Kill for the Pantyhose, Die by the Pantyhose! by Kicked 72 ( The Martial Arts Lady hunts down a serial killer who is obsessed with pantyhose 1. A DATE WITH THE MONSTER The door of the apartment opened on the empty living room of a luxury bachelor pad: a man and a woman walked in, talking and laughing amiably. The two had just met each other for the first time in a bar downtown. The man had noticed this stunningly beautiful young lady drinking on her own: the two began exchanging complicit looks. Finally, the man walked up to the lady and began chatting her up. In a few minutes - and after a couple of drinks - the two strangers began flirting sensually. The woman accepted the man's invite to follow him to his nearby apartment, to continue drinking and, obviously, spend the night together. As soon as they entered the man's apartment the woman removed her overcoat, revealing her sexy attire. She was wearing a very short and tight mini dress and high heel pumps. She looked stunning: the man was particularly attracted by her athletic but incredibly beautiful legs which were covered in skin-colored pantyhose He gave her a raunchy all-over look and then said: 'You must be thirsty: I'm going to the kitchen to fix some drinks. You can make yourself comfortable, I'll be back in five minutes.' With an inviting smile and a seductive look in her eyes, the woman nodded in approval: the horny man disappeared in the kitchen to prepare the drinks. The woman was now alone in the living room, but she had no intention to 'make herself comfortable', on the contrary: as soon she was out of the man's sight, the look in her eyes changed to one of determination. She began inspecting the house like she was looking for something. Contrary to what her date believed, she was not a single lady looking for casual sex on a school night, not at all! Actually, she was a deadly martial arts expert and a secret agent. Regularly, she would travel the world, taking out big crime organisations and evil dictators on her assignments. On her free time though, she liked to hunt serial killers and sex maniacs: it was something she did voluntarily for her own personal satisfaction. Her martial arts feet, internationally known as Weapons of Mass Male Destruction, were always itching to bring deadly retribution to men who had been violent and abusive to women. In this particular mission, she was after a perverted assassin called the Pantyhose Killer: a serial killer who was obsessed with women's nylon stockings. After raping and killing his victims, he removed their pantyhose to take them home as sinister, sick trophies. He had killed more than twenty women so far: it was time to stop this murderous psychopath with any means necessary. The merciless female huntress had been following this particular guy for several weeks now: she had strong reasons to believe that he might be the one. This is why she ventured in his favourite nightclub, which also was the maniac's favourite hunting ground. She knew she was going to meet him there: she wanted to attract him so that he could lead her to his house. In this way she could look for the proof of his crimes: the pantyhose which this sicko removed from the corpses of his victims after each kill, as a morbid and horrifying sex trophy. Now that the first part of the Martial Arts Lady's plan had succeeded and she had managed to sneak into the maniac's flat it was time to confirm her suspicions. While the man was still in the kitchen fixing drinks, she started exploring every room in the house, searching for proofs. To reduce the noise she could make to a minimum, she had taken off her shoes and was walking around in her bare pantyhose. It did not take her too long to find what she was looking for. When she reached the bedroom the lady opened a big closet in a drawer: a sickening sight met her eyes. The closet was full of bloodied worn pantyhose which could only belong to victims of the sex maniac. She bit her lip: she was disgusted by the horrible discovery, but she was also satisfied to have finally found the hideous criminal she's been hunting so long. She was sure that this sick bastard was using the pantyhose as a fetish to pleasure himself. The Lady shook her head in disgust. The look in her eyes changed once again: this time it was a laser glare of pure rage and determination. Tonight, justice will be delivered and by the morning no more women will have to fear the Pantyhose Killer! 2. HIDE AND SEEK' When the man came back from the kitchen with two drinks in his hands, he was shocked to find the living room deserted. The hot woman he had taken home was not there anymore! An angry look took the place of the suave smile he which he had on his face until a few seconds before. Immediately, he started suspecting that there was something wrong with his date. The pantyhose obsessive was about to use on her the sneaky tactic that he already employed with all his previous victims: attract the woman to his flat, get her completely drugged up and, when she was semi- unconscious, rape and then kill her. He was confident that another pantyhose was going to be added to his collection tonight, without any consequence for him. But now the strange behavior of his prey was starting to make him nervous. Slowly and without making a sound, the sicko put the drinks down on a little table in front of the living room's couch. With studied steps, he began looking for the woman who had disappeared somewhere his house. He searched every corner of his flat without finding her. Finally he got to the bedroom, which was the last room where he was hoping to find her. The man immediately checked at the drawer where he was keeping his victims' pantyhose: he sighed with relief as it was still closed. When the sex killer turned his attention to the floor-to-ceiling window in his bedroom though, his smile came back to his face: he could see the pointed toes of woman's black high heel shoes sticking out from under the long curtain. Stupid as he was, the maniac thought his date was hiding behind the curtain to play some sort of hide-and-seek as a bizarre foreplay to sex... 