Karen the boxer real life stories Gary back at you! From the last email I wrote about Karen "we" received 673 email comments. Karen is allowing me to write some more at MY discretion so here ya go. You all know her stats by now and who she is and me too so know reason to re-type all of that shit. These fights were all witnessed by me. The neighbor fight. When I was married to her we lived in this beautiful gated community in South Florida. Karen bought the house outright and I lived there with no ownership. Typical Karen in control thing. Anyway, there was this young man living next door to us and although our yard was pretty much private with the water on one end and trees giving us privacy on all 3 sides that allowed Karen to fight in privacy and parade around naked as she loves doing with her friends. Anyways, there was this young kid, seemed nice enough living next door to us. Jimmy was about 6 feet and seemed fit but I have no personal stories about his physicality or anything like that. One day Karen said he saw this kid spying on her and her g/f as they were sparring one Tuesday afternoon. When Karen noticed him filming her and her friend she yelled at him and he took off back into his house. Long story short she caught him again one day when she was by herself lifting weights by the pool naked but by the time she focused on him he took off again. Later that week while at a flea market with me she saw him walking with two friends so she got in his face. I knew this could be trouble for the kid. Karen was wearing a pink sports bra and these incredibly sexy torn jeans that exposed those luscious 8 pack abs and arms. Immediately as she went chest to chest with him and started pointing her finger in his chest I felt everyone staring at her even more than usual. He denied everything and just like that she smacks him across his face that sounded like a firecracker going off and he stumbles back and looks stunned and in a second she grabs him by his T-shirt and says " 20 minutes get your fucking ass back in my yard and fight me" his friends looked as stunned as he was and me too since this whole thing took a minute. Karen grabs my hand like a vice and we start walking back to the car and she turns and yells "19 minutes now and if I come looking for you I will beat the fuck out of your father too" I looked at Karen and knowing when she gets like this ( cursing and angry since she rarely curses) I better be careful. I sheepishly asked "do you want me to drive?" and she ignored me and opened the car and said "get the fuck inside and shut up" which I did. We drove home in silence for the 5 minute drive and I followed her into the house. She stayed in the same outfit and told me to wrap her hands and prep 8 ox gloves for both of them and I did. I cannot swear when the kid showed up with his friends but I know it was before 20 minutes. He was scared shitless and I said- put these on and tie em up and heres a mouthpiece and get ready young man and laughed. Once he was ready I directed him to the yard, which he knew all too well. In the background you can hear Karen shadow boxing and grunting- a sound I knew all too well. She came out of the house in the usual pool of sweat banging her gloves together and looking as dangerous as she really is but the kid and his friends had no idea. Her arms looked defined and vascular and intense, her abs as always popping with definition that made them look like they are- POWERUL and experienced and as usual her nipples popping thru like little pebbles. She walked right into his chest and said " now mommy is going to teach you a lesson about respect and privacy that your parents never taught you" the kid and his friends were speechless. They saw a muscular, determined and beyond physically fit woman who was twice his age more or less but had no idea that she was a skilled and experienced fighter. I walked in between them and said OK- 3 minute rounds, ready? The kid was being led to slaughter. Here is my wife, at the time, 5'9 1/2" of solid EXPERIENCED muscle, experienced boxer and fistfighter for 20 years or more at that point and this kid had nothing. I clapped my hands together and yelled FIGHT. This was ugly even by my standards. She jabbed him at least 7-8 times directly to his mouth and his head bobbed back with each blow, he tried to cover up and her blows split his gloves and bam he went down on his ass from a straight right after 20 seconds of fighting- well he was more fo a pi#ata than a fighter, lol. His friends were yelling to get back up and "fuck her up" and I just shook my head knowing he was SO better off just staying there and quitting. But the fool got up and Karen walked over and threw an overhand right and knocked him out cold. Spread eagle unconscious on the lawn, bleeding and out. No doubt his first time. Simple as that- the kid never saw the punch coming. At 19 years old being knocked out in front of his friends in less than 60 seconds I KNEW will haunt this kid for a lifetime. He must have been out a good 20-30 seconds and had no idea where he was. Karen sat on his chest and drew back her fist and I yelled STOP but it was too late and she knocked him BACK OUT! No way that was the right thing or fair thing to do but I for one was not going to say that