Kindred Spirit By Iczerman 1 "At the rate she's going, I don't think I'll ever catch up." thought Lita despondently as she saw Amy grind out another set of barbell curls with a higher setting on her Graviton Bar Mk. 4. (patents top secret). When Amy was done she went to the mirror and started to flex her fully engorged muscles. From twenty feet away Lita could hear the flesh of Amy's biceps expand and swell with each pump of her arms. Soon the characteristic ripping of her tank top ended the posing session. "I will NEVER get used to that sound." muttered Lita to herself. "What's wrong Lita?" asked Amy innocently as she wiped the sweat from her glowing skin. "Umm..Amy..Why don't you take a break from for three some of us NORMAL people can MAYBE catch up." said Lita sarcastically. "I could never do that! I don't want to get fat and flabby!" Amy put her hands on her hips and sucked in her stomach, she filled her cheeks with air and tried to cross her eyes, but when her tank top tore loose from her body, she couldn't keep from laughing. Lita tried hard to keep a straight face, but soon gave in to Amy's Laugh Attack. "Seriously Amy, why do you push yourself so hard? I have no doubt that you must be the strongest being in the universe by now." " My sensei Julia taught me that one must train as if there were 10,000 people stronger than ones self. One must NEVER think that one has reached the summit of their potential or skills." preached Amy. "I can see the logic in that." said Lita scratching her head. Sunday mornings were special for Lita and Amy. That was the day they could train together and eat a hearty breakfast with no appointments or chores for them to rush to, they took their time to eat, talk and relax. Afterwards Amy went to her computer and started to look over her investments. "That's odd..why have I not seen this pattern before today?" Amy thought to herself as she traced a rather large amount of her money from various Wayne Enterprises subsidiaries into an obscure project account. "Looks like I will be paying Mr. Bruce Wayne a little visit." 2 Justice League Space Station "I'm telling you it's a security risk to have a civilian on board." muttered Green Lantern. "Apparently Superman thinks otherwise." Said Wonder Woman. "I don't care what he thinks." Green Lanterns eyes were smoldering. "It's funny how's he's treating her, as if she were his superior. There's more to her than meets the eye. "How much M O R E could there be?" Hawk Girl said, her eyes rolling upward. "In spite of her obvious..endowments .and cheerful demeanor, I sense a very powerful warrior, and she's also a Princess. "There you go again with that royalty jive. How would you know?" barked Green Lantern. " I .know." Wonder Woman said sternly. " they come." hissed Hawk Girl. To Superman it was appropriate that Amy be the first civilian to have a tour of the Justice League Space Station. After a somewhat urgent call from Bruce Wayne it was decided between the two that she should be granted the privilege, the fact that most of the money spent to fund the construction of the space station came from her stock in Wayne Enterprises was instrumental to say the least. It was also decided that she was to be Superman's guest only, and that no connection between she and Bruce Wayne be mentioned. Some deft moving about of funds would make tracing the money back to her a very hard task for one who doesn't know what to look for. It also amused Superman to hear just a little hint of nervousness in Bruce Wayne's voice. Superman introduced Amy to the three superheroes. She curtseyed to Wonder Woman and bowed to Hawk Girl, which caused her massive breasts to bounce slightly, much to Hawk Girl's consternation. She clasped Green Lantern's hand firmly, looking him straight in the eye. "Have you shown our guest the training facilities Superman?" asked Hawk Girl innocently. "Perhaps she would like a little..demonstration?" "Really?! I would be honored!" Amy was excited. 2.1 The training arena was a circular room with a high domed ceiling. The training parameters for each Justice League member were programmed into a central computer which analyzed each member's strengths and weaknesses and formulated simulations which would not only hone mastered skills, but improve any shortcomings. Amy stood close to the wall while Superman, Wonder Woman and Hawk Girl went through their training simulations, Green Lantern stalked away muttering to himself about women warriors.. The simulation consisted of a battle between the superheroes and a combination of replicated robots and laser cannons. What Amy didn't expect was how loud the simulations got and covered her ears with her hands. The motion of raising her arms to the side caused her breasts to point upward a little higher, ( it was cold in space, so Amy wore a warm sweater and a long skirt belted at her tiny waist.) which was noticed by Hawk Girl. A stray laser beam struck close to Amy, which startled her, and when she looked up again, she saw a mace careening toward her face. Startled a second time her hand flew up and deftly caught the object, and in her haste she crushed the mace to a fraction of its original size. "Stop the simulation!" yelled