Driving Jean home by JimP 1980's young man drives a dangerous old secretary home (c)Jim P 2021 My name is James and these events took place in the early 1980's. Leaving university at 20, I began work in IT in a town about 50 miles from where I lived with my parents. Lodging during the week with a landlady and going home by train at weekends got tiresome and expensive after a while. Deciding I would be better off taking out a mortgage on a place of my own, I saved up for a small deposit on a first floor maisonette in a small town a bit further North; the town where I worked was out of my price range being a desirable place for commuters. That meant a 25 minute drive each way as although both places were on a train line, it was not the same one and required a change of lines with waits of up to 45 minutes if I got the timing wrong. At first some of the older guys who were car-sharing gave me a lift until I was able to buy a second-hand car of my own. Then they suggested I should offer a lift to my manager's secretary. Apparently Jean was getting up early to catch a train then making the interchange to catch another and then a taxi from the station to the office. In retrospect I wonder if they were setting me up. Jean hadn't been in the job long and was short stocky, stern-faced and very mature, probably in her late 50's. Looking like a strict older relative such as a grumpy aunt or granny, the way she dressed reminded me of them as, like them, her formative years had been in the 1950's where her fashion sense was rooted. I certainly didn't find her attractive. Her oval shaped face was pale due to heavy-handed use of foundation with thick mascara, eye shadow and eyeliner around hawklike small grey eyes. A short slender nose sat above a firmly set small mouth with sour down-turned corners as though sucking lemons while glossy dark pink lipstick coated her thin lips. Tightly curled hair was upswept from the forehead and swept back away from the face into a bob which flowed behind the ears to the nape of the neck. Its light auburn or ginger colour didn't look natural and there were a few strands of grey. Her dresses and skirts were modest and old-fashioned, flaring from a narrow high waistline and out into a shin-length full circle, usually pleated and worn with a wide cinch belt. When she wore a skirt it was with a simple button-down blouse and a snug fit and always tucked in. The style was more feminine and flowing than younger women wore, although the phrase 'mutton dressed as lamb' sprang to mind. Walking down the corridor past my manager's office, I noticed Jean was in there alone, tottering about on high-heeled shoes without which she would probably be under 5 foot tall. Wearing a simple pink stripe shin-length skirt with pleats, a basic white blouse was tucked into a wide black belt. Deciding now was a good time as any, I entered the office. As soon as I did, her strong floral perfume hit me reminding me of Granny. Standing with her side to me, she was at my manager's desk sorting through the mail. She must have noticed me but kept me waiting. I thought it polite to wait until she acknowledged my presence. As I did my eyes were drawn to her side profile. I knew in the 50's it was the style to accentuate a small waist by having a padded bra but had never encountered the reality until now. The effect greatly accentuated the old woman's assets with a short but slender hourglass figure in side-profile with a large thrusting chest like two barrage-balloons stretching her blouse tight. They stood there, so full, firm and gravity-defying, stretching quite a way from her front, I realised that most of it was really her and that she was flipping stacked! Large-busted women always turned me on and it was a shock to suddenly realise that Jean had a hell of a rack on her. I'd never really given her that much attention before to notice! The impact went straight to my groin as I stood there unable to stop looking. 'Can I help you'' Jean's voice was frosty and her face stern with glaring eyes as she turned to find me staring at her well-endowed chest. My face burnt with shame because I had been caught looking. I knew I mustn't sound flustered and needed to look her in the eyes. Unfortunately because she was so much shorter than me even in high-heels, that meant I was looking down at those wide thrusting slopes. Trying to keep my eyes on her grumpy made-up face and noticing quite a few creases and wrinkles, I tried to remain calm as I explained how I had heard that she lived near me and would like to offer her lifts to and from work. I found it quite hard speaking to her as she maintained a haughty hard stare and haughty posture. 'No thank you,' she declared 'I like using the train.' The cold tone was clear. She thought I was trying to pick her up! That would have been like fancying my granny! Before I could say another word, the grouchy woman turned her back on me in dismissal. I was annoyed by her snotty attitude but relieved I didn't have to share my car with the old bag who would only complain about my taste in music and make boring if any conversation. Walking to the door, I glanced back before I left. Jean still had her back to me but what made me stop and stare in astonishment was the sight of her calves. Raised up on high-heels and sheathed in tan coloured sheer nylons, quite thick ankles flared out dramatically over a short distance into enormously wide dense calves. I'd already discovered that well-defined calves on a woman was exceptionally sexy especially in high-heeled shoes and several of the ladies at work had caught my attention with theirs. However, Jean's were far larger and more powerful looking with massive round-sided heart-shapes featuring a deep diamond shaped cleft at the base and an extraordinarily deep edge that made them stand out prominently from the widely tapering part below. They were clearly-defined with a muscle tone apparent even through the nylons. They were the largest, most defined muscular calves that I'd ever seen and my manhood stiffened immediately. 'Was there anything else'' Jean's grouchy voice interrupted me and I realised I had been standing there with a stiff bulge forming in the front of my trousers! Luckily she hadn't even bothered to turn around. 'Uh yes. If you change your mind don't hesitate to ask.' 'Fine,' she replied with rude uninterest. The older guys questioned me on whether I'd offered Jean a lift and I told them her response which shut them up. However I kept thinking about her stunning bust and incredible calves for days after, but not brave enough to steal another look. I thought that the end of the matter but some time later when the weather had turned bad I was surprised to get an internal phone call from the crabby old woman. 'The weather is awful. I accept your offer of a lift,' she stated bluntly. I could hardly say no so agreed to meet her outside my manager's office shortly after 5pm. At the appointed hour I approached the office with trepidation to find her waiting there in a long coat and an attitude like she was doing me a favour than the other way around. I walked with her out to the car park, getting a few amused glances from my work-mates, then showed her to my car. She didn't look impressed as she waited for me to open and hold the front passenger door for her from the outside. As she got into the seat, the lower part of the coat she wore opened and the patterned skirt beneath slid back to reveal a white petticoat which had also ridden up. I got a brief glimpse of short, stocky thighs sheathed in sheer tan nylon. She quickly pulled her skirts down giving me an indignant glare for daring to look as I closed the door. Walking around to the driver's side, I got in, buckled up and began driving. Rather than the silent treatment I'd expected, Jean was actually quite chatty asking questions such as where I raised, my education and whether I had a girl-friend, which unfortunately I hadn't. In return I discovered that she lived alone and wasn't married while implying she had plenty of men pestering her, which I thought was more wishful thinking on her part. She mentioned learning her secretarial skills at some women's organisation about which she was a bit vague. Asking whether I played sport, I replied that I didn't while she told me she exercised for fitness but the grim old sour-puss didn't elaborate. Not that I really cared. Following her instructions, I took her to her house. It was raining and I got out the car, grabbed an umbrella from the boot then went to the front-passenger door and opened it for her while holding the brolly to keep her dry. I got another brief eyeful of her thick nylon-clad thighs as she got out of the car seat. I told her to keep the umbrella and return it to me the following day if she let me take her to work. 'Let's get inside in the dry and I'll fix you a little something,' she told me then headed to the kerb. Locking the car, I followed Jean through a front gate and down a path. I had a good view of her immense muscular calves flexing and waning as she tottered down the path in front of me on high heels and found myself very turned on by the sight. I was really surprised that such an old crow should have such sensationally large sexy calves and wondered whether it because of the high heels she wore to compensate for her lack of height. Stopping behind her as she unlocked and opened the front door, I ogled with a strong stirring in my groin at those enormous developed calves right before me. I had the overwhelming urge to reach down and feel them but the severe look she gave me when she turned around to address me killed off the wild temptation. 'Take off your shoes before you go inside,' she ordered then took the step up and into the open door. As she did, those calves flexed so hard and became sharply-defined. My dick gave several big lurches inside my pants at the incredibly sexy sight! The old lady's calves were absolutely sensational! Closing the brolly she entered the hallway and placed it by the door. Removing my shoes at the doorstep, I picked them up then entered. Closing the door behind me then, I placed my shoes to one side on the door mat while watching as Jean took off her coat and hung it on a coat-hanger to reveal a pink blouse with a floral pattern pink skirt. I also noticed that she left her high-heels on. 