and it happened just like that. And she sat there and told his friends to come over and take off her gloves. They did but looked like they were going to shit themselves. Karen was hardly breathing but in a pool of sweat from her warm ups plus she sweats like a guy I have to say. The sweat dripping down her chest and arms in the Florida humidity. She then told them to take off her top and they did and I knew what was next- she told them to start sucking her breasts and there it was- she was sitting on this kids chest who was coming too and his friends were on their knees sucking her sweaty hard/muscular breasts as she did double bicep poses and was herself lost in another world. She had an orgasm and I watched this entire scene unfold and knew that outcome beforehand. My cock was so hard it was embarrassing. After her orgasm she pushed the two friends away and stood up and offered her hand to get the kid she just knocked out up and he stood there next to her looking not as bad as you would expect. She took him inside the house and raped him and the screams were familiar but I felt badly I have to say. I was raped 3x by her and know how shitty a feeling that is. That feeling never goes away and for him, this young guy, well it's REALLY bad! About 30 minutes later they came back out and I told his friends to leave bc I knew this kid would need some "friendly counseling words" and the three of us spoke for like 2 hours. Karen drank water and stayed topless with her shorts back on and sat right across from this guy and cried a little and apologized a lot and said " you should have not done that to me in the bedroom" and cried some more. Karen explained to him why she did it "to teach him a lesson" and "prove superiority" but the kid just shook his head and wiped away tears. She ordered him to get on his knees and suck her breasts ( one of her favorite things to have done to her) and he did that, in front of me for a good 15 minutes as she held the back of his head and spoke to him the whole time telling him how powerful she is and if he spies again on her how she will beat him so bad he'll need to be hospitalized and how she'll rape him all day long. As he was listening to her and sucking her tits she reached down and gave him a hand job which was a lot of fun to watch this kid suck my wifes breasts and cum in her hands- Karen took his cum that went all the way up her forearm and had him lick it all off and then wipe her arms with a wet towel from the pool. He looked better after he came but I know I know I know ... .the psychological damage done will run deep for a lifetime. She walked him over to the gate and I saw her grab his hands and put them on her breasts where they spoke for another 5 minutes- seeing this taller and younger man put his hands on her chest knowing she just beat him until he was unconscious with LITTLE effort, and then humiliated him for a lifetime ( a Karen specialty trust me) as he looked down on her I knew that scene was frozen in his mind until he dies, was powerful. She walked back over to me and said " I think he learned his lesson, what do you think?" I said, I think whatever YOU think honey. She smiled and told me to get ready to shower her which I did and we never spoke about this fight again. The male cardiologist beating- We were married just a year and Karen was running her 8th marathon down here and decided to go for a stress test prior. She usually uses female doctors based on some bad experiences she has had with these men trying to pick her up and ask her out or make some other pass at her which ended up badly but she had no choice since she did not want to travel far to get this test done. So she sees this guy, with me in the waiting room and passed with flying colors but he made the mistake, this married man with children, of giving her his card with his cell phone on the back bc he wanted to take her out for a drink. He also made the mistake of making some non-professional comments about her physique, including comments about her hour glass figure, abs and triceps according to her. He also kicked out the technician who monitors people on the treadmill and stayed there for almost an hour to watch her run. I would have FUCKING BROKE THIS ASSHOLE IN Half if she allowed me too but she had other plans. She was SO pissed off, fed up, of married guys trying to pick her up in front of their wives, in professional settings like this, in front of her man, etc etc. She calls the number and invited him for a "dip" in the pool this Monday morning. He had appointments he cancelled and sure as shit rings the front bell. I had orders to hide and film everything from the bedroom window for what was going to happen in the yard and pool. Karen wore a negligee top that would make any man cum in his pants ( as I have from her several times!!) and tight jeans and heals. This guy was 39, father of 3, about 5'11 and never saw a gym in his skinny life. Handsome dude. As he rang the front door she ran to the yard and opened the fence and invited him in. This man froze in his tracks and stared at my wife for a solid 3 minutes without uttering a word. She posed for him and asked him if he liked what he saw. He went on and on about her muscles and how he never saw a woman built like that and