How Did I Get Here by Ibfeysaat (Questions and comments to The pain emanating from my nose was devastating. The taste of blood, my throbbing lips, and the searing agony in my belly confirmed the hopelessness of my situation. The laughter and cheers rang off the walls. The sound of my pathetic weeping between the drum beats of the punches bouncing off my lifeless carcass. I could see that red glove about to strike. Oh God, no more please. Impact! The girls were doing cartwheels. No, everything was spinning. I felt the carpet smash my face and then I couldn't feel anything at all. Sleep overtook me. I couldn't wait for Lauren to get home. It's been so quiet and lonely too since her mother left. I shouldn't be upset, I should be happy. All she did was to fuck other men and humiliate me in the process. She moved in with a 23 year old man! But the truth is I miss her. Anyway, enough about that, Lauren was coming home for the weekend. And she was bringing a couple of her new college friends. I was cheering up just thinking about it. I inhaled the stench of her nineteen year old sweaty feet. I didn't want to, but I had to. I kissed it and then gently ingested her smelly big toe. My tongue lovingly bathed her ruby red toenail and all underneath that sexy and dominant toe. My tears splashed off her instep. My shame was complete. At least I thought it was. It wasn't. It got worse. And Lauren was watching the whole damn thing. "I'm leaving you. I'm moving in with Pedro. He's twice the man that you'll ever be. I'm tired of your shrimp dick and all your stupid stories about your stupid clients. I'm tired of pretending that I am staying with you because of Lauren. Please! You should be happy. At least I won't be humiliating you all the time. Good bye Michael." And just like that she was gone. I was so excited. Lauren was coming home! No matter how horrible her mother is, Lauren will always be daddy's little girl. Her smile lights up a room. And she loves her daddy. The way she looks at me and smiles. When she hugs me and tells me what a wonderful dad I am before kissing me and saying please please please. In the end I'm left wondering how she talked me into giving her another thousand dollars. She has me wrapped around her little finger. I'm so excited. Lauren is coming home! A pungent forest of black pubic hair descended toward my face. Even with the tears pouring out of my eyes I could clearly see the slick black hairs surrounding her lips and, oh my God, her vagina. That same vagina that I last saw when she was a baby. The last vagina that any father would ever want to see. She made me lick her. Lauren was very aroused and hell bent on having an orgasm in my mouth. Oh God, how did I get here? It was becoming evident that this wasn't fun and games. What was I thinking? I'm a 52 year old out of shape lawyer boxing a nineteen year old girl who plays collegiate soccer. Was I really stupid enough to believe that this was going to be fun? She wasn't going to give me that blow job after all. Her punches were crisp and accurate. I was no longer trying to hit her. I was trying to survive. The blood began dripping out of my nose and breathing was becoming more difficult. This wasn't fun and games at all. I was reaching the point where I didn't want to play anymore. I just wanted to cry. I was so excited for Lauren to spend the weekend. And now she is cheering on her friend to beat me up. Kelly told me that it would be fun. She told me it's sexy to box with an older man. And she whispered in my ear that she would give me a blow job after the friendly exhibition. She was going to tell Lauren to leave. This wasn't a game. Kelly was serious and determined to dominate and humiliate me worse than anything I could possibly imagine. The punches kept coming and my tears began to flow. This was supposed to be fun and games. How did I get here? Lauren was such a wonderful daughter. Her and her friends were so cute running around the soccer field. Now she's all grown up and she's beautiful. The boys are drawn to her like flies. But she'll always be daddy's little girl. I hated to see her cry as a child. Now that she's all grown up, sometimes she can be a little moody. But she is the sunshine of my life. She's daddy's little girl. Such a mind of her own. My lovely daughter is coming home. I could barely contain my excitement. A few rounds of sparring with the sexy and devious Kelly. And she promised to crawl into my bed later and give me a blow job. Nobody else was going to know. The thought of playfully exchanging punches as I worked up a sweat turned me on. I won't deny it. Part of me wanted her to make me say Uncle and then later crawl into my bed and sit on my face. I could barely contain my excitement. Kelly could barely contain her excitement either. But for all different reasons which I was about to find out. A blue Audi pulled into the driveway and out stepped Lauplren and her friend Amber. There was a 3rd girl who I didn't know. She sure was cute though. Lauren greeted me with a big hug and kiss. She said you remember my friend Amber. Of course I did. Amber gave me a big hug too. Lauren then introduced me to her friend from school, Kelly. Kelly greeted me with a warm friendly hug too. As she went to hug me she mentioned how much fun we were going to have. She whispered in my ear away from Lauren and Amber that I was cute and she was going to have fun with me. As she introduced herself she deviously squeezed my cock with her other hand. She did it so nonchalantly and tactfully that Lauren and Amber didn't notice. I noticed. I hadn't been with a woman in a long time and Kelly reinvigorated my spirits and cock with a gentle tug and