A fanfiction is based on " Slayers: The Motion Picture"


Lina Inverse was NOT in a hurry. It was a wonderful spring day, the sun was out and the scent of flowers in bloom actually put the powerful sorceress in a good mood. But the number one reason for her good spirits was that she was alone, away from Naga and that annoying laugh of hers. The sound of birds singing and the gentle breeze conducting the chorus of trees was like music to her ears.

She was heading to one of her favorite inns get some rest and a good meal. "Ahhh..good of my favorite things in to money and power of course." She came to the edge of a clearing and stopped short...looked at the situation...and ducked quickly behind some bushes. "AH HA !" She said to herself. "Time to play hero and get some money."

In the clearing a play of sorts was happening, the plot of which Lina knew all to well. A group of thugs accosting a lone traveler. Their leader was pointing to what looked like a sword on the stranger's back, the stranger did a little bow and shook her head. Lina then assessed the hapless traveler, a woman by the look of her short white dress, which showed long shapely legs with thick muscular calves. A twinge of jealousy gnawed at her when she noted the girl's tiny waist, smaller than her own.

But what caused Lina to almost blow her cover was her reaction to the girls breasts. They were huge... much, MUCH bigger than Naga's and by the look of them much firmer also.

" Why does EVERYONE have to have larger breasts than me?!" Lina whispered to herself in exasperation. She then heard the cheers of the brigands when one big lout loomed over the girl and tried to take her sword by force. "I'll wait until she is in big trouble before I offer my help. I'll then be able to charge her more money for her rescue." Lina chucked to herself.

The cheers soon turned to gasps as the lout's hand was turned onto a bag of crushed bone. Swords rang out as the remaining thugs hurled themselves toward the stranger. Easily dodging the thrusts of her attackers, the girl drew her own shining blade. The clangs of metal sounded oddly musical to Lina's ears, but the song ended quickly. Four disarmed brigands were now cowering behind their leader. The man then began the familiar gestures of summoning, and three lesser demons appeared from the ground.

"Well... Lina Inverse to the rescue!" Lina smacked her lips at the thought. "Lesser demons are child's play to the beautiful, genius sorceress Lina Inverse. Wait a do I know this person has any money anyway? Well, she needs MY help now, no one can stand against three lesser demons all by themselves...unless they're ME of course." Lina took two steps into the clearing and was about to deliver a snappy speech when she saw the impossible.

The lesser demons pounced on the girl with fists and fire gushing from their mouths. All to no avail. For the girl performed some very complex and familiar acrobatic moves to avoid their attacks.

Three loud punches followed by three earth-shaking thuds brought the melee to a quick end.

"She...she... she... defeated THREE 20 foot lesser demons in hand to hand combat?!!!" Lina sank to the ground, stunned.

Author's note: visual cue

Large sweat drops form on brigand's heads

The girl walked up to the trembling group, which scooted out of her way, performed a little bow, and walked past them in the same direction Lina was heading.

"Nobody's going to believe this one." Lina sighed, smacking her forehead.


The menu of the local 5-shield inn caused Lina's mouth to water. It was brand new and boasted a wide array of victuals. 20 different meat dishes in addition to a wide variety of fish and foul. An extensive wine list that would make Naga go nuts, plus a dessert menu that would be sure to give the local tooth-smiths plenty of work. Along with the exorbitant menu were the equally exorbitant prices.

" WHAT....! How can they get away with charging that much money!!?"' Lina dug in her pockets and came up with enough money for a small appetizer. " How come I always run short of money? Well it's to the local cheap inn for me."

As Lina made her way to the el cheapo inn, she saw the star of the play she witnessed earlier open the door and walk in. Raucous laughter greeted her ears as she peeked thru a crack in the door jamb.

" Look lady" Began the barkeep. "You got the name right, but no way is the woman you described the Lina Inverse we know.

" Yeah...She's known around here as the Dragon-spooker, Dragon-nester, small-breasted brainless girl Lina Inverse. Hey guys..." Said one of the patrons. "How does that song go?"

Little girl, little breasts, scares a dragon from it's nest."

Little girl, little breasts, scares a dragon from it's nest."

