Karen the boxer returns Hi everyone," Karen the boxer" here, live and in person. For those who don't know me, I have appeared here many times with the last several stories written by my X #2. You all have seen my pictures on different sites and magazines over the years. Currently living in S. Florida, formerly NYC and born in Israel. Been boxing for the past.... well let's say been boxing for decades. Including fistfighting, some MMA but I am a pure boxer, that's my thing. I stand almost 5'9'' and weigh around 161lbs and have ALWAYS been trying to gain weight. The 161 is a HUGE HUGE increase over my usual 138-143 pounds. Over the past two years or so I finally found/hired the right people to add some more meat on these bones and gradually added about 20lbs of muscle to my frame. The result is slightly less definition which is fine but this is the weight I ALWAYS yearned for my entire life. My measurements did not change much except my biceps are bigger than ever which I kinda like even though buying clothes is even harder nowadays with this physique. But I am punching SO damn hard now it is AWESOME BEYOND BELIEF. Totally love it. Not that I was already spending a lot of time in the mirror posing for myself and for others but now it is off the hook. I look at myself now and cannot believe my body, it's like holy shit Karen look how big you are....finally!!! My husband even bought me special license plate that says "FINALLY 160+" Everytime I see myself I still cannot believe it. I even got into wrestling ( light stuff- like bedroom stuff) with my extra weight. In fact there is a guy on Long Island in NY who I choked out 7x, yes SEVEN times in a row with more ease than I could have imagined. This is a guy, nice guy, with whom I communicated with over the years and on a recent trip back to NY I agreed to see him and after some conversation and then some posing we wrestled- sweet guy and feeling his body go limp each time was super fun I have to admit.He always claimed he was not a boxer but would do anything to wrestle me......lol after 7 bouts of being stone cold limp and unconscious I allowed him to jerkoff in front of me 3x and we left as friends and I still speak with him on the phine now. Anyway,.... Everyone was always amazed at my natural strength but now I lift heavier, punch harder, carry more ( have so many GREAT stories of people volunteering to carry packages for me and then flip when they see me carrying everything with ease and of course I flex for them afterwards). Plus the new muscle and weight and size of my arms creates a frenzy now in public places. In fact I went to a ALLman Bros outdoor concert recently and was able to wear a bikini to and jeans a lot of the day since it was so damn hot and lets say I receied a LOT of attention, lol, a real lot so much that they put two security guards near me at all times bc of the crowds my physique caused epsecially among these young people. I have natural KO power in either hand, have competed as an amateur bodybuilder before the steroid era, and in the past 5 yrs have done strength, physique and figure contests and always finish in the top 10 VS women literally half my age. Been married three times and this current one is the last. I have ALWAYS cheated on my men, ALWAYS, and usually have beaten the hell out of them too but have turned over a new leaf with #3. My measurements are 39 1/2 B to B+- 28-34, I have rather muscular with 14.4 inch biceps flexed, VERY VERY deep 8 pack which is my best muscle group and whereas the 8 pack was ALWAYS on display at 139ish pounds now you can still see a muscular ab but need to flex for one to see the 8 pack, vascular to some degree and ADORE showing off my body with sexy outfits and nothing is more favorite to me than boxing. I am addicted to it, born to do it, live for it, train my ass off for it and knocking someone unconscious is simply orgasmic, still after all of these years . I fight very often VS men and women under certain specific guidelines and when I do it is FULL CONTACT, no headgear, etc. And still nothing excites me more than MY own body. Note, to those who know me a long time, I still have not cheated on or beaten my current husband. LOL Yes a record I know but I am committed to this wonderful man who is 11 years my junior and NOT a fighter. AND, anyone wants a picture or two email me at karzo1@aol.com. I was convinced to write about a recent fight I had with a couple from nearby Arizona who have been harassing me for sometime. They have come to my private and public matches always challenging me to a fight and have sent scores of emails to me demanding yes demanding a fight with me. They are a married couple who both work fulltime in a bar they own near Phoenix and have been fighting for 8 years. She is 27 years old standing 5'6 and weighing the same as me. A former Golden Glove winner in 2 states and a "power lifter" while in High School and continued that and gymnastics in junior college. My research showed she is a brawler, powerful but sloppy and is known to tire and also knocking the fuck out of both sexes. He, besides being one ugly SOB stands just 5'8ish and weighs just 160lbs. Muscular and lean with decent speed but not the best jaw in town. Both seemed, besides really stupid, fearless and their