THE TEACHING by Iczerman



Julia Diggers, Arms Master of Jade, was taking a nice warm shower. She had to admit that was one of the advantages of living on Earth Realm with her Husband Dr. Theodore Diggers, with whom she was recently reunited by the combined efforts of her daughters Gina and Brianna.

" Maybe I could "convince' Theo for another round of "fun'." She thought, grinning.

She was annoyed when she heard the dong of the doorbell.

" This had better be good." She said to herself as she put on a robe and went downstairs to answer the door. She didn't like to be interrupted during sex...or even when she was thinking about sex.

What Julia saw when she opened the door was a well dressed, tall, quite attractive girl. She was dressed in a loose fitting white blouse with a mid-thigh, blue, hip-hugging skirt, makeup tastefully applied.

"Ah, a make-up sales woman." Julia said to herself.

"I'm sorry honey." She began." I have more than enough make-up."

"I am not selling make-up. My name is Amy Anderson. And I am here to ask that I may become one of your students...please."

" Student?...a student of-..?" Julia was becoming suspicious.

" A student of the art of self-defense. I know through my research that you... are the Arms Master of Jade. Plus one of the best Arms Instructors also. You have taught many different kinds of students, from werefolk to elves. You take each one's strengths and weaknesses to create a style unique to that student. I ask that you help me realize my potential."

" I'm sorry dear." Began Julia." I am not taking on any new students."

Amy did a small bow as the door closed.


"Breakfast was usual." Doctor Theodore Diggers, Archmage, planted a playful peck on the cheek of his wife." I'll get the mail after I clean up. YOU need a rest."

That is what Julia liked about her husband, he was sensitive to her needs, but no wimp.

I don't care what Mumsy thinks. I married me a good man.

Julia started to think back on all their adventures, the day he brought Britanny home, his panicked actions during the events surrounding Gina's birth. The last brought a smile to her face. He was so adorable waiting on her hand and foot.

The dong doorbell again brought her to the present.

"How come every time I start to think of something good, someone's at the door?" She thought.

One part of her was annoyed, but the other part of her was impressed. Before her stood again the same young girl, this time dressed in a very smart, tailored business suit. The outfit was cut to show every curve of her figure to full advantage, from the skinny waist to the short shirt that showed off her long legs. The jacket framed what was probably the largest breasts she had seen on a human that tall. Julia could smell just a hint of her favorite perfume.

"I must ask this girl who her tailor is. Britanny could use a good one." Julia thought.

But she was not taking on any new students. Not earthers anyway, they just didn't have what it takes to be a warrior.

" I said I was not taking on any students." Julia tried to sound cold and stern.

"I ask that you please reconsider your decision." Amy looked Julia straight in the eye.

"Don't come back mind is made up."

Julia shut the door just two degrees short of a slam. She was so nice and courteous, not like MY three daughters, she thought. I hated to do that, but to teach her would be a waste of my time and hers. Something inside of Julia prompted her to look out the front window. She saw the girl walk toward the gate of their estate. Hum...light on her feet, head held high, purposeful stride. Julia saw how the muscles of her legs and calves bulged and relaxed as she was walked.

Through the front gate she saw her husband walk toward the young girl, looking down at the mornings mail. She saw how the girl stepped aside and gave him a little bow as he walked past her, he giving a nod in return.

Then she froze.

He turned around and looked at that girl as she walked away for a fraction of a second too long.

Admiration turned to jealousy.

When Dr. Diggers entered the door of the mansion, he was met with a cold stare.

"Honey, what's the matter?"

"I saw you, you turned around and looked at her...didn't you?" Julia knew she caught him red handed.

"Uh oh." He thought. "Busted!"

" am I supposed to do, ignore her? She shows respect for her elders, that's a sign of character you know."

"I'm not talking about that. YOU did a double take. I saw you! What does she have that I don't? Besides youth, long athletic legs, a skinny waistline, and the biggest, firmest breasts I've ever seen on a human." As she was saying this she was pushing her husband into a corner, so that when she finished her diatribe, her own firm breasts were pressed against his chest. Her look changed from the look of annoyance to THAT LOOK. The look she gave when she wanted his... attention.

"Honey...she can't hold a candle to you."

"Oh yeah...prove it!" Julia gave her man a long, passionate kiss.


