The toughest woman in the world? By Curtis D. James Warstar fights Sharon War Star sat spellbound in front of the TV. She watched in awe as the tall, well-built blonde stalked a smaller brunette across the boxing ring. BIFF, BIFF, BIFF, the big blonde's piston-like jab struck the smaller woman's head like a sledge-hammer, violently snapping her head back. Backing her against the ropes, the blonde Amazon began digging wicked body shots into the brunette's kidneys. BOFF, BOFF, BOFF, her devastating hooks sounded like meat being tenderized in a butcher shop. The plucky brunette held her ground, attempting to counter-punch, but her fists fell woefully short. War Star couldn't help but wince as the tall blonde shoved her left glove into the hapless woman's face, measured her, then clubbed her repeatedly with heavy right hands to the head. The brunette's hair flew crazily in all directions as her head rocked back and forth under the barrage of right hands. Little Miss Punching Bag sagged deeper into the ropes until the blonde hit her with an uppercut that not only improved her posture, but sent her sprawling through the ropes where she landed rather awkwardly on the timekeeper's table. So disgusted was War Star by this time, that she actually felt like ripping the videotape from the machine and grinding it into tiny pieces. But instead, she fast-forwaded the tape to the part where the referee raised the big blonde's arm in victory. War Star grimaced at the sight of the blonde flashing a toothy grin and flexing her biceps for the flock of photographers who surrounded her. She became even more incensed when she heard the announcer's voice proclaiming that ''Sharon Hull IS THE TOUGHEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD." How could anyone make such a presumptious and arrogant claim? And why would the public be so eager to accept it? That was easy. Aside from the novelty factor, there wasn't exactly a waiting list of tough women willing or even remotely able to challenge Sharon Hull and her outrageous assertion. And War Star hadn't been all that anxious herself. At least not until after she'd seen that obnoxious video a dozen times or more. Sharon Hull was a fraud and War Star hadn't given it a second thought until some friends persuaded her to at least watch this latest video. They had been encouraging War Star to issue the blonde bully a challenge for months. But War Star had begged off, not wanting to be drawn into a sideshow engineered by idiots for idiots. Besides, Sharon Hull wasn't about to accept a serious challenge from anyone her handlers didn't think she could easily defeat. Of course not. That would derail the gravy train once and for all. And Sharon Hull was no doubt hauling in substantial amounts of loot. Her so-called "Toughest Woman In The World" act had been featured a half-dozen times over the last year on pay-per-view cable television. Predictably enough, Sharon Hull demolished these six so-called challengers without much effort. So naturally, it came as a total shock when War Star received a phone call from none other than Sharon Hull's personal manager. Not only had she not expected the phone call, but she was even more surprised when Hull's manager quoted portions of a "nasty letter" he claimed War Star had sent to his client, Ms. Sharon Hull. According to Hull's manager, Sharon was offended to the extreme by some of War Star's "derogatory remarks" with regard to her personally. Of course, this all came crashing down on War Star like so many bricks because of the simple fact that she had never written such a letter. But War Star was loath to retract any of the statements whether she had made them or not. And that's precisely because she was in agreement with the sentiments expressed. Yes, she considered Sharon Hull to be "both a fraud and a bully." And yes, she would be willing to backup her statements even if it meant "meeting Sharon Hull in a winner-take-all, last-woman-standing, no-holds-barred fight anywhere and anytime." In fact, following that fateful conversation with Sharon Hull's manager, War Star couldn't wait to validate those words she had never written. And she was only slightly annoyed to discover that the mysterious letter had been authored by those same friends who had been pestering her for months. Sharon Hull's handlers never would have contacted her in the first place had they not believed that she was a minimal risk. And despite the fact that they knew virtually nothing about her, they probably based their decision primarily on the only knowledge they did have. And all they really knew was that War Star was only 5-4 and 150 pounds. Therefore, they must have been terribly secure in their assumption that she could not possibly pose much of a threat to their 6- 0 185 pound female colossus. Ordinarily, such reasoning may have been sound. But in this particular instance, an eight inch and thirty-five pound advantage was not, as it turned out, an insurmountable advantage. And I think even Sharon Hull sensed her miscalculation when she first glimpsed War Star inside the ring. Billed as "A FIGHT TO THE FINISH GRUDGE MATCH," the match took place inside a regulation boxing ring with both contestants wearing boxing gloves. However, unlike Sharon Hull's previous encounters, this was not to be purely a boxing match. Truth is, a strictly enforced boxing match would have probably favored Sharon. But War Star had made it clear that this was to be a "no-holds-barred" affair where she could utilize her grappling skills. The videocams were already rolling when War Star entered the ring in wild west fashion in a buckskin bra and matching shorts. And true to form, she preferred to fight barefoot feeling that this allowed her greater speed and movement. To the delight of the camera crew, she pounded her boxing gloves together savagely before flexing her 17 inch guns. That may have been why Sharon Hull appeared as anxious as she did in the opposite corner. Perhaps she'd seen the Tale Of The Tape on the TV monitor. Because in spite of her tremendous height, weight and reach advantage, in all other departments, War Star was clearly superior. Though impressively built, Sharon's biceps were a full inch smaller than War Star's. And her forearms, chest, calves and thighs