'You are teasing me, uh'' he said while cautiously walking towards the window: 'you want to play hide and seek with m'' he did not manage to finish the sentence because, as he opened the curtain, all he could see were the empty shoes of the woman! Nothing was behind the curtain but her sexy high heel shoes! She had fooled him! But where was she now' That's when he felt something velvety tapping on his shoulder. He turned around in a rage only to see the sole of a pretty pantyhose-covered female foot right in front of his face: it was almost touching his nose and lips. The woman who had just tapped him on the shoulder with her foot was in front of him, balancing on one leg in a perfect high yoko geri position. Her other leg was stretched in a fighting stance to tease him: her foot was so close to the man's ugly nose that he could smell its fragrance. She had unbottoned the lower end of her sexy minidress so that her legs were free to stretch and kick as high as she wanted. As she was threathening him with her pantyhosed foot, the woman was looking right into the man's eyes. She had a self-assured and confident smile: it seemed that she was making no effort in keeping that martial arts stance. The man was enraged but also incredibly aroused by the situation. Being an ignorant macho, he started acting cocky: 'What are you doing you stupid bitch' You want to play fucking Bruce Lee with me' Don't you know I can destroy you''.' As he was bragging in this way, the Martial Arts Lady stuck the blade of her foot into his mouth, shutting him up. The fragrance of the woman's sexy foot hit the man again but this time it was coming from inside his oral cavity, right into his nostrils. This further provocation sent the sex killer into a rage. He tried to grab the Lady's ankle, but she was way faster than him: she retracted her foot from his mouth, she slapped his face two times with it and then stuck the foot back between his lips. The sicko was totally shocked by the woman's skill and speed. She was still smiling and making a fool of him with her untouchable, sexy and lethal foot. The ignorant maniac was not aware of it, but the woman was applying a tried-and-tested combat tactic on him. After years and years of hunting fetishists and sex maniacs, the Martial Arts Lady knew how to take psychological advantage over these male creeps. These losers were used to enjoy total power over their victims and the objects of their fetishes. So, the best way to send them into a state of confusion was to punish them with the same object of their desire: in this case it was the pantyhosed foot of a woman. Humiliating them in this way made them incredibly angry and aroused: not exactly the best state of mind to be in while fighting against the deadliest female martial artist in the world. Actually, she did not need these tricks to beat them, as she was already infinitely superior to any male opponent. Nevertheless, she liked to confuse and humiliate these serial killers before killing them: they used to degrade and tease their female victims and she liked to repay this male scum with the same currency and some. She enjoyed annihilating their weak male minds as well as their cumbersome bodies with her smart brain and deadly feet. This, in her eyes, was a way to achieve full and righteous female martial arts justice. Her humiliating psychological technique was working great with this sex maniac too. The confused man tried to grab her ankle several times, but the results were always the same: he could only grab the air in front of his nose. Moreover, each of his attempts was followed by a series of back and forth foot slaps to his face: after each failed grab he found himself finished with a female foot resting into his semi opened mouth. Each time, he could feel the texture of her pantyhose on his tongue: this made him literally go crazy with rage and arousement. It was a surreal sight: a sexy woman in a minidress, effortlessly balancing on one leg and keeping a brutish male at distance by having her pretty foot stuck in his mouth. When the woman decided that she had humiliated him enough with this technique, she removed the blade of her foot from his mouth. To further shame and enrage him, she wiped her foot on his swollen cheeks to clean her pantyhose from his saliva. The she put her nylon-covered foot back on the ground. She assumed a fighting stance and defiantly invited the serial killer to attack her. The sex maniac was now fuming with anger and arousement: he wanted to give this beautiful yet arrogant woman a lesson, before raping and killing her like he did with all the others! Guided by his primitive macho instincts he made the most stupid choice ever: he charged at her in a desperate rage. That was exactly what she wanted him to do: she bent her back forwards and executed a perfect scorpion kick which stopped the maniac