Ah...Sunday morning, the day that we go on our run together. Julia always looked forward to Sundays, sleeping in late, the invigorating run, the "after cool-down" shower. Julia giggled to herself, this was going to be a special day, she could feel it.

"Honey? Are you ready?" Came the call from downstairs. Julia hurried down the stairs and out the door, her husband decided to get a head start. Let him have his fun, she thought, he could never run as fast and long as I could anyway, but he always tries. How sweet.

For three miles they jogged together, the air was clean and the sun shone brightly, what a great day! Julia felt something in the air, something was going to happen. She ran circles around her panting husband, dancing out of his reach when he tried to swat her behind.

I'll let him "catch me" like I always do at the end of our little jog. She liked the way he hugged her and nuzzled her when he did. When they rounded the last bend toward home, just the time he was to catch her, she stopped cold. Dr. Diggers caught up to her and saw the look on her face.

"Uh-OH." He thought. "I've seen that look before."

Ahead of them, waiting at the entrance of their estate, was that same girl. She was dressed in a form-fitting body suit with no sleeves, which showed off her thick arms and shoulders. Julia tried to keep a stern look on her face as she appraised the physique that stood before her. Not the most massive I've seen, she thought, but for an earther girl she was impressive. The Jade Breeding Amazons were strong, but this girl looked like she could hold her own with anyone of them, only in a test of strength. She would be too slow and those breasts would weigh her down. She met Julia's glare directly, not frowning or with anger, just determination.

" I told you NOT to come back. Since I'm here on Earth I would have to call the police to deal with you. Where I come from I would deal with you myself." Julia's voice turned icy cold.

"With respect, this is a public road. I am not standing on your property."

"Look..I never teach earthers. And NEVER earth girls except maybe my own daughters if they wanted. But just to let you know what you are truly asking I will give you the basic entrance test. I will be truthful when I assess your talent, if I think you show some promise I will teach you for 5 days. At the end of which I will decide if it is worth my time to further instruct you. But if I think you have no potential, you must leave and not return, as an Arms-Master of Jade and Archmage Dr. Theodore Diggers as witness. I pledge to judge your abilities fairly."

"I accept" Said Amy.


The Archmage and the Arms-Master took their places on the back yard, which served as training ground and dojo. Julia pointed to the spot before her on which Amy should stand.

"This test is a simple one in which I assess students potential, You are to try to grab my hand." Julia held out her hand, palm facing Amy. "Steady breathing, solid grounding, direct look, this girl had some instruction." Julia thought.

Suddenly Julia saw the slightest movement in Amy's eye. Amy's hand became a blur when she reached for the Master's hand. But Julia Diggers was the Arms-Master of Jade, with years of experience and great physical prowess. She ducked under Amy's outstretched hand, grabbed her wrist and using Amy's momentum, pulled her off her feet and flung the hapless girl toward the ground.

"I knew it." Julia thought. "This would be easy to judge and still remain fair. " No talent."

At the very last fraction of a second, Julia lost her grip on the girl's wrist due to a practiced but elementary release move. She saw Amy use her free hand to break her fall plus executing a one-handed front hand-spring, twisting in the air to land lightly on her feet facing the Arms Master.

"Well...I have to did a lot better than my were-cheetah daughter did. You seem to have learned a few things I could build on, we will see after 5 days. Come back tomorrow and we will start your training." Julia said grudgingly.

Beaming...Amy bowed to both Julia and Dr. Diggers, turned around and tried to walk away with some poise. But Julia could see the restraint in her gait. The girl would be running and leaping for joy if she would let herself.

"Looks like you made someone happy." Dr. Diggers said.

"I did eh?...we'll see in 5 days, I won't give her much longer than that, she'll wash out."

"What are you talking about? I'd say she passed your test with flying colors."

"Yes...but she's a earther after all, how long could she possibly last?"

"I'd say quite a while. Look at your left hand." Said Dr. Diggers with a smile.

"What for?" Julia sounded annoyed when she brought up her left hand to look at it. Annoyance turned to surprise when she saw that in addition to her wedding band, she had a 1-carat diamond ring. "It's beautiful." She thought.

"Thank you Theo. I always like it when you give me presents."

