JESSICA RABBIT REVENGE BY THE ARTIST Jessica Rabbit stare at the three photos that the detective that she had hire to gether this evidence. Then threw them down on the table. "I can't believe that that bitch would dare to come onto my Roger Rabbit. But here all the evident". There was a photo of her lover Rogue Rabbit sating in a chair with Betty Boop sitting in his lap, kissing him. She looked at an another photo of her sucking his dick. "Well! It time for me and her to settled thing once and for all," thought Jessica THE NIGHT CLUB The nightclub is fill to capability with rumors of something special that is schedule, promising through adverting to be the event of the year. Show time is at ten o'clock and everyone took his or her seat. The whole room becomes quiet as the light turns down low and the curtains slowly open. To reveal Jessica Rabbit in her traditional red dress. She started to sing her song and do a dance of seduction that put ever male in the dance hall into a sexual trace as their dick become hard. She slowly turns around to show a large black bubble that is attached to her ass. As she continues her sexual dance around the room flirting with all of the men, especially Roger Rabbit. As she move around the room letting out loud frats into the bubble that make it appears to be breathing in and out. "Tonight will be full of surprise starting with this one," said Jessica as she turns around and bends over and let out a long hard fart. This fart enlarge the black balloon to it blasting point and it's suddenly it explode and a beaten Betty Boop fill to the floor coughing and inhaling fresh air. "Gentlemen, I promise you a night of entertainment that you will never forget. For you will get to witness the total destruction of this bitch here." Jessica punch her in the face with as straight punch, a left and right hook to the head, uppercut to the stomach that bend her over into a hard knee that straighten her up again, then a kick to the chin sent her slamming into the ceiling. When she came down Jessica deliver a uppercut that connect with her stomach that sent her back slamming into the ceiling again. Jessica keeps this game up for twenty minutes before letting her fill to the ground. She then grab her legs and begin to slam her body all around the dance floor, soon her body became a blur. She then stood over her phone body and concentrate until her ass grew to triple in size. She then leaps onto the air and kick her leg out to come crushing down on Betty face, facing her legs. Her ass completely covers her face. Soon her facial bone could be heard breaking as Jessica do ass clutches on her face. She then begins to punch her breasts, stomach, ribs, and pulling out large chunk of public hair. The sounds of rib breaking could be heard as she punches them as she slammed her firm ass down onto her face. She gets off and reaches down and inserts her thump into her ass hole and fingers into her cunt and rises her off of the ground by them. Betty Boop screams at the top of her lungs as se hangs upside down by her cunt. Jessica them begin to punch her body over and over again while squeezing her cunt and asshole between her fingers. She tosses her up into the air and kept her up by punching her with left and right to the body. One final punch and she went flying across the room to land upside down against the wall. She slid down onto her head . Jessica slowly walk over to her and rimmed her head into her ass hole, up to the neck, than fart. Betty Boop body blew up into a little ball. One last strong and long fart sent her flying around the club as Jessica and the people laughed. She slammed into the far wall and slid down to lay beside a giant tank with a lid covering it. Jessica slowly slid over in that sexual walk that only she could do. She grabs Betty Boop by the hair and pushes a button on the tank that cause the lid to slid open and Betty to scream. "No!No! Please not that, please!" scream Betty. "Bitch! It can only be one queen bee here in this club and it is me," laughed Jessica. So you know what this stuff is. It is the only liquid that can destroy a toon. But I be fair and let the audience decided. Well! Guy what will it be?" Everyone give the thumb down sigh. "Well there you go. Good by dear," laughed Jessica as she slowly lowered her into the liquid feet firsts. She screams for an hour before passing out. Jessica smiles and releases her hair and laughed as her head slowly disappears into the liquid. She walks over to Roger Rabbit and sat in his lap and put his head between her breasts. She bent down and gave him a kiss that sent shock wave of pleasure running throughout his body. She stood up with him still struck between her breasts and walk away. "By the way boys, you can purchases the video tape of tonight event for 69.99 tomorrow include scene of what happen before we came out on stages. Come on lover, let go home and play a new game called "Doctor and the naughty nurse". The End I CAN BE REACH FOR COMMENT AT JOHNGROOMS@HOTMAIL.COM 4