KO'd By My Niece by Ibfeysaat (Questions and comments to ibfeysaat18@gmail.com) I had a boxing match with my niece. She beat me up. In fact she knocked out. It was the most humiliating experience of my life. And now she wants to have a rematch so that she can dominate me again. What am I going to do? Brit is my wife's older brother's daughter. She has always been a bit of a tomboy and very precocious. It all started after my wife told me that Brit got suspended from school for beating up another girl. Apparently, she beat her up pretty good. For some strange reason I wasn't sickened by it. I was actually kind of turned on. I was imagining her fight in my mind when Debbie and I had sex that evening. It was the best sex we had had in years. I didn't admit what I had been thinking about. A couple weeks later Brit and I were alone at my sister in law's house. Debbie and Donna had gone shopping and Bill got called into the hospital. He's a doctor. I asked Brit about the fight she had where she beat up the other girl. Brit was only too happy to be reminded and described it to me. It was over a boy and Brit beat up and humiliated her rival in front of the boy. She got suspended but she smiled and said "I may have got suspended but I got her boy if you know what I mean!" She winked as she recalled the one sided fight to me. Brit beat her bloody and stripped off her rival's top exposing her tiny tits to the group. 3 days off! I felt myself getting embarrassingly hard during this discussion. We continued talking and I kept pressing for more tidbits. Brit mentioned that she had taken a few boxing lessons at the country club and really enjoyed it. She asked if I had ever boxed before and I told her not since I was a kid. I sensed that she was testing the waters about possibly boxing me. Brit picked up on my fascination with her fighting proclivity. Since I first heard about Brit beating the girl up at school, I found myself thinking about it constantly. Picturing Brit standing over her vanquished foe with her foot on the loser's chest. Or imagining her standing over "me." My mind kept wandering back to Brit and her fighting capabilities. I even thought about what it would be like to play fight with her. It turned me on to think about it and I would get a boner whenever I did. I was entering dangerous territory. I asked Brit if she has ever beaten up any guys. Brit said sure but not for a while. Then she turned the tables and asked me if I had ever been beaten up by a girl. I laughed and said no. Brit said maybe it would happen today. A little while later she popped the question. "Would you like to find out what it would be like? Do you want to box with me?" My heart began racing and I think I might have blushed but I didn't respond. I just looked at her. I could tell that she was serious and I was beginning to wonder what I might be getting myself into. She just had this aura of confidence and I was sensing that she really wanted to beat me up. Not a play fight. Even though I was afraid, I realized that I was also sexually aroused by the realistic possibility that my niece might actually really beat me up. "Are you afraid? Are you scared of getting beaten up by a little girl? You seemed all interested in hearing about my fights and wondering if I liked to beat up guys, and now you're silent. I think deep down you want to get beaten up by your niece. Don't you? I challenge you to a match. 3 rounds. Are you man enough to accept my challenge Uncle Jake?" I foolishly thought that it might be fun. I mean how badly could she actually hurt me in 3 rounds. I took the bait. We decided to go to the sporting goods store and buy some gloves and box in the basement. My wife and her mom wouldn't be back for 4 or 5 hours. Her dad was going to be in surgery for several hours. We arrived at the store and went looking for gloves. A young girl asked if we needed any help. Brit told her that she was going to have a boxing match with her uncle and she was looking for the perfect gloves to beat me up with. The sales girl smiled and said she had just what we needed. She showed us some 8 ounce gloves and told Brit that these were the perfect gloves to teach her uncle a lesson and they both laughed. The salesgirl had a gleam in her eyes when she turned to look at me. I smiled too. But it was more of a nervous smile. Jacy, the salesgirl also suggested mouth guards to both protect her victim as well as drag out the beating. She was looking at me as she said this. I could tell that the thought of our upcoming match turned her on. Again the girls laughed. I was just hoping to last 3 rounds without embarrassing myself too badly. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. I soon would find out. We got back to the house and went into the basement. Brit grabbed an egg timer from the kitchen. We decided to fight 3 rounds of 3 minutes each with a one minute rest between rounds. Brit handed me my gloves and mouthpiece and then she started taking off her clothes. I was a little taken aback and said "Brit, I'm your Uncle. What are you doing?" Brit corrected me and said "my Aunt's husband" and that she was going to fight in her bra and panties because she didn't want to get any of my blood on her clothes. She said it very matter of factly. She quickly was down to just a black bra and panties and she looked amazing. For the first time I realized how athletic she was. I mean she had muscles. She was tan and fit and sexy and confident. She told me to follow suit and get down to my tidy whities so we could get started. I didn't want to take off my pants because I had a boner and I didn't want my niece to see it. She laughed at my reticence and said "don't worry. It's not like I've never seen a guy in his underwear before. And it's not like I've never seen a guy with a boner before either. Let's go. Strip down into your fighting suit and put on your gloves." I reluctantly did what she told me while trying to face away from her. Maybe she wouldn't notice. She was too busy warming up and shadow boxing to