Karen's Niece Part 3 by karen12613@aol.com Needless to say, based on what's happened, my niece and I have become the best friend each other's ever had. I told her she was welcome to spend the entire two weeks of my vacation at my house. And she was thrilled when she told me her mom said it would be ok. We've been having an amazing time together. Each morning, we'd workout vigorously, pushing each other as hard as we've ever gone. I can still handle her in the weight room, but she's been blowing me away in our morning runs. The afternoons are spent sunning and having my husband serve us cold drinks and hot appetizers. It was one such afternoon when she began telling me about her progress with Josh. We were laying on our chase lounges, both wearing skimpy bikinis and loving the fact we looked hot in them. "I saw Josh last night. I went over his house." "How is he?" "Awesome! We wrestled." She laughed with a giggle that is probably accurate for her age. I keep losing site that she is a young girl. "He is totally into me Aunt Karen. He hates losing, but he understands that I'm better than he is. Last night, I beat him 4 times. For the last match, he asked me if I'd wrestle him topless." At this she nearly blushed. "What did you say?" "I did it. It felt incredible. I felt so free and so confident. I know he enjoyed it to, even though I hurt him pretty bad. I put him in a scissors and I was twisting his arm until he begged me to stop. I'd put his hand on me, you know, on me, and I was telling him 'see how your sexy girlfriend can hurt you?' stuff like that. I drove him absolutely mad!" "That's great Stacy. I am so happy for you, and so excited. This is such a special time for you." I leaned back, took a sip of my lemonade. "I remember how I felt when I first discovered this. It was like I could fly." "I know what you mean. I feel like I can do anything. Like with Josh, I am so in control. I talk to my other girlfriends and they are always telling me how their guys just want to get them to have sex with them, and how they keep pressuring them. Josh would never even think about pressuring me." "I'm glad it's going so well for you. I was a little nervous. Its very powerful stuff, but you obviously are handling it well." "I hope I learn to handle it as well as you do Aunt Karen. I mean, Uncle Mike is like totally your slave. He does so much for you. I mean, I've had fun with Josh, but what must it be like to have a man who is totally submissive to you?" "It is very nice to have him yes. You will have someone like him someday." "I want someone like that NOW!" We both laughed. "I know you do, there is nothing wrong with that." "You got him like this just by what you did wrestling him?" It was a good question. I've shown Stacy my first story, and obviously the one's written about her, but I haven't shown her the others. She hasn't seen the other pieces in Mike's progress. "There is more than just wrestling and beating someone. The most important part is controlling him psychologically. You can do that physically, but there is more than that. You have to make him truly believe you are superior." I could tell she was thinking about this. I continued, "you have to believe in yourself, that you deserve the pleasure you get from this, and that the guy you are with deserves nothing more than to give it to you." "How do you get to that?" "I think you all ready know the answer to that. Tell me, the first time you wrestled Josh, when did you truly feel you had power and control over him? What instant?" She thought about it a moment. "When I made him keep his shorts off?" "Yes, exactly! You see, at that point, you made him do something he honestly did not want to do by just telling him. For that split second, you were truly dominant. Does it make sense?" "It does. This is so cool. Just talking about it makes me want to get to that moment again." She sort of seductively crossed her tight toned legs. "How do you handle these feelings? With uncle Mike around, you must always want to dominate." "I do sometimes yes. But we've been this way for some time now. I have to be honest with you, like any relationship, you hit stale parts. I guess it's why I've enjoyed watching you learn all of this. It makes it very exciting again. I've imagined some pretty intense stuff since you first beat Eric." "Really!! Tell me, please." "I'm not sure if that would be a good idea." "I want to know Aunt Karen. What have you thought about?" "Well, its not uncommon for a domme to share her man with another woman." "You