City Girls By Karma A country boy learns a lesson from two young city girls. Several years ago I spent a summer working for a neighborhood farmer. I did many jobs for him that year, many of which involved hard, tasking manual labor. I helped him milk the cows twice each day, morning and evening. I was responsible for feeding the cows as well, ensuring that they had enough hay and feed, and also cleaned up what came out of the other end when they were finished eating. I worked in the fields, doing much of the plowing, seeding and cultivating. I did odd jobs around the farm, from sharpening blades to welding equipment to cleaning up after almost every task. The most physically demanding tasks came during haying season, when the fresh-cut alfalfa was baled and the bales stored in the barn’s haymow for later use. This was in the days before the use of over-sized bales became common, and before the use of ‘bale-throwers’ that made baling a one-person operation. In those days a person (usually me) would ride on a wagon pulled behind the baler, taking each bale as it came from the machine and stacking it on the wagon for later removal and storage. This work was hot, dusty and hard, as I spent much of each day carrying, stacking and lifting 30-50 pound bales of hay. I was proud of my increased strength and stamina. I wasn’t very tall - only about 5’ 6" - and weighed about 150 pounds, but I had a wiry strength that the work soon enhanced. My boss - let’s call him Frank - was an overweight chain-smoker who was barely able to walk across a room without becoming out of breath, so most of the difficult work fell on my shoulders. One day, when we were in the midst of haying season, Frank announced that we were going to have some company. His sister and family would be coming to visit. I was less than excited by this news, since they were city people, and I was afraid that I would end up being enlisted to entertain the kids. The next day the visitors arrived. To my dismay and disgust, the family consisted of the mother and father and two daughters. The daughters were named Amy and Rebecca (while this is a true story, the names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent). Amy was my age, 15, while Rebecca was a year older. At lunch that day, my worst fears came true. Frank suggested to me that one of the girls could help us as we unloaded several wagons of hay bales. I made my reluctance perfectly clear, earning glares from Frank and the girls. I rather grudgingly agreed, and after lunch we headed for the barn. Rebecca, the older daughter, volunteered to be my ‘helper.’ We went up into the haymow (a cavernous storage area above the main barn) while Frank maneuvered the first wagon into position and started the conveyer belt. The theory was simple. Frank would put the bales onto the conveyer, which carried them into the haymow. At the top, the bales would drop onto the floor, where we would pick them up, carry them, and stack them with the others already there. I gave Rebecca a rudimentary overview of the procedure then signaled Frank to begin. The bales arrived with monotonous regularity, and establishing a rhythm was necessary so one didn’t fall too far behind. The bales began to arrive. Rebecca, dressed in jeans, a long-sleeved shirt (necessary to prevent any scratches from the dry hay), boots and gloves, watched for a while. Soon, she too began lifting bales and carrying them. I was surprised when she seemed to have little difficulty in keeping up with my pace. I was further surprised when she seemed perfectly capable of lifting the bales up into place on the stack. I finally managed to both compliment her and stick my foot in my mouth at the same time. "Not bad," I said. "For a girl!" This earned me an icy glare, and she renewed her efforts to keep up the pace. Successful efforts, I might add, as I was soon racing to keep up with her, and, when the first wagon was unloaded, collapsed thankfully to rest while Frank pulled up another wagon. Rebecca almost sneered as she watched me. "What’s wrong?" she asked disdainfully. "Can’t you even keep up with a girl?" I just glared at her. Finally I got up. "Look," I explained carefully. "The fact that you can lift a few little bales doesn’t mean anything. I have to keep this up all day..." "What do you mean, it doesn’t mean anything? I’ve been throwing these bales around just as easily as you have. I’m pretty damn strong! Maybe as strong as you are!" I grunted. She stood over me, hands on hips, glaring at me. I looked up at her. She was about my height, though I outweighed her by a good twenty pounds. "Yeah, I’ll admit you’re stronger than I expected. But stronger than me? No way!" She glared at me some more, then a gleam came into her eyes. "Tell you what," she said. "Let’s see who can stack the most bales for the next load. That’ll settle the issue." I laughed and agreed. A few minutes later the conveyer started up again and we were off. I must regretfully admit that she worked incredibly hard and incredibly fast, since when we were done she had stacked five more bales than I had. To make matters worse, when I was