in his tracks. The ball of her foot hit him just above his nose, right between his eyes. He felt like he had been struck by lightning: he was now dizzy and powerless, outsmarted and almost knocked out by a woman's single kick. 3. A ONE SIDED FIGHT After her spectacular and effective scorpion hit, the Martial Arts Lady performed a master class of kicking techniques, using the serial killer as her kicking bag: she destroyed his face and his upper body with an incredible display of female martial arts supremacy. With repeated combinations of kicks delivered with surgical precision and immense power, her toes pierced the rapists's eyes, the blade of her foot split his lips in two, her heels crushed his nose, the upper arch of her foot shattered his jaw, her soles dismantled his cheekbones. Like two graceful hammers, her pantyhosed feet cracked each one of his ribs with repeated machine gun kicks series to his torso. She also kicked his abdomen with incredible power: after each series of kicks, she pinned him to the wall with a foot stuck in his belly. She would then cruelly push and twist her ankle against his belly for minutes that lasted like hours for the rapist: she was sistematically destroying his internal organs and making him bleed from within. Sometimes, she would interrupt her kicking to execute painful holds and ground techniques on him: as she performed these moves she was always making sure that her pantyhosed feet would touch him. With her merciless feet she smothered his face and scissored his throat. She pinched, bruised and scratched his lips, eyes, nose and cheeks with the texture of her pantyhose. The Martial Arts Lady could have ended this fight with a single kick: however she wanted to extend the agony of the rapist for as long as she could. She wanted him to suffer excruciating pain before putting him out if his misery. He had to experience all the humiliation that being overpowered by a woman was bringing to his male chauvinist ego. She wanted to completely destroy his mind, his psyche as well as his body under her martial arts feet. To put him through another agonizing humiliation, the Lady had the rapist pinned to the wall with her foot under his chin. She then started delivering an extra-long series of punishing foot slaps to his face: she was hitting him back and forth, rhythmically. One hit with the top of her foot and the other one with the sole. She continued that for minutes and then she switched legs to repeat the same devastating attack to his face with her other foot. When the Lady had completed the series, her opponent's face had been completely demolished. His facial features were unrecognizable: they had become a formless mass of battered flesh and blood thanks to the female avenger relentless kicking bombardment. As he was not supported by the perfectly timed kicks of the Martial Arts Lady, the serial killer comically slid down along the wall. He was now in a sitting position, with his back against the wall and his face completely reshaped by the feet of the woman who was demolishing him with the grace of a ballet dancer. Teasingly, she dangled her foot between his legs: 'You used to like a stockinged foot in your crotch, don't you' She told him 'Then see how you like this!'. She kicked him between his legs as hard as she could: like the blade of a knife, her pointed toes drove a shot of pain to the man's groin. As instinctive reaction, the serial killer grabbed the woman's muscular leg in pain, but she did not move: her shiny pantyhose-covered leg stood firm like a piece of marble. The serial killers's cheek was now resting on the woman's upper thigh, while tears of pain were running from his eyes. The woman kept her foot between his legs, twisting and turning it, so that her martial arts toes could bring total destruction to his genitals. Here was another surreal sight: a big man wrapped around the sexy leg of a beautiful woman, who was destroying his genitals with her martial arts toes buried in his groin. She knew what she was doing to him very well, but she did not even look down at the man who was grabbing her leg in distress: she did not care about his pain. In a desperate attempt to remove her lethal foot from his groin, the rapist leaned back on the wall putting his hands around the woman's ankle, but her leg was too strong and firm. After a while his hands went limp as he succumbed to the pain. When she was satisfied with the amount of destruction she had brought to the rapist's groin, the woman removed her foot from between his legs: the tip of her flesh colored pantyhose was now completely covered in her enemy's blood. 4. NO MERCY Slowly but confidently, she walked back to the centre of the bedroom and crossed her arms, facing the serial killer, as if she was waiting for him: she was tapping her foot on the floor, impatiently. She now stood between the bed and the drawer where he kept his victims' pantyhose. The rapist was still curled against the wall, moaning over his destroyed manhood. The woman looked at him and then at her tapping foot, ordering him to crawl to where she was standing. Already physically and mentally destroyed the man knew exactly what the woman wanted him to do and that he had to understand and obey every single one of her orders if he wanted to have a remote chance to get out of that fight alive. In a pathetic attempt at saving his life, the sick maniac crawled on his belly to where the winning woman was proudly standing. He began to kiss her stockinged feet, shaking, crying and begging for mercy. 