she hugged him and thanked him. She took him by the hand and walked over to the lounges by the pool and asked him to take his clothes off. Another long pause as he repeated that request which I know Pissed her off since she hates people repeating themselves. She said "yes silly, take your everything off isn't that why you are here? Since he froze she took his shirt off revealing a skinny body without any muscle. Then out of the blue she "bitch slapped" him hard enough to make him stumble back 15 feet. He held his face and asked "what was that for" and she posed some more and walked towards him and said " bc I like it rough" and "punch me in my abs with all of your might" again another pause so she slapped him again but this time backhand. That pissed him off and he walked over and punched her in her abs as she crunched and his punch literally bounced off and hurt his hand as he grabbed it and said OUCH several times. So you never saw a body like mine you said, and you gave me your cell number and came all the way over here to fuck me, doc? He stammered a few words as he was backing up and her moving forward. Nine jabs later, barefisted, he was bleeding, crying and on his knees. Begging her to stop. She simply stood over him with that wicked smile. When he finally stopped crying and holding his bloody nose with his shirt off and pants on she told him to stand up and get naked. In a second he stood there stone naked covering his cock. She stood there and told him to put his hands by his side as his erection grew and blood oozed down his nose and mouth and on to the grass. Now tell me she said, " you like this" and posed for him. He was at full erection and started to wimper again. She said " listen carefully, VERY carefully for your own sake. She continued " I want you to jerkoff for me like I know you have done in private after you saw me the other day and do it now and I mean now or you will be slapped and punched into a ball of shit". Sure enough he jerked off and shot his load right there and immediately dropped to his knees and begged to be let go. Karen said " lick your cum off MY grass now and then I will let you go. Karen bent down next to him and ripped a hook into his ribs that made him scream in pain and lay there in the fetus position for10 minutes but he eventually licked the grass and cum and got dressed. Karen pointed me out in the bedroom window and the fact that I filmed the whole thing- oh the begging after he saw that was one for the books and eventually Karen just told him to leave and he did. About 3 days later a HUGE fruit basket arrived with an apology note and a sentence mentioning he would buy back the tape for whatever price. Karen never responded and we saw him and his family three times since. The man literally turns red each time even though no words are exchanged besides hello. Yes, Karen has fists that are fucking rocks attached to powerful and strong and skilled arms. She is one of a kind. 3. The dressing room scene- Now this does not involve any fight and it's as common an event as you imagine. Karen dresses to show off her physique, usually in a classy way but sometimes in a funky,sexy and over the top way I have to say. Either way heads turn, male and female ... .always! So when I used to be told "come decorate my body, let's go shopping" I would LOVE it. Invariably she would come out of the dressing room followed by some lady asking her questions about her amazing physique or when we went or small private shops the sales women would stop EVERYTHING and comment about her physique and ask her a lot of questions. Often times, NOT sometimes, often, Karen would pose and 50% of the time they would ask, like most people do, to feel her abs or biceps. The scene was always hotter than shit especially if the other woman was hot too. How about seeing 2-3 young Hispanic ladies giving her "that look" as they stared at her physique and asked questions or felt those rock hard insane and sexy muscles. Fighting rarely came out in conversation it was just her physique. Happened all the time. I want to answer one question that was asked several times after the last story as Karen received ALL of your comments and questions (karzo1@aol.com) . How was it living with a woman who just beat you up or knocked you out? It was tough! Lol. Tougher at first keeping in mind it happened 6x during the 4 years we were dating and married. I remember the first two which were the worst since both were knockouts and both barefisted so not only was I knocked out but hurt too and that does not include the psychological crap. After being knocked out cold and hurt the first time she took me into the bathroom and cleaned me up and lectured me about where I stand and my place ... .all of which was rather clear I have to say even though I was scared as shit as she sat in front of me. Than that night I was ordered to sleep in the bath tub, no sheets, pillow or anything. However, when the alarm went off at 5:45 I still had to go eat her out as she followed the same routine with pushups and situps as I described in the last email story. I was sore as hell between the beating and being so uncomfortable. That next night I just layed on her chest and was allowed to sleep in the bed. So long story short it was hard