Little girl, little breasts, scares a dragon from it's nest!"

All the bar's occupants lifted their glasses, banged them together, and took a long draught. A fireball was starting to form in Lina's hand.

" What do you want her for anyway lady? Not for protection by the look of that sword and by a second look at those arms of yours."

" I wish to hire her for a expedition, one that could result in profit for us both."

The fireball stopped forming.

" Well, good luck to you. I hope you find her... and even more luck to get along with her. I hear she has a hair-trigger temper."

" Thank you...for your time. Here..." Amy Brigand-Anderson gave the barkeep several silver pieces." Drinks for everyone!" Glasses were raised in her direction as she waved to everyone on her way out. Many eyes feasted upon her exit.

" Now you come back, you hear!" Called the barkeep.

Lina quickly ducked outside and around the corner. The girl was walking toward another inn . Her head was held high and her strides were long, fluid, light and powerful. Massive arms swung freely, her breasts bouncing minimally with each stride.

" Better catch up with her and find out what she has in mind, maybe get a free meal as a bonus!" Lina had to jog a little to catch up with the girl.

" Hey...HEY YOU THERE!" Lina called." Wait up will-ya!"

The girl stopped and turned around. " May I help you?" A smile greeted her persuer.

Lina stopped short as she looked at the girl close up for the first time. Her breasts were indeed very huge and firm. A tiny waist flared out to shapely hips and long strong legs ,and that was only part of the picture. Thick arms and shoulders told of great strength. She appeared to have a great well of untapped magical power. She also had a very strong Life Force. Lina became energized just standing close to her. The blue gem on the hilt of her sword must have been the object of the brigand's attention.

" Who were you looking for?" Asked Lina.

" I'm looking for a Lina Inverse. I hear she is a powerful, petite-figured sorceress that doesn't let anybody push her around."

" And don't forget the word 'genius' in that description...Lina Inverse here, available for hire." Lina was impressed. Finally...someone whose got it right. She thought.

" Glad to meet you." Amy said bowing." I would like to hire you for a expedition, I'm after something and along the way, might get some treasure."

" I make it a policy not to discuss business on an empty stomach. How about that place over there?" Lina pointed to the 5 shield inn." I hear the food is okay."

" Sure...I'll pay."

Clapping and rubbing her hands together Lina lead the way to the expensive restaurant. The mat're de greeted them at the door.

" Two please... and make it your best table!!"


After finishing off the 10th plate of food (Amy had two plates plus dessert), Lina decided it was time to get down to business.

"Now what is it your looking for?" Asked Lina.

" I'm looking for a place called Demonshoard. According to my research it has alot of magical artifacts and trea..."

" DEMONSHOARD?!!" Moaned Lina." Not another delusional treasure seeker A G A I N. "That place is only legend."

" It is said to contain another one of the "Swords of Light".

" Yea...yea, plus mounds of treasure and a evil magician guarding it, yadda...yadda... the usual stuff. Nobody knows where it is."

"That is where you come in, I am not a sorceress even though I do know a couple of spells. And you know about the lay of the land plus where we may be able to purchase a map. I will pay for your time plus whatever treasure you wish to keep once we find the place and overcome any obstacles, either magical or physical."

" Well...its your money, but I'm not about to go on a journey without finding out about my companions. Tell me about your training and experience." Lina already saw what she could do, but she didn't want this girl to know that.

Amy told her about her training with Julia and Grammy.

"This is my forth week here in this dimension. Before now I have been traveling and also had the honor of learning acrobatics from Her Highness Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune."

Lina burst out laughing. " You learned acrobatics from that klutz?! "

"She was a good teacher." Said Amy in Amelia's defense. "I learned alot."

"Well...those moves you did were well executed...but that just means you're a fast learner." Lina said thoughtfully.

" Oh...YOU were the one hiding in the bushes earlier today. You saw my little spat with those creeps."

Lina started to turn a pale shade of blue.

" They were after my blade. I paid good money for it and to the magician who put the enchantment on the gem I owe a favor. That's why I'm here."

" Uh, whatever." Lina stammered trying to change the subject." Now ...about money...My fee for this is two thousand ... all in advance."