lifting the last bale up, I had trouble hoisting it, and it fell back to the floor. With a grin and a flourish, Rebecca lifted it and tossed it effortlessly into place. Standing back and brushing the dust off her gloves, she grinned at me. "Okay, admit it! I’m better than you at stacking!" I shook my head. "I’ll admit you stacked more, but that still doesn’t mean that you’re stronger than me." She looked at me for a second, then took off her gloves. "Okay, then, I’ll prove it! Come on over here and let’s settle this." As she said this she walked over and stacked three bales so the surface of the top bale was a little more than waist-high. She took off her gloves and put her elbow down on the bale, hand up and open. I laughed again and refused her invitation. "Chicken?" she asked. That did it. I removed my gloves and walked over. We gripped hands and began to arm-wrestle. I thought it was quite a joke, but her expression was serious. For several seconds we remained motionless, and I was impressed with her strength. I began pushing harder against her arm, but couldn’t budge her. She grinned at me as I began to show the strain. "What’s wrong, Tommy?" she asked mockingly. "Can’t even beat a city girl?" I strained even harder and her grin slipped. I began forcing her down, but she stopped my progress and unbelievably forced me back up to even. By now we were both trying our hardest. Rebecca’s face was getting red, and I was starting to sweat. We had been struggling for more than a minute and were still where we had started. I could feel my strength slipping away, while Rebecca seemed as fresh as when we had started. Rebecca’s face grew calm, and I felt her gather her strength. Then, with one long smooth motion she forced my arm down until it was almost pinned. I desperately tried to resist her, but couldn’t, and a few seconds later my hand was pinned firmly to the bale. She grinned widely at my stunned expression, then she turned away. It was a much-humbled boy who finished unloading the wagons. Later that day at supper I was still nursing my wounded pride and praying that Rebecca would make no reference to my earlier humiliation. Thank God she didn't, and the conversation stayed in safer areas. After we finished eating, Frank and I went to the barn to do our evening chores. As we left the house, Amy grabbed her jacket and announced that she was going to help. Never one to learn any lesson quickly, I sneered at her, but Frank invited her along. In the barn I explained the tasks to Amy. Frank put the milking machines on the cows in turn, and, when each cow had finished, he would call one of us over to empty the machine into buckets. We would carry these buckets of warm milk to another room where the bulk storage tank was kept. This tank cooled the milk and kept it cold until it was collected later in the week. Again, this was manual labor before the days of pipeline milking systems and automation. We carried the brimming buckets of milk, hoisted them up and emptied them into the bulk tank. Any spillage was lost income for Frank. Amy did surprisingly well. In fact, I was the first to spill part of a bucket of milk, and got a disdainful grin from Amy. It was a warm night, and Amy took off her jacket and proceeded to work in shirtsleeves. I immediately noticed her arms. When she carried the pails her arm had a definite swell that even I, in my ignorance, could recognize as a real muscle. I couldn’t help but stare at that tanned arm with that noticeable bicep, and, of course, she caught me staring. She gave me a quick grin and, to my shock, flexed! A hard ball of muscle appeared in her arm, and my jaw hit my chest. Later, when most of the work was done, Frank left to check on something in the silo. Amy and I were left cleaning up the milk house. Amy lifted up the last pail of milk and easily poured it into the tank as I watched. She glanced over at me. "I guess it’s not just the older sisters who have muscles, huh, Tommy?" I groaned, and her smile broadened. "Rebecca told me all about your little contest earlier. Wanna try again against her little sister?" I didn’t have a choice. We sat at a nearby table and gripped hands. Her grip was strong, and I watched her arm tense in anticipation. She counted to three, and I cheated. At about two-and-a-half I jerked her arm, hoping to pin her quickly. She gasped and glared at me, then stopped me dead. I had her almost halfway down, but couldn’t move her anymore. For several seconds we struggled in that position, Amy halfway down and fighting to recover, me with a definite advantage and desperately trying to maintain that advantage. I watched Amy’s muscle grow and become even harder than it had been before. With a small grunt she jerked my arm up a little. Another grunt, and another gain. There wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it, and both of us knew it. It was close enough that Amy couldn’t gloat about it, but the result of our match was a foregone conclusion as soon as Amy got her arm back up to even. She then gave me an evil grin and began forcing my arm down in small increments. I knew that she could easily