boxing reputation on the underground circuit was fairly decent. Their emails tuned vile and mean over time picking apart my body with the following comments and I quote: I) Your 8 pack abs are gross and we will beat them until you are begging us to stop ii) Your fake tits will be broken by my fists ( NOTE- nothing about this body is fake, enhanced or has ever been changed) iii) Your muscles mean zippo to us you fake bitch iv) Your fake teeth will be broken ( see above) v) Your money and looks will not save you in the ring verses real fighters like us vi) I will beat you like you owe me money and then fuck your ugly man like he deserves to be by a real woman and then I will have my man cum all over your face Anway, the rest is pointless as I was pissed off and ready to break these two and send them back to whatever trailer park they came from. The final straw was that the wife beat up two people who are close to me. The first was a planned fistfight, yes bare knuckles with a dear friend Shelly. I would have never permitted Shelly to fight her but anyway it happened and poor Shelly was beaten to a pulp. She needed 12 stitches above each eye and looked like hell warmed over in the hospital. She was also raped by this woman. Shelly was only fighting 2 years and came from a non-athletic background. She developed fast despite all of that and had wonderful stamina and sh had balls. She won her first fight in 12 seconds via KO and then lost her next two but won 7 after that all by TKO or KO. The final piece was she beat her older obnoxious brother half to death in front of the whole class one night after he said some dumb macho comments about her boxing. I had to stop it at a TKO even though he deserved to be KO'd becaus ehe was not only getting his face punched in she was talking shit to him that was so mean spirited the poor guy was bleeding/crying and getting his sorry ass kicked in front of a class of 23 women I felt bad for him so I just hugged him and called off the fight and he sobbed on my shoulder in front of everyone. So Shelly thought she was better than she was and therefore i would have NEVER allowed her to fight bare fisted with an experienced strong brawler who outweighed her by 30 lbs but now Shelly will learn. The other was big Harry as we called him. Fact is he is just 5'6 and although he trains in the gym he is not a real good fighter. All I can say is he was KO'd TWICE in one 4 hour period and became their slave for 6 days in Arizona- that's all I will say about that out of respect for Big Harry We agreed to fight in my gym in Florida and in front of a decent sized crowd of about 250 people. We agreed on 12 oz gloves, 10 rounds, each 3 minutes and a knockout must be 20 seconds instead of 10. If after 10 rounds nobody quit or was KO'd than if agreed we can continue fighting. I would fight the woman first and than the husband. I was cool with everything. Fight Day- 11AM on a Sunday. There were 4 other fights scheduled with women from my boxing class VS men who worked out in the gym Long story short, my girls won the first two by decision including a broken nose from one schlub however, VERY sadly, the lat two were knocked out cold which did not make me happy. One of these women I had a lot of hope for and 3 months before this she KO'd her hubby in front of the class and had him crying like a baby boy. Anyway, I expelled both women for being lazy with their left jabs and sticking their chins out and being knocked out in front of the crowd. Both women had to spend 2 nights with their victors as pretty much sex slaves---part of the deal My fight started at 1PM- I was SO fucking ready (excuse the language). I wore white gloves, white sportsbra and white shorts and boxing shoes. I was in a TOTAL sopping deep sweat by the time I got to the ring from warming up. Totally psyched and focused. Already my muscles were pumped and flexed from the warm ups. I got into the ring as everyone cheered me. Nancy strolled into the ring wearing all red and a tanktop VS a sportsbra that hid her nice jiggling blubber. Remember we are the same weight, actually she weighed in at 169 to my my 161 but I am a lot taller. That being said I know the girl can fight, can KO, is tough and can take a punch so her blubber was a reflection of her por eating habits and maybe genetics instead of any lack of muscle or weakness. Nonetheless she looked like crap. We were brought together in the middle of the ring by the ref to listen to instructions and we gave each other a good stare down. Neither of us was intimidated which is rare for me since most of my opponents are intimidated by my reputation and physique but not her. I could not wait. Rd 1- We walked at each other and she ate 3 HARD jabs to her face, square in her face- tough girl and she did not blink. She tried some bobbing and weaving but did not throw anything and I landed some glancing blows as she did her thing. I circled her peppering her face with a 4 punch combo- each punch harder than the one before and all landed perfectly to her jaw and face. She managed to land some blows on my arms and shoulders but I kept her at a good distance with my jab that was landing nicely. After about a minute her nose had a slight bleed and then I landed a strait right with great leverage