'This way,' she said then turned to walk down the short hall. I followed, gobsmacked by the sheer size and power of her calves, which were now clearer to see under the hall lights as she click-clacked before me. The sheer width and depth were amazing along with their well-toned muscular definition. I'd never seen anything like it before and despite her aged and grumpy appearance I found it very arousing as I followed close behind, but not too close so that I could keep a good view. The mesmerising muscles in motion took a turn to the right and disappeared through a doorway. I followed and found myself in a long living room. From the outside, the semi-detached house had looked pre-second World War and deduced this must have been two smaller rooms knocked through into one. In fact there was an arch in the middle where the dividing wall had been with two short waist-high walls either side at the base. The d'cor was dated with simple floral patterned wallpaper and a glossy dark green painted skirting board and doors. One end was a dining area with a folded table and chairs while the other was furnished with a three piece suite and TV unit. Strangely the furniture had been pushed back against the walls to create a large open carpeted space in the centre. 'Are you perving at my legs'' Jean accused, looking at me over her shoulder. 'No..I...You have amazing calves,' I stammered. 'Do you do dance or something to develop them like that'' instantly regretting how lame that sounded. 'I'll show you,' she grumbled turning to face me. My eyes went wide in surprise to see the top buttons of Jean's blouse were undone causing it to fall wide open at the top. That was so unlike the prim and proper conservatively dressed woman at work. The straps and the top of a lacy black bra could be seen, which amazed me as being especially racy for the old woman. It felt like accidentally walking in and catching your granny in saucy underwear! Huge mounds of bare breast cupped by the bra, were lifted up and presented like an offering. Despite her age and facial appearance, it was an incredibly arousing sight as two sensually curvaceous wobbly mounds pushed out towards me, firm and blemish-free. The rolling expanse fell into a long deep cleavage between her plentiful breasts that drew my eyes and was hard to escape. A thin black necklace chain disappeared into the dark chasm between those voluminous man-baits and I could just glimpse the top of a black pendant. I couldn't stop looking at the tops of her sensational bosom although I knew I shouldn't, while my dick quickly hardened and my breath deepened. 'I knew it! You only came in here to get your grubby little hands on my tits and have your wicked way with me!' Jean declared. 'No! I gave you a lift home and you invited me in for a cup of tea or something. I'm not going to rape you.' I protested. 'Why' What's wrong with me'' 'I'm not like that! Besides, you're more than twice my age. Old enough to be my mother or grandmother.' The indignant glare she gave me was chilling. Her eyes narrowed and her sour mouth tightened. 'Men you're all the same! You keep staring at my tits and have a stiffy at the front of your trousers. How about these for Granny breasts'' Suddenly flinging the blouse wide open, I got an eyeful of a big stuffed bra straining to contain her ample endowment as they sloped towards me. My body temperature and heart-rate rose while my rate of breathing increased as I stared in growing lust at those big soft wobbly beauties. I was panting fast as my dick stiffened really hard in wanton desire of the incredibly sexy bust of a woman old enough to be my grandmother. 'Oh Jean!' I groaned, aching to get my hands on those wide steep-sloped cock-teasers. 'I was right! You're a masher!' A victorious smile appeared on her lips stepping forwards with a fierce expression and a provocative bounce of her well-endowed assets. 'No! I'm not here to hurt you,' I raised my hands before me with palms forwards to placate her. 'You've certainly got that right!' She came close and my right palm accidentally pressed against her warm soft pliable mammaries and sank in before I was able to stop it. 'I'm sorry Jean, it was an accident!' 'You will be sorry.' The ill-tempered woman glared at me then unexpectedly seized the front of my shirt with both hands. Her ferocious look unnerved me as she gave me a strong tug, pulling me close. I heard a rustle of her long skirt and sensed a sharp movement of her right hip then was howling in agony as a knee, and a good portion of the top of the wide thigh above it, pistoned straight up between my legs into my groin. It struck like a cannon-ball pounding my balls and the stiff shaft against my pelvis while lifting me completely into the air as sheer agony exploded in my groin. The pain was excruciating, I couldn't even feel my balls. They were so numb I feared the crazy old bitch had ruined me between the legs! It hurt so bad! Totally devastated, I was incapable of doing anything except crease over in absolute torment. 'I'm not going out with you!' Jean growled as I crumpled before her in agony trying to force down the bile in my mouth. "I'll make sure you won't bother me again." Through the tears in my eyes, I saw the fingers of her hands stiffen, held together and rigid like a knife as she raised them. The cold steely glare she gave me and the confidence with which she held her hands in what resembled a Karate pose you'd see on TV sent shivers down my spine. 'HAI!' the loud unexpected shout from the fierce looking old woman made me jump and my balls contract as the hand leapt forwards in a blur of motion. I cried out as the edge of her hand chopped my left wrist like an axe with shocking force causing a great deal of pain. In horror, my arm jerked back and fell numbly by my side. 'HAI!' she yelled in my face, terrifying me, making my heart miss a beat and my dick lurch. The hand flashed across my chest to solidly chop the inside of my other elbow. I winced with the pain shooting up the arm as my fingers then my whole arm went limp. 'HAI!' her scowling face scared me with it's ferocity as it came right up close then shouted in my face. I jumped again as a blur shot forwards then cried out as the edge of her steely hand delivered a chop at an angle across my right cheekbone. My face hurt so much I feared she had broken my cheekbone! I was aghast at Jean's unexpected violent attack. Those chops really hurt, my arms were now tingling but still useless and my cheek badly ached! I couldn't believe she knew Karate. She was just a frumpy old secretary! The thought scared me while having an unexpected hardening reaction in my trousers! Giving me a chilling sneer, Jean grabbed my right arm then, to my surprise, locked it up with her left elbow. With a grinning smirk she then seized my left elbow with her other hand. The short stocky buxom woman was restraining both of my arms in some kind of wrestling hold! She pulled me towards her so my chest pressed against her protruding soft bust. That wrinkled stern face came right up close then her mouth came up to my right ear. 'I'm perfectly capable of defending myself from randy sods like you,' she growled, her hot breath tingling my ear. Then I was squirming uncomfortably as a wet writhing tongue slobbered all around the side of my neck and under my jaw. With both arms restrained there was nothing I could do to stop her. She kept licking until I was groaning out loud as repulse was replaced by over-stimulation of an erogenous zone, re-awakening my erection in full force. 'See! You want me!' she crowed in victory. Without warning, Jean's right hip slammed into my pelvic area knocking some of my breath from me. Leaning away from me, she extended my arm forwards causing me to over-stretch. I was stunned as my feet left the floor and I rose up with my groin sliding over her broad hip until I was looking out past her thrusting breasts before I went hurtling right over. I let out a cry as my head plummeted towards the floor while my feet whipped up towards the ceiling. The room was a blur, spinning very fast and I was utterly helpless to stop it. I sped towards the floor with my body flipping over then cried out as my back slammed against floor, jarring it, moving so fast that the carpet didn't cushion the impact while knocking more wind from my sails. On my back, in a daze, by Jean's high-heeled feet my mind raced in confusion. She threw me! How' Had she been watching too much wrestling on the telly like these old birds did' Being thrown by a woman old enough to be my granny was embarrassing and scary yet strangely exciting too as my stiff dick testified. The old she-devil still had a grip on my right wrist as she stood over me. Close to her short shins, I was amazed by the enormous thick ears that backed them formed by her calves flaring out behind. 'That will teach you! A good secretary always knows how to deal with unwanted visitors,' she snarled 'especially perverts like you.' I looked up to see her glaring at me over the top of her big shelf-like bust with a self-satisfied smirk on her crabby old face while I lay at her feet with an aching back and aching balls. Standing over me, she cut a dominant yet very feminine figure in her high heels, sheer nylons and long skirt. From my position looking up, her big protruding breasts were staggeringly wide and came out a considerable way in front of her body while hanging low over the top of her belly. It was a very arousing position to be in as I laid submissively at her feet. 'Jean, I'm not here to...Ouch!' I yelped as the fiercely scowling woman twisted my right hand so that the palm faced upwards then bent it back at the wrist towards me. My shoulders began to lift to ease the pressure but, with an amused condescending smirk, she placed the sole of her left shoe on the top of my chest at the base of my throat and pressed down. 