Superman. "Amy! Are you okay?" "I'm. fine." said Amy. "I am very sorry Hawk Girl about your weapon." Amy proffered the mangled mace toward a stunned Hawk Girl. "I guess I'm easily startled. Please let me have it replaced." "That' necessary." Hawk Girl was dazed. "I think the demonstration is ended, we must have that simulator checked out. Amy, I think it's best that we end the tour now." said Superman. "I agree. Thank you all for having me." Amy said as she bowed toward the two super heroes and walked out with Superman trailing behind trying to catch up. "I hope you brought along some spares." Wonder Woman said as she passed by Hawk Girl. 3 "Your awfully quiet back there Amy, What's on your mind?" Superman asked her from the front seat his private space vehicle. "I don't know why, but that was no accident. She meant to throw that mace at me." "Are you sure? Why would she do that?" "I don't know..but that's not what's bothering me." "Oh ???" "I try to be courteous and respectful Kal-El, and I don't expect everyone to like me. But she had no reason attack me and something inside of me just snapped. I must confess that I intentionally crushed her mace. If this were Jade Realm my actions would have been understood and expected, but this is Earth realm and I must try to control my Barbarian Training." Amy then started to chuckle. "Come to think of it, the look on her face was kinda funny." At that moment the signal light flashed on Superman's console. "Superman here." "What happened in that training area?" demanded Green Lantern. "Hawk Girl is fuming and when I asked Diana she just looked at me with this grin I'd love to wipe...." "I'll explain later." Superman said, cutting him off. "What's going on?" "After you've dropped off your ..guest..we've picked up something strange that appeared from the other side of the moon, it's not moving but looks suspicious, you should check it out." "We'll be fine. Heading there now." As they approached their destination they didn't need instruments to see the massive spacecraft. Amy activated the sensors and did a complete sweep. Her scans revealed several life forms and advanced technology but not that much more than superman's spacecraft. "We are being scanned." said Amy. "Which is expected, we did scan them first after all." "Opening hailing frequencies. Welcome to the Sol system." said Superman diplomatically." "Greetings, we are on an expedition and apparently we have found our objective." The alien that appeared on Superman's screen was human in appearance dressed in a red robe that had no sleeves. "Please come aboard, our intentions are not hostile but investigative. Our tractor beam will take you to our hangar, please release your controls." 4 When the small spacecraft was docked, Superman and Amy were greeted by several aliens plus the one who contacted them. They were all as tall or taller than Superman and also broader in the shoulders. , the females no less tall than the males. Amy could tell that they were mainly scientists because of the way they looked at Superman's spacecraft. They had the look of anxious curiosity. Some of them broke away from the group and started to examine the spacecraft's propulsion system. Superman found himself not reacting to their scrutiny, these aliens appeared not to be hostile. "Please forgive my colleagues." said their leader with a smile. "We have traveled a long way following a very faint trail. I am called Jannus. May we have your permission to examine the drive system of your ship?" " Yes.of course. May I ask why?" asked Superman. At the leaders nod, four of the robed figures hoisted the small spacecraft on their shoulders and walked onto a hovering platform, which took them the research section of the space ship. "Please join me for refreshments. I will tell you when the investigation is complete. We are only interested in your spacecraft's drive system." Jannus gave Superman and Amy an extensive tour of the spaceship. It was a research vessel designed for deep space exploration. The weapons array was impressive, but not that of a battleship. "These aliens appear to be friendly, space faring scientists." Amy whispered to Superman. "I agree. But why would they be interested in my spacecraft? Its technology is not more advanced that this vessel's." At that moment a lab technician came and whispered something into Jannus's ear. Amy could tell how his expression changed when he received that message. "It is not what your vessel is, it's where it's been." said Janis. "It came from my planet Krypton which was destroyed many years ago." "Yes, we have recorded the disaster that destroyed your planet, my condolences. But that's not what interests us." "Oh?" said Superman and Amy together. "Please come with me to our research wing, our chief scientist will explain everything." 