High School Hero By Ibfeysaat Questions and comments to ibfeysaat18@gmail.com Bob used to be the high school hero. He was the quarterback of the football team and was very successful as a junior bringing honor and glory to old West high. He let it go to his head. By senior year Bob acted like his shit didn't stink. It did and so did he. But when Bob bullied and humiliated a younger smaller kid for his own amusement Kay had had enough. Kay was the star of the girls soccer team. She was basically a good girl. Pretty, athletic, good student, never in trouble, well liked, she had it all. She saw herself as a force for good and Bob as the new face of evil. She knew it was up to her to ensure that good triumphed over evil. She was up to the task. As Bob was the star quarterback, he was afforded the privilege of not having to practice one day a week. While the rest of his teammates were killing themselves, Bob was lounging around on the sidelines in comfortable shorts and a shirt. As practice was ending, Bob was bullying and threatening a clearly terrified young freshman. The poor boy was practically in tears. At this moment Kay realized that she must step in. Kay had never been in a real fight. Her father made sure that she understood that she was only to fight if absolutely necessary. Protecting an innocent boy from a bullying older and bigger boy rose to that level. Just because Kay had never been in a fight didn't mean that she didn't know HOW to fight. Bob had no idea what he was walking into. Pretty much everybody had left the athletic fields as practice had just ended. The football players were all running for the cold showers. The girls soccer practice ended just a few minutes later. As the girls were coming off the field Kay happened upon Bob bullying the frightened boy. She told him to cut it out or he'd be sorry. Bob laughed and asked exactly who was going to make him sorry. Kay confidently replied herself. Bob told her to keep walking or else he was going to beat her up right here and then strip her and rape her in front of all her friends. If Kay was having any second thoughts about whether or not Bob truly deserved it, she clearly wasn't now. She didn't say a word but walked right up to the bigger boy and shoved him. Bob is a 6 foot 2 inch 215 pound athlete. Kay is 5 foot 9 148 pounds of pure feminine perfection. She is a sophomore and the bigger kid is a senior. Still, her strength and determination shoved him back a few steps. He regained his balance and announced that he was going to kill her. Bob put his head down and bum rushed the smaller girl. Kay effortlessly pivoted out of the way and shoved him as he went sailing by. Bob's momentum betrayed him and he fell on his hands and knees. Everyone laughed. Angrily he got up and stepped toward the waiting girl and punched her right in the face. He intended to smash her pretty face to mush. Only she deftly backed away and then stepped forward and threw a punch of her own. She didn't miss. As Bob was falling forward after missing his target, he was coming right into her target rich environment. Bam! Her savage uppercut connected perfectly into his descending nose. Bob stumbled back a couple of steps and regained his composure and said "you bitch!" He moved toward her. Slower this time. As he wound up to punch her, the smaller athlete ducked down and swung her right leg into his legs. A perfect sweep kick and the big boy was getting chopped down like a tree. Bob teetered to his his left from the strike to his legs. Kay was anticipating this and completed her pivot with her right fist searching for the side of his face like a torpedo tracking a ship. It was a right hook on steroids as her body was pivoting, almost spinning. When it landed Bob was really hurting. He had never been hit so hard in his life. Welcome to Hell. Kay paused and then pivoted to her left. What happened next will forever be etched in everyone who was there's brain forever. The sweep kick knocked him off balance and the pivoting right hook slammed him toward the ground. But he didn't make it. Right before he hit the ground Kay unleashed a simply devastating left snap kick. The soccer girl's cleat exploded his nose. Blood splattered everywhere and began flowing out of both nostrils and the bridge of his nose. Bob was finished. He groaned and grabbed his nose and began screaming in pain. Kay calmly stood over her obliterated victim. Then she began to speak. "Bullies are weaklings. You're days of bullying others is over. You might consider this demonstration a much needed exorcism. I'm going to beat the evil right out of you. And there's a whole lot of evil to expel." As she finished her little soliloquy Kay grabbed the kneeling boy by the hair and yanked. Cruelly she raised her right knee to the skies. Knee met face with a sickening thud. Bob no longer had his front 2 teeth. They would be later found some 20 feet away. The screaming was replaced