" I didn't give that to you. That girl took your wedding band off, put that ring on, and put the wedding band back on when she was being "tested", and you didn't notice until I told you. Now what was that you were telling me about earthers not having what it takes?" Theo knew he scored a point.

" Humph...she was lucky. But still... it IS a nice ring, eh? How did she know my size and that I like this type of setting?"

"I guess we'll both find out in 5 days."


Amy went to her room in tears... again.

Julia remembered the first time this happened. It was Thursday night the first week of Amy's training. When the both of them were sparring (Julia's preferred method of teaching), something came over Julia. An urge to show this earther what she was in for, she had never done this in any of her past classes when she was an Arms-Instructor. Amy was quick and strong, but inexperienced. Julia unleashed a complex combination of punches and kicks that left Amy's mouth bloodied and the wind knocked out of her. Amy picked herself off the ground and assumed her fighting stance, tears rolling down her cheeks and determination in her eyes.

Julia then launched into a speech about not letting an opponent know that you're hurt, that you can take everything they got. Crying during a battle was not allowed. With a brusque wave of her hand, Julia dismissed her.

Julia was disgusted at the gall Amy had showing up the next day to be "tested" at the end of the 5-day period.

" You come to me today? After what happened last night? No one I have ever taught cried during a simple lesson. I will not waste my time with you. GO." Julia turned and shut the door, but Amy stopped it with her hand.

The glare that Amy got had sent shivers down the spines of trolls and dragons on Jade.


"Honey, what's going on?" Came a voice from upstairs.

" Theo, call the police. If they are not here in 5 minutes to remove this girl, I will myself."

"Please... I will not be refused the right to be tested as you promised." Said Amy unblinking.

"Julia, you did agree to test her on the fifth day which is today. If she doesn't pass... she will leave." Theodore reminded his wife.

"But she cried...CRIED... last night! NONE of MY students that are worth anything cry at the end of a lesson!"

The look on Dr. Diggers face let Julia know that the girl was correct. She will get this over with quick.

" Very well, let's get this over with." Julia said throwing her arms up in disgust.

Much to Julia's chagrin all the mistakes that lead to Amy's defeat the day before was skillfully corrected. A different series of advanced moves were used to no effect. The last attack was parried dodged with ease, Amy lightly landing on her feet, waiting and ready.

That was eight weeks ago. This time, however, the tears were tears of joy.


The Diggers bedroom.

The Arch-mage and Arms-Master were settling down for the night, Julia snuggled close to her husband, holding him tightly. Usually she had been the one to initiate conversation about their day, but tonight she was silent, thinking.

"Julia, you're quiet tonight, what happened? I saw Amy go to her room crying. And when she served us dinner her tonight, her eyes were still red." Asked Theo.

" Don't worry about her. I didn't want to tell her, but I had to tell her the truth. I don't think I could teach her anymore. She has mastered all the skills that I could teach her, she even has developed a unique style of her own. All she needs is experience."

Dr. Diggers sat up in bed.

"You told her that? You probably made her the happiest girl in the world."

"Don't think that was unearned. I made her work hard each step of the way. Every lesson taught was mastered, with some unique variations added. One thing bothers me though. I think she's holding back. I remember when I was training Brittany and took a pretty good punch from her to let her know I could take anything she could dish out. But Amy is different. I've taught students who were fast and students who where strong, but not both. She is strong, MUCH stronger than Brittany. Even stronger than Thabian if what you told me is true. We go on 10 mile runs every day and she's not even winded."

"I could see that." Said the Arch-Mage as he caressed his wife's firm legs and rear-end.

" Maybe you should join us? Looks like you've been enjoying Amy's cooking a little TOO much." Julia patted her husband's stomach.

" Perhaps I should." He leaned over to kiss his wife." But I must remind you that it was your idea to have her say here."

"Yes it was. After a couple of weeks of her training I decided that it was best for her to stay here, so I could give her the intense training that she was capable of receiving. She offered to do the shopping and cooking. That enabled us to spend more time together."

They held each other close until Julia whispered something in Theo's ear.

" I have a confession to make" She began." I borrowed your scrying glass to look in on Amy once."

" You did? But how did you find out how to use it?"

"Don't EVER underestimate me, Dr. Theodore Diggers. I am a woman of many talents and skills."

"It would seem so, well, what did you find out?"

