The Diary of Sarah Chandler - Introduction By KArma A short history of how this story came to be written. Several weeks ago, I had a telephone conversation with Spectator, owner of Spectator’s Lounge and Sports Emporium. He and I have many things in common when it comes to stories of woman-to-woman competition, including a predilection for tests of strength between two women. We spent some time comparing notes, giving and receiving advice as to where our respective story lines could go. We talked for a while about writing a joint story (which may still happen), and in the course of this conversation Spectator told me about a story he had thought about writing. This story had to do with two women, one black and the other white, travelling around the Old West. Although they seemed "normal" from outward appearances, they spent the evenings engaging each other in various strength tests, such as arm-wrestling. Spectator told me that he had never written any of these stories, but thought they were an interesting idea. After much more discussion we ended our conversation, but his idea of the two women stayed with me. What if, I thought, one of these women kept a diary in which she wrote down her life story? If this diary were to be found today and published... This was the beginning of "The Diary of Sarah Chandler." I wrote the first installment and sent it to Spectator. He enjoyed it and put it on his home page. Further e-mails from him and Emish encouraged me to write the next two portions, which are now on Diana’s board as well as Spectator’s. I do wish to make it clear that the story originated with Spectator, but any errors or mistakes are mine. I hope that this will be a long series, as Sarah and Queenie have much of the West to travel, and a myriad of characters, both real and fictional, that they could meet. Perhaps a Sackett, or maybe they will stop at Spanish Peaks, where they may encounter Laramie Nelson, of "Raiders of Spanish Peaks" fame. Imagine Sarah arm-wrestling Calamity Jane at a bar in Deadwood, South Dakota. Or Queenie meeting a half-Spanish, half-Irish statuesque bordello owner in a brawl that leaves both women naked and horny. After publication of the first installment a curious thing happened. I started to receive e-mails from several of my "fellow travelers," all with ideas of their own regarding Sarah and Queenie. Some had written their own stories, and some made suggestions. Future installments of the Diary may very well include some of their ideas, and, perhaps, their very words. I will try to give credit where credit is due, though most contributors have made it clear that they do not expect acknowledgement. As for everyone else out there - Any comments, suggestions, criticism or ideas for future story lines are most welcome. Drop me an e-mail and let me know your thoughts. As I said before, if I use your ideas, I will try to give you your just credit. Who knows - maybe when this is all done (in a few years, God willing), this will be a story written by all of us for all of us. Let me know what you think, please. KArma