quick look behind her at the imaginary target, and then deftly spun around on the ball of her left foot, abruptly stopping 90 degrees to the mirror. Her bare right leg shot up and fired an explosive sidekick toward the top of the mirror, snapping it out and locking it still. Heidi held her leg up high almost effortlessly as she arched her toes back then waived her little bare foot back and forth. She swiveled on her pivot foot a quarter turn toward the mirror to get a front view of her form, never letting her kick leg waiver even slightly. Heidi held complete command over her lithely muscled body, her balance and coordination beyond compare. The teen’s tense figure clearly displayed every visible muscle in this position. She clenched her fists under her chin making her hard little biceps to contract to the shape and size of tangerines. Heidi’s studied her chiseled torso and well-defined legs. The skimpy green thong had disappeared into the crevice of her muscular little butt as she continued to hold the kicking pose still as a statue. "I may sound a bit conceded but I look way too good", Heidi smirked. She licked her lips as she slowly lowered and contracted her kicking leg. The muscles of her lower ribcage striated as she coiled her leg in tight against her side, then rotated 360 degrees around and flashed a perfect spinning hook kick well above her head at the same spot in the mirror. Heidi’s thigh and rear end muscles rippled as they responded to the explosive strike. The lethal teen recoiled her leg back to her side; preparing to deliver one of her favorite kick series she had aptly named ‘Heidi’s hit squad’. Her deadly tan leg became a blur of motion as she arched her back and snapped a sequence of lightning fast kicks at her imaginary target. Starting low, Heidi aimed at the knee, and then worked her way up the body, striking the thigh, lower abdomen, solar plexus, and throat. Finally, arching farther back, she ended the combination with a wild but controlled flurry of short snap-kicks to the head and face of her target. Heidi let out a strong ‘kiaaah’ with the final strike as she held her cocked foot high above her head toward the mirror. She felt her muscular little rump tense up from the effort as she deftly lowered her leg and skipped back, lightly bouncing in a fighting stance. "Come on you big wimp, I’m not finished with your ugly face yet! That was only my right foot, come and taste my left," Heidi chided, pretending her opponent might still be conscious after such an assault. Heidi bounded up and down on the balls of her strong but petite feet. She sprung higher and higher off the carpet aided solely by the power of her thick diamond shaped calves. "Ready or not, here it comes." Heidi coiled her body sharply to the right, then as she leaped up, uncoiled herself in the opposite direction, spinning herself around so rapidly that her kick made a ‘swoosh’ sound as her leg uncoiled and arched across the top of the doorframe. She nimbly landed in a perfect fighting stance in front of the mirror. Looking down at the floor, Heidi taunted, "we will have to continue this beating when you wake up butt-hole. That is, if you wake up." Satisfied, Heidi flicked her hair back and turned away from the mirror just as her father called out for her to come to breakfast. Heidi opened the bedroom door, and then turned around quick to grab her robe. "Don’t think dad needs to see this much of me, thank you very much", she giggled to herself. Only one person was going to get the full tour of Heidi’s flawless little body today and she would be giving him some up close and personal views. The teen pranced down the stairs to the kitchen where her breakfast awaited her in the blender. "Ahh, strawberry flavored, yum", Heidi said as she poured her meal into a large glass. Dad shook his head, "I don’t know how you eat that stuff. I can’t even pronounce half the ingredients on the label." "It’s all good stuff dad, mostly whey protein to help me get buff", Heidi chirped as she gave her dad a quick bicep pose. Her bicep jumped to noticeable attention underneath the loose fitting sleeve of her robe. Her dad was taken aback to see how far her weight training had taken her. "Wow Heidi, I think you’re buff enough. You don’t want to scare the boys away with those muscles" her dad said half kidding. Heidi grinned proudly and returned, "Boys, they’re all so immature. If they can’t handle a girl who trains like I do, who needs them?" Heidi returned to drinking her shake remembering what she needed to tell her father about today. "Speaking of training, I’m going to that new martial-arts center today after the gym. I know you’re working so is it ok if I take the bus?" Her dad thought for a moment and said, "well, all