'Urkkk!' I was choking beneath the sole of her foot while it felt like she was trying to push the heel through the side of my throat. It was agony! 'Don't you backchat me, boy!' she snarled 'I'm going to teach you a lesson you won't forget in a hurry.' I feared Jean was going to snap my wrist while her foot choked me. I slapped uselessly against the carpet to signal submission but the vicious old bag ignored it. The old biddy was utterly in control and it was so humiliating! I'm not the most macho of men but I never expected to be beaten up by a little old lady! Yet my dick was absolutely rigid. 'Suffer for your impertinence! she uttered, removing her foot from my throat then giving my wrist a sharp twist that sent me over onto my knees with a yelp. Continuing to restrain my hand with one hand, the harsh-faced woman applied pressure with her other hand directly against the back of my elbow. 'Please no!' I was utterly helpless at the hands of a much older woman, in agony and with an aching hard-on. Demonstrating her authority, Jean forced my arm straight up behind me, driving my face into the carpet before her feet. Her shins were just above with huge rugged calves flaring out behind, sheathed in sheer tan nylon. Even from the front they looked so fearsome that I felt nervous being this close. 'I could snap your arm and break your wrist like a dry twig,' she sneered. There was nothing I could do. Any attempt to move where she did not want me resulted in severe pain in my shoulder socket, elbow and wrist. The scary mature lady was utterly in control and enjoyed letting me know it. She let me suffer in that agonising armlock, face-down at her feet, for several long minutes, absorbing the fact that I was being dominated by a short dumpy lady in high heels and shin-length pleated skirt who was almost 3 times older than me. Then she said one word in a low menacing tone that sent chills down my spine and made my cock beat like a drumstick. 'Beg.' 'Please, I'm sorry!' I sobbed with the joints in my arm in agony while my dick beat against the inside of my pants. I heard a throaty laugh and then Jean painfully forced me to stand by levering my right arm while keeping it stressed so that there was no chance of disobedience. The little old pit-bull kept me in that painful armlock, just to show me she could, for a few more minutes before releasing me. Before she could demonstrate more wrestling holds or whatever they were, I tried to clear up any misunderstanding before making my exit. 'Jean, I honestly would never dream of forcing myself upon you,' I told her while trying not to stare at her forthright bosom. 'They all say that!' she huffed then turned her back on me. 'Please, wait,' I reached out a hand to her shoulder before she could walk away. Bending sharply forwards with her legs astride, I had view of her skirt stretched tightly across an ample but nicely rounded backside right before me. Her hands clamped around my right ankle and with a hard heave, she straightened up pulling my foot from under me then swung my shin forward between her legs. I went straight down onto my arse followed by my back then back of my head hitting the carpet. A pair of huge densely muscled calves were right before me while Jean held my right shin against her crotch. The hem of her skirt had risen in the middle to reveal dark seams running up the back of her calves. Stockings' "No!" I cried as her right foot rose then rocketed back towards me. The sole of her shoe pounded my balls in a vicious back-stomp. I screamed in anguish as my balls were crushed beneath her foot while the heel spiked my shaft. 'Serves you right,' Jean scolded while I rolled up into an agonised ball, cupping my painful balls. 'I love the pathetic squeal of agony a masher makes when I kick them in the groin.' As the pain subsided into a bad ache, I had to admit that there was something about the way her feet looked raised upon high heels causing a shapely arc to the top of her foot that swept to her ankles. From there the shape of her lower legs was astonishing with the straight edge of her shin at the front and the deep calves outrageously pushing out the lines of the curves at the back to thick short thick slabs of muscle that called to my aching dick. 'Stop kicking me in the nuts!' I told her angrily as I forced myself to my feet 'I'm not a rapist. You invited me in here after I drove you home then you attacked me.' 'Really'' she muttered as her fingers undid the rest of the buttons on her blouse then flung it wide open. I couldn't help a groan of strong yearning at the tops of big rounded breasts with a deep cleavage between them cupped in a bra sloping towards me. My aching balls instantly tightened and the shaft stiffened again. 'Ah ha!' the old ding-bat cried in triumph. Jean's hands shot out to grab the top of my shirt at the front. With a fierce look upon her scowling face, she pulled me forward. I had a brief glimpse of her pleated skirt fanning out as her right leg lifted with a flash of matt stocking tops and white suspender belt, as her petticoat fell back. Planting the sole of her shoe against my lower belly, I yelped in alarm as she suddenly fell backwards and pulled me down with her. I thought I was going to fall on top of her but as her back hit the carpet I found myself supported with a foot on my belly. I felt the leg straighten beneath me and a surge of leggy strength that hurled me right over where she lay upon her back. My back-end was lifted high as I flipped forwards at great speed with my head dipping as my legs continued to whip overhead at dizzying speed. I cried out as my back slammed against the unforgiving carpet knocking the wind from me. As I recovered my senses and looked around in stunned surprise I was shocked to discover that the old woman had thrown me completely from one end of the knocked-through room to the other! My dick went rigid as I realised that the old bird was a skilled fighter! Rolling over onto my stomach in order to get up I saw Jean at the other end of the room throw herself back onto her broad shoulders with her bum raised from the floor and her thighs pointing upwards, bent at the knees, and widely spaced. The pleated skirt and petticoat fell back around her waist to reveal thick strong-looking legs sheathed in sheer tan nylon stockings. It was only a quick glimpse as the next instant the robust grouchy old woman amazed me completely as she threw herself forwards and landed on her feet without using her hands! I was gobsmacked! That incredibly acrobatic move made her even more fearsome and I was terrified of her yet highly aroused. Her legs were still widely spaced with those huge calves in high heels seeming even more rugged and powerful. With her skirts still around her waist, I saw that the back of Jean's upper legs were short but very thick featuring large deep hamstrings. A black pair of knickers covered her ample backside and her large remarkably tight looking rounded buttocks somehow radiated the impression of great strength. It was a quick glimpse before the skirts fell back down to cover her legs leaving me staring at her large powerful calves. As she turned around to glare fiercely at me across the length of the room, I felt fear knowing I had bitten off much more than I could chew. 'Yes, I just threw you. Get used to it, boy' she snarled. 'It's getting late,' I stammered nervously, withering under her fierce glare 'I'd better be going.' 'No. I've only just started your re-education. You'll leave when I've finished with you.' I felt even more nervous as she adopted a confident looking wide-legged stance with her hands raised. She was between me and the only door in the room and I doubted my chances of getting past her. 'Please Jean,' I begged which made her smirk. 'You need to be punished for being a pervert,' she replied. 'I'm not a pervert!' I protested. 'Men like you always are. I'll prove it.' The stocky old woman unexpectedly began sprinting across the length of the room towards me in her high heels, moving faster than I would have thought. I was terrified by the fierce look upon her face but mesmerised by her big breasts bouncing around in a wild yet sensual manner. The room wasn't that long and she was upon me before I could react. Her hands grabbed my shirt then bending her knees, she fell back onto her rear pulling me forwards to fall towards her. As her back rolled onto the carpet, both of her legs rose bent at knees with the soles of her feet angled up towards me. I groaned in pain as my groin landed on her upturned soles. To my surprise instead of being thrown over her, my forward motion was restrained and I found myself held aloft looking down into Jean's face as she began to press me up and down on the ends of her legs while holding onto the front of my shirt! Up and down I went, repeatedly leg-pressed by the sour-faced old woman. I could feel the strength of her legs through the soles of her feet against my groin. As my back-end was raised up once more, lifting my body at an angle, I looked back and couldn't believe my eyes! With her skirts around her hips, I saw how shockingly thick and muscular her thighs were as they effortlessly raised and lowered my body. The sheer tan nylon stockings reflected the room lights in a sensual sheen that sparkled and moved as her legs did. The thighs that held me aloft were wide, thick and bulging with exceptional power. As they tirelessly pressed and lowered my body, I felt their latent strength through her feet against my groin which caused it to get stiffer by the second! Suddenly she bent the top of her thighs down against her chest before uncoiling her legs like a spring. A tremendous force launched me high into the air, throwing me clear overhead and hurtling down the length of the room while flipping over. With my head dipping down first, I crashed onto the carpet on my back, badly winded. I lay on my aching back gasping for breath and stunned as Jean once more threw herself back onto her feet without using her hands. Oh Lord! The fearsome looking woman was so fit and full of boundless strength and energy I knew I didn't stand a chance, yet my dick was absolutely rigid. 