1999 IFBB North Americans (Bodybuilding) By -jabber Again, to reiterate, I'd never seen an IFBB Amateur show before, so what to expect, what to expect... The three weight class divisions were a bit different than at an NPC show, thus causing a slightly (no make that greatly) top-heavy group with only 3 in the lightweight, 3 in the middleweight and a whopping 15 in the heavyweight (I thought it was 17, but only see 15 in my notes - oh well). Lightweight (under 114 1/4 lbs): In 3rd place was Corrine Benzdachek. She looked pretty good in poses, but not really that muscular when not flexed. My friend and I had occasion to further observe her at the Detroit Airport the next day. She had shapely legs when dressed in street clothes, but other than her pecs being more defined than a "regular girl", the casual (or even not so casual) observer would have a hard time realizing she's a bodybuilder, simply a young woman in nice shape - i.e. she should have "widespread" appeal. In 2nd place was Debbie Gorsky, a thin brunette, not quite as artfully balanced as Corrine, but in better contest shape. In 1st was Julie Evans, who had excellent balance. She, bodywise, was reminiscent of a thinner Stephanie Roseland. Or should that be Stephanie Starr? :-) Middleweight (114 1/4 lbs to under 125 1/4 lbs): In 3rd place was Alonda McClure, a thin blonde who, although this was a small class, was way outclassed here. In 2nd was a name from the past, Tracy Palubiak. Sporting reasonably short blonde hair (as she did years ago), she appeared very thick and wide for her size. Very thick muscular back, in some ways, her balance was a bit better than the eventual winner of this class, but her conditioning was a bit lacking here. It was a pleasant surprise seeing her return to competition, now as a middleweight (I believe she used to be a lightweight). In 1st place was one of the most fabulous physiques and faces bodybuilding has ever seen (hmm? high praise? did you see her?). Maricela Enriques was just darling; I see no way the general populace could think otherwise (sorry, call me short-sighted here). But an extremely serious female bodybuilder, with perfectly peaked biceps, very strong-looking abs, and great symmetry head to toe. It's difficult to separate her incredible looks from her physique, but even if one does, she is NOT riding on her looks, her physique was spectacular. During the overall, I almost wished she'd get it, but a good heavyweight will most likely beat a good middleweight - and among the 15? Uh, yes there was a good heavyweight. Hope to see Maricela in future competitions. <<>> Heavyweight (125 1/4 lbs to infinity): A good explanation to why this field was top-heavy (compared to other shows - and NO I'm not talking about implants here - LOL!) was due to the low cut-off for heavyweights, compared to NPC shows. Mah-Ann Mendoza was a great example, although a slight bit heavier than her Middleweight appearance at the USA's (in which she should've won - was ahead in the scoring - but forfeited by not showing up for the finals), even if she was the exact same weight, this show would've considered her a heavyweight. I only have the top 6 to report to you (the remainder of the placings are a mystery to me). Among the non-placers, in addition to Mah-Ann Mendoza (who appeared actually quite a bit softer than her stellar appearance at the USA's a scant couple weeks earlier), we had Melody Bennett (another name from the past), Catherine Wilbert (the heavyweight winner at the '99 Jr. USA in Birmingham, AL), Stacey Garonzik (who in addition to a rock-hard massive, if not really aesthetic, upper body, possessed the largest, thickest, freakiest thighs I'd EVER seen on a female - blew me away - but what the hell is she thinking about symmetry? What's with that, Stacey?), Sylvia Cowan, Nursel Gurler (still an Annie Rivieccio look-a-like), Michele "biceps" Maroldo, the popular Jasmin Johnson (very large and massive - this was a tough class), and Marie Jebo. In 6th place was Renee O'Neill from Alabama, possibly looking better and more balanced here than at any other show I've seen her in. In 5th place was Liz Baddington (sorry if I butchered that name). A very, VERY massive young lady from Canada, she reminded me a bit of Tina Lockwood. I general, I was pleased with the judging, but thought she should've gotten 3rd not 5th - her symmetry was good too - in the thick Laura Binetti/Tina Lockwood style of symmetry. In 4th place was our friend, Sheila Burgess. Turns out she was delighted to have gotten in the top 6. But before the show, I personally had no doubt she'd make it to the top 6. She, along with Sharon Robelle, showed up in the hardest condition for the show. Great bicep peaks and abs, Sheila's best feature - in contest shape, was her extremely defined glute-hamstring combo. Truly she was spot-on, conditionwise. In 3rd place was a favorite of mine - who I thought should've gotten 5th. :-) (with Liz from Canada getting 3rd). Carla Haug, who I'd previously seen at the USA's for the first time, I was quite impressed with. But at this show, some structural deficiencies (compared to the others) showed up - most noticeably not wide enough lats and not that artful shoulder definition some other fbb's show. Why am I impressed with her though? Incredible abs, need I say more? Okay, always looked flexed, deep, distinct plates always visible. In 2nd place was the ultra-ripped Sharon Robelle. Unfortunately, she, more than most competitors, takes on an extremely drawn look facially when her body becomes spot-on, conditionwise. Not as ultra-massive as she appeared at last year's Nationals, actually her body was well-balanced head-to-toe. It would take an incredible competitor to beat her. Enter Ms. Denise Hoshor. Ever since I saw her at the USA's, I felt this has got to be one of the most fantastic physiques to come down the pike in a long time. I look forward to seeing her tear up the pro ranks. The 1st place Ms. Hoshor is no longer in any way, shape, or form small and delicate looking. She has developed the mass to compete with the big girls, and in my eyes, will take a back seat to no one in that department, while retaining some (okay lots) of that fresh appeal she had as a Middleweight. Not an easy thing to do. With that said, I saw one fault with her at this show. She kind of had that thick overpumped look that plagues Betty Pariso's upper body occasionally (causing some definition to diminish). I actually thought Denise looked a tiny bit better at the USA's. In really tough classes - as she's sure to face as a Pro, that may make the difference. But unequivocally she deserved the show this evening. And indeed she did get the Overall, too. It basically looked like a good amateur (lightweight Julie Evans) against a spectacular picture-perfect amateur (middleweight Maricela Enriques) against a pro (heavyweight Denise Hoshor). The pro won... Excellent competition (made me forget I was in Detroit without a roster :-) ).