" One thousand now, the other thousand upon completion of the expedition."

" Why...don't you trust me? You're asking for my help here...I make the terms."

"I'm sorry...but I think you would do the same." Amy looked Lina straight in the eye, unintimidated.

" I suppose your the bill and let's get going. I know a magic shop that specializes in maps and legends and stuff. It will be expensive....but then again...its your party."

" Great!" Said Amy getting out of her chair." Waiter, the check please!"


" That will be twenty thousand lady's".

" TWENTY THOUSAND?!!...You must be out of your mind Old man." Lina had no patience for con-artists.

The master of the magic shop was unintimadated, even though he knew Lina's reputation for frying anybody who crossed her. "Don't try to scare me Lina Inverse... when you walked into my shop I sent a message to the local so much as touch me and you will become a criminal, not just a very destructive hero."

Lina couldn't risk that, she'll have Ameleia and Naga after her plus all manner of scum bounty hunters.

"Sir, if I may." Said Amy. " Twenty thousand is alot of money for a map. I would like to inspect it and then confer with my partner."

" Heh..heh...well okay..if you want." The map was spread out before her and Amy scanned it for 15 seconds.

" appears to be genuine...come Lina let's talk about this."

" But why? What's there to talk about? I'm not going to be scammed by this..."

" LINA...let's GO!" Amy took Lina by the arm and almost dragged her kicking out the door.

" NOW WHAT?!" Lina yelled.

" We don't need the map...I have it all up here." Amy pointed to her head." A man should never underestimate a woman... either physically OR mentally. We need to go east, its about three days journey from here."

"Wait a minute, how do I know you really memorized that map?...nobody has that type of memory. " Lina had her arms crossed over her chest.

" Okay..tell you what... if I can't find the place , I'll pay you another 2 thousand. If I can...I get a refund."

" Your on!!"

The journey was uneventful, even pleasant. Amy proved to be a good traveling companion...not bothering Lina with dumb questions and mindless prattle. They journeyed on foot until dark and made camp. After a surprisingly tasty meal, Lina lay down on her cape while Amy took out from her little pack two pieces of dark purple fabric. She spread one on the ground and then proceeded to take off all of her clothes.

" Say Amy...It gets cold out here, and you sleep in no clothes on? What's up with that?"

" This is a special fabric I invented that lets the air circulate thru and keeps one warm, even when its below freezing. It also provides a soft cushion on whatever surface it covers. After this little trip I'm to go to Gotham City and sell the rights to the formula. I'd rather have someone else worry about labor, production, and marketing and I'll get...oh...25 percent. But not after careful review of the contract of course."

" Sounds like you come from a very complicated place. Uh ...good luck with your business." Lina was starting to like Amy.

" Thank you very much. Good night Lina."

" Good night..."

Lina woke up the next day bright and early. She turned to look at Amy and found all sorts of small forest animals snuggled up against her body. One small animal even found a warm place between her towering breasts. When Lina got up, all the animals scurried away, waking Amy at the same time. She got up, took a deep breath of the clean morning air, and stretched, flexing her muscles briefly. Lina was startled at how big Amy was, not only how big her breasts were but Amy's muscles also. She found herself almost staring.

" Hi Lina...oh...I'm sorry, let me get cleaned up and get dressed, there's a stream near by, I'll only take a moment."

Soon Amy came back, dressed and looking refreshed. Again Lina felt the strong Life Force emanating from Amy's body.

"Amy...traveling on foot is too slow... any way to speed things up a little? I have a spell that enables me to fly. You said you knew a couple of spells, can any of those help?"

" Well..I don't know any flight spells, but I can run pretty fast and for a long time. But how can we stay in contact with each other?"

" I could teach you a spell...for a fee. It will enable you to fly plus you can use it as a shield of sorts."

Amy reached into her sack of gems and gave one to Lina.

" Good quality gem there. Okay, let's get started. The spell's called " RayWing...."


Its one thing too see the ground from 65,000 feet, but from 500 feet it was different. Amy couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the land as she and Lina sped thru the sky. The great thing about the " RayWing" spell is that the spell surrounds the caster with air, thereby eliminating the need for goggles.

