1999 Emerald Cup (Bodybuilding) By -Jabber Bodybuilding: Again, because of scheduling issues and prior commitments on my part, quite atypically, I did NOT get a chance to see the prejudging. So all my comments are based upon simply watching the night show unveil itself. Indeed, it was quite an interesting show. More crowded than usual for a show of this relatively low level. Also quite high caliber participants, IMO. In the Mixed Pairs division, Jenna Summerville and male came in 5th, Darlene Lowery and male came in 4th, Kay Friend and her husband came in 3rd, one decision I disagreed with, Katy Haller and male came in 2nd (I thought they should've won this division), but a very aesthetic Jill Moon and male won this division. In the Master's division, Patsy R. Marshall came in 5th, a very striking blond, but not real pretty Coral Endler came in 4th, Kay Friend came in 3rd, Sheila Burgess' pick in this class, Gayle O'Connor came in 2nd, and my pick, the very aesthetic Katy Haller won this class. In the open classes, I was pleasantly surprised with the competition. Remember, I hadn't seen the prejudging so I had no idea how good or bad the competitors would be. Sheila wasn't that impressed with the competition, but did admit many of the competitors showed up looking better, more polished, and some just prettier than they did for the prejudging. Although I didn't see this firsthand at this competition, I'd seen plenty of other shows where the woman will look much better at the finals than the prejudging. Pity as their place (other than overall) had already been decided upon. In the Lightweight division, Darlene Lowery came in 4th, Debra Rumsey came in 3rd, a very aesthetic Jill Moon came in 2nd, and an interesting and ripped woman named Chris Knopf came in 1st (deservedly in my opinion as her musculature and condition were simply the best in this class). Chris I saw walking around before the show with a sleeveless blouse, her arms were tattooed, she was a short very tanned woman wearing glasses and a short potty haircut. Indeed quite unusual looking, but obviously lots of hard work was put in. She didn't appear really to flow well during her posing, she reminded me a bit of Joone Hopsberger from years ago (remember her?), ripped, muscular, but not artistic (she did not wear the glasses while on stage however). Interestingly, as she was walking around the crowd after kicking proverbial ass in the Lightweight division, I noticed she did NOT put on a cover-up, instead walking around in her posing bikini. I'd even remarked to both Ernie (Sheila's boyfriend) and Steve Wennerstrom (of WPW and some "other" magazine fame :-) ) about Ms. Knopf's nice "cover-up" as she walked around Meydenbauer Center - where the Emerald Cup was held. :-) In the Middleweight division, I'd been prepped that this was the best class of the night by someone who went to the prejudging. Indeed, I was happy. In 5th was Diane Heguy. A woman named Lore Shimamura came in 4th. And wow did she look good. Unfortunately, she, according to Sheila looked way better in the evening show. I do believe it, as if they were judging her on the way she looked that evening, she indeed was a force to be reckoned with. Guess she's not a morning person. :-) In 3rd was Charlotte A. Campbell, in 2nd was a woman who's name was all wrong: Michelle Little. Indeed, she was big with mass all over, but especially noticeable in her legs. Impressive. If that's not impressive enough, Ms. Little was only 19 years old! Hard to believe. In my opinion, she is much more striking than a similar and massive young protege who's popularity has taken off: Bethany Howlett. But I had no problem with who won. Maria Guzman, remember the name. Exotic like Marie Laure-Mahabir of France meets Monica Martin of Brazil. Really, very striking fully clothed, exceptionally captivating in a posing suit or dressed to the hilt (as she was before the competition). Granted she was "slight" in build compared to the above very muscular women, but can compete with them in the exotic looks department. Just walking around, everyone, muscle-lover or otherwise, all eyes followed this young lady - no joke here. The only reason she should've won, however, was because she had aesthetic muscle head to toe. Indeed I see a promising future for this young lady. Ah, the big women, worth the wait? In 5th in the Heavyweight Division was an aesthetic if not very massive Stacy Stutheit. The most aesthetic woman seen in quite some time, Amy Rainaldo came in 4th. I "wish" she had thicker muscles, because I would've liked to see her place higher. Indeed Steve Wennerstrom's trained eye honed in on Ms. Rainaldo, and he told me WPW was doing a photoshoot with this young lady. She pretty much looks like a less massive version of Christy Wolf (the bodybuilding incarnation, not Hawaiian Tropic incarnation), perhaps with a more striking face. Impeccable tan, I told Amy after the show she was the most striking heavyweight up there. And I wasn't saying that to be nice - it was really how I felt. In 3rd was a hopefully not forgotten Lynn Hendry, as she was a good overall blonde, no real weaknesses, no huge strengths, just well-balanced. In 2nd was someone who was puzzling to place. Tawanda Smith. Her legs are SO muscular she could compete with the best male bodybuilder in the show of the same weight. Her upper body was actually in better condition than I'd seen her in before. Actually, since I'd never been to the Pacific Northwest before, I'd never seen her in person before, only pictures. But her arms and abs were in good condition for this show, just her symmetry was WAY off to say the least. The fact that she wasn't the most aesthetic fbb facially is irrelevant, it was her body symmetry that kept her from winning this class (rightfully so). She should be happy with this good finish. Ah, the star of the show? The contest shape 191 lbs., 5'10" Anna Marie Onesti STOMPED on everyone else sizewise. She was in damn good condition, too, not the best in show, but her heaping dose of mass, actually in good symmetry (although some I talked to didn't find her aesthetic - I NEVER shy away from saying a woman is too big - no such thing, IMO) and confidence on stage, gave her a well-deserved win, IMO. I previously thought she was from New England, but they said she was a hometown girl, Bellevue, Washington. Regardless of what coast she's from (she's big enough she could claim both. :-) ), she wasn't easy to forget. In the overall, I really wanted to see the almost delicate looking (compared to Ms. Onesti) Maria Guzman have her dark exotic muscles win the show. But I knew the mass of Ms. Onesti was going to take it. Ms. Tattoo, Chris Knopf, was a bit outclassed by the superb symmetry of Ms. Guzman and the overpowering mass (the audience gasped the first time Ms. Onesti walked on stage) of Anna Marie. Emerald Cup Overall went to Anna Marie Onesti - who strangely enough was asked to speak to the audience (big mistake - I "won't" say why) yet didn't mill around the audience. Also, in my opinion a mistake as I'm sure she would've proven quite popular.