5 When Jannus took Amy and Superman on the tour of the ship, he just pointed out the entrance to the research wing but they never entered it. When the door slid open, it was like entering one's own home. The laboratory was not sterile and stark, but very comfortable and inviting. There were indeed many computer monitors but they were framed in what looked like wooden picture frames, the lab chairs plush and cushy. They saw Superman's spaceship partially dismantled and one lone figure fitting one part after another reassembling it. When Jannus cleared his throat, the lone figure stood up to his full height. Amy gasped and immediately stood behind Superman, her face turning a deep red. She knew that she was in full control of her body's functions, but she never had to suppress a blush before. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen. "Allow me to introduce Johaness, our chief scientist and the, how shall I say, the 'heart' of our quest." said Jannus. Johaness was a little taller than Superman and just as broad in the shoulders. He had deep green eyes that had vast intelligence. He clasped Superman's hand in a firm grip and when Amy finally suppressed her blush she reached out with her hand to clasp his, she noticed the his slight hesitation in his reaching for her hand for he looked into her eyes, down at her sweater covered breasts, then back up to her eyes. She started to giggle when he started to blush, but quickly cleared her throat. "Thank you both for letting me examine your vessel." Johaness began. "Please sit down, we have much to talk about." "Eight of your months ago, I detected what is called a black hole, a common occurrence in the universe." Johaness began. "We have extensive charts of all the stars in the universe that have advanced in age to where they become white dwarfs and will eventually become black holes. I was alerted to a black hole forming and disappearing in a sector that did not have any white dwarfs. The event had an abrupt beginning and ending and lasted about six to ten seconds. That is not the usual behavior of a black hole. I concluded that it must have been artificial in nature and asked that a research vessel be dispatched to that sector of space. When we arrived there was no trace of a black hole, but some asteroids that looked as if they were displaced. We uncovered a faint ion trail and followed it to this quadrant. Fortune was with us when we encountered your vessel and it was indeed your ship that was in the same area the event occurred." Amy started to fidget in her chair. "The implications of an artificially created black hole are enormous, both for good and ill." Johaness then looked out the window into space. "To learn about the technology is one thing, but to meet the mind that created such an invention is another. That person must be truly a genius. And to what purpose would such a genius use a technology as advanced as this." His voice trailed off into silence. Amy and Superman looked at each other, asking and answering unsaid questions. Are these aliens to be trusted? What would they do with the technology, make it into a weapon? What would they do with Amy? Would she be in trouble or at worse kidnapped? Would the earth be held hostage for the secrets of her graviton bar? Or would the earth be held in quarantine, nobody in or out? The later would have its advantages, an interstellar force would be responsible for protecting earth from invasion, but would the people of earth soon be turned into slaves? " Johaness, how many others know of your mission?" asked Superman. "Just the science team and Jannus the captain. All are members of my race and I trust them completely." Superman looked at Amy and they both nodded. "In that case, may I introduce to you the scientist that invented the technology you are seeking. This is Amy Brigand-Anderson, someone that I am very proud to call a friend." Johaness was speechless but only for a second. His mind was forming questions faster than his voice could articulate them. What came out of his mouth sounded like gibberish. "You must forgive our chief scientist. He is always like this when he encounters something new." Said Jannus. "Oh.sorry. Please forgive me." apologized Johness. "But I would very much like to see in what way this technology is applied." "I.I. would be glad to." stammered Amy. 6 The business of having a visit from an alien kept secret was harder than one would think. Amy didn't want her neighbors to be more curious than they already were. Some noticed Superman's comings and goings and were starting to ask questions. Rumors about an affair between Amy and Superman were starting to be the subject at the local coffee houses. Wonder Woman graciously offered to pilot the Justice League spacecraft on a flight path that would end up over Amy's house. Amy would then use her teleport to get to the living room of her house. Johaness was hesitant about the use of magic, but his curiosity got the better of him and he reluctantly consented. "Farewell Princess, I hope we will meet again and talk." Said Wonder Woman. "Thank You, Princess. ..for all your help." Amy said, bowing. She noticed the small, wry smile Wonder Woman had when she nodded toward Johaness and looked again at her. "I've always put my faith in technology." Johaness said as he and Amy materialized in her living room. "I have heard of the use of magic and tried to replicate its effects.. it proved too unstable." "I've always been open to both disciplines, to the point of combining the two." countered Amy. "You wanted to know the application of the technology