Gary Back by VERY popular demand- It's me Gary, X-hubby of Karen the boxer back again with her approval of course. As her X hubby as it were and the father of our daughter I do get to see her on a consistent basis which is awesome of course. As you all know she is allowing me to write about her BUT you cannot communicate back to me as ALL of that goes to her at And look Karen has shared some of your emails with me and I realize I am lucky or was for a long time. But you also have to take into consideration that I was KNOCKED OUT- yes unconscious- by her a bunch of times and beaten barefisted by her and RAPED several times and had her first husband suck my cock in front of her and have seen her sleep with several men while still being married to me- NONE OF THAT WAS EASY. She beat me up 2x since our divorce in front of women I was dating- again totally fucked up and humiliating so yes marrying her was a dream from the heavens ( even though I was engaged to a great lady but meeting Karen changed that and this poor ladies life when I broke up with her) and all of that but it was NOT all fun. I never liked being beaten by her and being raped was fucking fucked up. Remember, I am a man and can clearly hold my own in every department otherwise she would have never married me( I keep telling myself) so all of this has been really hard at times. To this day I am one of her slaves and receive VERY little leeway b/c I was her husband. Just last weekend I was cleaning out the garage with one other slave and was made to eat her out on my knees after she got back from her run as he watched and jerked off as I ate her- that was not fun bt all in all I stay because I want too and she is amazing. So yes good and bad. When I ate her out the sweat from her body was dripping into my mouth as I was tasting her pussy juices and hearing him jerk away ... not a barrel of laughs for me although she did kiss me a lot after she exploded into my mouth and we then spent the next 20 minutes massaging her sweaty upper body as she posed away I will also add that after Karen beat me up 2x in front of girlfriends after we were divorced and one of those times was really bad I wrote her a note saying that I can no longer be near her- I just physically could not bear being beaten and knocked around or knocked out like that anymore- I was getting headaches and forgetting things due to the head trauma- it was also TERRIBLY depressing for me to get beaten and slapped around like I did something terrible to her. The last time was the worst. I walked into the yard to pick up OUR daughter for the weekend with my girlfriend (we were divorced at that point) and little did I know that our daughter was already at my parents house so Karen greets us in the yard and she was topless and looking pissed off and we had some words and next thing I know I am on the grass woozy and all I see is her bare feet and calves and as I tried to focus on her I feel blood dripping into my mouth and meantime my girlfriend is hysterical in the corner of the yard scared to death. I see Karen walk over to her and slap her several times until she was just lying there still- scarted to death and to make a long story short I was done I just cannot and could not take it anymore. About 2 weeks later I went back to her after she received the letter and met her in the mall- public place and we spoke and I broke down several times and begged her to let me see Orly and never to beat me like that again----since that time I have been slapped around some and some of those were BAD and once in public at a playground which was HORRIBLE but all in all its been fine and now that she is married to this 3rd guy she has not touched me at all with her fists or hands So, I will tell you about 2 situations I had the pleasure of seeing with these two eyes. Naturally you can go back and read the other things I wrote about her recently to get other information you would like to know about her Number 1- The Comedy Club in Arizona""Karen took me on vacation to Arizona 4 summers ago for a vacation- We had a great time and it was CRAZY hot and this is coming from someone who lives in Florida! So you can imagine how hot it was when I say that. We stayed in a really neat condo complex that of course had a great gym which is one of her many requirements. We both worked out every morning, YES AFTER THE AM ROUTINE OF COURSE, and as always she was the hit and the focus of the hole place. After lifting weights for a solid hour and then watching her do one and half hours of aerobics (treadmill/bike/elipitical) she then always concluded with 20-30 minutes of boxing where she would hit the mitts as I held them. All I can tell you every living soul in the place would stop and watch this drenched and I mean drenched in sweat athlete with muscles that are deep and defined hit those gloves with precison and power bar none. People would clap when she was done and often times she would spend a solid 30 minutes answering questions from all sorts of people and she allowed them using their smart phones to take pictures. She would then take me back to the room where I would eat her out (before the shower) then shower her and on vacation she has a 5 orgasms per day rule (for her that is) and she would fuck me hard and I mean HARD (often slapping me bloody) as she rode me and was always on top. For the most part I liked it all. We would spend the rest of the day sightseeing and shopping and of course every damn place we went eyes were on her. Because it was so hot she dressed wearing as little as possible and me and everyone else were hard as a rock just watching her. At this point in our relationship she only beat me up twice (both knockouts) and I was not nearly at the point I am now with her and what I mean by that being an obedient slave- I had some wiseass in me still which was wrong. One memorable scene that just popped into my empty head was in a jewelry store in Sedonna where