GIANT’S CHAMPION By Iczerman This story is a sequel to ‘Barbarians champion’. 1 "Amy, you’re getting freaky!" " How....How COULD you saaaaaaay such a thing!" " For one thing, how many people do you know have bicep peaks higher than their head?" Demanded Lita. " Ummmmm....wellllllll..." " To tell you the truth, I don’t know what’s freak’ in me out more. The fact that your arms are so big, the fact that I’m standing ten feet away and could hear’em swell when you flex’em, Orrrrrrr...the fact that you may even like it!" " I plead guilty to the third charge, your honor!" Said Amy while she stood in front of the mirror hitting one pose after another. " All this working out and posing is making me hungry, when’s breakfast!" " ran out of food." " WE RAN OUT OF FOOD!?!?!" Amy was panic-stricken. " The only thing we have in the kitchen is your special supplement. That has always been satisfying and besides...I want to conduct an experiment." " Oh?" Amy was now interested, her mind now off her stomach. " The reason I haven’t been shopping lately is because I ...forgot. You’re not the only one studying around here ya know and I’ve been doing a lot of reading about nutrition, especially about how the body absorbs nutrients. I would like to try to take just the supplement, twice as much of course, and nothing else for another four hours. This will give the body just one thing to digest as opposed to pancakes, hash browns, toast, omelets..." " Would you’re making my stomach growl!" " Oh...right..heh..heh" Lita smiled weakly. It proved to be a worthwhile experiment in more than one way. It usually took Lita about an hour to cook the after workout brunch and now they spent that time drinking the supplement, relaxing and talking. Amy so was busy lately with her inventions and trips to Jade that they didn’t have time just to sit and chat. After the customary ‘flipping of the coin’ to determine who was to do the shopping, fate had it that Amy was the one chosen. While Lita made up the list, Amy showered and got dressed. " This would be a good opportunity to field test my latest invention." She said to herself as she pulled on the tight-fitting dress. It was not a halter top design like the ‘infamous’ tube dress, but it was just as short and showed a little more cleavage as was her norm. The hem of the dress had a special adhesive tape the kept the dress in place and secure, this would be the first time she would wear it. She looked at herself in the mirror and hesitated....was she showing too much leg and bosom? The tight dress hugged every curve of her exaggerated hourglass figure. She then remembered something she read a while back... ‘a time and a place for everything.’ " I guess a bright, sunny day going shopping is the time to look.....nice." Amy thought. Getting the thumbs up from Lita and the shopping list, she got into her car and was soon speeding along the road toward the supermarket. The air felt good against her face and breasts as she drove her car to their favorite grocery store. Was that what was causing her skin to tingle? Her muscles began to swell as if she just finished working out.The top of her dress started to stretch tighter, were her breasts growing larger? " It must be my supplement working without any other food to compete with. I could actually feel my muscles grow stronger! Lita that she was right after all." The workers at Super Duper Foods Market were always glad to see her and were very helpful in bagging and loading the groceries in her vehicle. Amy chucked to herself when she saw the male workers try to hide the fact that they wanted a peek at her extensive cleavage, but she didn’t let them know that she knew what they were up to. Men were so predictable at times, but she couldn’t blame them. She didn’t HAVE to wear a body hugging, low-cut mini-dress, so she had to bear most of the responsibility for their behavior. Some of them learned to be discreet in their admiration, trying to look Amy straight in the eye when they spoke to her.....for the most part at least. Parking the car in the garage, Amy found that she had to back into the door that lead to the ground level of her home, due to the fact that she was carrying four bags of groceries( she bought eight). Turning around her ears were assaulted by Lita’s yells of exertion, but it was not the sound of a fight. Looking over the tops of the bags she saw Lita leap through the air and kicking an unseen assailant. Landing lightly on her feet, she then launched into a series of punches and kicks and blocked many unseen attacks. She’s getting stronger and faster, Amy thought to herself when Lita stopped, took a deep breath while holding her fist in her palm with the elbows extended toward the sides and bowed reverently. Amy looked toward the object of Lita’s display of respect and dropped her grocery bags, startled and happy. Grammy Brigand. 