Corrections by Iczerman A Gold Digger, Sailor Moon Fanfic. Gold Digger copy write Fred Perry "Move it Amy!" Called Lita from the kitchen. "The hottie window is only 1 hour at the market, we're losing precious time!" "We're not going shopping." "Uh ohhhhh ... . I know that tone of voice." The look on Amy's face confirmed Lita's suspicions. Something was wrong. Amy came down the stairs and handed Lita a small scroll. After reading the message a stunned Lita joined a quietly sobbing Amy on the living room couch. Brunhilda Brigand, Amy's grandmother by adoption, was gone. *** Jade Realm: Kisengrem: The Brigand family mausoleum Many people, dressed in dark cloaks, slowly marched single file deep into the cavernous camber. High, vaulted ceilings and intricately carved walls and pillars recounted the history and names of those of the Brigand Clan who were there at their final rest. At the end of the hall, massive steps led up to a raised platform. Amy could see several figures standing close together, gaining strength from each other's presence. Amy took in a sharp breath when she saw Julia. "She's hurt ... bad." Amy whispered to Lita. "They're all hurt. Something really bad must have happened to cause those injuries." The only ones uninjured were Julia's daughters Gina and Brianna, but there was no sign of Britanny. She knew Brittany was married and had a child but the young girl standing by Stripe, Brittany's husband, was much too old. Battlock, Julia's mentor and old teacher, gave the eulogy, his deep voice resonating throughout the cathedral like hall. He recounted not her heroic deeds, but those that showed how much she loved others. When he related the details of Brunhilda's last sacrifice, he stumbled on his words and bowed his head. Soon every head was bowed and silence descended like a fog. *** Amy and Lita waited in the shadows while all the attendees solemnly filed out. They didn't see Julia's family in the recessional, they must have gone out by another way. As they stood by Brunhilda's tomb to say their last goodbyes, Amy sensed someone coming up behind her, but the intentions of this person were not hostile. She felt a giant, thick hand rest gently on her shoulder. "Amy, a word with you please? And would your friend be kind enough leave us?" Amy looked toward Lita who nodded and walked out the same way as the others. "Do you remember me?" "Yes..You're Battlock, Julia's mentor." "Not only Julia's mentor, but mentor to all those in the Barbarian Clan. You have many questions but those will have to wait. I have some more bad news that concerns you, but I can see Brunhilda's wisdom in this matter. "I'm ready." Battlock could sense Amy's determination. Brunhilda was right about her. "I'm saddened to say that you are no longer a member of the Brigand Clan. Brunhilda, as leader of our Clan, had you removed from the family records." Amy was stunned. Why would Grammy do this, was it something she did wrong? "No child." Said Battlock in a soft voice." You did not shame the Brigand Clan in any way. You see ... the Barbarian Clan is now leaderless. Our laws of succession must be strictly adhered to. If you were to reveal yourself or it was found out by others that another Brigand existed, you may be compelled to fight Julia for the leadership of our Clan. She cannot win in her current condition. "As leader of the Barbarian Clan, Brunhilda left instructions on what to do if she ... .." Battlock continued after a moment of silence. "There were several misunderstandings that need to be corrected, Brunhilda believed that you were ready to address them. You are to journey to the Amazon Enclave and have an audience with Queen Jehsya. There you will learn what Brunhilda intended for you." *** Battlock placed a small wooden chest in front of Amy. The workmanship was impressive, runes were carved on the sides and the metal work was pure gold. "This was to be Brunhilda's gift to you on your birthday." Amy reverently opened the box and found a thin golden chain with three small germs mounted in the middle. "Brunhilda wanted you to have this waist ornament. She felt that one your age should call attention to all of one's ... assets." Amy draped the chain around her small, muscular waist. It fit snugly inside a deep furrow of one level of her abdominals, demarking her waist at its smallest diameter. She rotated the chain such that the