she was trying on some jewelry and she had on this bracelet and bent her arm to look at it and the BULDGE in her fuckin arm popped like a softball and the two attractive women gasped out loud and were staring at her like you would not believe and Karen was oblivious. She then asked to try on some necklaces and BOTH women were helping her and staring at her like men do ( and I noticed women too stare like they were) and eventually one says and she studdered the comment out like a nervous kid would " you have the most amazing body I ever saw in my life you must workout a lot" and Karen said " yes I workout a lot and I also box" DEAD SILENCE. These two blondes were stuck silent. I see Karens nipples getting hard thru her very light top and of course she was braless and she gives them a double bicep pose ( there had to be 20 others in the store) and Karen told them to feel them and for then next 20 or so seconds they carrassed these mountains of mayhem, these biceps that knocked me out just 30 days before, biceps that I have jerked off on as many before and after have and licked my own cum clean off these softaballs of hell- it was so hot watching them look at her and feel her biceps. She then told them to feel her fists and Karen asked if they or their men would want to fight her- I looked at Karen with my usual WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING look but of course kept my mouth shut. Neither of these women said a word either. Karen bought a bunch of stuff and the prettier one gave Karen her number which she threw out 2 minutes later laughing. Anyways ... this is not the story I wanted to tell you guys about Arizona but since it just popped into my head what the fuck. That night we went to a comedy club. Karen wore a tanktop that was so tight it left NOTHING to anyones imagination with a pair of jeans to rock the house over and the tank was short enough to expose that 8 pack of perfection. She blew me in the car since I was complaining how embarrassingly hard I was even though she fucked me twice that morning and she had me jerkoff for her once in the afternoon. Getting head from her of course is super fucking great even though she stopped swallowing a LONG LONG time ago and after she is done sucking me off she grabs the back of my head HARD and kisses me and pushes all the cum back down MY throat! So we are in the club in the middle about 8 rows back surrounded by a group of 8 women celebrating someone's engagement. There were a bunch of guys at a table behind them. The women were all pretty hot but who gives a fuck. Karen was in a good mood, looked AMAZING and we were both drinking and laughing at the comediens. Thankfully none of them pointed he rout to the crowd- I could have easily lived without that focus. Anyways, long story short these 3 guys behind the women were getting drunk and rude towards one of them and sure as shit I see Karens eyes getting wider and she is getting that look on her face. She turns around and it was NONE of her business and tells this one guy " YOU and she pointed- shut your mouth or I will brwak your jaw" fuck I say to myself as once again I was ball-less and embarrassed and it was me who should have said something- the guy says " who the fuck are you, and mind your own business" she stands up in between acts and now half the crowd can see what she looks like with all the muscles and all and she said to the guy "after this me and you need to settle this outside" the guys all crack up and one of the other ones says " oh look at ms steroid freak" BAD BAD CHOICE OF WORDS- Karen said " you too jerkoff, after this we'll talk" Karen got very quiet thru the last act and I knew better to say anything meantime the group of women were buying us drinks, paid ou entire bill and was thanking her. The show ends and Karen stands up and walks past these guys leaving me behind and says lets go pussy fucks and pushes one of them so hard him and his chair go over to the floor ! Karen is not a real cursor unless really pissed off or drunk and she was both. The 3 ass wipes follow he rout and we all walked to the far end of this long long parking lot all the time Karen is cursing them and they cursing back and I am walking like a putz in silence next to her. It is not dark and quiet and private- all very bad things for them. Karen faces the first loud mouth and gets in her boxing stance. What happened next was swift. Three fast jabs to his face and his head jerks back with each blow and his hands still by his side. He feels his nose and feels what we all see- blood- he says "fuck you bitch" and runs towards her and is greeted by a strait right hand that knocks him out cold spread eagle in front of us all- nobody moves especially the guy on the floor. It was swift, powerful and dynamic, even for me to witness this I was impressed- this guy was stone cold unconscious on his back in seconds. Now she points at the other guy and says you rturn- this dude is scared and remember this is happening in seconds. Meantime the guy knocked out is stirring around and sits up and Karen walks over in one motion and punches him square in his face with an uppercut as she bends down a drop and - good bye mother fucker out again but this time this mother is not moving at all and I knew he would be all fucked up afterwards for hours- the entire earth will feel like its spinning around him. Been there mother fucker and done that! So the other guy puts his hands up after a barrage of insults by Karen. He does not respond to any of them. She was relentless in her insults. Meantime she looked spectacular I have to say. He would not come towards her so she walked towards him and threw several jabs into his hands as h tried to protect his face but it did not help much. She stepped back and did what I have seen several times- took her top off and stood there. She looked at him and said " no steroids, not one ever" "now apologize you lil fuck face" I could see