2 " I can see that you have mastered the basics, and given your......attributes....have made the appropriate adjustments. I would say that you’re ready to enter the intermediate level of classes." Brunhildagard Brigand, leader of the Barbarian Council, said with a smile of approval. " And that’s a compliment, Lita!" Said Amy as she almost ran toward Brunhildagard to give her a hug. " Not so tight dear. I’m still a little sore." " What brings you to Earth Realm, Grammy Brigand? How did the Tournament of Arms turn out? How did Julia do?" Asked Amy excitedly as the three of them sat down in the living room. A cloud came over Brunhildagard’s face. " It was the worst beating I’ve ever seen Julia endure...." For the next thirty minutes Brunhildagard had Amy and Lita on the edge of their seats telling the story of the climactic final battle of The Tournament of Arms. "I don’t know if this is just a coincidence, but soon after the tournament we received word from the Diamond Giants, specifically from Garnet. It appears that He and Tropazzah may be losing their positions in the government. They were in favor of adhering to the established customs of Jade when it came to disputes over lands, etc. And since you were victorious over their champion, it was a matter of honor that they abide by the rules of custom. But there appears to be a growing faction of giants that cannot believe that a mere human could defeat one of their kind and are accusing Tropazzah and Garnet of treason and/or incompetence. A rebellion could be developing as we speak and a more militant faction of Diamond Giants could come into power, one that would not hesitate going to war over territory. Amy, you and I must journey to the Diamond Giant’s capital city and there you must prove yourself yet again. I really don’t think it will be much of a problem, all you have to do is use your heavy staff and ask any unbelievers to try to lift you and it. That will be enough to silence any doubters." Brunhildagard seemed not to be worried once she thought of a novel way to prove Amy’s ability. " I understand. I will gather my things and will be ready to go in a couple of minutes." Said Amy as she started to go up stairs. " The Giant’s capital city if far up north, so wear something warm. Now don’t keep your Grammy waiting too long." Brunhildagard said with a smile. 3 Lita was disappointed that she was not able to come. " From what they tell me, this is the first time any humans have ever been to the Diamond Giant’s capital city before and they were very specific that only Amy and myself were to come. I have no doubt that you would make a worthy companion, but you must obey me in this matter." Said Brunhildagard. " Yes mamm." Lita bowed. At that moment Amy came down the stairs. She chose to wear from fitting tights made of her special fabric along with a matching vest, which kept her massive arms free. On her back were strapped two three-foot fighting rods that were made with the same technology and as her Graviton Bars. ( Pat. still top secret). At close to eight feet tall, Brunhildagard was used to looking down on most people, and Amy’s scoop-neck vest provided a compelling view of her huge breasts. " Now let me look at you, dear." Said Brunhildagard, shaking her head to get her thoughts back in line. " Looks functional enough for both battle and flirting." She said with a wink. "Where is your staff? We can’t forget that." "These fighting sticks will suffice. They each weigh as much as a Mk.1 Graviton Bar at setting 100, the heaviest. I have found that it’s easier for me to use these rather than a staff, given the size of my breasts." Said Amy. " I’ll show you." Taking one rod in each hand, Amy started to do a complex series thrusts, attacks and parries. At one point Amy was whipping the rods around so fast that Brunhildagard could feel the air move from 20 feet away. After a good ten minutes of leaps and kicks, Brunhildagard finally cleared her throat loudly. " Yes...Ahem... You still need work on your footing and thrust extensions, you were at the advanced level when it came to the staff but I could see the merit of your changing weapons. I have heard it said that it’s the warrior that makes a weapon dangerous and not the other way around. I agree, but to find a weapon to which one is most suited, then the sum is greater than the whole." " Yes Mamm." Said Amy bowing. " By the way...where we are going is quite chilly, will that outfit keep you warm?" "Yes it will. This fabric will keep me quite warm. and I developed it myself." Amy said with pride. She unconsciously thrust out her chest, the scoop-neck top opening wider on account of Amy’s expanding breasts. " Then we will be off. I am not that fond of using magic, but in this case I have no choice. We will use your scroll to take us to Jade, once there I have another scroll that will send us to the Diamond Giant’s capital building. This should not take very long, I will have Amy back here in a couple of days or so." Brunhildagard smiled kindly at Lita. " Take care and I’ll see ya later." Lita tried not to sound sad. 3.1 " I could tell that Lita really wanted to come along, Amy. But this is a delicate situation and I didn’t want to risk showing disrespect. Next time you come to Jade be sure to bring her along. I want to get to know your friends. Hummm...come to think of it...I don’t know very many of Gina’s friends and she is my precious granddaughter, she carries the Brigand blood inside of her." Said Brunhildagard as she and Amy materialized in the Barbarian Council Chamber on Jade. Battlock, Brunhildagard’s