1999 North Texas/SW USA Bodybuilding (Miscellaneous) By -Jabber Miscellaneous: At these level shows, you don't get nearly as many "celebrities" in the audience, so I don't have too much to say here (a -jabber first :-) ). One of the guest posers this evening was Tom Prince, who recently came in 10th at the Night of Champions (a show I never see 'cause of thems only being males on stage). Of note, he was 270 lbs and had huge legs. I could've sworn his first name was spelled Toghm, not Tom, because there's GOT to be "GH" in there somewhere. :-) Not to make fun of him, gotta luvs this, the sole male teenage competitor (remember when they had teen women? Those were the days my friend...), came on stage, of course winning, having no competition. The MC asked him to do his posing routine anyway. An audience member from the front whispered to the young male "socks". So he quickly removed one sock, but didn't have time to remove the other, so did his posing routine with one sock on. Eat your heart out, Michael Jackson! Also in the audience were some Texas mainstays, Deshay Ebert (who is promoting the NPC Jr. Nationals in San Antonio on 6/19), the truly massive Betty Pariso - who I always think looks better in the off-season as her size is her best attribute, Vicki Gates (I heard she's doing real well in competitions nowadays :-) ), and evidently Sheilahe Brown (who Tex took a picture of, but missed the scrutinizing eye of the -jabber). Also, Valerie Tyree was there (you may recall I posted a bunch of pics of her a couple weeks back), looking massive, classy, and cute at the same time (she chose to wear the same dress as depicted in the pics I'd taken of her earlier). Who else? That's about all I can recall at this juncture. Until next time... -jabber