1999 NPC Jr. USA Review, -jabber style Fitness Fitness: Broken down into two classes, short and tall, the second person out on stage at prejudging happened to be my favorite fitness girl in the show, Brandy Humphries from Alabama, who got 4th in the short class. She was the thickest fitness girl, tan and strong-looking, thick arms, nice abs, very muscular and tan legs, and really cute outfits. Plus, in seeing her walk around in street clothes, she still looked quite thickish and buff. In 3rd in the short class was Michelle Roberts from Ohio, who seemed to be the odds-on favorite. She looked a little bit like a cross between a less muscular Monica Brant and a traditional beach bunny. Great proportions, cute routine, but lacking in muscle definition and size - of course, snap out of it, -jabber, this is NOT bodybuilding - ha! In 2nd in the short class was Penny Johnson from Georgia. I barely remember her and thought she probably deserved 4th. Oh well. At least she didn't get 1st. That honor went to the 1st person out on stage that morning, a nicely muscular, tan, and defined (best washboards of the fitness girls), Stacey Fuller from Alabama. Interesting how many buff and strong women from the deep south, no? Yet another thing that's great about living in the '90's, no? I was happy to see her win this class, as her routine probably was a bit stronger than the others, too. She also got the nod for the overall, to my approval. In the tall class, my favorite in this class, Julie Palmer from Ohio, got 3rd. She wasn't really that sturdy-looking in build, I just found her incredibly attractive, and her routine showed that she was quite strong, doing many widely varying push-ups of the two-armed variety consecutively. What was interesting was in seeing her later in street clothes, she looked ordinary walking in the crowd, very cute, but not extraordinarily strong looking. In 2nd place was Carrie Fickle, also from Ohio. I barely remember her. In 1st place was Michelle Gelardi (or was that Gelardo? Kenny Kassel NEVER pronounced her name the same way twice - ha!). I liked 'ole Julie Palmer much better, but arguably, Michelle had a better fitness physique and a livelier (but not stronger) routine. Glad to see Stacey Fuller whip Ms. Gelardi's butt for the overall though...