right, but just watch out around there. That part of town has some real scumbags that would just love to take advantage of a pretty young girl." Why dad, you don’t think little ole me can handle myself?" Heidi said this in a mock southern drawl as she gestured to the den that was dominated by huge collection of trophies, plaques, and ribbons. "Yeah, I’m fully aware of your impressive skills but just remember, the rules change from the studio to the street. I just don’t want a call from the county hospital, I don’t think I could handle that", Heidi’s dad said with a little sorrow in his voice. She was sure he was thinking back to a call he got from a hospital fourteen years ago with the news of his wife, but Heidi didn’t say anything because of the fact that he had no idea that his daughter knew the whole gruesome story. Her dad had only told her that her mother died as a result of a hit and run driver, a complete lie. "I’ll be careful dad, don’t worry", Heidi said softly as she hugged her dad and kissed him good-bye. Heidi thought about the timetable for today and quickly said, "oh yeah, I might go see a new martial-arts movie at the mall afterwards, if it’s not too late". He looked at her, ready to object. "Don’t worry dad, I really can handle myself pretty well." Heidi jumped into a fighting stance and threw an intricate flurry of kicks and punches in his direction that she made look effortless. "O.K. karate girl, just pay heed to dads words of wisdom", her father said with a laugh, then continued as he left, "my daughter; the latest incarnation of Bruce Lee. Heidi hated lying to her dad about this whole thing but realized it was for the best. Anyway, he had lied to her all these years about her mom’s death. This made her feel a bit more justified about her decision. She gulped down the rest of her shake along with a handful of supplements for some extra energy for the long day ahead. It was 7:25am, time to get to the gym. Heidi packed her oversized gym bag with everything she would need today including outfits and various items that would assist her in reviving an unconscious person. She planned on using them until either they stopped working or she ran out; only then would she put him out permanently. Heidi chose a conservative attire to wear to the gym consisting of baggy charcoal colored cotton sweatpants and matching sweatshirt. The sweatpants, though baggy, still hugged her curvaceously muscled bottom and flaring outer thighs. Even dressed discretely, Heidi couldn’t conceal her amazing physique all together. A white fitted Yankee’s cap and a pair of black high top Otomix wresting shoes completed the ensemble. She wanted to get in and out of the gym as quickly as possible without any distractions or come-ons by the male patrons of the gym. This was usually impossible; guys were always gawking at her in the mirrors or coming up with stupid lines just to talk to her. She had no patience for this, especially today. Heidi’s beautiful young face induced enough stares and goofy grins alone without taking her awesome body into consideration. She had a perfect lightly tanned complexion that set off her sparkling innocent green-blue eyes. Her cute little slightly upturned nose was complemented by a pair of full pink pouting lips and a couple of irresistible dimples that creased when she smiled, showing off her flawless bone white teeth. All of this was framed by an adorable short bob of dark brownish-red tangles, parted slightly in the middle and curled in around her perfectly shaped jaw line and supple neck. "I guess they can’t help themselves; a body like this on such a young looking face must be a rare sight for these bozo’s to see." Heidi smirked as she tightened the drawstring about her taut 21inch waist. She pivoted around on her toes to see how tightly the sweats fit her rump. Patting her hard bottom, Heidi sighed, "you, mister butt invite too much attention, even dressed like this." Pulling down on the sweatshirt over her rear Heidi continued, "Just concentrate on the workout, the task ahead, and ignore the jerks." It was 8:30am when the bus dropped her off near the gym. Heidi had been using the gym without charge for over two years now because of a deal she made with the gym’s owner to teach his two daughters self defense a once a week. This saved her a good deal of money and allowed her to do something beneficial for the girls as well. As a freshman, Heidi learned in a science class about the advantages of weight training. The teacher had drawn the equation: force= mass x acceleration. The young teen immediately related this to her martial arts training and determined that if she combined her already amazing speed and agility with increased physical power, she would be one dangerous little