before you know how it works, why?" "Technology as advanced and radical as creating a black hole lead me to be curious as its application. You do not seem to be the type bent on universal domination or holding planets hostage." Johaness appraised Amy once again, looking at her up and down. "I will show you. Please come with me." 7 "For being a scientist, you seem to rely a lot on..magic." remarked Johaness as the scroll for Amy's magical workout area hit the floor and the blue-hued transparent platform materialized. "Where science has no answer.sometimes magic does. The forces produced are prodigious." answered Amy. "Which brings up the question, for what purpose do you use such powerful technology?" Amy knew this question was to eventually be asked and she tried to form a suitable answer, but the truth would always be the best way. " this technology to exercise. I am stronger than I look and I must maintain my strength and muscle tone." Johaness was dumbfounded. "That's impossible. The universe is full of races that possess great strength. And they all have one thing in common, they are usually backward when it comes to technology. But I could see why such a strong race as yours would not see the use of advanced science." "You're.mistaken. I am unique among my race when it comes to strength." Amy said as her face turned a slight shade of red. "Show me." Amy waved her hand and a small portal opened revealing a storage area containing her Graviton Bars and her collection of weapons. "More magic?" "Yes, this technology can be dangerous if in the wrong hands. My Graviton Bar has reached its fourth iteration and its weight far exceeds that of a black hole. I have designed it and this platform so it can only be used inside the magical perimeter. If it's taken outside its boundaries it ceases to function, but it's still quite heavy due the materials used. My Mk3 bar reaches black hole gravity at setting 75, the Mk2 is in here for safe keeping and my first bar has been stripped of its power source, and is being used for weapons training." "Weapons training?" asked Johaness. "Yes. Strength alone is not enough. The elements of speed and skill must be trained equally along with strength if a warrior is to be complete." recited Amy from one of her sensei Julia's lectures. "I see. May I examine one of your Graviton Bars? Out here of course. "Are you sure Johaness? It's quite heavy." "My race is stronger than we look. When dealing with as many races as the universe learns not to judge by appearances. You should know that." said Johaness with a smile. "Let's start with the Mk1. I'll go find it." What was to be a quick search turned soon turned into an extensive one. The Mk1 Graviton Bar appeared to be missing. Amy found a note from Lita saying that she was visiting Metropolis. "She must have taken it along with her" Amy thought. Returning to the workout area empty handed, Johaness suggested that he try the Mk2 and to Amy's surprise he hefted the unactivated bar quite easily. "Not many people could do that." remarked Amy with admiration. "I am curious as to what a black hole would weigh. Let my try your Mk3 at that setting 75. Johaness walked up onto the magical platform and tossed the Mk2 bar to Amy. "You sound very confidant but if you'll forgive me for being cautious, I will activate my Mk3 and increase the setting until it reaches 75, then I will hand it to you carefully. I'm quite sure you haven't lifted that many black holes in your career." Amy said with a coy smile. "Very well." Amy held the Mk3 Graviton Bar in front of her with her arms bent at the elbow and activated it. She could feel the faint vibrations course through the bar as the weight increased. Her biceps started to swell bigger and bigger as the setting of the bar approached 75. She was so involved with the feeling she didn't notice the bar had reached setting 85. Reducing the weight to 75, she looked at Johaness and saw that he was looking at her now huge, pumped biceps. She could see a faint smile appear on his face. Amy walked over to the alien and proffered the Mk3 bar towards him. He took hold of the bar before Amy could help him and hefted it just as easily as he did the Mk2. "So this is the weight of a black hole?" asked Johaness without effort. "Um..Yes." stammered Amy. "Remarkable! What do you use for a power source? Wait don't tell me..the power source is magical.right?" Johannes said his eyes rolling up toward the ceiling. " makes the application of the technology hard to duplicate." "I see." said Johaness as he handed the Mk3 bar back to Amy. He stepped off the platform and gazed out the huge picture window, engaged in a mental debate. " there anything wrong?" asked Amy. "I have never had a situation like this come up before with so many conflicting implications." Johaness said frowning. "Given the fact that the Mk3 Bar does function as reported and that you said you use the Mk4 for your exercises. And also judging by the weapons you have, you could easily defeat me in a battle." " I...beg your pardon?" stammered Amy. "Until it is verified that the Mk3 Graviton bar indeed is as heavy as a black hole, it is my sworn duty to place you under arrest." 1 To be continued..