1999 NPC South Padre Island (Fitness) By Jabber Oftentimes, at this small of a show, you can't expect much. But I was pleasantly surprised. Being this IS South Texas (with its high concentration of women of Mexican descent), remember my crack about further sub-dividing the fitness women between brunettes and blondes in my last review? Well, there was something unheard of going on here. Four of the five women in fitness were brunette! No problem for the -jabber (slap! ow that hurt :-) ). In 5th place was Tinna Villa-Real, the one lone blonde competitor. South Padre, like most of Texas, seems a friendly place. So it would be impolite to do a huge -jabber boo here. But I was tempted. This was a gorgeous (and Hispanic) woman, tall with large thighs, tan, and strong-looking. It was humorous, at both the prejudging and finals (in which her props included a top hat and cane), they goofed and started the wrong music (she probably provided a confusing cassette for the show - two songs, not one, the same one, on both sides). At the finals, the MC (personable humorous guy, sorry, didn't catch his name) said to Tinna (as she was waiting patiently for the right music to be cued up), "Hey we don't mind, you're cute to look at." Man was that an understatement. In 4th place was Isabel Gonzalez who competed in the finals with a broken thumb (that she broke during the prejudging). That's a trooper; the MC joked she broke her thumb fighting him off earlier. :-) The audience rightfully clapped when she did a straddle press (held for a long time) on her fists. In 3rd place was Judy Barragan, one of two crowd favorites (i.e. brought large cheering sections). Another very attractive young Hispanic woman (isn't there some redundancy there?), she had distinctive braids in her hair toward the front for a unique hairstyle. Bodywise, most of these women were not nearly as muscular as NPC USA competitors for example. In fact, most simply looked like fit women when milling around the audience, not overtly muscular (Tinna's thighs and another's midsection notable exceptions). So the strength they exhibited on stage was perhaps more unexpected? In 2nd place was one of two Jessica's, Jessica Gomez. Yet another very attractive young brunette Hispanic woman - and no, I'm not getting bored with this trend. :-) An energetic and cute routine that simply got a bit overshadowed by the other Jessica. Winning the class was another crowd favorite, the wildly popular Jessica Sosa (you guessed, a VAYBHW). What set her apart, possibly was an incredibly sexy routine (Enrique Iglesias music indeed got a HUGE work-out that evening :-) ), but more importantly, she had abs that I deemed gave her just about the most remarkable body I saw at that show (the winner of the bodybuilding was perhaps more remarkable - but certainly not in the abs). Ridges seen 100% of the time while relaxed. All the more remarkable considering although she wasn't as skinny as some of the others (cute thickness), she wasn't defined anywhere (especially when viewed wearing ordinary street clothes later); except for those abs. Sitting to the right of my friend were two boys probably about 16 years of age. They seemed pretty transfixed, too. :-)