that hurt her some.Maybe a slight knee buckle and a slight stagger backwards but like I knew this girl could take a shot. She managed to land a wild overhand right to my chin but I was moving away so no damage. I spun her around and she was stuck against the ring post and I landed a 7 punch combo--right hook and left hook to her ribs, uppercut to her abs, left hook to her jaw and 3 jabs.....she was hurt but NOT nearly as bad as 75% of the women I fight who would have gone down or run for the hills. I backed away about a foot to check her condition and she lunged at me with her right but it just hit the air. Nothing else happened for a while as we both missed with some punches. Three more jabs created a good blood flow from her nose but she was not badly hurt and DING round ends. She shoved and cursed me before ref stepped in. I was impressed with her fighting skills I have to say. Rd2- I was doing well in my corner As I stood up for the next round I felt my nipples tighten as a result of: knowing everyone was looking at me, feeling SOOOO strong and sexy and in control, the cold water being poured on my head and down my top in my corner and just feeling so good seeing my husband in the first row- he turns me on so much. As she walked towards me I do not see any blood from her nose. I was sopping wet from sweat and water and she looked a little haggard from absorbing some power shots. She was brave I give her that. She tried to get inside and pound away at my body, which would have been useless anyway since my core is and always has been ROCK solid. She did land a few blows to the center of my abs but like I said they were useless. I timed her nicely with a right uppercut as she tried to attack my body and dropped her for a few seconds- she took the 8 and got back up but it was clear I had her number. Look she is a good fighter and could totally fuck up 90% of the people walking around but the 10%, like me, she was outclassed. Slow and plodding was fun to beat on. After I dropped her she came at me hard, throwing from all different angles and she connected on 3 very good shots to my jaw but I held my own and in the last 27 seconds of the round I used her face as a pi##ata. In those seconds I landed 7 power shots and 8 jabs. The power shots were good ones and my left hook had her glassy eyed but not enough time to put her fat ass away plus quite honestly, I was having fun and was looking forward to breaking something, a nose a jaw an orbit bone and dishing out a good show and severe beating to her. Rd 3- It was a very easy fight so far although I sensed some swelling under my left eye. After reviewing the video I am ALMOST positive it was from a head butt.......but "whatever". She got off her stool with her usual vigor but looked like she was....beaten up. This time I ran over to her and shocked her with a hard overhand looping right that dropped her like a sack of shit- which she is. On one hand I was snot happy bc I did want to abuse her for some more rounds but also disappointed that I did not knock her out cold. The bitch could absorb a lot. She got up but was maybe 70% of what she was in Rd 1. So I went to work and jabbed her face and body almost non stop for the next three minutes. Purposely not using my right at full force. She was gasping for air and I was having fun seeing her face distort from the swelling, her nose bleed like a river into her fat mouth and just enjoying my new weight, my new muscles and power and in total control. She missed 90% of her wild punches and when the round ended she did not shove me or curse as she knew at THIS VERY moment exactly what I was doing which was SLOWLY breaking her down, SLOWLY humiliating her and she knew like I knew I was going to knock her out and likely hospitalize her for a few days in front of a lot of people. As you all know, since I have had THREE different people, 2 women and a guy, who beat me and KO'D me over the past several years and how they described what they did to me- not to mention they all gave away free the videos of those fights- that I have been on the losing ed myself over the years and I knew like she knew exactly what was happening. In between this round I posed and chatted with everyone which is also very humiliating to the opponent. Rd 4- Her face was disfigured by now. Her nose was flattened against her ugly face, left eye shut and purple, her lips swollen and the top one oozing blood and she looked like hell. I had some light swelling by my right eye and really nothing else. She walked at me with her hands a drop low screaming PUNCH ME. I did!! The next 18 seconds was no different than me hitting a heavybag. I started with a right hook that was not flush but still hurt her and knocked out her mouthpiece, followed by a left hook to her ribs, right uppercut to her belly that made her make a fucking weird noise and I saw her whole body wilt like an old flower, so I put my left glove on her forehead and she was frozen in pain from the uppercut so I delivered a sweet 3 punch left jab to her eyes and followed that up with my patented and lethal right hook as she was bent over in pain and face first she fell and not a muscle was moving- stone cold unconscious- and I mean dead out with her left glove under her chest. The ref and the crowd in