force to be reckoned with. Heidi thought about this and the two years since first walking in this place as she sat down on the flat bench to work her chest. "I have spent practically every day over the last ten years mastering my tumbling and fighting skills. The extra strength and muscle I’ve added over the past two years will definitely come in handy today." She came out of her thoughts as some old geezer impatiently asked her if she was going to be finished using that bench sometime today. "I’ll be done in a few, mister grump, think you can hold your water that long?" Heidi spoke crisply, adding a forced smile. The old man seemed taken aback by the contrast of her sharp tongue and innocent eyes. He mumbled something to himself about kids today as he wandered off. Heidi’s wide blue eyes narrowed as he left. " I could kick those scummy yellow dentures right down your throat so fast you wouldn’t know what hit you, stupid old fart", Heidi whispered to herself. The 118-pound teen reclined on the flat bench and pressed out a set of eight controlled reps with 155lbs of weight. "That was pretty easy today, must be my adrenaline kicking in. I bet I could get 185lbs up at least three times by now." Heidi thought about it but decided it was smarter to get a good pump but conserve as much energy as possible for later today. She touched her upper chest as the blood rushed in, pumping up the muscles supporting her perfectly shaped softball size breast. She rubbed her fingertips down the centerline of her breastbone while contracting her pecs tightly together. Her fingers stopped moving, pinched inside an inch deep crevasse of muscle between those gravity -defying breasts. "Wow, I’m really getting some great results from all this work", Heidi cheerfully thought to herself. She sighed softly as her high set nipples stiffened and poked firmly against the soft fleece lining of her sweatshirt. "God, I’m doing it again, getting myself all hot," Heidi whispered to herself. She sat up from the bench just in time to catch many eyes darting away from her as usual. "I’ve really got to find a new gym. All right, next up are legs. Got to pump them up until they’re absolutely scary." Heidi exclaimed this last thought with a grin as she sprung up off the bench. Heidi continued the rest of her workout without interruption, moving quickly between machines and free weights without any rest in between. This was not a normal workout, rather an overall pump session to make her already erotically intimidating body absolutely jaw dropping. Heidi really wanted her victim to see the amazing results that the past 2 ½ years of religiously pumping weight had given her. He would receive a detailed and close-up anatomy lesson of this teen’s super-hard body. Heidi’s already athletic frame had responded rapidly to the influx of weight training. After years of strenuous gymnastic lessons and some very receptive genes, her body absorbed this new training like a sponge on water. Since the time she began at age fourteen to the present her height had changed by three inches while her body weight had increased by an incredible 22 pounds to 118lbs at three percent body fat. Here she was, not even seventeen and already carrying the physique of a top professional fitness athlete along with enough lethal ability to destroy a person twice her size without working up a sweat. Heidi felt charged full with power as she made her way to the locker room to shower and change. She left the gym dressed in a pair of baggy dark blue Levi’s and a white hooded pullover top, wanting to remain as anonymous as possible. On her bare tan feet she donned a pair of chocolate brown pumps that were easy to slip off. She saw the bus go by that she needed to catch as she exited the gym and sprinted to its next stop three blocks away. Heidi made the dash with a bulky gym bag in tow without loosing a shoe or her breath in the process. "That was really close and stupid," Heidi berated herself. "I could have blown the whole thing if I missed this ride, dumb really dumb." She sat back still annoyed with herself. Timing was of the utmost importance today. She needed to be in place at the studio before he arrived or he would be locked out and take off. It was 10:45am. "Still plenty of time to stretch out and warm up before noon," Heidi thought. She relaxed and gazed out the window as she reflected on how this whole thing began. It was six months ago at the annual martial arts open being held at the state college gymnasium. This is where Mr. Roberts introduced himself and approached her with an unusual proposition. Heidi had already breezed through the open forms competition, winning it with a dazzling display of creative tumbling and highly difficult acrobatic kicks. The