1999 NPC Nationals (Fitness) By -jabber Just like the Fitness review for the WSE was short and abbreviated, so will this one. Mr. Promoter, Steve Karel, the best level tickets were $106 for this event, just HOW expensive will the tickets need to be for you to provide a typed roster at the evening show listing the names of all the competitors??? $206 maybe? At Texas shows that are $30 or $35 a piece, they go through that luxury. Since there WAS no roster of the ladies names, although I DID have access to the scorecards the next day at the host hotel, I wouldn't have a clue as to who was whom at this fitness show. Basically I like the fitness because there are attractive women with phenomenal abs standing on stage. That's more than enough. The sometimes flamboyant routines and costumes run together and aren't that big of a deal with me. What I do like, however, is sometimes the loud and peppy music many of the women choose. With that said, I have only three comments to make: In the short class, Melanie Webb won that and the overall. This will teach me to hang around the lobby and get "lobby" shots - as many folks have asked for. By being in the lobby, I missed out on the placings, when the women were called out, and the "posedown". I learned this after the fact. From the man who coined the term, stand-around-down (for the fitness women's lack of doing anything during their posedown), he kept me apprised that they actually DID posedown, with Melanie Webb starting to hit flexing shots. Sheesh! I missed this! Never again will the -jabber be in the lobby when femuscle is on stage - uh-uh... In the middle class (I jokingly said the short class was under 5'3 1/4", the middle class was 5'3 1/4" to 5'3 3/4", and the tall class was over 5'3 3/4" - ha! they are close but not that close), there was a woman named Kathryn Crane who I mistakenly thought was Darlena Kirzoncic. One femuscle admirer rudely told me how STUPID I was since Darlena became Pro at some show I didn't see held somewhere in the Heart of fbb-land, within 300 miles of that hotbed of bodybuilding, Columbus, OH. Pardon me for not having this info on the tip of my tongue - hmmph! Turns out, when I pointed out Kathryn to this admirer, he admitted to the uncanny resemblance and wondered if we'd ever see both Kathryn and Darlena in the same room at the same time. :-) In the tall class, I don't know how she finished but one competitor, the almost too perfect looking Elizabeth Streiter, stood out. The next day, one reason I checked out later than planned is I saw a photoshoot trying to be orchestrated poolside (the weather was barely cooperating - very overcast and gloomy - kind of like L.A. - ha!) with Ms. Streiter the star. It was amusing seeing "regular" folks looking at Ms. Streiter, who's body was so much more attractive than the standard fare around a pool that it looked like she was from another planet. Statuesque, tan, and with more than a dopple of muscle around her broad shoulders and upper back (remember I was up on the 5th floor looking down), Ms. Streiter looked to be a good subject, indeed.