chief advisor, was there to greet them. " Welcome back Matriarch. And to you Amy." He said bowing. " Are you going to stay for a meal and then proceed to the Diamond Giant’s capital or are you going straight away?" " We will be staying for the moment. Our business will not take as long a time as I anticipated. And I also want to give Amy a tour of the complex and take her to the room where she will be staying with us. You will.... spend a little time with your tired old Grammy, dear?" Brunhildagard said with a smile. " Yes, I would be happy to! Thank you." Said Amy as she bowed toward Brunhildagard and Battlock, who had a hard time keeping himself from looking too long at Amy’s cascading bustline. The tour took a good two hours for Amy ran into a several of the acolytes that she stayed with at the Barbarian school. There was a designated training area where an impromptu exhibition took place where Amy demonstrated her facility with her new fighting rods. Some of the male spectators were trying not to be obvious when their eyes kept wandering back and forth from her fighting stances to her bosom. When the demonstration was concluded she proudly flexed her left bicep. She tried not to chuckle too loud when she saw their open mouths as her bicep peak grew higher than her head, a couple of pumps started to bring out some vascularity when she heard a familiar clearing of the throat from off to the side. " This demonstration is finished." Brunhildagard said with a smirk. " Amy and I have pressing business elsewhere. You men can ogle later." 4 The first thing Amy saw when they materialized in the Diamond Giants council chambers was the massive sculptures and paintings adorning the walls. Intricate scrollwork adorned the massive pillars that held up the equally ornate ceiling. Each of the statues were well over 100 feet tall, the subjects of which were all very heavily muscled, it reminded Amy of the works of Michelangelo and Da Vinci. She was starting to find similarities between this building and the main throne room that Lita described when she came back from Jupiter. Looking up toward the west end of the edifice, Amy saw what looked like a pipe organ, but giant sized. She started to think about how such an instrument would sound like when she realized that there was no sound in the entire building. It was empty. Brunhildagard was standing beside her, frowning. "There is a battle, I could feel it in the air." Making their way to the entrance they could see in the distance many women and children going into what looked like shelters, there were no men among them. " I could sense where the fighting is coming from, and it is not that far away." " I know a flight spell, grammy." Said Amy, her face grim. " I can fly us there a lot faster than if I stay on the ground. Just point the way." It didn’t take that long for Amy and Brunhildagard to find where the fighting was taking place. A huge valley over some hills was strewn with many bodies of fallen giant warriors. " Over there! Look!" Brunhildagard pointed to a giant cliff where several giant reptilian creatures were clawing and snapping at a line formed by several Diamond Giants. The monsters were bristling with thick muscles, talons and fangs and stood shoulder height to the Giants. Flying toward the area of the thickest fighting, they saw a bloodied Garnet in the forefront of a haggard line. "That’s not an attack formation! It’s a defensive line!" Brunhildagard shouted. "They are defending that group of wounded giants, one of them is Tropazzah! It was a sloppy line at best, several of the giant monsters broke through the line and were met by grim warriors, who repelled the attacks but at great loss. They needed some one to help them better direct their defenses. " Set me down next to Tropazzah, I’ll see what I could do to marshal their forces. At this rate they will be torn to pieces of something doesn’t happen soon!" Soon Brunhildagard was shouting commands to which the giants responded, much to Amy’s surprise. She spoke with a thunderous voice that echoed off the cliff walls. At her expert direction, the line firmed and the giants seemed to resist, but after a short time the Giants could sense the hopelessness of the situation. Many more monsters started to join the ones that attacked the Giants line of defense. All that some of the Giants could do was stand still and witness the carnage and destruction... Of the monsters. Many different warriors who were also writers tried to put into script what they saw. None of the future generations would believe such a thing happened, but it was the truth, and it was stated as such. Even Brunhildagard who has seen many battles in her long career described the battle simply. Amy, moving faster than any human she’d seen, using a combination of leaps, kicks, teleportation, ice spells and her two fighting sticks waged a one woman war against the monsters...the reptilian beasts were out-classed and over matched. The blows from Amy’s rods were directed in such a way and with such force that the giant monsters necks were snapped instantly, the sound of their bodies hitting the ground caused the landscape to shake. Many frozen statues were summarily reduced to ice