astounded look on the judges’ faces as she finished was all Heidi had to see to know she had won another event. Now she set her sights on the full contact title and watched intently to see who her final opponent would be. So far, two minutes had been the longest any of her previous six matches had lasted. Four victories had been by knockout and two by submission. Heidi had pretty much decided by which way she would win each fight before stepping onto the mat. The matches were no more than training sessions to her, trying out new combinations of kicks, strikes and submission holds for real instead of holding back like she had to do in practice. She would toy with each one for about thirty seconds to see if they had any ability at all to make contact with her, letting them think they had some kind of advantage and then wham!!! Instantaneously, Heidi would take the offensive and keep on it until she had them either laid out on the mat; unconscious or unable to stand up or screaming their surrender in one her favorite submission holds. An exception to this was her last opponent, a big black girl, who said the wrong thing to Heidi and suffered the consequences. Once Heidi had reduced her to a barely standing foot wipe, she took her to the floor and snaked her lethal legs below the black girl’s head gear in a dangerous reverse neck scissors hold and started a series of quick, snapping pulses on her throat that made the suffering fighter try to submit immediately, but completely unable to. Heidi had the girls throat so compressed that neither air or blood could get to her brain, not to mention the girl couldn’t wave her surrender because Heidi had her arms immobilized by gripping her opponents wrists and pinning them to the mat. Heidi used her leverage atop the girl’s chest to keep her arms still. All her prey could do for the ten seconds of eternity was endure the panic and wait for the inevitable, unconsciousness. Just as the referee realized the severity of the situation the black girl was in, Heidi loosened her grip just enough to slide her legs up so that her crotch was fixed firmly against the victims vulnerable esophagus. Heidi looked over her shoulder to see the panicked wide eyes of the formally cocky black girl, smiled at her evilly, and clenched her firm little butt cheeks so tightly together that her opponents eyes rolled up and her rigid form went instantly limp. Heidi commented softly to the contorted, unconscious face, sandwiched between her rock hard glutes, "Guess you get to kiss my ass instead of kicking it like you thought." Heidi released her hold and let the head bounce to the mat; sorry she couldn’t make this one last a little longer. Heidi smirked and rolled her eyes when she saw whom her final match would be against. "How did that doofuss make it this far? Must have been a pretty sad draw on his side of the bracket." She said to herself as she sauntered to the mat. Even though he stood almost nine inches above her diminutive five foot three inch frame and had to outweigh her by at least ninety pounds, the chubby faced and sadly out of shape late teen would not even last as long as Heidi’s earlier opponents. As the two combatants came together at the center of the mat awaiting final instructions from the ref, Heidi sized him up and began to feel almost embarrassed for this sorry excuse of a final opponent; that was until he opened his mouth. "What, is this for real? This has to be a joke. Aren’t you way out of your realm here babe? I thought I was fighting some dude, not some cute little thing like you. Now why don’t you just concede before I end up making a mess of that pretty face of yours? I’d hate to see you cry." He said this condescendingly with a stupid grin while sticking in his mouthpiece. "That’s funny fat ass, I was just about feeling sorry for you and was going to take it easy and not go for the completely embarrassing bloodbath, but you just changed my mind. Better tighten up that head gear bozo, you are in for a fast and furious ride." Heidi stated this with complete confidence as her wide eyes narrowed and she seductively licked her lips just as the ref made his way into earshot. Her opponent was taken aback by the teen’s total lack of fear. He had no idea the serious error he had made in giving her attitude. After the shit her last opponent threw at her and the frustration of making her suffer for it seemed too little, Heidi was set on making this final match so memorable and satisfying, she would most likely be suspended or banned from this type of competition. A familiar fury began to rise inside of her. The beating would be fast, injurious, and totally unfair. End of part one Please e-mail with comments and suggestions. The conclusion to the story is coming soon.