Soon the object of their search loomed ahead of them. Rising 200 feet in the air, black as night, the DemonsHoard looked like a truncated pyramid. Landing and making camp, Lina and Amy walked around the black edifice,300 feet on a side it looked impenetrable. On one side there was what looked like a door 100 feet high with no seams.

" Looks pretty solid." Said Lina. "Any ideas on how to get in?"

" The map didn't say, but it did give warning about anyone entering...

" Yeah...yeah...and a fate worse than death...I've heard that stuff before. Stand back..time to earn my keep...."

"Ahem...Lina? We are here and your convinced that this is the right place...I remind you about our wager?"

" D O H !!! W e llll...okay."

" Remember. Never underestimate a woman, no matter what she looks like."

" Don't rub it in..will ya? stand back."

"Heed me thou that is darker than dust"

A faint red aura surrounded Lina's body, growing brighter as she continued the incantation.

"Infuse me with power let your strength become mine!"

Amy gave the Sorceress more room..the amount of power being wielded was becoming staggering.

"To deliver unto them the ultimate doom!"


The shockwave from the spell caused Amy to stumble backward, hot air blasted against her face. The ground shook as the spell hit its target. Soon the smoke lifted revealing the sorceress looking rather dumbfounded.

" What's wrong Lina? That was the most powerful thing I have ever experienced! And to be this close and safe. It must take alot of skill to control such power! Lina?...Lina?." Amy came up behind Lina only to see her point feebly at her target.

On the door was the damage wrought by the spell...a small chink on the surface, no bigger than Lina's hand.

" That was my most powerful spell, the one I could use safely. Is this place a illusion?"

Amy and Lina went up to inspect the "damage". Upon inspection of the chink, Amy found what looked like a seam. Putting her fingers inside the divot, Amy started to force the hidden door apart. Deep groanings of machinery being wrenched apart became louder as the giant door was thrown open with ease. The door looked to be 100 feet high and some 50 feet thick.

"Sh...Sh...She's strong." Thought Lina.

" Hum...big door huh? I wonder why it didn't chip? And no escaping air like in those Indiana Jones movies. Made from some strange alloy or something." Amy brought out her little pocket computer and tried to analyze the substance. " Hum... atomic structure is dense...."

" Excuse me...but let's get a move on..." Interrupted Lina.

" Oh...sorry... let me get my flashlight out."

" Not to worry...."LIGHTING". A soft ball of light formed at Lina's right hand. " Let's look around."

The inside of the fortress was hollow. In the middle of the bare floor was a stairway that led down to the next level. Each flight of stairs had fifty steps. Reaching the next level, Lina's eyes became wide with wonder. The room, all 40,000 square feet, was filled with treasure of various kinds. Gems, coins, bars of gold and silver, weapons. Upon decent to the next levels the treasure became grander and more extravagant. Down 11 levels they went, Lina couldn't stop drooling over the riches her eyes beheld. The 12th level was different than the ones above, it was empty except for three tables in the center of the room. One had two sword hilts sticking out of it, one had a strange little glass bottle, the third an old book.

Suddenly the whole room was bathed in light and an wizened old man appeared from seemingly nowhere. He held a gnarly wooden staff.

" Welcome to Joylock's treasure trove number 3. As you can see I know why your here and what you want. You must be very powerful to get this far. I don't know who you two lady's are. I'm called Nybot."

" My name is Amy Brigand-Anderson, nice to meet you." Amy said as she bowed.

" Soooo. You work for Joylock do ya? Welllll..I went back to the past to toast that Demon. So how come this stuff is still here I wonder? Must be a Mipross island time thingy. Anyway Old man, since you work for him that automatically makes you....TOAST!!!...FIRE BALL!!

Nothing happened.

Lina looked at her hands and then turned a pale shade of green.

" Hot tempered little thing, isn't she" The old man said to Amy. "You say you killed my master? PPPPPPleease...pppleeeease tell me its TRUE!!!" The old man thru down his staff and walked on his knees toward Lina...hands folded in supplication. "That shmuck locked me down here for years, with no relief, no overtime and no benefits. Do you know how hard it is being alone with all this money and not able to spend any of it! Take me with you, please take me take me!" His sobbing echoed thru the chamber.

