2000 Emerald Cup (Audience Notables) By -jabber To me, the quantity of audience notables was down, but the quality was pretty darn good. I already said Steve Wennerstrom was there, as well as Poly Glot from Vancouver. Terry Goodlad (bodysport.com) and his ahemattentiongettingahem wife, Elaine Goodlad were there. However, the first circle I did of the booths at the back, I came back and announced to Steve that I was the most famous one back there - LOL. Just kidding. Later, joining in around the back was Theresa "Abs" Hessler, who had her abs covered! What? Blasphemy! Unfortunately, the booths in the back were in poor lighting making my booth picture taking be at a bare minimum. Except for the truly special (see end of review). The guest posers were the almost truly special Mandy "Abs" Blank and Susie Curry. Mandy? I'm spoiled, I remember her big bad buff appearance at the Nationals in Orlando in '99. All other sightings of her fail miserably in comparison. With that said, she did look pretty good here. Susie Curry had nice muscletone in her appearance, too - although she appears slight. Best looking judge? Dale "Calves" Tomita. Bigger than life? An off-season Anna Marie Onesti, surely WELL over 200 lbs. of female beef back there. And like some other females at the show, not swamped with adoring fans. Just back there alone. Hmm... Biggest missed photo-op (because of the poor lighting by the booths)? Asking Theresa "Abs" Hessler to pose next to Mandy "Abs" Blank and get the milling around Christina "Abs" Homan to show them how it's done. Sorry, I'm kicking myself for not getting the afore-mentioned shot together - send your hatemail to Femsport (JUST kidding). There was Vicki Gates and Ronnie Coleman at a booth also, but since they live in the DFW Metroplex, I see them much more often (at more shows) then I guess most folks. Milling around at the end of the show was big bad Lora Ottenad. Like last year at the Emerald Cup - the first time I'd ever seen her in person, I found myself NOT gawking at her muscular and very powerful-looking physique (I commented that even for an FBB, she has an unusual physique), but staring at her captivating blue eyes. She definitely seemed like a neat individual to talk to when not having any oppressive force suggesting she not talk (not mentioning names here). Saved the best for last. Who other than the Postal Worker from the Pacific Northwest, the best new Pro in a long time? None other than Brenda Raganot. Lots of folks don't necessarily view her as big, or a mass monster, but when she's slightly off-season, she's wide, thick, and hard. Her face, not quite so dieted down, becomes stunning, she was wearing an off-the-shoulder blue velvety material dress. It was tight and clingy enough to allow you to see her fabulous muscle shapes - arms, lats, etc. Have I not said enough nice things yet? She exudes not just a sexiness that to me nearly all FBB's exude, but an aura also of high class, not unlike the classiest Oriental supermodels there are. Yoshida would've loved her. :-) All that, and muscles; I showed admirable restraint, IMO. Brad and Elaine Craig help to make a memorable show indeed. Until next -jabber review I remain... -jabber