notice. Shit. She looked like a professional fighter. Tale of the tape. Brit 5 foot 6 and 130 pounds of prime high school youth, strength, and female persuasion. Uncle Jake 6 feet and 180 pounds of 38 year old accountant. Sedentary, flabby, and never worthy of being classified as prime. At least my boxers somewhat camouflaged my boner. Who could blame me. Brit was near naked, sexy, and confident. She had every reason to be. Her hair in a ponytail and barefoot. She was fetching. Brit had a glow, a slight sheen of perspiration that was forming as she danced around shadow boxing and warming up. I tried to mimic her warm up but it turned out not to matter at all. As she finished her routine she did a couple of stretching exercises. Brit faced me and with her legs spread slightly she put her arms behind her head with her elbows skyward stretching her biceps. Brit hadn't shaved her pits in a day or two and she had this dark shadow of stubble adorning her underarms. It was a stunning reminder that my little niece was all grown up now. Made her look like an Amazon warrior. My heart was beating out of my chest in a combination of fear, excitement, and arousal. I put my mouthpiece in and prepared for the first round. Brit set the timer and came over to me to wish me luck and touch gloves before beating me up. Round 1 (FYI. There wasn't a round 2!) Brit came at me like I beat her dog. She got right in front of me and flicked out a stiff left jab. I blocked it but the force of her blow knocked my own glove into my face. In rapid succession she followed up with 5 more stiff left jabs. They bounced off my face and gloves like she was hitting the heavy bag. And they hurt. I began to back pedal and try to stay away from this teenage hellcat. Brit followed me step for step never letting up. As I backed up, Brit pummeled my body with a 5 punch left right left right left combo. I lowered my hands to try and block her assault but she stepped back and fired a right uppercut which snapped my head back. It caught me flush on the chin. For a moment I was stunned. That hesitation was all it took. Brit was waiting and uncorked a left hook followed by a right hook. My head jerked violently left and right before intersecting with a left uppercut and right cross. The next thing I knew I was sitting on my butt. Brit had knocked me down. One moment she's punching me in the face, the next I'm sitting on the floor. Brit stood over me and spit out her mouth guard and tossed it away. "I won't be needing this. Get up Uncle Jake! You wanted to see what it was like to get beaten up by a girl, so get up so I can give you some more. I'm just getting started. I'm going to really hurt you now. Hurt you badly. Get up you pussy! As soon as I was back on my feet the slaughter continued. Brit's punches slammed into my body relentlessly. The muscles in her arms rippled as she swung her fists like pistons into my aching body. It felt like a jackhammer ripping my flesh from my bones. Her fists buried deep inside my heaving belly with every punch. Her nipples threatened to burst through her bra and a damp spot was beginning to form in the crotch of her red panties. Left right left right left right left right. It felt like it was never going to stop. I was trying my best to turtle and limit the area of exposed flesh. As I was bending over lower and lower Brit changed her tactics on the fly. Punches now were thudding off my face as she pummeled me. Left right left right left right, uppercut! Boom! My head snapped back violently. Brit was waiting with a vicious right cross which made me stumble and lose my balance. The wall saved me and I regained my bearings to face more punishment. The horrifying realization of my situation was dawning upon me. Brit wasn't playing. She was serious about beating me up. She was getting turned on by my pain and humiliation. I wanted to explore the sexual underpinnings of her youthful feminine domination. But the savagery of her beating was something I hadn't properly considered. My cock was still rock hard but it wasn't my primary focus. Fear, shame, terror, and helplessness enveloped me. I just wanted it to stop. Brit was waiting for me to bounce off the wall and continued her demonstration of female aggression. My belly was wide open and an easy target. Brit began ripping hooks into me from both sides. Left right left right left right left right. She was beating the stuffing out of me. Her fists dug deep inside my flabby belly and hurt like hell. When I bent over to stop her onslaught she was waiting. A right uppercut from her knees straightened me up. A left hook followed by a right cross knocked me back down. I was writhing in pain and ready to concede. Brit had more to say. "You wanted to see what it's like to get beaten up by girl. Is this what you wanted? I've wanted to beat you up for a long time and it's every bit as fun as I thought it would be. Get up Uncle Jake. I'm not finished. I'm going to knock you out. Knock you out cold so you will never forget your place. Get up bitch so I can finish you." I realized there was no way out. In a strange way I was ready for her to knock me out and just stop hurting me. Almost on autopilot, I got up to take more punishment. Brit upped her tempo as if that was even possible. Her bulging biceps working like pistons smashing my body. My belly was turning a shade of crimson from the constant barrage. She pummeled me as she bullied me up against the wall. The propeller like punches landed cleanly everywhere as we slid to my right. A moment later I was trapped in the corner with nowhere to go. Brit stood in front of me and threw haymakers to my face and body. She looked like a middleweight who had her opponent helpless in the corner pummeling him mercilessly until the inevitable knockout. I was screaming out my complete surrender. "Brit please stop. You win. I give. I give. Please please, I've had enough. You made your point. Brit, I'm begging you. Please have mercy. Mercy pleeeeeze." But my prayers went unanswered. Brit continued to pound