dust. At one time many of the monsters tried to surround her and hem her in, but she fought them off. Many were dispatched with one blow. The battle lasted for thirty minutes until the monsters who were left turned tale and either flew away or ran. " Did you see that?" Said Amy as she jogged up to Brunhildagard and Tropazzah. " Yes I did." Said Brunhildagard sternly. " What? How? I don’t believe...what are you two talking about?!" Said a confused Tropazzah. "Amy’s not even breathing hard." She thought to herself. " These were not ordinary dumb monsters. That was a strategic retreat. They must have a measure of intelligence and a sense of self- preservation." Declared Brunhildagard. " Your Majesty." Said a grim faced Garnet as he walked up to join the two Matriarchs and Amy. " We have bad news." " What could be worse than close to one-third of our warriors being killed in an unprovoked attack by monsters!?" Tropazzah’s face was red with anger but then turned a bloodless white. " It can’t be....I thought they died out a long time ago." Garnet held in his hand a bronze ring that one of the warriors cut from the claw of one of the monsters. It was more ornate than it should have been. The letter ‘N’ was etched deeply in the still warm metal. Nephilites. 5 " Amythestian, your voice was the loudest to question myself and Garnet’s position and policies regarding our relationship to the people of Jade. It was you who questioned Amy’s victory over my son in lawful combat. Do you have any further questions about her abilities or skills?" Tropazzah said as she called the Diamond Giant’s emergency council meeting to order. " No, Your Majesty." Amythestian said, bowing. " Humph...he’d better not. Wasn’t some monster about to bite his head off when you turned it into an ice statue?" " Yes, Grammy." Whispered Amy. " I don’t think he’s the type that likes to be reminded of things like that." " Oh...Your right. I’ll stay quiet." Brunhildagard tried not to grin too broadly at the giant whose life Amy saved. " That’s settled. Now for the more important concern." Tropazzah was visibly ruffled. "We have discovered at the end of the battle that a Nephilite may yet be alive, or maybe a disciple that has taken up the Black Arts they practiced." The whole building rumbled with the murmurs of the giants. " Garnet, show the evidence." Garnet stepped toward the middle of the hall and held up the ring that was on the claw of one of the attacking monsters. The murmurs grew louder and some of the giants started to stare at Amy and Brunhildagard. Amy started to fidget uncomfortably. " Please forgive my associates. There are some that are still bound by old fashioned thinking and prejudice that has lasted for thousands of years." Said Tropazzah, sensing Amy’s distress. " History is an important subject taught in our schools, and we have documents that indicate that the Nephilites came from earth realm." Amy was stunned. Giants on Earth? " I am surprised that you are not aware of this fact. They were a very strong and intelligent race that sensed a coming cataclysm and came to the realm of Jade to avoid it. Our ancestors welcomed them as kindred. But they brought with them what we call the Black Arts, the secrets of manipulating life itself. Using these secrets and the magic that is inherent in Jade realm, they sought to create a race of Super Giants. But the result of these experiments were horrific monstrosities that turned out to be willing pawns of the Nephilites. They sought to overthrow our ancestors and make Jade their own. But they tried to do this with too few of their creations and were defeated. When our ancestors tried to destroy their means of creation and the knowledge, they could find no trace of them." " But now it is confirmed that some of them may have survived and still have hatred toward us and is seeking revenge." Added Garnet. "The documents are quite clear about the number of monsters at that first attack, this one had five times that many. It must have taken them this long to breed a measure of intelligence plus the numbers necessary to assure victory. I believe this attack was an all-out attempt to wipe us out. And they would have, if not good fortune smiled on us in the form of the Barbarian Champion Amy....and...of the Matriarch of the Barbarian Clan Brunhildagard Brigand." He added hastily at Brunhildagard’s conspicuous clearing her throat. " We must at once deal with this threat, not only for us but also for our allies." Tropazzah nodded toward Amy and Brunhildagard. " Garnet, pick from the ranks those which are willing and still able to fight. Brunhildagard Brigand, I am not able to lead this expedition because of my injuries. I ask that you lead this alliance in my place." Murmurs again echoed throughout the great hall, but the tone of them was of consensus, many of those gathered nodding their heads. " Amy Brigand Anderson, will you go along also and be our champion?" " I will." 6 A trail left by a horde of giant monsters was not very difficult to follow. Just go in the direction of the trampled trees and the giant footprints left behind. The party traveled for about two days, heading into previously unexplored territory in Jade, at least unexplored