mean, you would share uncle Mike?" "Do you have any interest in that?" "I'm not sure. What would I do?" I laugh. "You're a strong confident woman Stacy. You would do whatever it is that pleases you." "Wow. Do you think I could handle that?" "I think you could yes. But remember, what I think isn't important. Its what you think that counts." She was beaming in excitement. "All of this talking has gotten me so full of energy." "I've got the perfect solution to that." An hour has passed since our conversation. Stacy and I are in my basement working out. We are both standing, facing the wall mirror, doing on arm curls. She looks fantastic in her cropped t-shirt and loose micro shorts. I'm wearing a cropped tank with equally skimpy shorts. Our bodies are covered in perspiration. I'm using a 25-pound dumb bell; Stacy is working with 20 pounds. We are on our third repetition of 8. Our arms are so pumped. We put the weights down and I put my arm around her. "More than mortal man deserves!" We both do a one-arm flex pose. We've been working hard, but we still have lots of energy. "I love working out with you Aunt Karen. You are so intense." "I've enjoyed working with you too. But I have to be honest; I think I'm going to pack it in for the night. I'm thinking a hot bath would be real nice about now." "I hear you. I'm going to keep going a while longer if you don't mind." "Please, be my guest." I went upstairs, marveling at the energy of youth. That night, Mike and I were changing for bed. I had on my usual, a loose t- shirt with nothing else. Mike had his boxers and a t-shirt on. "I want you to come downstairs Mike. I have Stacy waiting for you in the basement." "What do you mean?" He looked at me nervously. "I want you to be with her Mike. I'm thinking she's ready for that." "Karen, please, she's a girl. What would I do?" "Whatever she asks you to do Mike. I don't see the problem." "Listen Karen, I've seen the two of you together. Yes, she's a very attractive girl. But you want me to go down now? Like this?" "Yes." "I can't. I wont. Its not right." "Why isn't it right Mike?" "Because I'm an adult and she isn't. And I'm your husband." "Yes, but so what. Physically, she is an adult. Emotionally as well. Yes, she is young, but she wants things, and is capable of understanding what she wants and getting what she wants. Why shouldn't she have them? As for our marriage, it's different. You've known that for sometime." "Karen, I've accepted a lot. I've accepted your superiority, I've accepted that you have needs that you need filled outside of our marriage. But I can't accept that you want me to be with your niece." "Well I'm sorry Mike. It is what I want. I think you both will learn a great deal from this. I'm not sure what she has planned, but I am going to take you down there right now." I move toward him. He backs away. "Karen, please, I'm begging you. Don't do this." I smile at him. "Mike, it is not that big a deal. You've served me all this time, now I want you to serve someone else." He moves quick to get around me. I quickly block him, placing my foot between his. I hip throw him to the ground and pounce on him, putting him in a vicious arm and headlock. "I am warning you Michael. I did not feel like forcing you, but you've left me no choice." I pulled him up. I kept the arm lock on, and let go of the headlock in favor of keeping my hand around his throat. My thumb was firmly on his caritod artery. I squeezed only a little and his body went completely still. In about 30 seconds, he was going to start to get a very bad headache. "Lets go, open the door." He reached and opened our bedroom door. I walked him down the hallway and down the stairs. As we approached the basement, I heard the familiar sounds of weights clapping as Stacy powered through the workout. She is so awesome! We stood outside the door. "What am I supposed to do?" "Whatever it is she wants of course." "Do I ask her?" "No. I want her to figure it out. Just go in and be yourself. See what happens. But do not come back upstairs until she's gone to bed. Do you understand?" He didn't respond. I gave his throat a squeeze. "Yes, I understand." "Very good. I'd start by cleaning up the room down here while she finishes her workout. It's a mess down here Michael. I expect it to be spotless." "Yes Karen." With that, I released him. I walked back up the basement stairs. He was standing there nervously. I really did not know what was going to happen. I was torn between telling Stacy what she can or should do or just leaving her on