Message from Ibfeysaat Questions and comments to I would like to personally thank everyone who reads my stories on this site. I would also like to thank the other fine authors for their contributions. And a big thank you to Diana for overseeing the whole operation. A little insight into the author. First and foremost, I am a fan of female domination. There is just something exciting and arousing to me about the supposedly weaker sex beating the so called dominant sex. I only have my memories of personal experiences as now I am too old to subject myself to any more beatings. Often, the memory is more pleasant than the actual experience. I love reading the stories posted by other authors and read every single word of my favorites. Also, I love to write. But my favorite pastime is laughing. Laughter is appreciated everywhere. There better be jokes and uproarious laughter at my funeral. So I do my best to write stories of either real life events which have happened to me or situations where a woman gets to beat up a man. Clearly, there is a strong sexual undertone to these situations. Sometimes, sexual domination is inferred. Other times it is described in great detail. It depends on where my mind is. But, my favorite part of writing these stories is to find humor in these bizarre and socially unacceptable situations. I sometimes will laugh uncontrollably for several minutes before I can return to the story. I hope some of you appreciate my attempt at humor as warped as it may be. I love to write. I love that some people like to read my stories. I don't! Writing my stories is one thing. Reading them is another. I like the former, not the latter. Other authors I can read every word. Mine, not so much. One last thing. I love the comments and suggestions some of you send. I try to reply to most of them. Thank you for taking the time to read my stories and thank you for taking the time to write me a comment. Ok. One more thing. These stories are fiction. Please don't try to live out the story lines. Please be kind to your fellow people and remember to be kind to yourself. All the best, Ike