'Please don't kill me, please spare my life!' - he began pleading - 'It's not my fault if I'm doing these things. I am sick, sick in the head, I hear voices!' . He kept praying to the woman while desperately kissing her lethal feet. Through the texture of her pantyhose, the woman could feel the maniac's hot tears on the skin of her feet. She was pleased to have reduced the serial killer to such a state of total submission: his pathetic pleas did not impress her at all. She did not even look down to the man worshipping her feet. From the beginning she knew it would have come to this quite rapidly as it had happened with all the rapists she had already executed. But she had been through this too many times to give any credit whatsoever to the pleas of a rapist: she knew that all men are weak minded, opportunistic liars, especially sex maniacs. She had learned that lesson the hard way. After a short career as a model and before becoming a freelance secret agent, the Martial Arts Lady had been a young, martial arts-trained police officer, specialised in hunting down sex offenders. As such, she had already been on the hot pursuit of so many of these sick maniacs! She always managed to catch them and beat them to within an inch of their life. She could not execute them on the spot, even if she would have loved to, because they were supposed to be put on trial and condemned by a state court of justice. At that time, she had faith in the legal system, even if she hated rapists: when she caught then, she liked to beat them, humiliate them, make them beg for mercy while kissing her deadly female feet. However, most times she handed the battered sickos to her police colleagues alive so that they could be lawfully put on trial. In all these cases though, she felt justice was never served: when the maniacs recovered from the savage beatings she had inflicted them, they were always given very light prison sentences or they were just sent to a mental hospital. After their time in prison or in a psycho ward they were often set free again. She knew that most of them were not mentally ill: they were just evil sex offenders who enjoyed hurting females for their own morbid pleasure. They had to be eliminated, for the safety of all women. She was outraged by how easy they managed to escape proper justice! That was when she decided that she was going to show no mercy to none of her male opponent anymore. Her feet had to become the ultimate Weapons of Mass Male Destruction, putting men into unbelievable agony before kicking them down into the depths of hell. That was also one of the reasons why she had decided to quit the Police to work as a freelance secret agent. In this way her identity would be protected and - most importantly - she had a license to kill ruthlessly. Taking advantage of her secret identity, she started hunting all the serial killers she had originally taken alive. Incredibly, some of them had even built themselves a new life, in far-away countries with jobs and - sometimes - even a family. It was just a fa'ade - obviously - because all of them had reprised their hideous raping and killing activities too: there is no way you can cure a sex killer, these creeps had to die! Therefore the Martial Arts Lady took justice into her own hands (and feet). First of all she visited all the sex maniacs in prisons, mental hospital or in their new homes all over the world. This time she made sure that they would not come out of their second encounter with her alive! She enjoyed seeing the terrified expression on the maniacs faces when they saw that undefeatable female lawbringer again: they were even more terrified when they realised that this time she was operating beyond the law. She had returned to deliver the only proper retribution for their disgusting crimes: an agonizing death under the feet of a superior female executioner. After she had eliminated all the surviving maniacs from her former cases, the Martial Arts Lady kept on hunting and killing as many male sickos as she could in her spare time. It was a satisfying hobby to entertain herself with between missions, while she was waiting for new lucrative assignments as a secret agent. 5. PANTYHOSED JUSTICE These were the thoughts going through the woman's head as the once feared Pantyhose Killer was crying and pleading his case at her feet, kissing them for mercy. But now it was time for action again. Without replying to his enemy's useless prayers, the woman walked between his legs. She rolled him around with one foot. Now the rapist was lying down with his back on the floor. She then kicked hig legs open: that's when she began kicking his groin with all the power she could muster. With each kick to the rapist's genitals, she shouted the name of one of his victims: 'This is for Jane, Sheila, Emma, Anna, Eva' 'It was a savage ritual of female justice, as well as a clinical, systematic castration conducted with female feet as the only surgical tool. When she had finished she spoke to the man who was in pain at her feet 'I guess you know these women, don't you' Or were their lives so insignificant to you that you even forgotten their names' - she paused for a few seconds then she reprised her speech - 'Well, I want you to know that all these women are here with me tonight: my feet are the instrument of their revenge on you asshole!'