by the ‘normal’ people of Jade. After the first day of travel Garnet seemed to know exactly where they were going and didn’t follow the monsters trail. " These creatures are quite intelligent. They have split off into several directions in order to confuse any would-be trackers. But why here, so far away from their original target?" "Maybe they were scared out of their hides and it took them this long to come to their senses." Snorted Brunhildagard. It was not too long until the objective of the search loomed vast and dark ahead of them. The structure was more fortress than castle, obviously built by giants for giants. Massive reptilian sculptures formed pillars that provided support for the edifice. The main entrance had the likeness of a dragon’s open maw. "Humm....all these statues are reptilian in design. And it is getting warmer as we venture into this place." Thought Amy to herself. " Took all of you long enough to get here." Boomed an unlocatable voice. "I can now concentrate on you instead of trying to control all my pets, at least what’s left of them. I had a hard time keeping control of them, that usually happens when they are frightened, something that I am admittedly curious about." The speaker of these words made himself seen. He was indeed a giant, but of a different sort than the Diamond Giants. He was about a full head taller and his hair was the richest golden color Amy had ever seen. The color of his eyes was a deep blue and his features were quite fair. He had a solid build but not up to the standards of the Diamond Giants. Amy could sense the vast intelligence in the Nephilites speech and manner. " We thought your race was extinct." Began garnet. " Let us cut to the chase. Yes, I sent those monsters to annialate your clan and you are here to take me captive and destroy all my research like your ancestors tried." Spat the Nephilite. "I will not permit you to do this to me, the last of my kind, and destroy thousands of years of knowledge. Allow me to introduce and test the culmination of my studies in the area of genetics and....magic." At the wave of his hand another monster appeared from the shadows behind him. It was definitely reptilian in form, but walked on its hind legs. It reminded Amy of Cyrus, the dragonsaur that she fought on one of her earlier trips to Jade. " This is the ultimate fighting creature, you cannot breach its defenses. And you.." He said looking down at Amy while making a point to ignore the others. " In spite of your great strength and abilities you will not be able to touch it. I was in telepathic control of every monster in my attack and I observed you and your techniques. You are quite well trained, but it will avail you nothing. Now, try to defend yourself!" The monster, moving much faster than the others, launched itself at Amy. Garnet tried to intervene but was swatted aside like a rag doll. Amy, not wanting anyone else to get hurt, leaped toward the monster and struck with one of her fighting rods....... 6.1 Spending the night on Jade was one of the things Amy looked forward to every time she visited. She always had the most restful sleep and woke up refreshed and invigorated. In the times between sleep and wakefulness her mind would find solutions to any problems that were troubling her. Her body felt weightless, as if she were floating in the air. She could sense the light of sunrise on her skin. She was about to enter the twilight of consciousness when searing pain lanced its way into her brain. She fought to open her eyes but could only open one. She saw a blue sky and clouds passing by at great speed over her head. But it was she who was moving and not the clouds! Amy could not feel the ground under her body, only the wind. She shook her head, trying to clear it when another bolt of pain rewarded her actions. Turning her head to the side she saw the landscape move underneath her. Was she flying? She wasn’t concentrating on a flight spell but she felt as if she were flug from a catapult. She grit her teeth in concentration, but another lance of pain pierced her mind. Mustering as much mental strength she had, she pushed the pain as far into the back of her mind as she could. She then executed the flight spell, which brought her to a stop in midair. Getting her bearings she landed softly on the ground. What happened? She instinctively reached up to her left cheek and again experienced searing pain. Her skin was swollen so much that it forced her left eye shut. She could feel the blood trickle from a tear in her skin caused by the swelling. Fortunately her jaw wasn’t broken. She fought to remember what happened. She leapt toward the reptilian monster and swung one of her rods that would have connected cleanly with the creatures left jaw. The next thing she could remember was her waking up as if she were sleeping. Amy then remembered what the Nephilitie said, that she would be unable to touch it. Turning around in a circle, she saw the Giant’s fortress far in the distance, a good two miles was Amy’s guess. She realized that she was knocked unconscious, the blow she directed toward the monster was redirected at herself. How could she fight a monster and not have any of your attacks work plus suffer the