Ms I 1999 By Jabber Intro It's finally here. I've had a hard time figuring out what I want to include and what I don't, as the weekend was rich with text, but, as usual, I've taken minimal notes. Other than the top 6 (which I personally witnessed their placings) I will be using GeneX's commentary as to the other placings, as so far, that's the only place I've seen the non-top 6 placings. I wasn't privy to official scorecards and such. A little history, I'd first attended the Ms. I in '95, back when I was living in Charlotte, NC. I drove to Columbus, and had seen the Fitness finals, and Ms. International prejudging then (the fitness and bodybuilding women were two separate events then), but due to a royal screw-up, did not get a chance to see the finals, and had no intention upon paying a scalper double for a ticket to the finals. Each subsequent year, until now, I'd had some weird things, most BS, one quite wonderful (that I won't burden you with) happen that prevented me from attending the Ms. I again. Until 1999. While again, there was a major unforeseen turn of events, it turned out to be a great event and great weekend, just the same.