the naughty possibility of more to come. Kelly continued to pepper my face with her stiff left jab. Subconsciously, I was raising up my defenses which left my soft underbelly vulnerable to attack. Lauren and Amber cheered the heavy left right combo to my belly. I groaned again. She was a fast starter. It's only been 30 seconds and I am already out of breath. Kelly was taking this more seriously than I had expected. But her warm smile disarmed me. She was just having fun. She was showing off. I was getting scared that Kelly was planning on really beating me up, not just play fighting. But then she backs off and says in such an innocent girly way "isn't this fun? I keep getting lucky and landing some punches. This is so exciting." And then she winked and gave me that warm reassuring smile signaling the innocence of our little bout. But when she stepped forward and cleanly landed a three punch combination to both my body and my face, I started to get that sinking feeling again. I hadn't considered the possibility that Kelly would seriously be planning on beating me up. I kept backing up trying to catch my breath. And Kelly kept smiling and stalking. Another combination bounced off my face and I was beginning to taste a little blood forming in my mouth. "Oh my God, I'm wiiiiiinniing. Isn't this exciting? Are you having fun Mikey?" "Dad, we're planning on having a slumber party tonight. I'm raiding the liquor cabinet and we're going to get drunk and stoned and have a good time. You can chaperone to ensure that we don't get out of line. If you open the liquor cabinet we won't go out. What do say are you up for partying with me and my sexy friends?" "Lick my toes you pantywaist crybaby. Lauren, your pathetic daddy thought that we were just playing and that I would give him a blow job later. He's everything you said he'd be. Do you want me to beat you up again? Kiss my feet Mikey. Stop your pathetic crying. I'm gonna make you my bitch Mikey, my cunt licking bitch. In fact that's what you'll be doing all weekend. You are going to be servicing Lauren and Amber and me. Isn't this fun?" How did I get here? I hadn't smoked marijuana in years for heavens sake. I'm a lawyer. An upstanding member of society. We are laughing like schoolgirls. Me and the schoolgirls. I am getting drunk and stoned with my 19 year old daughter, her childhood friend, and her beautiful friend who is making me think thoughts that a father shouldn't be having for a friend of his daughter. But damn. She's gorgeous. And she is giving me signals that has me dreaming of the naughty possibilities for later. Lauren is such a sweet and delightful daughter. She is so mature for a nineteen year old. She's getting drunk with her father, in her own home, and not driving. And smoking marijuana in the safety and privacy of her own home, what a good girl. It was so good to have Lauren and her friends. I can't remember when I had this much fun. "Are you going to cry? Oh poor daddy's getting beaten up in front of his daughter. You are crying aren't you? (Laughing evilly) Why are you crying? This is so fun. You're crying but you have a boner. I think you like getting beaten up and dominated in front of your daughter. It turns you on you pervert. Let you in on a little secret. It turns me on too! I'm going to make you my bitch. Does that make your little dickie get all excited? Alright, rest time is over. Get up. I'm not finished yet. I'm going to knock you the fuck out. GET UP!" As I waited for Lauren to get home my mind longed for her mother. What happened to that beautiful woman who picked me? When she first started stepping out on me I was secretly turned on. She realized this and began coming home and making me fuck her cumfilled cunt. Later, instead she began to sit on my face and make me clean up the mess left by others. She would jerk me off and I secretly liked the dominance that she was beginning to exert over me. And then she stopped touching me altogether. I knew the end was near. But when she left me to move in with her personal trainer, my world fell apart. Lauren was surely going to cheer me up. It was going to be so nice to have some female company for a change. My pleas for mercy were landing on deaf ears. Amber and Lauren were urging Kelly to beat me up and knock me out. Things had gotten out of hand quickly. I had been knocked down several times. Blood was flowing freely from my nose. My lips were swollen and bloody. My eyes were puffing up and I surely was going to have 2 black eyes. My crying was music to the sadistic girls ears. It was now a constant wail. Another jab to my nose. And another. And another. She was beating me up badly. I was praying for this carnage to come to an end. How did I get here? I was feeling no pain. The marijuana kids smoke today is way more potent than what we used to smoke back in the day. I hadn't laughed so much in a long time. The kids were having fun too. It was good to have family again in my life. I have really been lonely. Kelly had beaten me up and humiliated me in front of my own daughter. She teased me and tricked me into boxing her. She toyed with me. She led me into thinking we were going to have a playful little skirmish that would be fun and exhilarating. I was so foolish. How could I have possibly believed that a gorgeous college athlete wanted to crawl into my bed and give me a blow job? She punched me at will and laughed at my foolishness. She made me cry and beg for mercy. She made me lick and kiss her sweaty toes. And now she was ready to savor the real fruits of her victory. She never intended to give me a blow job. She was going to make me do her bidding instead. She had even stripped me