her own. I decided that leaving her alone with Mike was the best answer. He is so naturally submissive right now; I assumed the chemistry between the two of them would match. Little did I know that it ended up gelling beyond my wildest dreams. I'll let Stacy tell what happened next: I had been working out about another 10 minutes since Aunt Karen went upstairs. I love this basement room. She was right; watching yourself in the mirror really helps intensify the workout. I am more and more into my body these days. I know that sounds conceded, but I can't help it. Aunt Karen has taught me to be proud of my body and enjoy what I've accomplished. I certainly have been enjoying myself with Josh. We haven't gone all the way yet, but just having his hands massage me, and me being able to control him is incredibly arousing. Anyway, I did another repetition on the bench, and I did 2 reps of 5 chin- ups. Those are still kind of hard for me, but I felt I got done what I wanted. I was stretching when I heard the door open. "Oh. hi. Just came down to clean up in here." It was uncle Mike. And he was wearing boxers and a t-shirt. He looked kind of cute actually. "Hi. I'm just finishing up. I got about another 5-10 minutes of stretching." "That's fine. I just need to wipe down the equipment and stack the weights." He went about his work. I could tell the way he cleaned the equipment that he'd done it before. I bet my Aunt makes him do this every day. I continued stretching my arms and legs, making sure the muscles are loose and relaxed before I go to bed. I heard him disassembling the weights and stacking them. He was grunting a little. It's probably the most exercise he ever gets. Look at the poor guy. He can barely move the 50-pound weighs off each end of the barbell. Oh well, I guess he just doesn't take care of his body. I was bending down, doing toe touches and I just felt his eyes on me. I guess it's a feeling a girl gets, like she knows when she's being checked out. Two weeks ago, if you'd have told me I'd be stretching wearing almost nothing in front of my uncle and he was checking me out, I'd have said 'gross'. But I've learned so much since then. Like the fact that he's a man and he probably can't help himself but be attracted. And I was attractive wasn't I? So now, it felt kind of good. I continued to stretch for a few more minutes. After I was done, I turned to face him. He was picking up some towels and tossing them into a hamper. It was one of those hampers on wheels, like in a laundry mat. A metal frame with a laundry bag and a drawstring holding the towels. "How come I never see you down here working out Uncle Mike." He gave me sort of a nervous laugh. "I don't know. I'm pretty busy. Its really your aunt's room." "But you have to clean it up?" "Yea, something like that." I reached for a towel and started toweling my body off. He was watching as I toweled my back. I knew my arms were flexing from this. I love the way the muscles dance and I was wondering what Uncle Mike thought of them. I know that he's very used to seeing my Aunt's, which are larger, but still figure he must be enjoying. They do look so nice. I finished my back, and rubbed down my arms and legs, then pulled the towel between my thighs, up high sort of. I get so sweaty down there. And I wasn't wearing any panties under my shorts. I then tossed it on the floor by the hamper. I turned back to collect my sweat bands and I caught him out of the corner of my eye picking up the towel. He was about to put it in the hamper and he just stopped, and sniffed the towel. "Uncle Mike, what are you doing?" He stood straight up, was totally nervous as he put the towel into the hamper. "What! Nothing." "You were smelling my towel." "What! No I wasn't." "Don't lie to me. I just saw you pick it up and sniff it." I faced him and started walking toward him. "Stacy, don't be ridiculous. I did not sniff the towel!" I got close to him. I put my hands on my hips. "Are you calling me a liar?" "Of course not." I was standing pretty close to him and was definitely making him nervous. " I'm merely suggesting that maybe you thought you saw something but were mistaken. Why would I do such a thing?" "Ummmm. because you like smelling someone's sweaty body. I don't know. Maybe you get off on it." "Stacy!" "Look it doesn't matter. Whatever. But don't say you didn't do it when I know that you did." He just looked down, kind of shy like. He wasn't able to look me in the eye. I was loving this. I was making him nervous just by standing close to