unison counted to 20 as I sat on the ropes posing for everyone. She was gone in the first minute of the round. I took off my sportsbra to do what I do very well which is pose and showoff. Her husband and the doctors were in the ring and turned her fat ass over to make sure she was OK. I then walked over with a battery powered razor and shaved her already short hair bald! She barely had the energy to resist and her husband knew better to try anything since he was well aware the victor get's their way and if ANYONE reading this knows me, shaving her head is mild compared to what I have done to people like this.It would have MY PLEASURE to drop elbows into her neck and spine if she did resisit but unfortunatley she took her humiliation like a warrior and layed there like the beaten to a pulp piece of shit she was and is and allowed me to do what I wanted to her as I mounted her back and front topless showing off my power, my strength, my muscles as I love to do. She was fine but did spend 1 day in the hospital. Sadly, NOTHING broken which sucks but so it goes. I was scheduled to fight her asshole husband in 3 hours which gave me time for a massage/shower/water/food and rest as well as time to fuck my husband 2x which I did. I even took a 20 minute nap!! So after all of this rest and a shower I started to get ready for the next fight. I wore all black for this one, black sportsbra, black trunks, black 12 oz gloves and black boxing shoes. He wore red shorts and gloves. I was VERY excited for this fight since we were about the same weight and I knew his wife was tougher than him. And that fight was easy!!!! Also what excited me was the crowd was in a frenzy plus he had to defend his wife's pride and his or Lord knows what he was in for at home. RD 1- He was very tentative as he walked towards me. Keeping a long distance between us that precluded either one of us of doing anything. He was RUNNING away from me!!!!!!!!! The crowd was booing him as I kept on waving for him to COME FIGHT. The ref stopped us and said FIGHT!!!!! I was inching closer and closer but he was on his bicycle. The entire round I was barely able to reach him with a few jabs and he threw literally 3 punches in the air the entire round. I was furious. In between rounds the ref walked to his corner and told him either fight or quit. In my corner I told then to take off my sportsbra!!!!!! My thoughts were to : 1 ) embarrass him, 2) showoff my breasts ( yes I know they are just a B cup), 3) get some energy into this fight and 4) fighting topless is something that is so raw I LOVE IT and if I could have gone bare knuckles too that would have been awesome. Rd 2- I stood in the center of the ring and played with my breasts as I rubbed the gloves on them and flexed my biceps and motioned for him to fight as I called him every name in the book. The crowd was booing and laughing at him as I closed the distance and started to land some jabs to his face and then got lucky with an uppercut to his jaw that dropped him. So here I am in ROUND TWO and I only threw a few punches and already dropped him. He took a 5 count to get up but finally put him in the fight mode. I felt so powerful, so sexy, just so fucking strong as I looked down at my breasts and saw the sweat pour down my chest, feeling my biceps and tricpeps swell and knowing that so many people were watching me use what G-d gave me, this power and the skill I developed and the feel of my fists in the gloves....I could have had an orgasm in a second as the ref put his big hand on my chest and pushed me away as he counted. Seeing that special ook of fear in my opponents eyes as he stared into mine and we both knew it was ME who was the warrior, ME who had the muscle and power to put that mother fucker into a new world, a world of unconsciousness and pain. He finally stood up and the ref asked if he was able to continue. Lord knows he was able but was he willing. I was in the corner and taken with myself, my body is a machine of destruction, of focus, of power and SO ready to show off. I walked towards him and he cowered in the corner and covered up as I rained blows, body blows mostly and heard him yelp in pain as I used ALL of my new muscles and weight to destroy his body in the remaining time. When the bell rang and the ref stepped in between us he sagged to the mat unable or unwilling to move. The bell CANNOT save you. He stayed there for 34 seconds and was helped to his stool as my corner poured cold water over my head and that made my nipples ROCK hard as it dripped down my chest. I felt like a million doallrs and stood up and posed for the crowd. Rd 3- It was show time and I did not want it to end. I wanted to punish and destroy and shut him and his wife up and punish them for their emails and following me around goading me to fight them. Time to abuse his body and mind. I walked over to him with my hands by my side begging him, humiliating him to throw a punch at my unprotected body or face. He tried but missed badly and when he did I had him eat a HARD HARD jab each time. I saw what I have seen countless times, tears in his eyes. Yes, tears in a grown man, a fighter as he was being publicly humiliated and beaten and unable to defend his wife or his self worth as a topless woman beat the fuck out of