" I saw her as she came out of the shower. She dried herself off and went in front of that full-length mirror and started to flex her muscles. When she flexed her arms I couldn't believe what I saw. That muscle grew bigger and bigger until it reached almost to her fist. I could see one huge vein running down the middle of her bicep. She pumped that muscle over and over and each time that vein grew more and more prominent. You know, I think she likes to flex her biceps, it makes her feel good."

"Nothing wrong with that."

" You know that beautiful stone sphere she has in her room? I found out what it's for. This you won't believe. She massaged one of her nipples so it became erect. Then she took the sphere and balanced it on her nipple for about 5 minutes, then switched to the other one."

Dr. Diggers was feeling his blood start to flow.

" I got to admit I was impressed by her control. I'm going to ask her how she got that way. I didn't think earth girls could get that big. By the way you think she's sexy?"

The blood stopped flowing.

"Well," He said, sputtering and clearing his throat, " She is... attractive. To be honest she got to have the most outrageous measurements."

"She told me what they were when we went shopping at the mall one day, she's 104-20-44. This was when you were away for the weekend. We were to go shopping and she came from her room wearing this low-cut, short, back-less tubedress."

The blood was starting to flow again.

" Not very many people could wear something like that, but she could. And she had these sunglasses on. I asked her what was going on and she said that every once in a while she liked to look sexy. She read somewhere that if your going to show off you have to be...what was that term..."in you face" about it?"

"That means bold and confident."

" It does? I couldn't tell because she started to have the giggles. Well, I wasn't about to be outdone, so I went to Gina's closet and borrowed one of her little dresses and a pair of her sunglasses. Needles to say we caused quite a stir walking in the mall together. Two guys even tried to "come on' to us."

"NO!" Gasped Dr. Diggers.

"What do you mean ...NO? Don't you think I've got what it takes? You think I'm over the I'll show you!"

Julia got out of bed and started run her hands over her firm body, performing a sultry,exotic dance. She pushed her husband back down on their bed when he tried to join her and pinned his shoulders down on the bed, smothering her husbands grinning face with her breasts.


After an enjoyable morning shower together, the Arch-mage and the Arms-Master were treated to a sumptuous breakfast prepared by Amy.

Three helpings of pancakes (Julia had five) later, Julia joined Amy in the cleaning up.

"Amy, after teaching you for eight weeks I have decided that we are to go to Jade and for you to learn from my mother. You have mastered all the skills necessary to qualify for Master Status. To gain such an honor you must compete in the Masters Tournament, which is held every five years on Jade. As fate would have it, in three months a qualifying tournament will begin. It is during this time you will train with my mother."

"Thank you". Said Amy." I hope I will prove myself worthy of your teaching. But I thought that since you are one of the "Ten", that there are higher level of teachers."

"That is true... But not all of the best teachers are sanctioned by the Warriors Guild. My mother is not a member of the Guild, yet she has the experience and the skill to teach you further. But she will demand the very best from you. I know you have been holding back your strength, and normally I'd throw anyone who did that out on their tush, but I made this singular exception in your case. You are strong Amy, the strongest student I've taught. Also one of the fastest, not THE fastest, but its the combination of both that makes you unique. Also it seems that if you do something two times its like you've done it a 1000 times. You are not what I call a " natural". But you've learned well what you've been taught."

"Thank you." Said Amy bowing.

" Now go get dressed we will leave as soon as your ready. I will let Theo know what's going on, he will teleport us to Jade and we will see my Mumsy. Now Amy, on Jade it's appropriate for one your age to show off your body. It shows everybody who you are, what you've got, and that you're proud and confident of yourself."

"That's right." Piped in Dr. Diggers." I remember this nice little outfit Julia wore when I first saw her when she was competing for a job. What a cute figure!"

"Fattery will get you everywhere!" Said Julia as she kissed her husband on the cheek.

" I think I have just the thing! I'll be right back." Amy said as she went upstairs.

A few minutes later Amy reappeared in the short white dress she got at Riverglenn. Arms, legs, and vast cleavage were well displayed. A gold belt cinched around her tiny waist gave her an exaggerated hourglass figure.

" A bit modest for one your age by Jade standards, but fetching non-the-less. Theo, we're ready."

A blue glow surrounded them as the teleport spell took them to the main gate of Gladiopolis, the Warrior's city.