him. My body was so pumped, and I guess I looked very intimidating to him. "I'm sorry if that's what you think." "I can't believe you. Why are you being such a baby uncle Mike? Just admit it ok. I'm not mad. I think its kind of cute." "Stacy, its wrong. You're my niece." He took the hamper and started to wheel it out. I got in front of him and put my hands on the hamper and stopped him. The odor from the hamper was very strong. All of the towels my aunt and I used working out all week where in there. As well as our shorts, t's sweaty socks, sweat bands, everything. "Listen, its not a big deal uncle Mike. I think if you just admit it, you will be fine." "I am fine Stacy, now I have to finish." "Nope. Not until you admit you were smelling my sweat." "Stacy!" "I'm serious. You're not going anywhere until you admit what you did." "You can't keep me here Stacy." "Ummm yea, I think I can Uncle Mike." He tried to push the hamper. I was holding it tight and it didn't budge. I smiled at him. "What's the matter uncle Mike? Didn't think I was this strong I bet." "Stacy, please, I need to finish." "Sorry, not until you admit it." He pushed off the basket and tried to get around me. I jumped at him and put a bear hug on him. I had his arms pinned to the side. I was wondering how strong he'd be. I mean, he was so much older than me. But Aunt Karen was right; I was stronger than he was. He was struggling and trying to wiggle. He was pushing and pulling and trying to make me let go. I had my right hand gripping my left wrist across his belly. I was squeezing pretty hard and his face was getting red. I felt so powerful right then. Like I was really stronger than my uncle. The problem was that he was heavy and his pushing and pulling caused us to topple to the side. I could have kept my grip, but I was honestly afraid I'd hurt him. He wasn't as soft or flabby or anything, but he wasn't that strong either. So when we fell, I let go and he tried to kind of crawl away. He was pulling on the hamper, trying to get up when I grabbed his left leg. I hooked my left leg around it, sort of folding it around his knee. Then I simply grabbed his foot and twisted it a little. He just fell flat to his stomach and started yelling. It was a judo hold my aunt showed me and I could not believe how easy I was hurting him. I was using my skill and strength and he didn't have a chance. "Ouch! Owwweeee! Stacy that hurts!" Its so amazing how effective such a simple hold can be in controlling someone. Apply some pressure to the right joint, and don't release your victim, and you have total control. "What's the matter uncle Mike? Is your little niece hurting you?" "OUCH! You know damn well you are." "'Tch 'tch, tch. Now uncle Mike, that is no way to talk to your little niece." I was almost sitting now, with his leg pinned inside mine. I felt great! I mean, really, I was hurting and controlling my uncle with the most simple move. "Stacy, please, you're hurting me." "You brought this on yourself uncle Mike. What did I ask you to do?" I twisted a little harder. "OUCH! Ok, you asked me to admit I sniffed your towel." "Well, tell me the truth." I relaxed the hold a little. "Yes." "Yes what?" "Yes, I sniffed your towel." "Very good. Now that wasn't so hard, was it." "Actually, its very humiliating Stacy." "Why did you sniff it uncle Mike?" I kept the hold on, adding a little pressure when he didn't answer right away. "Because I wanted to see if I could smell you." "What do you mean?" "Stacy, please, you proved your point, isn't that enough?" Twisting harder, "What do you mean??" "I saw you wipe yourself with the towel." He was struggling so I loosened the hold. "I wanted to smell you, smell your perspiration. You wiped you know, down there." "Does that excite you uncle Mike? Smelling a girl down there." "Oh God Stacy!" "Answer the question uncle Mike." "Yes, it does, very much so." "And did you smell me, on the towel?" "A little." "Only a little?" "Well yea, I had to stop because you caught me." I was still sitting up. I took my free hand and pulled down the hamper onto its side, leaving the opening near my uncle's head. "Lift your face up." "Stacy! Please!" I twisted real hard. "Lift up your face uncle Mike." "OUCH! OK, OK." He gingerly lifted up his head. "Higher!" He lifted himself up more, almost a halfhearted push up. His leg of course was still securely in my grasp. I pulled the hamper, filled with our dirty towels from a week's worth of workouts, over his head. I loosened the rope the held the bag to the frame and