" Will ya stop already Old man! We'll take you with us, but not without something to show for it. By the way, my name is Lina Inverse. The beautiful, intelligent, genius sorceress. why can't I cast a spell down here?"

" This place is not of this world...the walls are black magic resistant and very dense. Joylock discovered the key and used this place to hoard his treasure after he took over the island of Mipross. As you can see, there is quite a stash here. Including these items that are of interest to you. I could tell what they were by using my magic. On the first table is a Claire Bible. On the second is one of the Swords of Light, and on the third a vial of "Negative Will."

"Negative Will?" Asked Amy.

" can be used as a potion or part of a spell that will erase a person's will, take away one's freedom of choice. Then another will can be put in it's place, but that takes another kind of magic to implant the patterns of thought. Powerful stuff.

" That's why I'm here. Gnessis is working on another essence inversion spell, the same spell that turned Dr. Diggers father into a Lich. I can't allow this to happen, it's too dangerous plus unethical. Thank you sir, but I refuse." Amy bowed again.

"Ah HA..My turn." Lina went to one of the hilts and studied them both. She then opened the book and verified that it was a Claire Bible." Wow..what a haul! A Claire Bible and two Swords of Light! And treasure to boot!" Lina snatched up both hilts.

The whole chamber started to vibrate. Everyone looked up and saw the ceiling closing down on them. The sounds of massive machines caused a deep rumble.

Something inside Amy urged her to go to the center of the room. Yes, She could do this. Raising her arms she stopped the roof from crushing them. The rumbling continued while Amy felt the second level adding its weight and force to the first one. This went on ten more times...Amy holding up the weight of the treasure,12 separate floors, and their machines that forced them down . Her muscles were eager for the challenge and they responded. She felt...joyful...exhilarated.... The familiar stirring deep in her loins started again. This time she welcomed the feeling.

" Is everyone okay?" Amy called. " Lina... your light spell!"

" What the heck happened!" Lina yelled.

" I...I...don't know." Stammered Nybot. " Maybe this is a trap for anyone strong enough to challenge Joylock. Why that, he was going to kill me along with whoever was strong enough to challenge him! That's why the walls are black-magic-resistant! No one could blast their way out of here!"

" NOW what are we gonna do? I'm NOT going to die here." Lina was getting claustrophobic.

"Everyone, grab a hold of me! I know a teleport spell that can get us out of here. But you must stay in contact with my body. Carry what you can." Said Amy." But we have to hurry... I'm going to run out of air before I run out of strength."

Hesitating, Lina walked around behind Amy and put her arms around Amy's skinny waist. Lina could feel the solid abdominals with her arms and the firm glutes pressed against her stomach. Lina's chin rested against the thick back muscles. Was that perfume Amy was wearing?

Nybot showed no such hesitation and soon had his face buried in Amy's cleavage, this was an emergency after all.

" I have to have my hands free to do this spell, hold on tight!" Amy then lightly and quickly pushed the great chamber ceiling upward, the sound of machinery being destroyed lasted only a split second, to be replaced with the distant rumbling. The three found themselves outside, one mile from the black edifice. An eruption of thick black metal slabs reached for the sky. The sunshine on the gold, silver and gems created a shimmering cloud around the debris. High in the sky the remains of Demonshoard flew and when the pieces hit the ground they caused the earth to shake, kicking up another shining cloud of treasure. Then slience.

" Is everyone okay? Er... let go now?"

" Oh...heh..heh... sorry."

" That was fantastic! You're the best adventure partner I ever had! And look! I now have two swords of ligh....wait a minute...THESE...ARE....FAKES!!!!! Where's the Claire Bible?" Lina looked at Nybot who shrugged his shoulders. "I CAN"T BELIEVE THIS...empty handed again!" Lina sunk to her knees.

" I wouldn't say that." Said Amy, putting a hand on Lina's shoulder, winking. "I'm sure with a little excavation we could uncover some of that treasure."

" Hey...YOUR RIGHT!!! Let's get busy. RAY WING!!!"