the muscles in her abs, chest tightening with energy and just waiting for her to punch his lights out " he meakly said " I am sorry" and she demanded him to say it louder and he did with tears in his eyes- SO OUITRAGEOUS TO SEE- the best. nShe was stepping from side to side as the energy running thru her could not keep her still. Standing their topless with all of that sexy feminine power was just awesome She told him to get on his knees and he hesitated at first and she took ONE step towards him and he dropped to his knees before she could strike. For the next few minutes he kissed her feet and fists as directed as she smiled broadly from ear to ear- awesome stuff to watch plus I saw her calming down. While on his knees kissing her feet her unconscious friend was on his feet in silence with blood dripping down his nose and holding his head. Karen asked him his name and other personal questions all he answered. He apologized BIG TIME and multiple times as did the guy she beat up. She made the guy she beat up put her top on and he did. I cannot even tell you how many times they apologized as the third guy was stone silent just looking and I am sure thankful he was not a loud mouth like his friends. She told them to stay put until they could no longer see our car which I guess they did and back to the condo we went where we went to the bar and drank and ate and she retold the story to me giving me DETAILS about each blow, her feelings and what she "should have done" to the second guy ... .which was beat him to a pulp as she says ... Second story- jump roping in the gym- Now I was in a really bad way when this happens so I will ASSUME my memory is fresh. A bad way, why? Because when this happened it was after the third knockout she delivered to me and this was a particularily bad one, not that any are good, since it was barefisted in front of three of her boxing friends from the class she teaches. She raped me in front of them as I was coming too and all I can tell you without the gory details was I was a mess for a good few weeks, physically and psychologically. Bare fisted blows hurt like a mother fucker and being hit so hard and so many times to be knocked out for god knows how long in front of three women and then raped in front of them as she yanked back on my hair and I was able to see her friends pointing and laughing was and STILL is a lot to take. I was really a shell of myself for a while. Seeing these 3 cunts around the gym afterwards knowing I could beat them to death and fuck them and their husbands but knowing they were "protected" bc they were Karens students. All three were being trained by Karen and as I write this ALL THREE beat up their husbands in the public gym and what can I say? Karens big thing is she believes and always says she was BORN TO FIGHT. It is her passion and she truly believes she was born to do that. My job that day was to follow her to the gym where she was going to do aerobics, mostly shadow boxing and jumping rope. I will also tell you it was in late Decemeber and that year she had 18 fights that year ( 13 versus women and she won 11 by KO and 2 the fight had to be stopped and 4 vs men of which one was a KO and one a TKO and she lost 2 of them by decision in tournaments but they were close) and and was in top shape which of course she always is but she was a sharp level I guess is the best way I can describe it. My job was to "be there" and towel her down and make sure she had water and change out the different jump ropes she had as some have heavier weighted handles. Anyways ... what can I say? So she did an hour of shadow boxing and I would say there were 30 people gathered around watching her and then she went to jumping rope. Amongst these people was a guy I never saw before- he was an older dude who I now know was 50 years old and an orthopedic surgeon, gray hair, about 5"10 good build but I knew nothing about him. Karen knew the guy since he asked her out several times but she never went. He sent flowers several times to the house not that that was an uncommon situation in our lives where guys would do that. So she gets done with a solid 30 minutes of rope jumping and as we all know Karen can sweat and she was drenched as always ( remember she cannot gain weight for shit so ... ) and her sports bra was a see thru at this point, she was breathing heavy , her arms were PUMPED and all the usual. I toweled her off and gave her some water and remember how much my ribs still hurt from her beating and remember how much bigger she looked to me at that moment. She looked into my eyes and smiled and patted me on my butt and said "good job slave boy" in a soft tone and I smiled back. So I went back to the crowd and watched her jump in a DIZZYING fashion and speed as people watched. This guy, Craig, walks up behind me and says " your wife is something else" I turned around and ignored him. In the old days I would have punched him out but Karen literally beat the fight out of me at that point and like I said I was in a bad way. She stopped and nodded at me to come over but instead this dude runs up to her and starts talking and gets real close to her. I see her say "back off" and clinches her fist- VERY VEY VERY bad thing to see- so I run over like macho man and without saying a word stand there but he does not back off. She VERY calmly she says "this is my husband and whats your name again?' he says, craig. I already knew at this point this sucker is dead. She says "Craig, why don't you stay around so we can talk after my workout in that room( and she points to a small 12x12 room where people stretch and stuff with their trainers in private. She tells me to get the key from so and so- I knew exactly what that all meant. So after another 30-45 minutes of doing AMAZING things with a rope she nods me over and I wipe her down and give her some more water- she calls Craig over and tells him to go with me to that room- a good 1/2 hour goes