'What's that sticking up at the front of your trousers then, pervert'' she glared, reminding me of a small sturdy battle tank as she marched steadily towards me. Terrified, I scrambled to my feet but she got there first. "Going somewhere, boy'" she snarled. Seizing my right wrist with both hands, she swiftly turned around so that we were side by side. Swinging my hand high into the air above us, she suddenly whipped it down in a tight forward circle. My feet were ripped from the floor and my body flipped completely over in mid-air in a very fast tight circle with a painful tension in my arm as it stretched and twisted. The next instant the top of my back across my shoulders pounded the carpet closely followed by my backside then legs. A yank on my right arm was a reminder that the old woman still had my wrist in a steely grip. I yelped as, holding my wrist with one hand, Jean twisted it, rotating the joint causing sharp pain in my hand and elbow. Using her other hand, she forced my hand right back with the palm facing me. It was sheer agony, like the bones in my forearm were twisting against each other and going to break while my wrist and elbow shattered! With a smug smirk of superiority, she placed her right shoe on my neck and began to lever my arm back over her shin. 'I can tell a pervert a mile off, I've had plenty of experience and know how to deal with the likes of you,' she stated. I cried in agony unable to stop the bone grinding, tendon ripping pain in my arm. Afraid that this crazy woman was going to break my arm, there was nothing I could do to alleviate the pain. This British bulldog in a shin-length pleated skirt and high heels was dominating me and there was nothing I could do to stop her. Yet I had an astonishingly solid erection despite the agony. Forced to my feet for fear of a broken arm if I didn't comply, the short woman in heels faced me. Her ghastly grin of anticipation scared me. Raising my arm, Jean ducked beneath it so that she was now behind me. She then pulled my arm backwards over her left shoulder while bending away from me. Her ample rear slammed into my right buttock with a hard bump, off-balancing me. In shock I felt my feet leave the floor as I pivoted backwards on my back travelling over her hip before flipping right over her broad back and shoulder travelling backwards. The ceiling rushed past my vision in a blur as I rotated at great speed before hammering the carpet hard on my front pounding the breath out of my system. Badly winded, I lay helpless at Jean's high-heeled feet. 'More Jiu-Jitsu'' the words from her rough aged lips were like a stone plunging into the pit of my stomach. They weren't what I wanted to hear although my dick was beating against the carpet! Too winded to answer, I raised my head to see her short nylon-clad shins with the powerful shape of her big meaty calves flaring out behind, right before my eyes. The buxom stocky old woman with her savage face frightened me as she wasted no time in forcing me to my feet again with another wicked arm-lock that threatened to break my arm if I didn't obey. Jean then became a one-woman destruction squad in a skirt and heels, not allowing me to recover my breath or balance. She was relentless, dominant and physically assertive without mercy, repeatedly slamming me around the room with mind-scrambling high-speed throws. So impatient to do it again, she kept forcing me up quickly after each throw with agonising arm and wrist locks. With her big pleated skirt billowing around the top of her legs showing her stocking tops while tottering around on high heels she was the perfect image of a little old granny while tossing me around like a rag-doll. There was absolutely nothing I could do about it! I had no doubt that the fierce little old woman was skilled in martial arts as I was thrown around with ease then forced right back up to be thrown again. There were foot sweeps where she pressed her side against mine like a small bulldozer, grabbing one of my arms then slamming a leg from under me with big hard meaty calves that felt like a club. Then there were plenty of throws that whipped me over her broad hips, flipping me right over and sending me to my doom against the carpet that never cushioned my fall. I was spun around in the air by my wrist like a Catherine wheel before crashing on my poor back. Most of all the ferocious old woman loved stomach throws, using her short stocky legs to send me hurtling from one end of the room to the other at great speed. She threw me around so much my back hurt, my right arm and wrist ached while being so dazed I could barely stand. The stern-faced elderly woman in a long feminine skirt and high heels with her top wide open proclaiming her womanhood kept on throwing me like a fighting automaton. I couldn't even begin to stop her, Jean was too fast, too skilled and too overwhelmingly assertive. The stocky powerhouse was totally dominating me with her irresistible unarmed combat skills. It was scary to be totally helpless against being repeatedly thrown around by a femininely dressed aged woman and ending up again and again on the floor by her stocking-clad shins and high heels, yet it was also very arousing. After what seemed an eternity of mind-scrambling body-slamming hell, but was probably less than half an hour maybe less, my mind was in such a whirl and my back ached so much I could no longer stand unaided. Jean now used pure physical strength to haul me to my feet once more. Grabbing the top of my shirt with one hand and the back of my elbow with the other, she turned her back on me while draping my right arm over her right shoulder. She then leant forwards and I felt her ample backside, with the skirt stretched tight across it, thrust excitingly into my groin then the arousing feel as it slid up her wide rounded rear before going flying over her broad shoulders. Tossed into space, I plummeted head-first towards the carpet at a dreadful speed, sure I was going to break my neck on impact. I cried out in agony as the back of my neck and shoulders were the first to pound against the floor before the rest of my back and arse. Jean flopped down on top of me, causing me to groan, to lay at an angle across my chest. Leaning across me, I felt fear as the scary old woman with the overdone made-up face glowered down at me yet at the same time I sighed lustfully at the front of her large beautifully rounded fleshy orbs dangling right before my face. They were right there hanging like a heavy swaying double barrelled wall, where else was I going to look' 'You're staring at my tits again!' she cried catching me staring at her incredibly sexy big hanging bust as it wobbled before me. I was too wasted to object or offer any resistance as she pulled the back of my right arm over her right thigh then hooked her left leg over the elbow. 'You're not going anywhere unless I say so. Dirty boy!' Before I could withdraw my arm from her heavyset legs, she applied the slightest pressure with her left leg making me yelp as it painfully stressed my elbow joint. 'My full front headlock chokes are legendary!' Jean declared sliding a stocky arm beneath the back of my neck. Wrapping her other arm under the top of my left arm, she joined together and pulled tight. I was powerless to stop my left arm being forced tight against the side of my head as she immobilised me! She was too good at unarmed combat and I couldn't stop her completely dominating me yet in doing so was turning me on more than any other woman I had met. 'We both know I can kick your puny arse. So lie there and take a close look at my tits,' Jean boasted, then those beautiful large danglers came down fast. I was shocked to find my face plunging into her deep dark cleavage as her large substantial breasts enveloped and moulded themselves over my contours forming a tight seal. They were quite heavy too! I was being suffocated by the old lady's voluptuousness! Panicking, I tried to struggle but she applied excruciating agony on my trapped arm with her legs and I knew it was hopeless. She kept me there for ages using her well-endowed assets to toy with my face giving brief snatches of air before plunging me back into air deprivation between her cleavage. Just when I thought I was going to die by big breast smothering, Jean's mammary prison lifted and I breathed deeply to regain my breath. 'Where's your stamina, boy' I can go all night long,' the miserable looking old woman stated as she got to her feet taking my right wrist with her. With my arm vertical as I lay on my back, Jean forced it straight and angled slightly back with the back of my hand pressed against the crotch area of her dress. She then lifted her left foot to step it over me, bringing the lower slimmer part of her calves against the side of my neck. I got a close-up of those huge calves as they flared out from her ankles with a remarkable shape aided by high heels. They unnerved me so much I tried to push them away from my neck with my free hand only to cry out in agony as the old biddy forced my right arm around from the inside of her thigh and levered the forearm over the top. 