Their excavation yielded much treasure. Lina had two large bags full of gold coins and gems. Amy replenished her sack of gems also. Nybot also turned a tidy profit, and soon took his leave of the girls. Amy and Lina camped at their chosen spot and after a small meal, turned to bed.

" I want to thank you, Lina, for teaching me that flight spell. I feel it'll come in handy in the future."

" Your welcome, consider it money well spent. Speaking about spent...I'm bushed, I'll see you in the morning. Good night Amy."

" Good night, Lina"


A soft rustling sound woke Lina up. At first she thought it was a robber or something, a fireball was forming in the palm of her hand. But there was no one. She looked over to where Amy was sleeping. Amy's breathing was fast and irregular, it also looked like she was writhing on the ground. But it wasn't from pain. Then as Amy's breathing got deeper, Lina saw Amy's nipples start to grow longer and fatter until they were fully erect. Lina was dumbfounded. No one has nipples six inches long she thought. Amy arched her back...thrusting her pelvis upward and held it there. Again and again her pelvis was thrust upward...after fifteen times..Lina lost count.

Suddenly Amy relaxed. Glad that's over with Lina thought. What's going on here? Then a soft moan caught Lina's attention. Amy was now flexing her arms. Lina never saw arm muscles that big. They kept getting bigger and bigger until they stopped a little above her wrist. Over and over again Amy made her arm muscles big, then. As if in climax. Her pelvis was again thrust in the air and held there while Amy had her arm muscles flexed. Lina and Amy then exhaled together. Amy quickly fell into a deep sleep. Lina turned over and wrapped her cape around her self...and fell asleep.


" Good night, Lina."

Amy quickly fell asleep. She loved the scent of the night air. She took long deep breaths letting her lungs expand. Soon she felt herself floating, no sensation of the grass on which she knew she slept.

Soon, Amy felt something soft and gentle touch her thigh. It felt like she was being kissed by caring thoughtful lips. One part after another was being aroused by the sensuous massage. Amy felt her nipples become hard and fully erect. Her vaginal area was not neglected, the muscles being gently stretched. She spread her legs and arched her back as an invitation to become filled. She was filled to overflowing... welcoming each arrival without shame.

After a small pause, every muscle seemed to awaken. It was as if every muscle cell opened and became a deep well into which strength and power flowed. She was becoming stronger! The realization almost made Amy cry out in her sleep. She flexed her biceps and arched her back, yearning to be filled yet again. With each arrival her body got stronger.

A wave of peace and fulfillment lowered Amy down to her body, a deep restful sleep carried her into the dawn.


The aroma of breakfast alerted Lina's nose that it was time to get up. Rubbing her eyes she tried to look for Amy. She was nowhere in sight. But her gear was all packed ready to go and the meal was left intentionally for Lina." I wonder where she took off to." Thought Lina as she made quick work of the mornings repast.

Lina walked around looking for Amy when they hit. Waves of vibrancy and strength signaled Lina's sixth sense, leading her to where Amy was sitting. She was looking toward the distant mountains bathed in the morning sun. Lina saw a tear stream down Amy's cheek.

"Good morning Amy." Lina said softly. She didn't want to admit it, but she was starting to like, even admire Amy. No small feat.

"Good morning Lina". Said Amy, almost a whisper.

" What's the matter? Didn't you sleep well?" Lina sat down next to her.

" No...I...slept very well , thank you." Amy wiped another tear from her cheek." I...I'm happy. I had another dream that I....uh....that I was made love to. It was wonderful."

Lina found herself asking the question before she could think." Did you..uh..arrive...I mean...did you have a ...?" Lina mentally kicked herself in the rear end for asking such a personal question. But she felt comfortable in Amy's presence, she also knew that Amy would leave very soon and not tell anyone about this lapse of tenderness.

" Yes I did, many times, at least I feel I did. But that's not all. I'm also much, much stronger this morning than I was yesterday. I'm sorry Lina.." Amy didn't hold back her tears of joy." I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, but I can't and won't stuff my feelings down."

Lina didn't know what to do. She put her hand on Amy's thick shoulder and gave it a little squeeze.

