Bodybuilding by -jabber Executive Summary: There was Brenda Raganot. All others paled in comparison. Need I say more? Detail: Okay, for some strange reason, they had only two weight classes at this IFBB show. As most of you know, previously, there's not been weight classes at IFBB shows, and this year they were going to have three (lightweight, middleweight, and heavyweight). I think it had "something" to do with the amount of competitors but who knows. Lightweight: Sorry to say, the lightweight class was simply better than the heavyweight this year. Not to mention there were two incredible 1st and 2nd place women, neither of which would I have been unhappy if the other had won. In fact, the top 2 in the lightweight were better than the top 2 in the heavyweight, that if there was only one class, I would've had them way ahead of the top 2 heavyweights (if that makes sense). My views may be unpopular here, but has that ever stopped me before? In 7th place was Angela Debatin from Brazil. To me, she's very much under the type of a thicker Pastory Munoz, and with a "slightly" leaner shape, I'm hoping she progresses as she had quite formidable arms, abs, legs, etc. In 6th place was a neighbor of Angela's, the more popular Monica Martin. Always stunning and attention-getting, however, I've seen her even more impressive than her Columbus showing this year. In 5th place was someone who should've gotten 4th: Gayle Moher. One of the classiest looking competitors, her symmetry is such that most bodyparts don't look overpowering, but individually they're great. What wasn't great was her soft music only routine, which is now getting like the bread used to make croutons, i.e. stale? In 4th place was someone who should've gotten 3rd: Denise Masino. I've seen her many times before, usually looking great, but sometimes her condition was a bit off. She looked on at this show, 100% on. One of the thickest widest backs out there and a superb left bicep shot, couple this with sexy posing, it just wasn't right that the 3rd placer finished ahead of her. In 3rd place was cute-as-a-button Cathy LeFrancois. I didn't know that "cute-as-a-button" was one of the new IFBB criteria this year. Ms. Masino and Ms. Moher were more impressive. But cute does not mean she's not a great FBB, she is. She just wasn't better than the "M" women (including Monica Martin) this year. At least they got the top 2 right. What? Has Jabber lost his mind? Thinking Andrulla should not've won it? Indeed in 2nd place was Andrulla Blanchette. There was a contingent who booed this decision (then again, there's also a contingent who boo all Ohio competitors who don't win). Andrulla's a fabulous very muscular competitor, that unlike most of the other "all time greats" (note I include Andrulla in the all-time great category - along with Athena Annis, Juliette Bergmann, and Lenda Murray), Andrulla is improving. Not by much, but she is. I'd mentioned to her after the show (the next morning actually) that I'd wished she was a bit heavier so she won the heavyweight class - as I really didn't like anyone in the heavies to win. In 1st place was "The Best New Pro In A Long Time", Ms. Brenda Raganot. Of course, I was happy with this placing, very happy. Many folks at the prejudging I'd heard rumble about how Ms. Raganot was quite impressive there - so I was far from alone in actually agreeing with the judges top 2 wholeheartedly. Brenda's physique just flowed together with an other-worldly beauty no one else possessed. Her abs and her shoulder thickness, along with an astonishingly overpowering symmetry were her best features. With that said, I still see two tiny faults in Ms. Raganot (please don't hurt me): 1) dieted down, her face is a bit drawn looking, I was hoping this wouldn't penalize her - luckily it didn't. Perhaps she needs some dieting help from Kim Chizevsky and Chad Nichols. After all, Bill Dobbins claims that it is their superior dieting knowledge (and nothing else) that has improved Ms. Chizevsky's facial appearance at the '99 Ms. O (yes, I personally thought Kim facially looked good then, too). 