'Touch me up and I'll break your arm!" she told me. With my right arm held against her crotch, Jean fell onto her rump. As her right leg bent at the knee with the shin tucked against my side, the left leg folded in over my neck. I knew I was in trouble as the heel wedged itself firmly against one side of my neck and the hamstrings swelled on the other. In horror I found myself in a side arm-bar with the front of my throat wedged firmly against the back of her knee and my right arm trapped between her big thighs with the back pulled over her crotch. I cried as she painfully forced back my arm, overstretching it, causing my right shoulder to rise and in turn forcing my throat tighter into the crook of her leg. Struggling to escape, every move I made caused excruciating pain in my arm that made me afraid of shattering my elbow. Then I realised that the back of my right hand was being held against something large, soft and springy before realising that my hand was sandwiched between Jean's big breasts! Immobilised and choking, I saw that Jean's skirts had slipped right back to her hips. Sheathed in sheer tan nylon stockings, the garter belts were attached to an old-fashioned pantygirdle. However more shocking was just how truly big and chunky the old woman's thighs were. Given her short height they seemed truly immense! The leg over my neck certainly felt heavy although it looked very sexy in those stockings, which gave them an alluring shimmer and the silky smoothness felt good as the nylons rasped against my neck. The sides of her thighs were very thick and very solid like an athlete. There was even a long groove running along the side of her thighs separating the upper front from the sides of very brawny large hamstrings. Raising her pelvis, Jean increased the agony on my poor arm as she bent it back further, increasing the pressure on my throat making me choke horribly. It felt like my arm was going to snap at the elbow and rip from the socket whilst being strangled in the crook of her big leg. I clasped at her big legs with my free hand only to feel very thick, very solid bulging muscle! That wasn't all, massive hard hamstrings bulged on one side of my trapped neck and huge flexing calves on the other, crushing in against my neck on both sides with large overwhelming muscle. My head swam, feeling light-headed and I realised in horror that her massive hams and calves had cut off the circulation from my brain. She was going to kill me or leave me brain-damaged! Panicking I began thrashing my legs against the carpet and slapping at her thighs with my other hand. 'Stop that!' she scolded. 'It'll all be over in a second.' A man doesn't stand a chance against massive short thick female legs like these and my dick rose to incredible stiffness at the front of my trousers and throbbed so hard I thought it was going to cum prematurely. I opened my eyes in a state of confusion, wondering where the hell I was. 'About time too,' a voice said and I looked up to find a stocky big-busted female figure standing over me with hands upon her hips. I recognised Jean's grim face glaring down at me. In shock, I saw that her blouse was wide open, revealing a white high-waist pantygirdle and a lacy black bra straining to contain sensational huge pair of wide low-slung breasts. The sight made my dick stiffen once more but her ferocious scowl reminded me why I was in this predicament. 'What' You've never been thrown around by a woman who knows Jiu-Jitsu before'' she said with contempt as I looked up from my position of defeat. 'Get used to it, boy. I'm your mistress and I'll whatever I like to you.' Mistress! Was the old bat crazy' After slamming me around the room and knocking me out, I knew she was dangerous so dropped my gaze from that groin-stirring forward-pointing bust with the eye-catching cleavage. My eyes stopped at the sight of her short nylon-sheathed shins standing right before me. Elevated upon high heels, the huge calves flared out upon either side at the back in wide curvaceous arcs that may well have inspired design of some supersonic aircraft. They seemed all out of proportion for such short legs and suggested a great strength I had already experienced when she choked me out. 'What are you looking at'' Jean growled with her hands on her hips in an arrogant manner I found to be quite daunting. She must be close to retirement yet capable of hurting me badly and the thought made my dick really stiff and my balls tight. 'N..nothing,' I stuttered fearfully. 'Liar,' she growled. Scowling, Jean began to remove her heeled shoes. Her calves looked huge and powerful when she wore them but as she turned around without them they seemed far larger. No longer raised, the backs of her lower legs were much thicker around the ankles with the soles of her feet flat upon the floor. The calve heads were no longer huge balls of hard defined heart-shaped muscle but much larger, less defined with the sharp arrow heads less prominent. Each swelled out from her ankles as a large solid highly-toned jutting mass. As she walked over to place the shoes to one side, the underlying muscle glistened beneath her sheer nylons then exploded into a swelling mass of shining toned muscle with each step. The change was so dramatic my dick lurched hard each time it happened. Her lower legs were incredibly toned and rippling with muscle. I noted a deep cleft separated the two big muscle heads with one larger than the other and each ending in a sharp diamond. Around and below this were smaller muscles and cords that joined the heaving continual moving mass of muscle that flexed and rippled with every step. Was it any wonder that I was sporting an epic hard-on' Having put the shoes down, Jean turned around and glared at me from across the room. 'I know what you're staring at, pervert,' she scolded then began to slip her arms from her blouse which she folded neatly and placed on a chair. As Jean began to turn around to return, my immediate impression was of a very powerful figure barely 5 foot tall. Very broad and solid looking shoulders featured large well-defined rounded shoulder caps while the collarbone was clearly defined running along the top of the dick-teasing fully-stuffed bra. Her neck was really thick, like a bulls with thick trapezius muscles sloping down to her shoulders while her stomach was quite wide and surprisingly flat and taut for someone her age. Short very thick and solid looking arms gave an impression of great strength while her forearms were formidable. Each was very rugged and shaped like a long triangular sail, covered with thick writhing veins like creepers and taut tendons. Jean cut such a squat powerful figure it made me nervous and I tried to get to my feet before she reached me. 'You're perving over my calves,' Jean declared. 'I wasn't perving!' I protested weakly. 'Well, get it out, boy!' she demanded looking pointedly at my crotch. 'No! You can't!' I protested and tried to push past her to leave. 'HAI!' a loud scary shout right in my face made me jump in fright. Jean's right hand held like a sword blade, chopped the right side of my neck. Hard and solid, the blow was a painful jolt to the system. My shoulders jerked up while my arms twitched stiffly, while the sour-faced short stocky old woman watched with cold emotion with both hands raised. 'That was not a request,' she told me, her face set as hard as stone. 'HAI!' Another sharp shout startled me and made my dick lurch before the edge of her right hand chopped the other side of my neck. There was nothing dainty or feminine about it. It was a single hard chop that could probably break bricks and painfully disrupted my nervous system and made me feel woozy on my feet. Again the craggy old woman studied my suffering stony-faced with her knife-hands poised to strike. I was terrified of her yet highly aroused at the same time. 'It's amazing how obedient a man becomes after a bit of Karate,' she stated as I cowered in front of her. 'Please! No more!' I beg, terrified of her hands of steel. I raise my left arm to protect myself but Jean grabs it and twists it forcing me to lean forward. 'HAI!' Powerless to stop her, the hard edge of her hand chops the back of my neck. Blinding pain is replaced by light-headedness while my legs turn to jelly. Almost passing out on my feet, I feel Jean's hands on the back of my head forcing me to look down at her short nylon-sheathed shins with the big flaring calves. I opened my mouth to scream as the hem of her shin-length pleated skirt fans open and a knee races up. Agony explodes in my face as it pounds without mercy, whipping my face back hard. 'HAI!' another chop axes the back of my neck. 'If I tell you to do something, you do it or feel the edge of my hand,' the craggy-faced woman warns as my hands fly to my aching face. 'HAI!' A petite heavyset secretary more than twice my age keeps giving me hard Karate chops at regular intervals spaced out while she watches their impact with cold indifference. She is the most dominant woman I'd ever met and despite her age each hard chop is making my erection grow stiffer and stiffer although I can barely stand. 'Now get down on the floor and do as you're told,' Jean demanded. 'HAI!' she shouts right in my face, scaring the what-not out of me and making my dick lurch. A stocky nylon-sheathed thigh rose then straightened in an instant with a brief glimpse along stocking seams to stocking tops, big muscular calves and hamstrings. It kicked incredibly high like a can-can dancer and I was stunned that she was flexible enough to reach that high! The sole of her foot hammered my jaw with such brutal power, my head snapped right back hitting the back of my shoulders and scrambling my senses. In the blink of an eye, I went over backwards like a toppling tree. Barely clinging on to my senses, I looked up to see Jean's thick stocking-sheathed right leg still raised in a perfect vertical standing splits, such muscular power, such feminine sexuality, such flexibility. My dick lurched so much I almost creamed myself. "Get it out or this leg will drop and stomp you into extinction,' she snarled. Terrified and in dreadful shame, I unzipped my flies then took out my erection which was absolutely rigid. 'I suppose it will have to do,' she sneered. I flinched in terror as her right foot lowered then she turned around so that I was staring at the back of her short but exceptionally shapely lower legs. 'Kneel!' she commanded and I obeyed, awed by the enormous hard rugged calves before me. 'Stick it between them.' I noticed that she had left a gap between those massive monsters but they were so big, hard and toned that any man would have hesitated sticking his privates between them. 