then pulled the bag around his head. His entire head was inside the laundry bag. "How does that smell uncle Mike?" I hear a muffled reply. "I couldn't hear you uncle Mike." "Its very hard to breath. Its hot and smelly." "Of course its smelly silly. What did you expect?" I giggled like a little girl. "Tell me what the smell is like." "It's sweaty smell. Like body odor." "Mmmmm sounds good. Are you enjoying it uncle Mike?" "Mmmppphhh." "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you again. I asked if you were enjoying the smell. Tell me the truth." I give his ankle another good twist. "Yes and no." "What does that mean." "It means, I like the way you smell, very much so. But it's so hard to breath, and it is very sweaty and I think I'm going to gag." "Do not gag uncle Mike." I give another firm twist. "I don't want you getting sick all over mine and Aunt Karen's stuff." I press the hold further, bending his leg over mine. "Oooowwwweeeee! OK OK, I wont." "Very good uncle Mike. Now tell my why you like to smell my sweat?" "Because I do. Its hard to explain." "Try." "Its exciting to me in a way. Because you are so beautiful, and so strong. Its from your body so its very exciting to me to be able to smell it, touch your sweat, let it be on my face." "Mmmm, very good uncle Mike. You really do like my sweat. And thank you." I was so excited. I never ever felt this good in my life. Even with Josh. I mean, with Josh, it was amazing, but here was a grown man, totally at my mercy and I'm barely using my skill on him. I started wondering if he was just letting me do this to him. Maybe he gets off on this too? But no, that is not the case. He may get off on it, but there is no way he let me do this to him. This is happening because I am strong and fit and trained and he isn't. And wasn't that to bad. There are many men I could not do this to I'm sure. But this wasn't one of them and that was his misfortune. "Keep breathing uncle Mike. I want you to keep smelling my smelly socks and towels, understand?" I gave him a twist. "Mmpphh. Yes. (cough, gag)" "Don't you feel kind of pathetic uncle Mike? I mean, your being forced to smell your niece's sweat." "Please Stacy, its very embarrassing. I'd rather not talk about it." "Well isn't that to bad. Because I want you to talk about it." He was breathing harder now. I was imagining that its getting really hot in that bag and the smell has got to be awful, I don't care how much your into it. He lifted his head to try and get some fresh air and I gave his ankle a fresh twist. "No no no uncle Mike. Back down please." He lowered his head and the bag was actually on tighter. "I'm getting tired of this Mike. Maybe I'll let you go." "Mmmpphhh. Please Stacy. This is very uncomfortable. You are still hurting me." I think he had started to cry. This was nothing. I could probably ruin his knee for life if I wanted. Imagine giving him a limp and he'd have to live with that the rest of his life. Not really necessary though. What I was doing was going to last a long time anyway. "I'll let you go in a few minutes. I'm almost cooled down. I just want to make sure you understand what I can do to you if you don't listen to me. I think that's pretty clear now." He nodded his head vigorously. "Its such a shame that you are so weak and pathetic. Don't you feel like a loser?" "I am a loser, except when someone like you lets me serve them. I can't help it really. Aunt Karen just made me this way." How thrilling. This guy was totally whipped. "I think you've had enough for one night uncle Mike." I stood up and released his tortured leg. It just flopped down on the floor. I pulled the bag off his head, dumping the towels, socks, and stuff on top of him. His face was so sweaty and red. His eyes were bloodshot with tears, his hair a wreck. I gently kicked some of the towels around the room. "Be a sweet uncle and finish up cleaning. I'm going to relax in the shower. I'll see you tomorrow night mikey" I tapped his back with my foot. He lay crumpled on the ground, breathing in the fresh air By the time my husband returned upstairs, Stacy had told me everything. I gave her about a dozen hugs, congratulating her on what she did. I was so proud and excited for her. She got such a thrill from it. She confessed that before she found me, she took a stop in the bathroom and masturbated to the best orgasm of your young life. I must confess, that bit of news got me even more excited. She was certainly on her way. No, she had arrived! Please email comments to karen12613@aol.com