were also noticeably less developed. But Sharon had expressed the opinion that she would stick to boxing War Star thereby punishing her at long range with her superior reach. And make no mistake, Sharon had both sufficient size and power to KO War Star if she could keep the shorter woman on the outside of her punches. And certainly War Star was not underestimating the big blonde as she eyed her from across the ring. Fact is, Sharon looked much taller in person than she had on TV. And her long, sinewy arms appeared menacing as she folded them across her ample chest Sharon's boxing experience served her well in the first round as she kept War Star off-balance with a sharp, piercing jab. But in the second round, War Star finally maneuvered the big blonde into the corner, pinned her against the ringpost and then whacked away at her her body with both fists until she could hear the bigger woman literally whimper with every blow. But War Star wouldn't be satisfied until she had the big blonde down on the mat. She had her chance when a tremendous shot to the belly doubled Sharon over. In a flash, Sharon's head was caught in a painfully grinding headlock as War Star took her down to the mat. Sharon's gloves slapped at War Star ineffectually as the Indian girl leaned back across Sharon's chest while bearing down with the headlock. Unfortunately, War Star's torture of Sharon was interrupted by the end of the round, but she'd been able to punish her for nearly three minutes. And War Star understood that it would require patience to soften the big girl up before finishing her for the night. But the third round found a rejuvenated Sharon landing sweeping right hooks the the head of a hapless War Star. Suddenly, frozen by a heavy blow to the temple, War Star went down to her knees only to be belted several times more by an increasingly confident Sharon. Wisely, War Star covered her head with her arms as the blonde hovered over her throwing a barrage of punches. However, the blonde's advantage was shortlived as War Star began to counterpunch from her knees. And she found Sharon's belly an inviting and vulnerable target as she drove several straight right hands deep into her solar-plexus. Suddenly, Sharon found herself gasping and retreating across the ring with the furious War Star in pursuit. Pinning Sharon against the ropes, War Star resumed her vicious body attack. This time, instead of muted moans, the audience cringed as Sharon screamed loudly in anguish. Pummeling her body without mercy, War Star's strategy was sound. Kill the body. And she banged mercilessly away at the kidneys, ribs and liver. Savage punches shook the big blonde's body as her knees finally buckled and she sank to the canvas. But War Star propped her back up and continued the onslaught with a straight-arm to the face which shoved Sharon's head back and over the top ring rope. "How tough do you feel now?" War Star asked. But Sharon was unable to reply due to the gloved fist that covered her mouth. Just for good measure, while holding the blonde at bay with the straight-arm, War Star blasted her with a couple of quick rights to the head. Sharon was paralyzed against the ropes as War Star kept to her original strategy which was to punish her body. Bringing her huge legs into the fray, War Star slammed her 28 inch quads repeatedly into the bigger woman's belly. Only the ropes and the Indian's straight-arm prevented the blonde from sagging to the canvas as massive thighs battered her belly. It was really quite a sight as the blonde's 185 pound frame shuddered and rose off the mat like a bag of wet cement. But once more, the round ended before War Star's devastating thighs could bludgeon her into total submission. Flushed and unsteady, Sharon somehow managed to navigate back to her corner as her seconds frantically sought to revive her. Sensing imminent victory, War Star threw caution to the wind. Sharon also sensed the inevitable as she took a wild swing at War Star as the round began. But the Indian girl easily eluded the punch before dropping Sharon to the canvas with a vicious forearm to the chest. The force of the blow sent Sharon sprawling to the mat on her back. And she gazed up in horror as War Star pounced down on her, straddling her heaving chest. With her arms pinned firmly to the mat beneath War Star's haunches, Sharon's head became an obvious target. For an instant, Sharon looked into War Star's eyes pleadingly. But she would find no mercy in those dark eyes as War Star rocked Sharon's head from side to side with a dizzying barrage of punches. The punches weren't all that devastating as War Star had no desire to end the punishment quite yet, but they were delivered with enough force to bloody the blonde's mouth and nose. But time was growing short, and War Star realized that the time for the coup de' grace had at last arrived. So, she quickly slid her body into position as her muscular brown thighs engulfed Sharon's head. Sharon reacted with panic and she slapped at War Star's back with feeble punches until the latter seized her wrists and staked them back down to the mat. Then, Sharon suddenly felt the full power of War Star's fearfully powerful thighs as they once again tortured her. Only this time, she found them coiled around her neck like deadly snakes as War Star muscled her into a figure-four headscissors. Her panic intensified as the Indian girl tightened the noose of flesh around her neck. Sharon clawed and tugged at the bulging calf beneath her chin as War Star arched her body into the air and concentrated all of her power into the figure-four. Sharon gurgled and choked as the unrelenting pressure of the scissors threatened to decapitate her. "FEELING ANY TOUGHER?" War Star asked. "HOW ABOUT IT, HONEY? DO YOU GIVE?" But the blonde could make no reply as her jaws were welded together by cords of unbreakable steel. Finally, War Star exerted a tremendous jolt of power and she felt all resistance drain from Sharon's body. With some reluctance, War Star relaxed her hold and Sharon Hull's head flopped to the mat from between her thighs. And soon, that same head was surrounded by a pinkish pool of sweat mixed with blood. Beaten and then squeezed into unconsciousness, "the toughest woman in the world" no longer existed.