'NO!' I screamed as her right foot suddenly hurtled backwards, straight between my thighs and thundered into my balls. I howled in agony as she stomped my balls with her bare foot. 'Are you one of those perverts that like getting kicked in the balls'' Jean asked as I rocked back and forth in excruciating agony 'I'll utterly ruin yours. Now get it in there before I do.' My balls throbbed so bad but surprisingly my dick was still stiff and I nervously slid it between the middle of the massive muscle heads on the inside edge of Jean's lower legs. 'Are you afraid I'm going to crush it between my calves'' she chuckled 'You may be right.' With that she raised her heels off the carpet slightly causing the sides of those brawny calves to swell against my phallus. It wasn't an unpleasant sensation, far from it, with the big rounded sides of the muscle heads applying a gently but firm pressure keeping my erection in place between them. Being so close and personal to them, they looked enormous, very solid and powerful. By comparison, my manhood looked puny and terribly vulnerable between them. 'Wow!' I gasped feeling movement of the huge hard muscle beneath her smooth skin as the mature woman began to make subtle little movements raising and lowering her heels in unison by small degrees. The vascular highly toned muscles flexed and waned against the sides of my shaft massaging it in a way that was highly stimulating. I could feel the fearsome muscular power of those aged ripped calves, becoming as hard as rocks as they swelled against my cock, each time she lifted her heels. I had no doubt she could badly crush it if she wished but never had time to gasp in pain for they would immediately relax their grip. The old lady's huge muscular calves kept flexing at a slow steady pace making my rod get stiffer by the second. Jean was working me off using her calves, a calves job, and was very skilled at it! 'Orrrr Jean!' I moan as the delicate control of those big hard calves works me harder and harder. I want to thrust it back and forth to eff those big slabs of muscle but their grip doesn't slacken enough to allow it. 'Oh Jean! You're a calves goddess' I moan at the mind-blowing, cock-hardening experience. I began feeling those incredibly hard slabs of man-pleasuring muscle with my hands, awed by how large and solid they felt as they pulsed constantly with colossal hard balls growing and waning under my palms. The pace began to build and I was soon moaning her name out loud as my dick became insanely hard with an uninhibited desire to cum. Yet those huge balls of muscle were in full control, dictating the pace, gradually getting faster. 'Orrrrrrr!' I could contain it no longer and began moaning loudly while my heart raced and body temperature soared as Jean's calves set an insane pace. 'Nnnnnurghh Nnnnurgh Nurrrrgh!' I groaned in ecstasy as three big sticky loads of semen blasted out of my member shooting well past Jean's shins followed a long series of progressively weaker ones, their timing controlled entirely between the flexing of her marvellous aged calves. Drained after ejaculating so heavily, I sat back on my haunches and closed my eyes to catch my breath. Suddenly hands grabbed the back of my head and I opened my eyes to see that my face was being pulled towards Jean's short stout shins which were now right before me. They were spaced just wide enough apart for my head to be driven between them. As soon as it was, she closed her legs, pressing the sides of those big calves against the sides of my neck then went up onto her toes slightly. Out the corner of my eyes I saw those big muscular calves swell, increasing in girth then felt them clamp my neck tight between the big solid curves of the inner facing muscle heads. My hands flew to the outside edges of her calves and I was staggered not only by how rock-solid and huge they were for a stout little old lady but also by how far apart my hands were! 'My calves have given you pleasure,' she stated as I ran my palms adoringly over the big solid curvature of her amazing lower leg muscles. 'Now see what they can do to you if you displease me.' Slowly she raised her heels to go up onto the balls of her feet. Large dense slabs of sheer muscle moved upwards beneath her skin under my palms drawing itself into immense masses of unadulterated feminine power that widened and grew into the sides of my neck. I was immediately in agony, as if she was driving rocks into my neck to crush it. 'I give, I give!' I cried slapping her rock-hard calves in submission, clenching my eyes in pain and feeling my face turn red. Expecting no mercy, I was surprised and relieved as the bulldog of a woman slowly lowered her heels to the floor. 'That's what you get when you molest decent honest working women.' she warned then immediately rose again upon her toes. My hands shook as those large highly toned calves bulged enormously against my puny sized neck, no match for their size and sheer overwhelming power. I felt the flow of blood to my head restricted and began to panic. I was thrashing my arms and legs around like I was having a fit until I felt the terrible force subside. "Look at you. Completely helpless between my calves,' she sneered 'You have no idea how horny that makes me feel.' Before I could feel shocked at her words, they swelled once more to punish me repeatedly with a series of slow calve raises. I held onto the outsides of those mammoth flexing muscles with my eyes screwed tight and mouth open, moaning in agony. It felt as if she was trying to pop my head off my shoulders using those huge thick slabs of heart-shaped diamond-clefted female might and it was really painful as they crushed my neck. At the same time, my head swam through lack of oxygen due those monster calves cutting the blood to my brain. As her feet got as high as they could on her toes I was openly weeping in agony with tears rolling down my cheeks. I heard the old woman chuckling, enjoying her domination over me using just her lower legs. My neck was in agony and I was so woozy, I was close to passing out. I again felt relief as the pressure began to wane as she lowered her heels to the floor until she started all over again. 'Please no more!' I cried as she continued to punish me with rep after rep. Maybe it was just my imagination but I was sure her iron calves were getting larger and more pumped up with each rep while I was getting weaker and the agony was getting more painful by the second. 'Please show some mercy!' I begged. 'Mercy'' she sneered whilst slowly lowering her feet flat to the carpet. 'I'll show you mercy, you whining cry-baby.' With that she suddenly snapped herself straight onto her toes. Her calves went from relaxed and rounded against my neck to massive, rugged and bulging in the blink of an eye. It was like a jack-hammer going off on either side of my neck at the same time. A terrific wave of power punched my neck so fast that my head was whirling with blackness blurring my vision while drool ran from my open mouth as a massive wave of weakness overcame me. Huge spasms racked my body, waking me to a nightmare. I found myself draped over the very broad muscular bare back of a bodybuilder, looking down at his big rounded bare buttocks as he carried me up the staircase in an old-fashioned house. His enormous muscular calves bulged powerfully in sheer tan nylon stockings as he effortlessly climbed the stairs with me over his shoulders. He was a squat powerfully built man and I knew I was in trouble. Stockings' It wasn't a man! I was being carried up the stairs by Jean, the dotty old secretary I had given a lift to! Although quite short and stout, she carried me with ease and I was no lightweight myself. With nowhere to look except down her back I watched the huge bulging hamstrings at the back of her legs as she climbed and the flexing of her powerhouse calves. Then it hit me that she was now completely naked apart from her stockings that stayed up of their own accord over the thick wide muscular contours of her legs. Reaching the landing, Jean lowered me to my feet then faced me, with her hands upon her hips and her legs apart. I just couldn't stop staring at her short naked body and in particular her staggeringly sexy bare breasts which were big and firm even without a bra. Perfect looking, blemish-free and low hanging, they were the sort of breasts that would get any straight man hard in an instant regardless of her age. 'Oh Jean, they're beautiful!' I moaned, unable to stop my thoughts reaching my mouth. 'You've got an incredibly sexy body.' Then decided to shut up at the fierce smouldering glare she gave me. 'So you admit you do fancy me and wanted to get me alone to have your wicked way with me'' she declared. 'Not until I saw how big and sexy your tits were' I nearly said. 'No Jean. I swear.' I tried to move my gaze away from that big pair of thrusting cock-hardeners until something nestling in her cleavage caught my attention. Hanging at the end of a thin chain made from thin black beads draped around her thick bull neck was an unusual pendant. It seemed odd to have a pendant where others couldn't see it unless she removed her bra and its very nature puzzled me. Made from some kind of shiny black stone, it was a circular arc with small carved tongues of flames within which was a very voluptuous naked figure of a dancing woman with many arms and legs while fully armed (if you excuse the pun) with multiple hand weapons. 'Is that Indian or Middle-Eastern'' I asked. 