three gems were centered. Amy knew at once Brunhilda's reasoning. Big-breasted girls have the tendency to be soft around the middle, someone as huge as Amy this would have been an easy assumption, but most wouldn't mind because their gaze would be centered on the sheer size of her bosom. This chain would call attention to her tight waistline, letting any gawkers know that she was also in good shape. "It's beautiful." Amy whispered. *** Battlock led Amy and Lita, still dressed in their funeral cloaks, to the courtyard of the Barbarian Clan's main hall. "You will need a guide to help you on your way to the Amazon Enclave. Nikii! Come forward! Where is that scamp.." Battlock looked left and right. "I told her to be here." "Here I am ... .Here I ... " A young girl not older than 15 ran up to them and stopped short. She looked at Amy up and down and a frown appeared on her mouth. "She's not a fighter! You said I would be guiding a great warrior to the Amazons." Said Nikki with her hands on her hips. "Why do you say that?" asked Battlock gently. "She's much too big to be a good fighter. Her breasts stick out so much you can hide a dwarf under that cloak!" "What was the first thing I taught you in your warrior training, Nikki?" Asked Battlock. "Never underestimate an opponent." Answered Nikki rolling her eyes. "Forgive the impertinence of our little prodigy here." Said Battlock putting his hand on her slender shoulder. "She's fast becoming our most skillful tracker and scout. She's also quite good at bargaining, she will find you the best value for your money at the inns along the way." "How much money DO you have?" Nikki asked quizzically. Amy reached into one of her pouches and held out a handful of large gems. Nikki's eyes grew wide and then narrowed suspiciously. "I need to see one, I need to know if it's genuine." "Nikki!"Battlock began in a scolding voice. "It's okay Battlock." Said Amy. "When one negotiates a trade one must know what one has to bargain with." Amy winked at a startled Nikki. And held out her hand for Nikki to select a gem. Holding the gem up to the sun, Nikii's eye went wide. "It's genuine and of the highest quality. "Said Nikki. "Finally I'm on a sufficiently capitalized expedition! We will need to hire 10 warriors for protection if you're carrying that many gems around!" "10 warriors are not necessary" said Lita stepping up. "Amy and I could handle ourselves." Nikki looked up Battlock with a doubtful look. "That ... . you will soon discover." Answered Battlock. "I promise not to disappoint you, Nikki." Said Amy with a smile. "Lead the way!" "Just try to keep up." She called over her shoulder. *** "There ... **huff**..that's the Black P ... .Pine Inn. We'll stay here tonight." Nikki tried to subdue her panting. She didn't want to run all the way from home to here, but this must have been her personal best time for the distance traveled. Nikki was dripping with sweat while Amy and Lita had a faint glow to their skin ... and they were wearing those funeral robes too! "Ya'all right there Nikki?" Lita tried to resist the temptation to reach down and tossle her hair. "I'm..f..fine." Nikki tried to bat Lita's hand away, but Lita was too quick. "I'm not a k ... " Nikki stopped when she saw Lita's smile, a mixture of respect and fondness. "After that delightful walk I'm a little hungry, Nikki, arrange accommodations for the night and take us to the dining room." Said Amy. Battlock's assessment of Nikki's bargaining skills was not misplaced, for a very fair price they got two rooms with great views of the countryside. Amy knew that Nikki wanted her own room so she got her one. She could tell that this was the first time Nikki didn't have to share a room with others. She chuckled at Niiki's stunned 'thank you'. The main dining hall was large enough to accommodate around 300 patrons. Amy, Lita and Nikki were seated in a large comfortable booth with thickly cushioned seats. Nikki ordered what was to her a feast, Amy said she could have all she wanted anyway. Amy nodded to Lita and they began to order ... and order ... ... and order. "You getting provisions for the rest of the journey? Asked Nikki. "Nope ... both of us are hungry." Said Lita with a grin. Just when the first helpings of food arrived three huge men positioned themselves in front of their table. "Hey! That's our booth!" said the largest one. "We'll let