1999 Emerald Cup (Intro) By -Jabber Intro: This is a show I'd not gone to before, partially because it's so dosh-garn far away from my current hometown of Dallas, TX (not to mention even further from my previous hometowns back east), but I'd heard it's always a great show for a non-Nationals level show. Whoever told me that wasn't lying. :-) This year, Sheila Burgess and her boyfriend Ernie were coming down to see the show from Vancouver, B.C., and my work schedule was shaping up as such that this show looked to be possible. I was looking forward to seeing Sheila again, and Ernie for the first time. Should be a great weekend. Indeed because of a last minute schedule change, I'd been in Calgary, Alberta, CA on business both the week before AND after Seattle, thus allowing me to get into Seattle more conveniently and earlier than I originally thought. Ready to take in the sights (fbb wise) so to speak.