'None of your business, boy. Forget you ever saw it.' she growled so fiercely I thought it best to drop the subject. I throbbed for her enormous bazookas but not wanting to be punished again for staring, I didn't know where to put my eyes. Standing before me with her hands upon her hips, her short squat thick naked body looked powerful and very solid. The sharp definition of thickness around her neck, traps and shoulders; the big rounded shoulder caps, thick arms and formidable forearms; the big sturdy thighs and huge muscular calves. Put it all together and the short stocky old woman standing before me gave off an air of sheer muscular power that reminded me of a bodybuilder. Er, except she was a woman, a very mature one at that; with smooth skin and sensual curves; and she had big boobs; and she wore stockings; and nothing else; and my dick was rigid. She was almost like a female bodybuilder, not that I'd heard of such a thing and it probably would be illegal in this country if it were. Staring me right in the eyes, Jean glanced down at her legs drawing my gaze. What I saw made my heart miss a beat and my dick give a strong beat while sticking out of my flies! The crabby old woman had the largest thigh muscles I'd ever seen! Her short chunky upper legs were incredibly big in depth from the front of her thighs to the huge hamstrings bulging at the rear. The outer thighs were extremely broad thick slabs of smooth solidness that met in the centre of each leg with a tear-drop shape above the knee on the inner-most side and a long spear shaped block between them running down the centre. I never expected to see extremely large well-developed clearly-defined quadriceps on a woman, especially one her age. The dotty old secretary possessed bigger leg muscles than most men! Shaped with large smooth curvaceous shapes, their intimidating powerful look was remarkably very sexy under the sheen of stretched tan nylon stockings. With that short stocky powerful body, she was the sort of woman that could make me beg for mercy just by looking at her as she stood practically naked before me. 'Oh Jean, you are incredible,' I moaned with a lust for a muscular body that I had never experienced before. 'I'm a woman who knows how to treat a man hard,' she stated with a fierce stare. 'And keep him hard' she added with a saucy wink. Giving me an unwavering stare, she began to slowly raise her right arm with the fist clenched. The tendons writhing in her vascular forearm with its elongated sloping shape to rocky thickness near the inside of her elbow and a thick stony swelling in the top of her upper arm looked formidable. I was terrified she was going to punch me because, by the look of them, that would probably be terminal! Luckily the arm moved out to the side until it was in line with her shoulders then began to bend the forearm upwards and then slightly towards her head. Her upper arm was short but very deep. At the bottom, a thick solid muscular mass that must have been her triceps began to grow downwards like an inverted hill with steep curving sides and curved top. On top a mighty mass grew and thickened into absolutely jaw-drooping biceps, also with steep curved sides, but more prominent than her triceps. As it grew bigger and harder into a threatening mass my manhood grew ever stiffer and throbbed like crazy. With a dense curved top, her biceps weren't ripped and defined like a bodybuilder, but they were huge, several orders of magnitude bigger than mine! Just one look and I knew I wouldn't stand a chance against her arm-wrestling! The short stumpy old woman had such powerful arms and legs, projecting a fearsome yet arousing image of superior muscular power. I had an uncontrollable raging desire to make love to her. 'Oh Jean!' I was totally overawed. With shaking hands I reached out to feel those huge solid muscles while my dick beat the air like a drum-stick. 'They're so big, hard and incredibly sexy,' I moaned like a love-sick teen 'I want you so much.' My dick was aching so hard and my balls were so tight, I just wanted to plunge myself inside the old biddy and make mad passionate love to that squat powerful body. It didn't matter that Jean looked like a sour-faced old hag. I pressed my lips against hers and began kissing her in a passionate frenzy while feeling her rock-hard biceps. Suddenly her right arm moved towards me and wrapped itself around the front of my neck. That terrifying muscular mound was right against my throat and before I could do anything, she had locked it off with her other arm and pulled me into a headlock against her side, forcing me to stoop because of our height difference. I nearly wet myself as that huge solid muscle mass bulged into my throat. A mass of steel covered in soft velvety-smooth feminine skin bulged with unopposable power was far harder than my puny throat and instantly choked me. Frantically slapping my palms against the dreadfully big hard arm as it crushed my windpipe shut, my head was spinning and my vision blurred at the lack of oxygen. 'Try to have your wicked way with me, will you, pervert'' she asked as I desperately tried to cling on to life under that massive muscular lump in my throat. Fortunately Jean released me and I stood before her as she glared at me while I panted for breath and massaged my throat. She moved towards me but I was not quick enough to get away as the short powerhouse wrapped her massively thick rippling arms around my waist. 'Urrrrrgh!' I groaned as she pulled me tight against her remarkably short dense muscular body, squeezing the breath from my lungs in a bear-hug. I felt her hard erect nipples pressing against my lower chest as she crushed me against her short stocky solid body. Squeezing the air from my lungs without opposition with her mighty arms, she lifted me effortlessly off the floor then proceeded to carry me into her bedroom like a prize trophy, my head nodded with every step with my mouth wide open desperate for a drop of air while my hands pressed desperately against her dense unforgiving arms. She threw me onto a double-bed where I lay grasping for breath, daring not to interfere as the fearsome muscular old lady pulled my clothes off. 'Time to thank your mistress for milking you with her calves,' Jean declared, standing on the floor by the side of the bed, close to my head. Her pussy was right by my face, unavoidable to look at with thick curly pubic hair. Glaring at me as if daring me to try and stop her, Jean leaned over and swung a leg across me to lay down on top of me. The old woman may be short but was surprisingly heavy causing me to sink into the mattress. Grabbing my hands, her short heavyset arms pulled mine out on either side and pinned them against the mattress while dangling her sensational big bare breasts right in front of my face. Unable to move her arms in the slightest while she glowered at me. I'm left in no doubt that she is much stronger than me, blowing away any concept I had of the weaker sex. Releasing my hands, a woman old enough to be my grandmother sat back upon my chest. Stretching her dense arms in front of her at a low angle, her clenched fists hovered bare inches from my face. Tensing them, her strong wide-based vascular forearms bulged so close to my face I felt really afraid. Jean's upper arms ballooned with dense bulging thickness both on the front around the fearsome biceps and also around the shoulder caps, and around the sides caused by swelling of her triceps. Even her thick traps bulged upon either side of her neck while her breasts swelled up becoming tighter, more spherical and firmer while the top of her chest inflated into what seemed like striated cushions of hardness under the skin. 'Oh, Jean!' I groaned then reached up with my trembling hands to feel that remarkable muscle-laden mature body. Before they got anywhere near, she raised her arms towards the sides while bending them at the elbows. As those ferocious-looking sail-shaped forearms angled towards her head, her smoothly curved biceps rise like mountains and stood there. Huge mighty powerful muscles contrasting with the big wide firm thrusting breasts bare and proclaiming that this was all-woman, her crabby face reminding me that she was an aged one too. Confronted by such a huge raw mass of feminine muscle made my balls tighten while making me feel weak and less of a man. It was a scary sight yet turned me on in the extreme. My pecker bounced up and down, extremely aroused by Jean's powerful appearance and raw femininity. 'Please, I want you! I need you!' her muscular naked body had reduced me to a pleading weak-willed lust-fuelled idiot reaching up with my hands to feel those mountainous biceps. With a mean looking smile on her face, the dominant old woman leant forward to slip her big arms around my neck with her sexy huge breasts wobbling in my face then rolled us over together so I ended up on top. Releasing my head and pushing my body back to lean over her on my knees, she opened her stocking-sheathed legs wide. I balked at the size of her legs and the sight of her aged hairy pussy. 'Give me a damn good seeing to, boy, or I'll put you in traction,' she ordered with a fierce look that could freeze water. "If you're lucky." With that she flexed both massive biceps as she lay there beneath me. The warning was clear and it was truly menacing yet their sheer power and big resting boobs drove me berserk with lust. I plunged my manhood deep inside her, feeling the sticky heat of her aged love box surround my dick. It was almost too much for me and I began humping the little old woman in a mindless frenzy while passionately kissing her dry wrinkled lips and feeling those solid bulging biceps. Advanced mature age and massive muscle. It was a combination I'd never encountered before and I'd never been so turned on before in my life. I couldn't stop pumping my hips to bang her. Soon the initial frenzy slowed to a more measured love-making yet my lust for that aged reclining muscle woman remained undiminished. I wanted her more than I had ever wanted anything before in my life. Her surprisingly muscular physique, that I'd never previously suspected, was the sexiest thing I'd ever seen and combined with her large perfect breasts, unexpected martial skills and dominant attitude had me many more times aroused than a woman my age. I just kept banging her hard while alternating between kissing her granny lips and worshipping her awesome biceps that kept me so hard for far longer than I'd ever had before. 