" That's okay Amy, life is too short of happiness anyway."

"Lina, you wear those Demons Blood Talismans to boost your power so you can cast more powerful spells right? Wouldn't you want to become powerful enough not to ever need them?"

" Uh..yes...someday. It's never wrong to want to improve yourself."

"It seems that the two are connected...I...I have an erotic dream and then I get stronger and stronger. Maybe that was Serena's gift."

" You are strong, I'll grant you that. I've never seen arms grow that big before."

" How big?" Amy asked suddenly.

" What do you mean how big? Don't YOU know? They were higher than your wrists!"

" I never flexed for you. How did YOU know they get that big? You were watching me, were you....admit it. And you must have been watching me for a long time too."

Lina was speechless, her face turning a deep red.

" Now don't get me wrong here..I..I'm not that type of girl. I was...admiring....yes...that's it ...I was admiring you. Can't anyone admire someone of the same sex without being accused of being a homosexual?" Lina was grasping for an explanation.

" I'll take that as a compliment. You don't seem the type to admire too many people. You don't impress easily. But I am impressed by you."

" As well you should be."

" You don't let people influence you. I know because you would have used your magic to fix the problem by now."

" What do you mean?"

" Your breasts. All these people tease you and make up songs about your breasts being small. You could have used your magic to make yourself bigger if you really thought it was nessesary, but you haven't. I admire that."

Lina couldn't respond. They sat together for a while in silence, Until Amy stood up and took a deep breath, stretching her muscles.

" Well Lina, lets say we pack up and get out of here. You remember how to get here, so if you need any money you would know where to come. I have to get back and report to my Master, that I refused to take it on ethical grounds."

"Will you get in trouble?" Asked Lina.

" I don't think so, but this will be the first time I would stand up to her. I think she would expect it anyway, if I know in my heart and mind that I'm right."


After packing all their gear they found to Lina's consternation that her bags of treasure was too heavy for her to travel very far. The added weight was no problem for Amy, however, and soon it became necessary for Lina to ride on Amy's back, who seemed to have mastered "RayWing" to the point of traveling far and with alot of weight. Obviously due to MY expert teaching, Lina concluded.

They landed in the forest on the outskirts of Saillune. Carrying Lina's bags of treasure into a special bank (Which Amy had researched and found to be the most solvent) and opened up a special account that used only a special combination of symbols( which Lina created) known only to Lina and the bank for identification. It would cause too much attention if people knew that Lina Inverse had an account there.

" Why did we have to pay that banker so much money to set this thing up?"

" Believe me Lina, privacy and asset protection is worth every penny. You stand to loose alot if you're careless. Well... this concludes our business, good luck and good health. Lina Inverse." Amy held out her hand.

" Next time you need a powerful, intelligent sorceress. Look me up."

They shook hands and went their separate ways. Lina hadn't felt this good after an adventure in a long time. She decided to treat herself to a good meal at the local 5-shield inn. Rounding a corner Lina heard something that made her blood run cold. The most hideous, dreadful sound she had ever known:


Turning around quickly she ran back in the direction Amy was heading.

" HEY AMY!!....WAIT UP!!"



" Don't get up honey, I'll get the door."

Julia Diggers hugged Amy hard when they saw each other.

For the next two hours Amy told them both of her adventure. She demonstrated to Julia her new acrobatic moves and showed Dr. Diggers her flight spell. Both acknowledged her mastery of her new skills.

She also told them about the artifact that she was to get for Gnessis.

"He was working on an "Essence Inversion " spell, the same one that turned your father, Dr. Diggers, into a Lich. I refused to bring it. No magic must be used to change or take away someone's freedom of choice. People pick their own fate and whom to serve."

The Diggers were silent. Dr. Diggers had a hard, stern look.

" I will put a stop to this immediately. Sorry honey...I must leave... now." Dr. Diggers disappeared thru a dimension door.

" I'm proud of you Amy. You did the right thing. I'm also happy that you came by to see us, I meant it when I said not to stay away." Julia came and sat next to Amy, putting her arm around her. " What is it that you want to talk to ME about. I could tell you wanted us to be alone."

" I had another dream........"