1999 Ronnie Coleman Classic (Open Women) By Jabber Open Women: No, I didn't say open-minded women, I have no idea. :-) These are simply women who've won in a novice competition so they simply face a bit stiffer competition. In the lightweight, a non-top 3 placer was Velma Erves, who I'd already talked about in the Masters women section. Interestingly I would've never guessed she was only a lightweight considering how thick she was. In 3rd was an extremely cute fresh young face in blonde 22 year old Sara Kristine Fulp, from nearby Arlington. Very pleasant looking both on stage and in the audience (she seemed to enjoy herself and not be keyed-up but relaxed), we should hear more from her if only she brings up her legs, which were WAY behind her decently massive upperbody. In 2nd place was a familiar face (well to me anyway :-) ), 25 year old La'Toya Haggerty, from next door to where I used to live, Addison, TX. She is a young looking black girl who has no implants, a small tattoo on her chest, and works at a nearby Dallas establishment.. Her claim to fame? Glistening abs from every angle. Unfortunately her legs also lagged noticeably and were on the skinny side for a bodybuilder at any level. In 1st place was an impressive and very classy 29 year old Maana Dent, from nearby Irving, TX. She's a young black woman who had the best stage presence of the night (better than Karina Nascimento who I was so impressed with), although a bit slight, excellent gentle symmetry, and part by part, actually good bodyparts all over including her abs and legs (legs being a rarity at this show). She bore more than a passing resemblance to LaToya Jackson, and her winning was a very popular decision. In the middleweight was one lone competitor, Mitzi Storey, from Palestine, TX. Unfortunately, I didn't catch her age, she looked a tiny bit older than most of these "young" girls, and she had mature muscle mass everywhere, nice abs, but also was lacking in her legs. The ultra classy Maana Dent took the overall from Mitzi and I don't think Mitzi could do a thing about it. :-) Interestingly everything's supposed to be bigger in Texas? No heavyweight women in the open class! Darn the luck...