consequences? She tried to think of something as she flew back to the fortress. Drawing near she saw a freshly made hole in the wall, the one she must have made during her flight. Landing on the edge she crept inside to see what she could, at least her right eye was okay. All of her companions were on the floor bloodied and wounded. Brunhildagard was standing next to a wounded Garnet. The Giant reptile picked up one groggy diamond giant and for the sickening joy of inflicting pain, pummeled the giants face to a bloody mass and then dropped the limp form. The giant coughed up blood when he tried to breath. " Think Amy...think fast or people will die. I cannot attack that creature directly..but how..." Then it came to her quickly, something she learned in biology class. Flying quietly inside as high as the ceiling would permit, she started to gather her power. Good fortune had the Nephilite’s back was turned toward her. Will all of her strength and speed she started to blast the walls of the hall with ice spells. The sounds of her blasts were deafening, startling the Nephilite. " What! Where?" His eyes grew big when the realization hit him, along with his chattering teeth. The temperature of the hall they were in sank to below 0 in a matter of seconds. Amy was flying out of reach of the leaping monster, all the while turning the walls and floor into thick slabs of ice. She avoided the areas where her comrades lay. The monsters movements started to become sluggish and laborious. Soon it just slumped to the ground in hibernation. " How....???" The Nephilitie was dumbfounded. " You said yourself that I couldn’t touch that creature. I didn’t know what you meant until I attacked and the force of my attack that would have broken the monsters neck was redirected at myself. I know that reptiles are cold blooded, so I attacked the monsters surroundings with ice, not the monster itself. And I will now conduct a little experiment of my own, without your interference." Amy then blasted the Nephilites boots with ice, cementing him in place. Walking over to the fallen creature, she touched the tip of its claw with her finger, turning it into ice. She then looked at her own hand. It had no trace of ice on it, but the cold was getting to her, she had to hurry. Gathering another create ice spell she entombed the monster in a casket of ice and finding one of her fighting rods, reduced the ice creature to dust with one swift blow. " Just as I thought, the redirecting enchantment would work only when the creature was conscious. But I had to make sure." She said to the speechless Giant. " We have to get out of here as soon as possible." Amy turned and said to the others. " Or we’ll end up walking ice c..c..c...cubes!" 7 "You did a good job friar. I wish you did the same for me when I was in your clinic." Said Brunhildagard as she examined Amy’s pristine complexion. " She didn’t have the type of injuries that you did, Lady Brigand. Plus I must admit that her powers of recuperation are....remarkable. It usually takes a day or two to heal from the type of injury sustained and I just administered the healing potion this morning." Said the Friar as he gave Amy a clean bill of health. After she destroyed the magical monster, the Nephilite surrendered rather meekly, since his defenders were either scattered or destroyed. The fortress was completely demolished along with the records of his experiments, the magic items used were rendered powerless by the Mage Council. Tropazzah and Garnet saw to it that Brunhildagard’s and Amy’s names were written in the Chronicles that recorded the Diamond Giant’s history, a great honor. Amy was unanimously voted to be their champion. As they were walking through the city streets, Brunhildagard looked down at Amy. She was much too quiet. Her brow was furrowed as if she were disgusted at something. "Amy honey, what’s on your mind?" " I was knocked unconscious and many people could have been killed. How can one train to be tough, to be able to take a blow? All I could think of is just to stand there and let Lita or the magical martial artist that Gneiss created to protect Brittany pummel my jaw. There has to be a better way." " The ability to take a punch is something that one unfortunately cannot train for. It is something that we are born with. The blow that was redirected toward you, did you hold back any of your strength?" " No, I didn’t." " Then it is my observation, honed from an illustrious career that spans twice your age, that you will meet very few opponents that will be able to deliver such a blow. You will have to concentrate on your speed, it’s harder to hit a moving target after all. You have also shown the one trait that many warriors lack, that of stragedy. I had Julia beaten physically, but she used her mind to come up with a way to wound me seriously. I think with a little more work, you will become a fine warrior." Brunhildagard put her hand on Amy’s thick shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. Amy’s face broke into a smile, and she started to walk a little prouder. " Do you do that on purpose?" Asked Brunhildagard with a smirk. " Do what?" " Make your breasts swell up like that." " I... I can’t help it!" THE END