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"SUBstitute Teacher" : Part 4
by Jason aka AmazonLOVE
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[Part 1]
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
[Part 4]
Jason undid his belt buckle, still unable to fully digest what was happening to him.
He unzipped his pants and started pulling them off.
"Hurry up!", Diane was now standing right over him. With her right hand she grabbed the back of his shirt by the collar and pulled him up onto his knees.

"Let me help you with that", she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled it open, as most of the buttons opened and some flew off. She then rotate him on his knees and pulled the shirt back until it came off, and Jason fell forward with his hands still tangled in the arms of the shirt.

The teen pulled harder and the shirt came completely off, as Jason went face into the tiled floor.

She threw the shirt aside, bent down over Jason, who was just getting up from the floor and grabbed his undone pants on both legs.

Showing an amazing strength she lifted Jason's entire lower body, and jerked it back and forth until the pants together with the underwear were in her hands and Jason was completely naked, with the exception of his sox.

Being completely naked had a devastating effect on Jason. Even though they were in the middle of school bathroom, and he had no apparent way to escape he started crawling away from the eleven year old who had so easily undressed him.

Diane, tossed aside the pants and underwear, and with three long steps caught up to the naked crawler.

Jason was standing on all fours, not sure of what to do next.
"Well, let's see it", said Diane, and grabbed Jason by the hair. Her long fingers firmly grabbed his scalp and Jason felt himself being pulled to his feet. The pain of his hair being pulled out was stronger than the humiliation; he grabbed her hand with both of his, and rose to his feet.

As soon as he was standing straight, he covered his privates with both hands.
With tears in his eyes, from both the pain and the humiliation, he was standing in front her completely nude, looking down into the floor.

He felt like a little boy who has suddenly being exposed for something shameful and dirty. He could not dare to look up.

"Ok, let's see it", said Diane, with a smirk. She was obviously enjoying seeing her teacher reduced to this. Jason did not move.
"I said, show it to me", she raised her voice and grabbed his face with her hand.

She turned it so that he was forced to look her directly into the eyes. His eyes filled with fear and tears, hers with confidence and strength.

"P-p-please... no...", pleaded her, but it was no use.
She smacked him across the face with her large hand. He did not move.
She smacked him three more times, with the front and the back of the hand. Her punches were so strong that he started loosing balance again.
"Take you hands off, NOW", her voice was louder but still incredibly calm.

Jason did not give in, but his body did. He felt like it was not him controlling his hands. They slowly moved aside exposing his small but completely erect penis.

"Good", Diane was pleased. She squatted in front of Jason's naked body, so that his penis was very close to her face. "Just like I though, a real tiny one. No wonder you were so easy".

She smiled and straighten back up. Jason just stood there, looking at her, the tears kept rolling. He could not believe that he was being humiliated by this girl. It was too surreal to comprehend.
"But it looks like at least a small part of you is having fun", she smiled with the cold smile, and commanded "go ahead, jerk it off!".
Jason looked at Diane in disbelief.
"I said wank!", ordered she.
He felt another wave of tears choking him.
"Now!", she smacked him across the face again, and before she raised her hand to give him another backhand Jason grabbed his dick with his right hand and started throbbing it.

"Good boy", approved Diane, and put he hands on her hips as she watched Jason jerk off.

It took him less than a minute. With a loud moan and Jason crawled down onto the floor and came, spilling his cum on the tiles right in front of him.

One of the bursts hit right next to Diane's shoe, and some of the shoe was now covered with the white creamy substance.
For a second Jason was in haven, the orgasm momentarily made him forget where he was. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the bliss of it.

"Good boy!", Diane was smiling. "But look what a mess you have made!", she pointed to the small puddles of white cum on the floor. "Look at this", she moved her shoe right in front of his face.
"Clean it off!" demanded she.

Jason reached in with his hand.
"No, clean it off with your tongue!"

Jason looked up at the girl. She was magnificent. Beautiful, strong, confident, but most of all in complete control of the situation.

Obediently he got up on all fours and licked off his own cum from her shoe.

"Good, now the floor"
The floor was dirty and disgusting, it tasted like chlorine and Jason's head started to spin.

"Ok", the girl seemed satisfied. She picked up Jason's clothes of the floor and tossed it to him.

"Get dressed, I would not want anyone to catch you here like this". As if nothing has happened she then fixed her hair, turned around and walked toward the door.
She opened the door, and right before exiting the room turned to Jason and said: "You are mine now kiddo, all mine".

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[Part 1]
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
[Part 4]