you off easy this time, just leave the grub and get out!" "We were here first orc breath!" Shot back Nikki. "Shut your mouth before I shut it for you." One of the thugs reached toward Nikki only to have his wrist grasped in Amy's vice like grip. He tried to pull away but to no avail. A slight push from Amy sent the guy rolling across the room. A hush came over the crowd as chairs were moved and people scampered out of the way. Amy noticed that no one left the room, but were gathered around in a large circle, giving what looked like 'fight' in room'. " Humm ... this must be a common occurance in this place." Thought Amy. As she got up slowly from her seat the other two thugs assumed their fighting stances. Amy heard about these types of guys from Julia and was taught how to handle them. She unclasped her funeral robe and slowly pulled it forward so that her jutting breasts were the last to be unveiled, she could'nt resist a slight shake of the shoulders to send her breasts in motion. She tightened her stomach and thrust her chest out further, all the while smiling innocently. The tugs eyes went from her huge breasts, down to her deep furrowed abs, to her tight thighs, then back up again, then down ... then up ... .then ... down ... .. "Don't forget this!" Amy flexed her right bicep. The mound of muscle grew so huge that the skin started to shine and took on a slightly reddish hue. Thick veins made winding pathways over the mountainous pile of flesh. "What's that rushing sound?" Whispered Nikki. "That's the sound Amy's bicep makes when she flexes it. Amy! Quit showing off and hurry up, your food's getting cold!" Called Lita. "Aren't you going to help her?" Hissed Nikki. "No ... ..I'm hungry." Lita then started to eat her dinner. "You heard my companion, either back off or I'm gonna have to make this quick." Amy said sternly. She looked at their stances and by the slight movement of the smaller ones foot, she knew he'll be the one to attack first. The smaller one charged and aimed for her waist with a right uppercut, which Amy caught and applied a simple wrist lock so fast the larger thug launched his attack sooner than he expected. The startled expression on his face told Amy he knew what was coming but couldn't stop it. Amy avoided his wild punch and grabbed his shoulder with her free hand. A simple spinning maneuver brought both creeps face to face and Amy brought both bodies together as one would close a book. The resulting collision knocked the air out their lungs and they quickly slumped to the ground. Stifled cheers turned into disgruntled murmurs. " Shun Leep." Gasped Nikki ***. The next day Nikki paid the bill and lead Amy and Lita through the crowd. She noticed that the patrons moved out of their way making a path for them. This was much different than the pushing and shoving she usually had to do. Amy and Lita decided to shed their funeral robes and wore the skin-tight outfits that were more in keeping with adventurers, enough to prevent anything from spilling out during a battle, not enough in certain places to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Nikki stuck to the main roads and trails of Jade to the Amazon Enclave. There were shortcuts and Nikki knew most of them. One such way that would cut a day off of their trek. "That trail leads to a passage where this giant boulder is blocking the way." Said Nikki. "It was as if a Giant one day just decided to plug a hole." "Are you sure it's only one bolder and not a great big pile?" Asked Lita. "I've been on both sides trying to find another way around. It's just one huge rock. "Lead us to it." Said Amy casually. "What are you gonna do ... lift it out of the way?" "No..I will." Said Lita. "I need the exercise." "You insult me!" Nikki. "You take me for a dumb idiot!" "Here Nikki." Said Amy tossing her a gem. "This will compensate you for any ... waste of time. Just lead us to it." The trail turned into a stone canyon. Many large rocks and ledges offered many hiding places for bandits. Nikki confirmed this, but when the bolder appeared and traffic stopped ... so did its use to bandits. They eventually came to the offending boulder. I was 40 feet in diameter and perfectly round. "Rumor has it that this rock hewn just for this purpose." Nikki said. "Okay ... here's the plan. I'm gonna lift this thing and both of you pass underneath." Said Lita as she did