this worthless huamn being. Jab after jab landed squarely in his face with enough power ( about 50%) to hurt, to swell, to disfigure but not enough to knock him ot since I wanted to fuck with him a lot more. He landed a punch here and there as I dared him to hit my abs and he did, but never came close to hurting me as the look in his face as his gloves bounced off my strongest body part, my rock hard abs, just defleated him more. By the time the round ended, like his disfigured wife before, he too had swelling in both eyes, beat red face, swelled lips and the beauty of red marks on his ribs from my pounding. I was drenched in sweat as always but frresh and happy. So close to orgasm it was crazy as I stood in between rounds and flexed and shadow boxed for the crowd that was going wild at this point. I looked over as they worked on him as he was sucking in air Rd 4- Right before the bell the ref said he would stop the fight if this round goes the same way and "stop fucking around and either knock him out or not" so I had no choice. I started circling him with passion now and landed 9 hard jabs to his face and he started backing up and i chased him and with a long straight right to his chin dropped him for 9 seconds. When he got up he stayed in the corner scared to get out and fight and I knew it was time. Iwalked over and he landed his best 2 punch combo of the day, a left right to nmy face that coaught me flush but did not hurt me. I faked my left jab and landed my patented right hook, flat footed and with enough tourque to knock out a real man VS this faggot pussy loud mouthed piece of shit. He crumbled to the ground and fell face first off the ring post with his hands extended and not movng and the ref jumped in and I know would have just aclled it right there but he knew the crowd would have rioted, lol, I swear, so he and the crowd counted to 20 and then waved his hands. My husband was in the ring in a second and hoisted me up and carried me around the ring.....it was FABULOUS I have to say. Wonderful moment as I stood there and the doctors worked on him. I knew he would be better off than his ugly wife since she absorbed a lot more blows. Charlie dried me off a little as I went to each side of the ring and posed and allowed everyone to take their pics. I looked over and he wa son a stool being looked at. I was not sure how to humiliate him and the days of raping my opponents are gone since I have been with Charlie ( remember, no chaeating on him and no using my fists on him either) so I had him crawl around the ENTIRE ring three times as people video taped it and took their pics. Then I had him kiss and suck my feet as I posed and used the microphone to verbally abuse him which was AWESOME and then had him strip down naked as I gave him the mike and told him to talk to all of us. This was pretty outrageous and believe it or not was the first time I ver did this. For about 5 plus minutes he praised me and cried, and Lord knows I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching him cry with that swollen face and slurred speaech after being knocked the fuck out. AWESOME. Admitting how powerful and beautiful I am, talking about my body made my pussy wet I swear to G-d, and apologizing for ever thinking he or his ugly slut of a wife could compete with me. He eventually broke down hysterical crying with his last words being " I am sorry Karen" as the crowd was laughing their asses off and yelling horrible things at him as he did all of this STOCK NAKED in front of everyone. Very much a special moment in my life. You all can imagine what I carried on with Charlie afterwards. Just amazing. So here ya have it. Love and shalom, Karen karzo1@aol.com PS- I know I will receive some nice comments and questions and also know I will receive so incredibly hate filled emails from people I beatup, family members of these people, etc. Do what you like, at this age none of that bothers me, been there and done that and then some. Want to schedule a real fight? Here are the paramters: 1- no money involved for either of us 2- Men under 175 if trained and experienced, men under 250 if not trained as a fighter. Dont bother telling me you played football or any other sport since BOXING is the only one that applies 3- Women, any size or shape or experience and yes including current or former professional boxers 4- Boxing only 5- full contact, NO headgear. 6- Will consider bare fisted 7- Most likely all fights will be here in S. Florida but will entertain other venues 8- All fights public............but, lol, under certain situations will entertain private 9- All fights will be filmed as I have been documenting my fights for a long time. A copy to you of course 10- NO posting of any of these fights on youtube or any other social media 11- EVERYONE, no matter who you are or think you are, signs a lengthy NON NEGOTIABLE waiver 12- Read # 11 again 13- All opponents are subject to a medical checkup first by a Board Certified cardiologist of your choice. If mine does it there is no cost, if yours does it you pay them, 14- Before we fight we agree, in writing and on film, how far either of us can go in the aftermath of the fight. Sometimes just a fight and sometimes a lot more- we discuss and agree 15- I supply a ref in all cases