Sarah Sarah Gibson was only 13 years old and was just discovering an interest in the opposite sex. But boys were not interested in her, she found that the boys tended to pay attention to the more athletic and muscular girls. She was off for summer for 3 months so she decided to see if she could turn the boys heads when she returned to school in September. She started working out with her father's weights that were lying down collecting dust in the basement. At first, she had trouble lifting the 25 pounders that were on the rack, but day after day, week after week her strength grew, along with her muscle size. She went from using the 25 pounders at the beginning to using the largest weights in her makeshift gym, 100 pounders as not only her benching weight but her curling, squatting and overhead lifting weight. About two months in she was already as large as the largest of female bodybuilders even though she was only 5 feet tall, she had to weigh at least 175 pounds. That is amazing considering she only weighed 120 pounds before she began lifting. Not only that but she found that curling both 100 pound dumbells with one hand was getting far too easy for her, so she decided to join Gold's Gym, where she thought the heaviest weights were. When she got there, she was suprised to find that she was as big as many of the Male Bodybuilders that frequented the gym and she found she was stronger than most of them. It was here where she found a huge training partner by the name of Biff Webster, although most of the guys in the gym just called him Beef. The reason for that was that he was only 5'9" but he carried over 300 pounds of muscle on his body. He had to have at least 26 inch arms and a 70 inch chest. She knew this man would be the man to guide her in strengthening her already awesome body. He in turn was awestruck by her body, form her 21" guns to her 32" thighs, she was bigger than any woman he had seen, and he didn't even know she was 13 years old. They met when she spotted him while he was benching 705 pounds. He had done 11 reps and was going for number 12 when his arms started to shake. She grabbed the bar and with almost unbelievable ease took the barbell from him and set it on the bench. "Are you okay?" she said as she helped him off the bench. "Yeah, but how did you just do that, that was over seven hundred pounds?"he asked with a confused look on his face. She said "Oh, I've been lifting weights for a while now, that really didn't challenge me." He thought to himself, "man this chick is unreal." So they started working out together and as they went on he noticed that the more she lifted, the more she grew, and she soon grew to over 200 pounds of muscle and her arms were even bigger than his. Not only that but she left him pathetically behind when it came to power, she started benching with his max and by the end of their time together she was able to bench three times his max and curled twice his bench max. When she finally arrived back at school in September she was the largest bodybuilder in history and was ten times the strength of the strongest man in the United States. She could take her pick fo any man that she wanted, all the boys at school had no interest in the other girls once she came in the room. She achieved her goal of being the most sought after girl in school with a few extras. The End?