a couple of starching movements. She tilted her head left and right, cracking the joints in her neck. Using the wall of stone as a track of sorts..Lita rolled the boulder up the wall and held it overhead. Amy calmly walked underneath leaving a stunned Nikki on the other side. "Come on, move it!" Called Amy. When Nikki came across Lita, holding the boulder aloft and switching hands at each step, walked to the other side and gently lowered the boulder back into its place. "Amy ... ..did you remember to bring me stuff across?" Asked Lita, annoyed. "Doohhh ... I..I forgot!" Said Amy, slapping her hand on her forehead. But she couldn't suppress her giggles as she brought out Lita's pack out from behind her back. "Why you ... .." "You lifted that..that ... " Nikki's mouth was wide open. "What did you expect? Did you want me to toss it in the air, run underneath and have that boulder hit the ground? That would call attention to our presence." "You're ... that strong" Nikki stammered. "Amy's MUCH stronger." Pouted Lita. "So it's true." "What's true?" Asked Amy. "I overheard Batlock and Brunhildagard a while ago talk about giants and monsters. They didn't know I was listening. They said that it would be wise to keep it a secret, now I know why when Brunhilda told us some of her adventure stories she didn't tell us that one. If it were me that was that strong,..I wouldn't keep it a secret!!" "Really?" Asked Amy. "So you would have every fighter on Jade looking for you to test their strength?" "Ummm ... ... ." Nikki hadn't thought of that. "What of those whose martial art makes their soul burn so much that all they care for is the fight? They would stop at nothing track you down and engage you." Nikki's respect for Brunhildagaard and Battlock's wisdom grew a few notches. She, now more than ever, will pay more attention to what Battlock would say. "What if Amy and I showed off our strength and fighting skills openly while you were with us? You would be connected to us and all those fighters will also be looking for YOU for any information to our whereabouts. No telling what they would do to get you to talk. You are now connected to us were seen with us and did business on our behalf." Nikki realized what predicament she was now in. "I don't fight for show and I don't fight for money." Amy said sternly. "I don't believe in inflicting pain for the entertainment of others. I try to defeat my opponents as quickly, decisively and as efficiently as keeping with Shun Leep. Amy put her hand on Nikki's shoulder. "But don't worry, we'll try to keep your little secret." *** The main hall of the Amazon enclave loomed ahead of the three travelers. The guards at the door eyed Amy and Lita suspiciously, hands warily finding the hilts of their weapons. "The Queen is in session, state your business." Amy reached onto her pack and brought out the scroll that Battlock gave her, bearing the seal of the Barbarian Clan. Promptly excusing herself the guard went inside only to reappear a moment later. Amy, Lita and Nikki were told to disarm and were quickly shown inside. At the other end of the hall was the throne upon which the Amazon Queen sat. Queen Jehsya was much younger than Amy anticipated. She wore a long flowing gown, which framed her muscular abdominals while the low cut bodice proudly displayed her ample bosom. Her tiara glistened with many gems. The guard took Amy's scroll and walked up to the side of the Queen and whispered something in her ear. Amy noticed the Queen's eyes widen slightly as she recognized the seal of the Barbarian Clan. Motioning to those seeking an audience for a moment of silence, she quickly read the scroll and glanced at Amy, their eyes momentarily locking. Queen Jehsya quickly suppressed a smile and whispered something into the guard's ear. "The Queen requests that you wait until she's done with the day's business, please follow me." The guard led them to a room off to the thrones right side. When they were seated refreshments were soon brought in. Five minutes later the door opened and the Queen entered. "I am Queen Jehsya." "My name is Amy, and these are my companions Lita and Nikki." "Welcome." Began the Queen. "You come very highly reputed. I don't get many letters from the leader of the Barbarian Clan herself. We grieve the loss of Brunhildagaard, we hear she died nobly." Amy acknowledged the Queens statement