The accidental schmoo by Jabber (Sorry for being stubborn on the spelling there, but I prefer the above spelling of the word) In response to my previous post, "Real Schmoo vs. Fake Schmoo", I've gotten mainly positive feedback, except for the fact that some folks thought that if they're respectful and have never had sessions that they shouldn't be referred to as schmoos. Point well taken, but we can easily split hairs here. I believe we all realize that I mean no insult when I use the term schmoo, unlike some fbb's and one John Romano when referring to Amazon Admirers. Perhaps the term Amazon Admirer or the kind of cutesy 'femuscle admirer' is preferred? I've even heard the term muscle voyeur being used, although the negative connotations with the word voyeur may be as bad or worse than with the word schmoo. In any case, I don't think that we can view whether or not we've taken part in a session to determine whether or not we're a schmoo. If we've admired fbb's from afar but never been to a show nor seen one in person, no less wrestled with or laid our hands on an fbb, does that mean we're not a schmoo? But soon as we have a session, we become one? I don't think so. Likewise, if schmoo is to be associated with men who wrestle then is one who only pays for muscle posing/muscle worship sessions not a schmoo? Hmm, again, I don't think so. Just like if we cease to have sessions for various reasons, I don't think that necessarily means we've stopped being a schmoo. Whenever we're talking about psychology, we're talking about a complicated topic that can easily be open to many interpretations. I personally feel we are a schmoo based upon how important we view certain activities. For example, is a man who always likes wrestling his girlfriend before intercourse a schmoo, even if he's never been to a bb contest nor paid for a session? I think so. He might not even like fbb's (inconceivable to me :-)), but really like the feel of wrestling a woman. At a bodybuilding contest, it's always interesting to look in the audience. Basically, as a general rule, a male who's out of shape (possibly small and weak looking) who attends alone is a schmoo (realizing there's always exceptions and I mean no harm here). But what if we see a male who obviously works out and still attends alone? Perhaps he's simply into the bb scene? Could be, it's not quite as clear there. I've personally found that the better shape that I'm in (and most know I'm far from an mbb) the more interested I'm in fbb's, even if it becomes less and less likely that I'd be overpowered by one. For some men, that is very important and crucial (being overpowered), for others it is not crucial (me, for example, it's mainly an aesthetic thing - like some men like large breasts or blonde hair). This brings me to another interesting thing, generally someone with a large breast fetish (only) wouldn't be considered a schmoo, right? Well, what if his fetish involves being slapped around by those breasts and then being smothered by them? Hmm, sounds like a schmoo now? I think we all realize (in addition to this being simply one man's opinion) that schmoo's come in all sizes, shapes, and an endless amount of varieties. It's nothing to be ashamed of when in amongst other schmoos, but rightfully so, when in a judgmental crowd, it might be prudent to keep that moniker to oneself. One schmoo, er gentleman at WSE '98 mentioned to me and a couple of other fellows that perhaps Don "The Dragon" Wilson is one of us? We were all trying to figure out why he was in attendance. And I personally found the "one of us" reference to be quite interesting. Well, I didn't ask him... and can you blame me? :-) -jabber