naked before spanking my tushy in front of my daughter. How did I get here? "Daddy, I was telling Kelly about how you used to like to box with your girlfriend when you were our age. You were drunk and rambling but I found it very exciting. You said that boxing a woman was a natural warm up for sex. Even though you said that the matches were more fun than serious, mom and I both think that you probably lost usually. Kelly is just learning to box and thought it would be really exciting to box with you. We even brought some boxing gloves." We laced up the gloves and were ready to go. My heart was pounding. I hadn't boxed with a woman in almost 30 years. The memories of boxing with Amy back in college came flooding back. Oh, the sex we used to have after a spirited tussle. I remember that Heidi used to be on top riding me off in the sunset. Performing oral servitude on my sexy Bavarian boxer. Oh the memories. I remember the sweet passionate love making. I had forgotten how much Heidi loved to win. Oh yes, Heidi always was the winner. But it was all in good fun. Seeing Kelly waiting in just her bra and panties made me hard. Kelly could tell. Hopefully, Lauren didn't notice. Lauren yelled begin and Kelly came to me with her fists at the ready. I was going to be a gentleman and let her have the first strike. She didn't wait long. Kelly fired out her left fist. A crisp left jab collided with my nose. Nice punch. Ok, my turn. I threw a less than enthusiastic left jab of my own. I didn't want to hurt this pretty young thing. Kelly steadied her right glove and braced for contact. My punch bounced harmlessly off her block. I expected her to take the next punch. I didn't expect it so soon. As soon as she blocked my left jab with her right glove she instantly popped me on the kisser with another sneaky left jab. My turn and I jabbed with a bit more purpose this time. But again she easily deflected my fist away from danger. And then the little lynx purposefully fired a double left jab. Both punches were blocked. By my nose! Each punch seemed a bit crisper and heavier than the one before. As I contemplated what to now that it was my turn, Kelly cut in line thinking it was still her turn. A left right left combo to my belly got my attention. She was going for the victory. Chivalry be damned. Two more stiff left jabs smashed into the middle of my face. And then she tilted her head and smiled while blinking as if she was pleasantly surprised by her success. Her beauty and disarming quality was an asset she used to hide what I was about to find out were her true intentions. I didn't remember sharing those stories with Lauren. Perhaps her recollection is a bit fuzzy. It would be just like her mom to share stories of me that don't paint me in the best light though. But her memories of my obsession with Heidi and her sexy and playful domination were accurate. I remember how gentle and loving Heidi was after proving to be just a little too tough for me. It's funny though how the mind works. It seems that I forgot all about the escalation of her dominance and brutality displayed during our friendly minor tussles. I remember the loving and caring love making afterwards. The memories of spending hours on my knees just worshipping her glorious tasty twat. I tried so hard to get it just right. I remember the pungent expulsions of her creamy nectar when I managed to touch the right nerve. I didn't remember her darker side. The laughing at me. The trash talking. The insults. And the rape. I had blocked that from my memory because it sullied an otherwise beautiful love story. But the beatings did escalate. My shame and humiliation were all but expunged from my memory. The last straw was when she beat me up and raped me with a strap on dildo in front of her new boyfriend. The horror of what was happening was just too much for me to handle. Cleaning up the mess from her cumstained bush after she fucked him stupid while I watched and cried; what else could I do? I made myself believe it never happened and concentrated on the happier times and memories. I chalked it up to PMS. Wow! I was feeling no pain. The pot was so potent. I was good and buzzed. My manhood was under the influence too. I had forgotten all about the combination of THC on my cock. He didn't forget. I needed to empty my bladder. I considered masturbating in the bathroom. I got a good case of the giggles otherwise I might have beat my meat. Kelly was waiting her turn when I departed the powder room. She snickered at the similar effects that the libations had on both of us. She said "I got to pee. Want to watch?" She laughed at her own attempt at humor. I just stood there. If she was going to let me see her take off her pants, I certainly was willing to look. She was obviously joking but the sexual mastery she had over me was palpable. Right before she walked into the bathroom she almost whispered "I hope you don't find this too disturbing but marijuana makes me horny. I forsee some hanky panky with you a little later. I won't tell if you won't." Then she closed the door and left me standing there with my chin on the floor. Was I hallucinating? Did she say what I think she said? She couldn't possibly imagine the elevated levels of the blood flow to my dick that she was creating. If I was reading this properly, I certainly wouldn't be needing any little blue pills this evening. Every shred of dignity had been beaten out of me. My incessant crying and pleading for mercy only enhanced her sexual cravings to dominate and humiliate. I could hear her imploring me to get up so she could beat me up and knock me out. My head was spinning but at least I was getting a much needed reprieve