with a slow nod. "She has asked me to correct some ... ..misunderstandings. Brunhildagard also asked me have you perform what she calls ... in reference to you ... .a small task. The importance of the task dictates immediate action. We will leave in the morning, please accept our hospitality for the night." Early the next morning the expedition assembled in a rather obscure place down and behind the main hall of the Amazon enclave where Amy, Lita and Nikki met the Queen with one of her advisors.. "She's much too young and not needed." Said Sahl pointing to Nikki." I reccomend Your Highness take an armed escort." "The guards are not needed and Nikki is the best guide of the Barbarian Clan." Answered Lita sternly. "She has the talent of knowing the safest and quickest way TO anyplace she's been FROM anyplace she's been or even seen from a distance." Nikki stood straighter and tried to look unafraid. "We are headed to the Nymph Enclave to deal with the Abyssalisk once and for all." Stated the Queen. "Forgive me your Highness..but you must be nuts!" Said Sahl angrily. "We lost two Amazons to that creature and you almost lost your daughter. I'm surprised she's not here to help finish the task. But just the four of you against that thing?" "We will proceed." Ordered Jehsya. "Nikki will lead us. I trust Brunhildagarrd's wisdom in this matter." " What does wisdom have to do with this?" Mumbled Sahl as the party set forth. *** The Nymph Enclave was a place of nearly prefect climate conditions where novice Amazon breeders used to "hone" their craft. "There is the creature." Jehsya said pointing to a large, reptilian monster. It looked like a giant 150-foot snake with two massively muscular arms. "Those feathery stalks growing from its shoulders are ether vents which fire deadly rays that can paralyze, turn flesh to stone or kill." Said Jehsya. "Elder Dragons are wary of these creatures." "Then the creature must have a certain measure of intelligence." Said Amy as she took off her robe. Amazons take pride in their strength and beauty and the Queen has seen superlative examples of both, but her eyes widened as she saw Amy's massive development. No one in the Queens experience had such massive upper body development, not to mention such firm, massive breasts. Amy knelt down on one knee and studied the creature and how it moved for one minute. "I see its weakness. This will not take long." Said Amy as she adjusted her graviton rods on their harness. Lita sat down on some rocks along with Nikki and made themselves comfortable. Queen Jehsya stood dumbfounded as Amy calmly walked towards to the creature. Amy was right in her assessment of the creature's intelligence, along with its pride. The creature saw Amy calmly walking toward her and didn't perceive a threat. Its eyes looked at Amy and licked its slithery tongue, perceiving her as a nice plump morsel. Amy calmly reached behind her back and activated her graviton bars, increasing her weight astronomically. The monster assuming Amy was distracted launched itself towards her at frightening speed. Amy ran towards the monster, the ground shaking violently with every stride she took. Before the monster could bare its teeth, Amy caught its jaw and clamped it shut, stopping the monster dead in it's tracks. It was as if it ran into a brick wall, Amy's graviton bars providing her the weight of the largest mountain range on Jade. The monster tried to pull itself away but was held fast. Its struggles then became more frantic, its tail smashing against the stone walls of the Enclave. "Its skin is turning red." Gasped Jehsya. "It's going berserk!!" "Ya hungry Nikki?" Asked Lita calmly. "Want an apple or something?" "Yes please." Answered Nikki casually. "I discern Amy's strategy. "Observed the Queen. "By some..craft ... she's holding the abyssalisk at bay by its snout in such a way that it cannot depress its ether vents low enough for an accurate beam. It would have to shoot through its head to get to her." With a speed that even made Lita wince, Amy twisted the beast's neck with such force that the sound of its cracking vertebrae reverberated off the stone walls. The creature slumped to the ground lifeless. "Your methods are crude ... . but effective Amy." The Queen tried to hide her amazement and eagerness."We ... AHEM ... . have to get back to the Amazon Enclave immediately, there's a lot of