2) like another female flirting with being in the -jabber all-time great category, Tazzie Columb, Brenda's bicep peaks are a bit flat - ONLY compared to her other stellar bodyparts. Okay, the judges weren't tired yet, so they did a good job at the top of the lightweight class. Then they must've went to lunch: Heavyweight: In 9th was Dayana Cadeau, a very sexy black female from Canada with a symmetry that I don't think will allow her to go too far here. Very good thigh size on her, she appears more impressive in the softer off-season look (not good for contests obviously). And funny how with Dayana and Denise Masino (the women with the largest implants), both of their most impressive poses were of their wide, wide backs (where you couldn't see the surgical results). Hmm? In 8th place was my second favorite FBB, Yaxeni Oriquen (can anyone guess who jockeyed her out of 1st place?). Believe it or not, she had some of the best symmetry seen in the heavyweight class. Her size is truly impressive; she can hold her own with the other really big girl, Lesa Lewis. Unfortunately, Yaxeni's definition and conditioning at this show were sorely lacking and way under par from any other show I'd seen her in. Pity because her size and symmetry continues to improve. Perhaps she's just getting ready to nail it precisely in a future Pro show, maybe Jan Tana this year? If so, you're excused, Ms. Oriquen. After all, she's now posing her thighs nicely, in addition to her stellar huge biceps. J In 7th place was Lesa Lewis, a great animated poser and the only FBB, IMO, who could legitimately challenge Kim Chizevsky in every way only IF she came in in pristine condition. Why she teases us with not being at her best all the time I don't know. Better condition and Lesa will be the one to beat. Her mass is incredible. In 6th was Betty Pariso. Pardon me while I clear my throat, ahem don't look a gift horse in the mouth ahem. Sheesh! We've seen you much better before, Betty. In 5th was Tazzie "I coulda been a contender" Columb. I get the impression that she and a couple other competitors were a bit confused as to what the IFBB wants with their "new criteria" (that seemed like the same old song and dance to me). Majestic, a bit softer than the "square and hard" condition she came in last year, she's one of the most eye-appealing women there and impressive muscularity-wise. I think she needs to come in somewhat between last year's condition and this year's. Oh yeah, don't listen to Brenda Raganot for advice on peaked biceps though. J In 4th place was tan, muscular Amy Pazzo. I loved her physique, impressive, but what was with her Tina Turner hairdo? Also, interestingly, Amy has one of the most impressive thick muscular chests around. Unfortunately, her implants detract from others easily seeing how wonderful and muscular her ribcage actually is. In 3rd place was Iris Kyle. Formerly, not a favorite of mine, this lady has worked/trained hard and smart. She is improving faster than nearly anyone else after turning Pro, IMO. I was on the side of the stage where she stood at prejudging, and she's quite impressive if you look at her individual bodyparts. Plus she ties them in nicely (not quite as stellar a fashion as Brenda Raganot though). I do believe Iris now has a right to be disappointed in her finish here. In 2nd place was generally a favorite of mine, Ms. Denise Hoshor. In her last two amateur appearances (getting 2nd (should've been 1st) at the '99 USA's and getting 1st at the '99 North Americans), her appearance was legendary; she outclassed AND outmuscled all others while still exuding a sexy persona that put others to shame. Sorry to say, I haven't seen her improve since her amateur showings, but possibly she, too (like Tazzie) was a bit confused as to what the judges were looking for. And a 2nd place showing at her first Pro show ain't hay. Speaking of hay, in 1st place was Vickie Gates, who had a very impressive muscular upper body (as usual, her biceps and the rest of her upper body are quite impressive), but her symmetry failed miserably compared to many other competitors. Needless to say, I hated to see her win this show this time. Unfortunately, in the heavies, I didn't see a clear-cut challenger to her. If either Brenda or Andrulla (or a competitor as good as them) were in the heavies, they would've tossed Vickie out of there. As I'd stated to a group of folks the next morning, how different was the criteria if the same dang female wins? I know they shouldn't necessarily reward the most attractive FBB with 1st place, but should they go completely opposite? Sheesh! I'll quit while I'm behind as Ronnie Coleman lives a bit too close to me to say anything further. J Overall: Vickie won that, but I didn't really care, it gave us a chance to see more of Brenda Raganot - and that's never a bad thing. A simple way of balancing out the judges' criteria is to just have them weigh symmetry a bit more than the ultra hard conditioning. Judge 'em the same, but weigh in symmetry as being more important (I always thought aesthetic big muscles are what it's about - not a dieting contest anyway - call me silly) and you'll automatically get what the IFBB is groping for. Not quite as hard (of the dieted down look), more attractive physiques on the FBB's (is Brenda's physique not stellar?), and you'd be rewarding the FBB's who train the smartest, i.e. who bring up their weak bodyparts the most effectively. Regardless of the judging, it was a great group of FBB's on one stage, IMO.