'Oh Jean, my mistress!' I moaned delirious with desire as my pace slowed to real deep plunges as I felt my orgasm approach. 'I'm coming for you so hard,' I gasped between deep passionate kisses on her greedy welcoming mouth. I was on the verge of shooting my load inside her sticky furnace when something clamped down around my erection so tight that I was completely unable to move. It was like something big and muscular inside her had grabbed my cock and was squeezing it in a wall of muscle! Jean chuckled at my bemused expression. 'Didn't you know that women have muscles inside their pussies'' I'd never of such thing and she laughed at my expression of sexual frustration, unable to keep moving inside her to reach the release that I so desperately yearned. 'It's true,' she told me, amused at my plight. 'They can be trained just like any other muscle to devastating effect.' 'Jean!' I cried out as the powerful mass around my dick began pulsing keeping me on edge but still unable to pump my hips. 'A woman with control over her pussy muscles will own a man completely, making him forsake all others,' she smirked. 'After experiencing sex with me, you will want no other for none will come close.' As if to emphasise the point, her love muscles gave a short series of faster pulses that had me moaning like an idiot and breathing hard as I again approached that glorious edge. 'I could literally kill you with sex,' she added with a wicked grin. I moaned in incredulity and extreme pleasure as her love channel gripped my dip-stick on all sides then began massaging it in a pulsating steady rhythm of all-encompassing arousal. I was gasping her name in adoration as her wondrous muscular pussy pumped me to the brink of ecstasy before it clamped tight to deny me. "You will not cum until I've cum first,' the sour-faced woman stated as my heart raced and I sweated desperate to ejaculate yet with my dick trapped in terrifying muscular grip. Her pussy denied my dick movement while she glared coldly into my eyes. The muscular grip of her pussy was so immense and complete, I knew that it could crush and break it with ease. She kept my dick clamped until the urgent need to cum subsided then resumed pumping. Lying beneath me, Jean completely dominated our love making with her amazing love muscles taking me to the brink time after time then cruelly crushing it down. I don't know how long we'd were at it but I was beat physically, with aching hips and knees, as well as mentally as she used my dick well past it's normal level of endurance. Finally she began moaning ecstatically bucking her hips rhythmically as her pussy pumped faster and faster. Building up to a frenzy Jean began moaning and crying out loudly as she reached a noisy bucking climax. As she did, her love muscles throbbed and twitched in strange ways around my manhood and I lost total control and blasted an absolutely huge orgasm that affected every part of my body and seemed to go on for ages. I rolled off to lie on the bed next to Jean. Drenched in sweat, my breathing was too fast and laboured while my heart raced loudly in my ears. 'Don't just lie there, boy, give me another!' she demanded after barely a minute. I was too beat to answer. 'Have it your way,' she stated in an ominous voice. Getting off the side of the bed, she grabbed me by the shoulders and dragged me to the end of the bed. The back of my shoulders ended up just hanging over the edge of the mattress and I looked up astounded as the fierce little woman straddled my neck so that she was standing with her feet on the carpet with her damp pussy barely inches above me. Looking up from between her massive thighs, I felt claustrophobic at being dwarfed by their sheer size. Each one alone was wider and deeper than my head! They were so densely muscled and powerful, I was sure they could crush steel and make short work of my skull which would be like an eggshell to them. 'If you can't satisfy me with your prick you will do so with your tongue!' I stared in fear at those huge quads and in distaste at the hairy pussy hovering above my face, knowing that I'd only just blasted a massive load in there a short while before. 'Do it!' she growled impatiently. Her hands reached down and pulled my face against her pussy. The hairs irritated my nose and their dampness repulsed me but there was nothing I could do about it. 'I won't tell you again, boy!' With that, those monstrous thighs tightened around the sides of my face until the sides of my jaw threatened to break. Clenching my eyes and screaming in agony, I was shocked by how massively swollen and steely hard they felt and by how far my hands were driven apart as they clung to her outer thighs. 'Now get to it, boy!' The terrifying pressure eased to a more comfortable level. Her thighs felt like she could get a job as a car crusher, squashing them flat between her insanely sized legs. Which meant my chance of surviving them was zero unless I did as she demanded. The feeling of utter submission to her phenomenal legs actually had me rigid again but it was too late to use as my face was firmly in its place against her pussy. How could a woman have thighs as huge and muscular as this' Especially an older one! It shouldn't be allowed! Us men didn't have a chance against them. Yet the impression of immense power they gave had me absolutely erect and throbbing once more. Looking up over her bush I see Jean glaring down at me, a stern and powerful woman, a real dominant mistress! Oh what a woman! Totally subjugated and trapped between a tight high walled corridor of pulsating mass muscle that could kill me with just a twitch, I set to work, trying to detach my mind from what I was doing and trying to ignore the taste. Driven by a growing lustful urge, I single-mindedly worked her clit eager on satisfying this short stocky aged muscle mistress. 'Oh yes, tickle my fancy, boy!' Wedged tight between those huge thighs, it took me a while to get the right spot but soon Jean began making moans of pleasure that stoked my erection and my determination to satisfy her. That's when I discovered the dangers of orally satisfying a muscular legged woman! Suddenly, every muscle in her short stocky body contracted and clenched, reducing me to a sobbing mess screaming into her pussy while my skull creaked and bent inwards as her quads swelled like steel balloons to an unreal size. It only lasted a brief moment but I was terrified by the sheer muscular power of the old woman's legs. Yet it was also strangely arousing and I was even more determined to make my muscle mistress cum. Besides once a woman with legs like that has your head between them with your face in her pussy, you're not going anywhere until you're finished. Quick strong hard impatient flexes of her mighty thighs encouraged me to resume my devotions which I did with eagerness. The next set of involuntary contractions was even worse and held for much longer and I realised that this was a very bad idea but there was no way out, I was a prisoner of Jean's mighty thighs. The skull-crushing contractions got more frequent and held for longer. I frantically kept worshipping her with my tongue hoping she would climax soon before things got worse but it soon got to the point I could no longer go on. My mouth was dry and I could barely work my jaw with the scary pressure crushing on it from both sides. Not that the grumpy old woman cared. Grabbing the back of my head, Jean pressed it hard against her damp pussy then went absolutely berserk rubbing herself back and forth frantically on my face while moaning like crazy. Somewhere along the lines I came strongly but was in too much agony to care. With her love juices sliming my face and her cries of passion loud in my ears, she thrust back and forth so hard I was afraid she was going to break my neck. That is, if her huge thighs didn't crush my skull as they bulged and quivered against the sides of my head and I wept openly from the pain, the side of my jaws crushed so tight I couldn't move my mouth to scream. I don't remember Jean climaxing but she must have done as my face was all sticky and smelt of her sex. My head hurt like hell and I could hardly move my jaw. Those huge muscular thighs must have crushed me unconscious while she continued using my face to work herself off upon. Terrified that she'll come back for more, and she seemed more than capable of going all night long, I ignored the aches and pains, grabbed whatever clothes of mine I could find then got the hell out of there before she returned. It took me the whole weekend to recover from the beating Jean had given me. Yet I couldn't stop thinking about how the old lady had utterly dominated me with her Jiu-jitsu, Karate and muscular body and not forgetting the mind-blowing sex! I kept trying to put her out of my mind but she kept returning especially in some very vivid day-dreams that had me wanking off. I swore never to have anything more to do with her but when I saw her at work, tottering around on those high heels with her big muscular calves flexing and big thrusting bust-line the visions came back even stronger. Again I found myself offering to drive the grim-faced old secretary home with similar results. So it went on, I kept trying to stay clear of her but I could find no woman my age capable of indulging in my desire to be ruthlessly dominated with martial arts and muscle then dominated sexually. She was right about the sex. No other woman I met could do the things Jean could do with her pussy or match her ruthless stamina. So I kept going back, back to my mature muscle mistress. But only in small doses for Jean had an insatiable appetite for physical and sexual domination that wrecked my body and my mind and took days to get over. I kept swearing never to return and always failed. I truly believed she was capable of coldly killing a man one way or the other. Finally the works were closed down and I never saw Jean again. I had to move away for work and married a woman who would never had understood the perverted pleasures of female dominance that Jean instilled in me.