. The rapist replied with a cry of pain and desperation. The woman smiled, then sat between his legs and began bicycle kicking his genitals, mashing them to a bloody pulp and sending them back into his lower body. After a long series of double and bicycle kicks to the groin, she stood up again. Unceremoniously she stepped on his broken body, standing on it with her full weight. She put one foot on his destroyed genitals and another one on his mouth to stop his pained screaming. Finally, she spoke to him again: 'You'll be surprised to hear that your pathetic pleas have no effect on me, loser - she said ironically - Nevertheless it was very satisfying to see you cry and kiss the feet of a woman for mercy. Now listen to me, you creep. I have seen what you keep in your drawer, bastard. Tonight, I'm ending your miserable life with the help of the women whose life you have taken for your sick obsession: I guess you can call it a teamwork by a female justice league!' Hearing these words, the serial killer tried to scream in terror, but the sole of the woman's foot on his mouth muffled his screams. While she was still standing on his body, she opened the drawer in front of her, where the all the pantyhose of the victims were hidden. She took out two of them, in different colours. She looked at them and sent a thought out to the women who had been killed by the asshole suffering under her feet. With one of the pantyhose she tied the ankles of the rapist. She then stepped off his body, rolled it over with one foot and tied his hands behind his back with the other pair. She rolled the rapist on his back one more time, always using her foot. Now, while standing above her defeated foe, she slowly removed her own pantyhose, using her enemy's chest as a foot stool: the nylon was soaked in her own sweat from the fight and drenched in her enemy's blood and bodily fluids. From a stickiness which she could feel in her pantyhose she realised that the man had managed to climax when she was destroying his balls. It happened all the time but she was always surprised by how naturally submissive men were to women: even when a woman was ruining them forever they could not resist their urge to come for her! It was just another huge advantage that every human female had over her less developed male counterpart. When the Lady had completely removed the pantyhose, she rolled it into a ball in her hands. Then she put her foot on the face of the rapist again, cruelly pinching his broken noses between her toes. The rapist was now desperately trying to breathe but his nostrils were squeezed between the toes of the woman who was beating him to death. When he was almost choking, the maniac was forced to open his mouth wide, desperately trying to let some air in his lungs: that's when the Martial Arts Lady quickly removed her foot from the rapist's face and, fast as lightning, stuck the rolled pantyhose right into the man's open mouth. Surprised by the woman's swift and smart move, the assassin widened his eyes in shock and fear: he could not believe what this unstoppable female was capable of! Not only she was an undefeatable fighter, but she was also incredibly cunning and sarcastic. She was making fun of him in all possible ways: for the first time in his life, he felt completely inferior to a woman. His ego was being crushed under her feet. Perfectly aware of what she was putting him through, the lethal lady teased him again: 'What's up with you' I thought you were turned on by the smell of blood, cum and sweat on a woman's pantyhose! This time though it's your own blood you are sucking on and not one of your victim's. And the sweat you are tasting in your mouth comes from the feet of a woman who has slaughtered you with her kicks and made you beg for your life. Don't you think that's exciting' Oh, I'm sorry, I almost forgot that I have just destroyed your dick and your balls so there is no way you can show your appreciation. Anyway, I think this is really funny and that's all that matters. I'm having a good time actually and I'm feeling generous too. There you are, have a mouthful of what you fancy!'. She pushed the pantyhose further down into his throat with the tip of her bare foot, completely blocking his respiration. The rapist's nostrils were filled with the odor coming from the pantyhose inside his mouth. It was a different fragrance now: it was the smell of his own blood and semen, mixed with the salty sweat from the feet of the woman who was killing him in this most humiliating and painful way. For all his adult life, he killed women for their pantyhose and now he was dying, bound with the pantyhose of the women she killed, chocking on the nylon stockings of a female who destroyed him physically and mentally. The sick obsession that pushed him to kill was now leading him to his death. A female which was supposed to be another one of his preys turned out to be his nemesys: this woman was giving him the toughest lesson of his life. It was also the last lesson he would ever receive: through this avenging she-warrior, all his victims were having their revenge on him tonight! 