For the next twenty minutes we stood in line to get a cab. It was past midnight and there did not seem to be enough cabs
for a small group waiting. We only had five or six in people in front of us, most of whom came in on the
same flight I did. We even exchange some comments with them about the fact that the biggest airport in the
world does not have enough cabs. I felt really awkward standing next to Jennifer whose gigantic frame completely dwarfed my tiny, in comparison to her body. I never thought of myself as particularly tall guy, in fact I knew I was short. Both of my parents where below average height. My mom was a little taller than my dad, but both were under 5'5". When I was growing up I was hoping I would be one of those rare lucky kids that shoots up and outgrows both of their parents by few good inches, instead my height growth stopped in 9th grade, when I hit 5'2", and I had to watch just about everyone around me grow up taller, while I stayed at puny 5'2". Over the years I found ways to deal with it, and even got to a point where being around even very tall people did not make me uncomfortable. However being around Jennifer brought all those memories back. I felt like a little child standing next to this giantess. I also noticed that people where starring at us and smiling. That only added to my inhibitions. |
Jennifer, on the other hand, seemed very comfortable. She was really happy to see me. What seemed odd to me, was that as we stood there waiting for our cab and making chit-chat, Jennifer stood so close to me that found myself constantly having to pull my head way up just to make eye contact. Every time I would try to move back a little, she would move up, continually holding the distance between us, or should I say between my face and her stomach, to a mere few inches. | ![]() |
It was very difficult for us to have a conversation this way. I had to constantly strain my neck
in order to look up at Jennifer, and after sitting for over six hours in the uncomfortable airplane chairs
this proved to be an uneasy task. While I was struggling to adjust to her dimensions she told me about the plans for the upcoming week. I was not thrilled at the idea of her planning my entire stay in NYC, but I had no strengths to argue. She told me that I would be staying with her, just to save some expense. I did not mind that at all. |
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While she was telling me about all the things we will have to take care of in preparation for Rob's and Alice's
wedding, I kept looking at her. Admiring her beauty. Jennifer was a very attractive woman, even without taking
into consideration her amazingly athletic build and her incredible height. Also, standing as close as we did to each other, I could not help, but stair at two amazingly large and round bulges hanging right over my head. Her breasts where absolutely perfect. And even though my neck was killing me I thought to myself that this view was absolutely worth all the pain in the world. |
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Finally, after at least a 20 minute wait, we got into a cab that took us to Jennifer's place. She lived
in midtown manhattan, in a very tall apartment building. Having been to NYC many times before,
I was familiar enough with the area to know that an apartment in this part of town must be very
pricey, and was not something I could imagine she could afford on a fitness instructors salary. I made that
mental note as we stepped out from a cab. even though I offered to pay for the ride, Jennifer beat
me to it and payed the driver before I could get my wallet out. As we stepped onto a curb, the cab driver took my suitcase out of the trunk and handed it to me. "I will take that", said the tall beauty, and before I could reach for it she already had it in her hand. "Jennifer, please, allow me", I tried to plead my case. "Jason, you are my guest, let me take care of you. Besides this suitcase is way top big and heavy for you anyway". As she said that I noticed a half smile - half smirk on her face. "What do you mean?", said I. I was hurt by her comment. It was obvious she was a very athletic and amazingly strong woman, but I was in a pretty decent shape myself. And most of all, I felt small enough as it is without having her make these kind of suggestions. "Please, I insist", said I, hoping to regain some shred of dignity, that was so being taken away from me by this giganhtess. She did not give in. I was getting upset. "Give me my suitcase!", I raised my voice and reached in to take it from her. To my surprise she not did not hand it over. |
Instead, she bent down her humongous body toward me, until we ended up face to face. The smile that had accompanied her all the time since first second we met in the airport, vanished. She was upset. | ![]() |
With the her gigantic fingers she pushed my chin up, until i was looking her directly into the eyes
and said: "Listen Jason, because I will only say this once. You will do only as I say, and if I said that the suitcase is too big for you, that means the suitcase is TOO BIG FOR YOU." The last three words she said so loudly that many people on the street turned. "Is that cleat?" I was stunned. Where did that come from. I was both shocked and scared. |
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She was waiting for the answer, and I could not get any word out at all. She squeezed my chin with her giant palm and as if helping my mouth pronounced the words she said: "Say, Y-E-S M-A-A-M". |
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As she said each sound she squeezed my mouth and
through pain I repeated after her: "Yehhh-heess-mhaaa-hm".
"Good, good boy. Now follow me". She let go of my head and started walking toward the her building, as if
nothing had happened. |
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I could not truly describe what I was feeling at that moment. I was angry, upset, outraged.
I was also incredibly turned on by her being so harsh with me. This woman that made me feel
so small at the same time had brought out an incredible sexual desire in me, that I do not
think I have ever felt before. What where my options? Not to follow her? Let go of what might prove to be the biggest turn on I have ever felt. At the same time even if I did not go after her, and simply tried to stay elsewhere, I would still need to see her at the wedding. It took me a minute or so to cool down, but eventually I made the only possible choice. I followed Jennifer into her building. to be continued... |