from her lethal fists. My body was on autopilot. I had lost the ability to make sound decisions. I got up and the one sided beating continued. She was surely going to beat me to death in front of my own daughter who sadistically was finding sexual arousal in the debasement of her loving daddy. How did I get here? Kelly expounded on Lauren's boxing suggestion. "I have been learning to box and thought how exciting it might be to go a couple of rounds with a man. Lauren mentioned how you and some Heidi person used to like to settle your differences with a spirited tussle before the better girl would prevail. I'm just a novice but the thought of throwing a few punches into your handsome face makes me warm all over and under. Hee hee. I think it would be sexy to test myself against a real grown man. Please please please can we have a friendly little match. I'm sure that I would make it worth your while if you know what I mean." I didn't need to be asked twice. I eagerly accepted her invitation for a friendly and sexy little boxing exhibition. Lauren sent me upstairs to change into a pair of gym shorts. I decided to wear a pair of silk panties under my shorts. Sometimes I get a perverse sexual thrill by wearing ladies undergarments under my clothes. Nobody knows I'm doing it. It's naughty and exciting. You know the rush of the possibility of being discovered. Besides, I would have plenty of time to hide them before Kelly would be sneaking into my bed. When I returned I found that Kelly had changed too. She hadn't so much changed as disrobed. A black bra and matching panties were all that was between her womanly bits and my prying eyes. Auburn hair and green eyes. Long arms and longer legs. She was a vision. She may have had reddish hair but she didn't appear to be an ill tempered woman. No, a fresh Irish rose was more appropro. Was her hair color natural? At 5 foot 9 inches tall, she was actually taller than me. She was so beautiful, I didn't notice just how impressive and athletic she was. I couldn't wait to get this party started. Kelly finally removed her foot from my mouth. Now I could get some much needed privacy to cry and unpack what had just happened. My reprieve was short lived. Kelly used her foot to roll me on my back. As she loomed above me, I realized that she had changed her panties. Gone were the black ones, only to be replaced by a copper colored pair. Wait. That wasn't her panties the Auburn colored covering was her pubic hair. Her impressive copper bush descended closer and closer until it covered my face. Kelly wasn't finished with my oral servitude. She was just getting started. The object of my secret desire was right where it was supposed to be. Riding my face, reinvigorating my senses, bathing my tongue, she was home. But not like this. This wasn't the wanton sex that I craved. This was my depravity, a lesson in female supremacy. Kelly was using me for her own sadistic glee. This was rape! At least I thought it was. She was raping my face. I had truly bottomed out. How did I get here? "I think you like getting beaten up and humiliated in front of your daughter. It was her idea after all. You want to be dominated. You need to be dominated. You want to be humiliated. You need to be humiliated. You're crying like a little baby and begging for mercy yet you have a boner. Next time you fall down you're going to get stripped naked so we can see your pathetic little dicklet. You're probably one of those sissy boys that secretly dresses up like a girl. Are you wearing your panties little boy?" Meanwhile, she is emphasizing every humiliating comment with her ferocious fists. I couldn't take much more. The next thing I know, I see her right fist coming, but I couldn't do anything about it. An uppercut is going to land and it's really going to hurt. Pow! Impact and my equilibrium abandons me. As I crashed to the floor my shame is going to be revealed to all. "I knew it. He fell down again. Lauren, go strip your daddy. I bet he's wearing panties." I couldn't suppress those memories any longer. The feeling of inadequacy was back. I remembered Heidi standing over me. These weren't friendly sexy tussles. Heidi wasn't my equal. She was strong and mean and vicious and insatiable. Heidi delighted in my humiliation. She liked to beat me up because it made her cunt all wet. She liked to sit on my face and make me try in vain to lick her dry. The Nazis had nothing on my fraulien. Heidi was blonde haired and blue eyed. She was a member of the master race and she made sure I knew it. I loved her so much that I had suppressed all the memories of her sadistic beatings. But I couldn't suppress them any longer. Oh God, what have I done? Lauren's groans were becoming more urgent. Her scent filled my nostrils. Her cunt cream flowed and was sweeter than honey. She was not going to stop until she came and came hard. My precious daughter rode me faster and faster until she screamed in ecstasy. Lauren came in my mouth. Please God let this be over. But Kelly had one final trick up her sleeve. Lauren squeezed my head between her legs and rolled over. Now I was on my belly with her hairy bush swallowing my face. I could feel an intrusion behind me. Kelly grabbed my hips and buried her strap on dildo deep inside my bowels with a single thrust. She savagely raped me while Lauren was savoring multiple orgasms. They flipped me onto my back with Lauren sitting on my face while Kelly cruelly raped me. Kelly jerked me off as she fucked me silly. Ultimate pain, shame, and humiliation. I couldn't help myself and came on my little girl's back. I opened my eyes. It was Friday morning and Lauren was coming to visit. Isn't life grand?