'You always kept women's pantyhose in your closet. Now it's time to have some deep inside your body! Come on bastard take it all in and die!' she screamed at him in her fury. The woman pushed the tip of her foot down into the rapist's oral cavity so that her used pantyhose would be stuck deep into his mouth and throat, almost disappearing inside him. When she was happy with how deep she pushed the pantyhose inside his throat, she removed her foot from his mouth. It was time to put her signature stamp on him. She dipped the soles of her feet into the pool of blood which had formed between his enemy's legs while she was erasing his genitals. Then she trampled on man's face with both feet. Standing on his face, she made sure that her heels were resting on his chin and her toes on his forehead: she then bent her knees and took a high jump. Like a diver, she was using the maniac's face as a spring. The desperate man could see her soles fly away high above him and the come down on his face as she straightened her legs in the air and started descending upon him. With her full weight, she landed with both her bare feet on the man's face and stood over it for a few seconds with her arms stretched out. It was a show of elegance, composure and balance: she looked like a gymnast who had just completed a somersault. she looked like a gymnast who had just completed a perfect exercise and was receiving the crowd's roaring applause. This is how she stamped her footprints on the maniac's face forever. Reshaped and softened by her previous destruction, the maniac's face was now like a wet clod of mud or a soft snowy surface: the lady's bare soles almost sank through it, leaving clearly recognisable parallel footprints, like a bloody tattoo. The sex maniac would go into his grave with the pretty footprints of the woman who killed him stamped on his face. That was the Martial Arts Lady's signature after each killing: this is how she instilled even more fear in all the misogynists and male psychos of the world. Nobody would discover her true identity, but thanks to her footprints everyone will be aware of how the notorious and mysterious female martial arts avenger had eliminated - and humiliated - another male rapist pig with her deadly feet. 6. DEADLY SOUVENIR Satisfied, the Martial Arts Lady reached into her bag and put on fresh pair of pantyhose, always using her enemy's body and face as a foot stool. While she was doing that she casually put her foot inside his mouth again, saying 'Here, I thought you might like a taste of fresh pantyhose too on your way to hell, Hahaha' She then walked to the window and put on her high-heel pumps again. Her feet were still sticky with his enemy's blood and semen as well as her own sweat. They were also aching from all the kicks and humiliations she delivered to the rapist: however, it was always a nice feeling to know that her Weapons of Mass Male Destruction had worked as instruments of female justice once again, cleansing the world of another sex maniac. She could not wait to be back home where her slave Bob was still waiting up for her, even though it was really late now. Slave Bob will give her feet a nice wash, a massage and a pedicure, while she'd be relaxing on the couch watching the news about her own new killing. She will give him insight of how she destroyed another rapist, making her slave tremble with unlimited fear, admiration and love for her lethal mistress. As a gift for his services, Slave Bob will receive the second pair of stockings she just put on, still bearing some sweat of her mistress and the blood of her dead enemy. She knew Bob would keep them as a most precious treasure. It was time to go now: the woman stepped over the maniac's body one more time heading for the door of his hideous home. With his hands tied behind his back there was no way the rapist could remove the pantyhose from his throat, and since his ankles were tied too he could not even try to escape: he could only choke to death on the sweaty pantyhose of the woman who had defeated him so easily. For all his life, he killed for the pleasure of smelling worn female pantyhose: now he was dying from it. Despite the unbelievable levels of agony he was going through, he could not help but feel admiration for the woman who planned such a sassy and poetic way of taking him to justice. While she had almost reached the door to leave the flat, the woman heard the rapist still gasping and choking on her used pantyhose: he was still alive but not for long. She looked over her shoulder and snapped one last joke at him: 'And by the way: you can keep the pantyhose!' - she told him sassily - 'You wanted to add it to your collection, didn't you' Well, I guess you've succeeded. Unfortunately, this is the last pantyhose you will ever get. Have fun with it down below!'. She could not help laughing at her own joke as she walked out of the apartment. Her humiliating banter and her triumphant laughter were the last sounds that the rapist would hear before his death. 7. EPILOGUE The murderous rapist known as the Pantyhose Killer was found dead in his home a few hours later, with female footprints clearly visible on his face. When the legal doctors inspected his body for the autopsy, they found a woman's pantyhose stuck down his throat. To this day, the police, the medical team and reporters are still wondering about the dynamics of this execution. One thing is for sure: it was another successful mission for the legendary - and mysterious - Female Martial Arts Avenger who, since a few years, was systematically slaying rapists all over the world with her deadly kicks! On the next day, all the newspaper titles shouted: 'Merciless female justice was delivered once again! Another sex maniac has been eliminated by the mysterious female martial arts avenger! From now on, all male chauvinists will think twice before creeping over a woman's pantyhose! Kill for the Pantyhose, die by the Pantyhose!'