by wailing. Big bad Bob was bleeding like a stuck pig and crying like a 6 year old getting a spanking from a father who doesn't know when to stop. You can add a trip to the Dentist office to Bob's "To do" list. Bob was missing 2 teeth, had crushed lips, a broken nose, and a mighty sore left jaw. Worse, he knew there was more to come and nobody but nobody was gonna help him. His tears of pain became tears of despair. Kim sacked the helpless quarterback and started administering some unnecessary roughness. She sat on his chest and dug her knees into his biceps with more pressure than he could bear. She slapped the blubbering crybaby in the face like a Chinese expert level ping pong volley. Back and forth and stinging badly Bob's face flew. Blood was spurting everywhere but Kay didn't care. Bob's blood on her uniform was like a scalp on the mantelpiece for the brutal young squaw. Unfortunately for Bob, Kay quickly tired of just slapping and began punching. Vicious left and right hooks landed undefended from Bob. Bob was frantically begging for mercy and vowing to be good. He thought she was going to beat him to death right here and right now. He wasn't so lucky. But the sheer magnitude of punches scrambled his brains. Maybe 10 or 12 punches total and Kay had a KO! Bob was out cold laying under the victorious girl sleeping like a baby. Kay allowed him a quick cat nap. The crowd of kids cheered loudly and wildly. Others noticing the commotion were coming to investigate. Kay counted backward from 50. As she got closer to 0 everyone chimed in in unison. 5 4 3 2 1. Kay roughly grabbed the unconscious lad by the hair and started yelling wake up wake up as she lightly slapped his face side to side. A moment later Bob opened his eyes and glimpsed the smiling assassin sitting on his chest carrying out the execution. Bob instantly began crying and begging for mercy again. "Shut up loser and listen to me. And quit your crying you baby. Awww, did the big bad quarterback get beaten up by a little sophomore girl? Don't embarrass yourself and answer that. But, answer me this. Are you going to ever bully anyone again?" No. "Good. Now apologize to Jimmy here. Tell him how truly sorry you are and beg for his forgiveness." "I'm so sorry Jimmy. Can you please forgive my unacceptable behavior? I'm sorry I disrespected you. I will forever treat you with the utmost respect. Please forgive me." "Sure. It's cool." "Aren't you lucky Bob? Jimmy is ready to forgive you. I'm not!" With that Kay reminded Bob that he wanted to fight. Her reminder was a piston punching exhibition to his broken and defenseless face. She blackened both eyes and pulverized his nose. Blood was spurting everywhere and she was covered in it too. Kay was laughing at the beaten crying loser as she smashed him to smithereens. Mercifully, she stopped before she killed him or knocked him out again. But she made him cry like a baby and his pathetic weeping was music to her ears. It was also a powerful aphrodisiac that was dampening her teenage hungry twat. "Do you want some more? Do you?" "Oh God please no. Please stop hurting me. You're gonna kill me. Please. I'm begging you." "Shut up loser and listen to me. You threatened to beat me up and strip me naked and rape me in front of all my friends. Instead you're going to strip and humiliate yourself in front of all your new friends. So help me God, if you're not as naked as the day you were born by the time I count to 10, I will really make you sorry. Are we clear?" Kay got off the bloody beaten heap of a boy and began to count. You never saw a kid get naked quicker in your life. Shirt, pants, undies, socks and shoes all evaporated before Kay got to 8. Everyone had a big laugh at the naked humiliation Bob was being subjected to. Worse, the beaten former high school hero had sprung a boner. Apparently, his little pee pee was mighty impressed by power and fury of his sexy rival. And there was no place to hide. Kay put her foot on the chest of the naked boy signifying her complete domination. Then she had 2 of her friends grab and lift the legs of the helpless lad. Kay told Jimmy that this was his one chance to compete for the position of kicker on the football team. Kay made Bob close his eyes so he wouldn't flinch. They held him spread eagle like a wishbone at Thanksgiving and with his butt off the ground Jimmy lined up the game winning field goal. A nice running start and BAM! Little Jimmy has a big leg. Would have been good from 40 yards. He kicked Bob in the balls as hard as any freshman ever kicked anything! If they weren't connected by tendons and things, they surely would have evacuated through Bob's mouth. As Bob bolted up in shock and awe, Kay was waiting. Like a head on car crash her boot met his face and knocked him the fuck out! She practically killed him. He was unconscious for almost 20 minutes. He awoke in a hospital. Guess what? Bob never bullied anyone ever again!