work to be done." *** The reclamation of the Nymph Enclave was a daunting project. Amy, Lita and Nikki were now honored guests of the Amazons. It was soon apparent to Amy the title of "Queen of the Amazons" was well earned by Jehsya. She was impressed with the Queen's organizational and management skills, she knew the strengths and weaknesses of those who she trusted with the various tasks involved and wove them all together into a cohesive team. After seven days the Queen summoned Amy to her private quarters. "Now the time has come for us to talk. I have read Bruinhildagaard's scroll and it appears I have to make some ... corrections." Amy raised an eyebrow. "It seems that you have ..misunderstood ... what an Amazon Breeder is." Amy stiffened, she has heard that term used in reference to her on more than one occasion, the leering looks she got made her uncomfortable and she thought that it would bring dishonor to the Barbarian Clan to be referred to as such. "Would it surprise you to know that I'm an Amazon Breeder? The first Breeder Queen in 100 years?" "No ... I ... " Amy stammered. "Despite the way ..some of my sisters may have acted and dressed in the past, an Amazon Breeder is very important to our culture. You see ... .of all the Amazons..only the Breeders are fertile. It is our duty to unite with those men who are ... blessed ... by nature to provide strong amazons so as to preserve and strengthen our race. We have honed that craft to the point that we can guarantee that a female will be produced." "So in a way you are gene manipulators." Said Amy "Yes.We tried in the past to manipulate both males and females to create a stronger race..but that failed. So we concentrated on the female side of the equation, making ourselves better. It was better for us to let the Amazon Breeders choose the men with whom they will unite. Freedom of choice is always preferred to manipulation." "I understand." "Now comes a most difficult situation." Jehsya seemed to relax, the tone of her voice took on a more mischievous tone. " How ... do I explain the death of an apparently unwounded abyssalisk?" *** "How did you like your little quest, Nikki?" Asked Battlock. "You should have been there! There was this bar fight and and giant boulders lifted and and a giant monster went went CRRRRRUNNNCH!!" Nikki made a twisting motion with her arms like she were wrestling an unseen foe. "And the Queen gave us all sorts of neat stuff..and and Amy and Lita made all these Amazons jealous when their boyfriends stared at 'em and ... " "Hold on ... .you can tell me all about it later." "That's the problem!" Whined Nikki. "You're the only one I CAN tell all about it! I can get in big trouble if I tell anyone else other than you and Queen Jehsya!" "Tell Battlock what the Queen gave you." Said Amy. "She gave me this." Nikki's face brightened and she proudly held up a small pendant with an ornate engraving on it. "That's the seal of the Amazon Queen." Said Battlock impressed. "She does not dole those out lightly. That seal gives you the right to free passage through Amazon lands and free accommodations to every establishment run them. But that comes with a price, you may be called upon to serve Her Majesty at any time. Are you sure you know what you're doing?" "I am." Answered Nikki, standing up straighter. "Good, if you'll be so kind as to leave us, I would like to talk to Amy alone. But you are now our liaison to the Amazon Nation and ... " "What's a Liaison?" Interrupted Nikki. "I will tell you later." The way Battlock nodded towards the door ended any more interruptions from Nikki. Battlock turned his gaze toward Amy. "I greatly misunderstood Amazon Breeders and the Amazon Nation as a whole. I see what their purpose is and their importance to Jade Realm. I also know that I do not fit into their culture. I think this was something Brunhildagard had planned. I know how I fit into the culture of Earth realm, but I haven't thought about how I fit here in Jade Realm. But I do now. I fit in here, with the Barbarian Clan." "You are our Champion Amy, Brunhilda wanted you to know the truth about Amazon Breeders and wanted you to have the freedom to choose where you would like be. She was hoping you would stay with us." " I'm ... going to miss her." Amy sat down and started to weep softly. Battlock put his hand on Amy's thick shoulder. "So will we all." THE END