pin me as easily as her sister had, but she apparently felt more in control by jerking me down bit by bit, as if to tell me, "Look what I can do, asshole!" Finally my arm lay flat on the table, and I was an embarrassed and humiliated young man. However, the fun wasn’t over yet. That evening Frank and the girls’ parents went to visit neighbors, leaving the three of us home alone. I had showered and changed into a T-shirt and jeans, and the girls had cleaned up and dressed for bed. We had watched TV for a while when Rebecca looked over at me and said, "Tommy, go make us some popcorn." I looked at her. She looked at me, then glanced at Amy. Simultaneously they burst into laughter. Still laughing, Rebecca apologized. "I’m sorry, Tommy, but you should see the look on your face. I bet you thought that we would be lording it over you for the rest of our stay, huh?" I had to nod. I was afraid that one of them would make some comment to one of my friends, or to another family member, and my life would basically be over. Now, maybe my fears were groundless. Amy confirmed this. "Don’t worry, Tommy. We won’t say anything to anyone. This is our little secret and no one will ever know unless you tell them." I was relieved, and had no qualms about showing my relief, to their renewed laughter. Finally, I voiced the thought that had been bouncing around my brain all evening. "Okay, I admit that I underestimated the two of you. I will also admit that you are both stronger than I am. That is a blow to my ego, but I can live with that. But now, let me ask you - Which of you is stronger?" Immediately they both said, "I am!" I couldn’t believe my luck as they glared at each other, then dissolved into giggles again. "Come on, you two," I said, motioning them over to the table. "You’ve had your kicks at my expense. Now it’s time for me to have a little fun. Get over here!" They came over to the kitchen table and sat down across from each other. Amy stood up and slipped off her robe. She was wearing a short-sleeved teddy. She grinned and mock flexed for a few seconds, showing off her hard muscles. Rebecca watched her for a second, then, not to be outdone by her little sister, she took off her gown and displayed just as respectable a set of muscles as Amy had. For a couple giddy seconds they flexed their arms at each other, then sat back down. Carefully I positioned their hands. The grins were gone as both girls began taking this seriously. They moved forward until they were sitting on the very edges of their chairs. They linked their left hands between their elbows so neither would have any leverage advantage. They stared at each other until I finally had to count them down. At the signal both arms leaped into action. Biceps swelled and their forearms looked as if they were carved from stone. Neither moved. They still stared at each other over their slightly quivering hands. Arm against arm they battled, but neither was able to move the other back the smallest amount. Amy finally broke their mute staredown as her head went down as she stared at the table, concentrating furiously. Rebecca’s gaze drifted past Amy as she gazed blankly at the wall behind her. Amy adjusted her grip slightly. Rebecca wriggled her fingers as if to relieve the growing numbness. Finally, a movement! Amy slowly began forcing Rebecca’s arm down. Neither had been able to bend the other’s wrist, yet, so this was a pure contest of arm strength. The muscles in Amy’s neck were corded and her jaw was clenched tightly. Rebecca’s mouth was slightly open as she gasped for more air. I watched a single bead of sweat form on Rebecca’s brow and slowly run down her cheek.. They had been battling for almost two minutes, and Amy maintained her slight advantage, but could not build on it. Rebecca finally closed her eyes. With an explosive breath she wrenched Amy’s arm back up to even. Amy gasped, then tried to recover. For the next several seconds their arms jerked back and forth, first Amy with an advantage, then Rebecca. Both girls were gasping for air now, their arms quivering from the strain. Just when I thought Amy’s arm couldn’t get any bigger, it did, and Rebecca’s arm started down. Rebecca battled valiantly and held off Amy for another intensely grueling 30 seconds. Finally, though, Amy slowly and almost gently forced her older sister’s hand to the table. It was over, and Amy had proved the stronger. I helped the girls disengage their clenched hands, and gave each of them a massage afterwards. I would like to say that we went into the bedroom and participated in an incredible menage-a-trois and made love all night, but, unfortunately, all that happened is that we eventually went to our own beds. We never arm-wrestled again. The girls left with their parents a few days later, and, although we exchanged notes and cards that grew more and more desultory over time, I never saw them again. I mentally thank them often, though, for that first exposure I had to strong women. I can probably trace my current admiration for muscular women and my infatuation with female arm-wrestling to that late night match at Frank’s kitchen table.