by and she walks in wearing a new tanktop- hair in a ponytail and hand wraps- not a good sign TRUST ME WORLD---she locks the door behind her and says " So Craig, you got in my face in front of my husband, asked me out what 5x and send things t my home?" he said yes and complimented her about 100x I different body parts. She ignored all of that and asked if he was married and he said yes and she asked if he had kids and he said 4. She nodded her head and asked " so what is it you want with me?" He said and it was long so I am paraphrasing- how amazing she is and all he wants was to take he rout for drinks. Even I had to smile at that one. She asked if he knows she can box? He said OMG Yes and he has attended 3 of the recent tournaments and blah blah. She heard everything and said " OK Craig, let's see what you got b/c any man who takes me out has to be able to handle himself and she gets in her stance and I have to say///////after that kind of workout every fucking muscle on every inch of that UNREAL physique was up and running on all cylinders- cut, defined and lethal looking. So he said "you want to fight me right here?" and instead of answering she popped him in his mouth 2x with jabs- funniest thing- he backs up and his eyes get teary and he holds his nose and says " what the fuck are you doing?" and when he said the word "you" two hooks crashed on his ribs and he bent over in pain and grabbed his sides and turned away. And then Karen said "YES" in answering his last question. She kicked himin his butt and he went head frst into the wall and she said " cmon Mr ( I think she forgot his name lol) you want to fuck me don't you so lets see what ya got here in private////she actually winked at me at that point. He finally stood up and said "you're crazy bitch but I will teach you a lesson" SUCH A BAD THING TO SAY TO HER////I used to say and feel the same way. So he gets in this awkward boxing stance and she rushes at him and unleashes her patented right hook flush on his jaw. That was that- unconscious Mr Craig. She sits on his chest and waits a few seconds for him to open his eyes and pins his arms behind him. It was then LECTURE time as she explained the facts of life to him in very detailed and graphic form. As I stood behind her I see that V SHAPED back laced with muscles, power muscles pinning this jerks arms to the mats. He had no idea what was flying. In very deliberate ways she told him that she was going to let go and she was going to be nice and not break his jaw and she told him to stand up- VERY VERY gingerly he did and was told to take off his shorts. He looked at her like she was crazy and said "you want me to take my shorts off?" ALL I Can tell all of you here is that Karen does NOT NOT NOT like to repeat herself- he heard it of course but could not believe it. So her answer to his question was one of the most wickedly hard right hooks to his stomach I ever saw- he went down like he slipped on a banana peel and was crying like a baby saying I am sorry I am sorry ... ..that went on for a while and he was told to stand up and this time without her asking he stripped down to naked. She put her hands on her hips and grabbed his soft cock and commented on how tiny it was and laughed. She turned and looked at me and asked " so what do I do with this one" not that my answer would have been listened to at all but I said "beat the fuck out of him" only b/c I figure it would be blows I would not tale later if she got pissed at me- she said "no, I think I want him to get on his knees and bark like a dog" He froze and I lloked at him with a nod that said "dude get down and do it or bad shit will happen to you" I could see Karen waiting and her eyes were getting that serious look on them which meant this guy is going to the ER real soon. Thankfully, this grown man, father and husband was on the floor on all 4's barking like a dog. Karen was smiling and said " now show me how a dog goes to the bathroom" and in the next few minutes he acted out how a dog pisses and shits and was crying so hard with snot dripping down his face I could have seen him having a heart attack or some shit,,,,,, finally he sat on his ass and put his hands over his eyes and just wept. Karen stood over him and really examined him and she said" never ask me out again,never send me ANYTHING" "got it?" He said yes ma'am yes ma'am. Karen told me to get his shorts and underwear and lets go- we left him there naked, beaten and affected for the rest of his life until the day he dies ... ..I know the feeling. We talked outside and she turns me around so my back is against the wall and asked me if I was too hard on him or too easy. The honest answer is I have no idea bc I did not. Maybe 2-3 weeks later we were in a flea market nearby and there he is with his wife and 2 of his kids. Karen was not wearing one of her slut outfits as I called some of them but believe it she looked hotter than the sun and grabbed my hand and walked over to him and with a big shit eating grill gave him a hug in front of his family and said "DR Craig, how are you. I thought he would shit himself as his wife's jaw dropped checking Karen out. I would definitely fuck his wife by the way. Anyways, funny scene but he looked sick as shit. So there ya go two quick stories. Later. Lookie back to your comments to Karen about me- I know you blogger assholes can demean me from a distance and that's fine- I am honest about being beaten, ko'd and raped and humiliated by my X but I hope you know my stats and my fighting abailities too that I wrote about- we are divorced and I do still see her and yes I still eat her out and suck her tits a lot on her command but I am and really am a man. I am dating a few different hot women much hotter than you haters could ever imagine. I will not deny my life with Karen but do not dwell on it nor does those 4 plus years define me as a man. Say what you want and go fuck yourself. Write back to Karen aty