A Story for my wrestling Fans As Jake extended his hands to me, handing me my money for the match. After taking it I quickly grabbed his hand within mine, putting pressure on the inside of his thumb and the inside of his hand along the line of his little finger, therefore making him drop to his knees. He looked up at me with a surprised, painful look on his face. I looked down at him with a smirk on my face. I released the pressure that I had on his hand and pulled him to his feet at the same time. As I walked away he charged after me. I side-stepped him and grabbed him by his neck as he missed me. Down we go. I turned over on my back pulling him on top of me, while I continued the choke hold. I applied pressure with a jerking motion to his neck causing him to submit right away. I released his neck of the hold that I had on him . My next move was to grab him with my powerful legs, squeezing him with my thunder thighs. He submitted for the 2nd time . I released him once more. We stood facing each other. We Lunged at one another hands interlocking one trying to throw the other one down. I threw him to the floor and I managed to jump, stretching my body out as if I was diving and landing on his stomach which knocked the wind out of him. I quickly turned, facing him and at the same time wrapping my legs around each one of his legs and raising my hips upward and stiffing my legs applying pressure to his legs and stretching his inner thighs in a gripping grapevine while thrusting my hips downward knocking the wind out of him. I proceeded to do this twice. Finally slapping my arm, he submited again. I relaxed my hold. I jumped up, placing my knees on each of his biceps. Yes the school boy pin. I curled my arms upward squeezing my biceps in a double biceps poise. The balls of muscle jumping up from my arms were like balls of marble with veins that were ripping down my biceps to my forearms. I looked down at him ordering him to kiss both balls of muscle as I lowered then toward his face one at a time. Following my orders meant giving into another submission as he began kissing them. As I allowed him to get to his feet I grabbed him by his wrist pulling and forcing his arm behind his back. I ordered him to walk across the room. I picked up the rope which I had laid on the chair earlier and demanded that he put his other arm behind his back. I applied a little more pressure to the arm that I already held and began to wrap the rope around his wrists. Once this was done, I began looping it around his neck and back to his wrist. I ordered him to get down on his knees. Having him on his knees made it easy for me to wrap the rope around his ankles.