1999 NPC Jr. Nationals (Intro) By -Jabber Intro: Funny, although I've been mondo traveling lately for business AND for these shows, I've always planned in advance for a room at the host hotel and tickets. When it came to the Jr. Nationals, held within "driving" distance of Dallas in San Antonio, what did the -jabber do? Well, I got tickets early (which actually sucked and I got the promoter Deshay Ebert to swap them out for me the day of the show), didn't need a rental car (took the -jabbermobile :-) ), but forgot to book a room at the host hotel (actually waited too long)! Oh well... San Antonio is always a neat place to visit, really and truly feels different in a wonderful way than other parts of Texas. On the Friday that I arrived, it was exceptionally festive since they were celebrating the Spurs victory over the Knicks, everybody was in a good mood. And Steve Wennerstrom, when I talked to him a couple days before the show, mentioned that on Saturday night, Cher was going to be playing downtown also - adding to the crowd. Hmm, I mentioned, guess that's what prevented her from doing some guest posing. :-) Dubbed the "Battle at The Alamo", I'm not so sure of its title. To me, it's just a bunch of women amateurs simply trying to do the best they can and advance. I think its more apt to call some Pro shows "battles" if they involve rematches of somewhat controversial decisions, for example. But anyway, the show was held at the quaint if somewhat cramped (especially in the lobby) Scottish Rite Auditorium, within walking distance of the Alamo. But my did they have nice restrooms. :-) One last word about San Antonio. There's a bit of -jabber history there, as way back in 1992, that was the destination of my very first business trip (when I lived in Florida), back when the -jabber was shy and knee-high to an fbb! :-) All subsequent trips there I've found interesting; this proved to be no exception.