my face and body at will. She was relentless. I kept trying to go down but she would lean into me preventing me from falling and prop me back up to continue her beating. I'm sure the whole final volley was at least 30 unanswered blows. I could feel the blood pooling in my mouth and dripping from my nose. I couldn't take much more. Everything started to get blurry and then a roundhouse right knocked me out cold. I crashed to the floor although I don't remember a thing. As my consciousness escaped me I felt like I was in a dream. Like in the movies floating gently on a cloud with a beautiful woman soothingly explaining that you're dead. But it's peaceful. That sort of dream. I imagined that I was kissing Brit's feet. The next thing I remember is hearing Brit saying "wake up sleepy head." She was standing over me lightly tapping my face with her foot. As my focus returned I noticed that she had removed her gloves and bra. Her firm young tits were adorned by large brown nipples. They were diamond hard and the stain in her panties had expanded noticeably. She continued. "Kiss my foot loser. You're pathetic. You wanted to get beaten up by a girl and you couldn't even handle it. As soon as I knocked you out you came in your pants. Look at the mess you made." I realized that my boxers were wet and gooey as I obviously came in my pants although I wasn't lucky enough to be awake when it happened. Everything had gone so terribly wrong. But Brit was just getting warmed up. She was trying to force her foot into my mouth. "Now kiss my foot and worship me. You better not bite me or you'll be sorry. Lick my toes bitch!" As the clarity of the situation dawned upon me, I pushed her foot away from my face and tried to stop her. That was a big mistake. Brit bent down and grabbed my hair before making a fist and punching me in the mouth. She paused to admire her handiwork and then punched me 5 times in the face and stopped holding her fist at the ready. She was staring at me with a sadistic gleam in her eyes. That was more than I could take. I started crying like a baby and begging for forgiveness. I told her that I would love to kiss her feet. And then I just started bawling uncontrollably. Brit slowly stood up and gently fed me her painted toes for my lips and tongue. I continued sobbing as I licked and kissed and caressed her feet. Brit rolled me onto my back as she switched feet. I could see the look of smug satisfaction and her arousal was unmistakable. She was fondling herself as I was giving her an oral pedicure. Her left hand had wandered into her panties and she was rhythmically rubbing herself. She grabbed my hair again and forced me to begin kissing her leg from the ankle up. I kissed and worshipped the powerful leg of the victorious girl slowly working my way up toward her steamy cunt. As I got closer, her scent got stronger and more pungent. When I got to the top of her thigh she pulled my head away and forced me to look at her. "I beat you up and knocked you out. Now you have to pay. You're going to worship me. You're going to kiss my panties. I'm going to make you lick my cunt and eat me out. And you're gonna like it. You're gonna make me cum in your mouth. I'm going to make you my bitch just like I made David after I humiliated his girlfriend. If you don't do it right, I'll beat you up 10 times worse than I just did. Now kiss my cunt bitch!" Brit smashed my face against her saturated panties and ground her cunt into my mouth. She roughly tugged my hair to and fro grinding her burning snatch all over my face. She started humping wildly as she was rapidly approaching orgasm. She screamed out a warning followed by an affirmation that she was cumming. Brit slowly eased off as she basked in her glow. She pushed me onto my back and stood above me grabbing the sides of her panties before slowly sliding them down and off her legs. As I took in her beauty she descended down toward my face her slick dark bush coming closer and closer until I felt her soft wet pubic hair tickling my nose. She moved forward and settled her sopping steaming cunt into my bloody mouth and began her gyrations. Brit sat on my face and made me satisfy her every whim. My tears dried up but my shame and arousal did not. Brit was insatiable as she came time and again feeding me a feast of her female nectar. For the coup de gras Brit ripped off my soiled boxers and started slapping my hard cock back and forth. She rolled me onto my stomach and grabbed my arms forcing them behind my back. Then she rolled me onto my back again with my arms pinned underneath me. She grabbed by throbbing cock and I realized that she was going to fuck me. The ultimate reward. She was going to make everything worthwhile after all. "This is what you wanted. Isn't it Uncle Jake. You wanted to get beaten up by a girl and you wanted to get laid too. Didn't you? Well I call the shots and your punishment is not over. I'm going to rape you now and there's nothing you can do to stop me." Brit impaled herself on my rock hard cock and began to rape me. It was absolute heaven. My gorgeous young niece sliding her tight hairy cunt up and down on my dick. But heaven quickly turned to hell. Brit leaned forward and began punching me in the face with her bare hands while she savagely raped me. My arms were stuck underneath and I was defenseless. As Brit raped me and started to cum her ferocity escalated. I screamed and cried and pleaded for mercy with none forthcoming. 30 seconds later she knocked me out again while she finished raping me. I came inside her but I was comatose when it happened so I missed out on that too. I awoke some time later to the feeling of cold on my face. Brit was icing my face to reduce the swelling. She had a big smile on her face and told me how much she loved beating me up and can't wait for a rematch. Just then the door opened and Donna and my wife walked in. What happened? Brit explained that I challenged her to a boxing match and she won. I think he liked it because he asked for a rematch. What am I going to do?