Help Me Rhonda by Send questions and comments to Rhonda hates bullies. Brian was a bully. He used to bully people. He bullied my friend. Rhonda put a stop to that. Now Brian doesn't bully people anymore. My friend is happy. Brian was a bully. He is a spoiled kid who always gets what he wants. He is a senior and the quarterback of the football team. Brian gets away with everything. My friend Jimmy and me are freshmen. We are quiet kids who try and stay invisible. Brian made that impossible. Tuesday, Brian caught Jimmy and me by our lockers. He started bullying us for no reason other than we can't really fight back. We were terrified that he was going to beat us up. Brian threatened to beat the shit out of Jimmy and was laughing at him as Jimmy began to cry. Poor Jimmy was scared to death. Brian was poking him in the chest threatening to break his face. Jimmy just stood there taking it with tears running down his face. Brian punched him in the stomach just to be cruel. Jimmy started crying harder and was so terrified that he peed in his pants. Brian and his friends really humiliated Jimmy before they left us alone. Jimmy's older sister Karen is a junior. Her best friend is Rhonda. When Rhonda and Karen heard about what Brian did to Jimmy, Rhonda decided that it was time to pay Brian a visit. The next day, Rhonda walked into Brian's 3rd period English class. She said excuse me to Miss Miles and walked right over to Brian and stuck her index finger into his chest. "You have bullied your last defenseless freshman, now you're gonna have to deal with me." Brian told her to shut up and Rhonda slapped him right in the face. Everyone in the class started laughing. Brian told her that she would pay for that. Rhonda told him that he knows where he can find her. She's on the girls soccer team so she would be at practice. Brian told her that he would see her after school on the soccer field and then turned to Miss Miles and said she didn't see or hear anything. Rhonda turned to the teacher with a knowing smile and winked while giving her a subtle ok sign with her left hand. Rhonda apologized to Miss Miles as she left. Both young women shared a knowing smile. After school Brian and a couple of his friends headed for the soccer field. It seemed like every girl in school along with Jimmy and I were there waiting for him. Rhonda stood there dressed in her soccer uniform. She had taken off her spikes and socks and was barefoot. Rhonda told him that he was a bully who needed to be taught a lesson. If he was willing to apologize to Jimmy and kiss his feet, she would forget about this little misunderstanding. Otherwise, she was going to teach him that lesson. Brian said that he didn't care if she was a girl, she had a big mouth and he was planning on shutting it. And then he attacked. He lunged at Rhonda and threw a big roundhouse right. He aimed at her chin. Rhonda gracefully leaned back and watched his punch come up short. Then she shifted her weight and stepped forward and punched Brian right in the nose. The punch snapped his head back but only seemed to make him mad. He lunged at Rhonda with his arms trying to grab her and use his superior size to get her to the ground. Rhonda pivoted and grabbed his right arm and flipped him over her hip. But she didn't let go. Brian landed on his back and she proceeded to step on his armpit twisted and pulled. Brian let out a scream as Rhonda successfully dislocated his right shoulder. The shoulder has a wide range of motion, but it doesn't go backward as Brian had just discovered. As Brian screamed "my shoulder" his body jerked upward to a sitting position. Rhonda released his arm and pivoted toward Brian and unleashed a wicked snap kick. Direct strike right on the nose. Pow! Brian fell backward screaming as he felt his busted nose with his one good hand. He was already starting to cry. At this point Rhonda turned to his friends who were standing with their mouths open at the brutal display they were witnessing and told them to not interfere or they would be next. Brian's friend Rob said they had to get dressed for practice anyway. They ran away. Everyone began cheering for Rhonda and the quick and decisive victory she had achieved. We were so stunned at how quickly she got him down and smashed his face to mush, that we didn't have a chance to cheer. But we were cheering now. Rhonda looked at the bloody and beaten Brian and asked if he was ready for some more. Brian screamed "NOOO! You win. I'm sorry please stop. I'm begging you. You broke my arm. Please." Rhonda replied "I didn't break your arm. YET. I did break your nose though." She laughed at her clever response and continued. "Are you crying? Are you getting beaten up by a girl in front of the whole school? Big tough bully football player getting beaten up by a girl. Well, you asked for it. I'm not done teaching you your lesson. I'm quite certain that you will never bully anyone ever again. I'm going to FUCK YOU UP!" Rhonda then grabbed his mutilated right arm and forcefully pulled him up. This must have really hurt because Brian wailed like a banshee. She grabbed his left arm and moved her hip into him. A moment later this big stupid football player was crashing into the ground. What a perfect hip toss. Again she didn't let go. She smiled at Brian before repeating the process and dislocating his other shoulder. Then she let him go. Brian was laying flat on his back like he was paralyzed. He couldn't move his arms. Rhonda sat on his chest and looked down at him menacingly. He was bleeding and crying and looking up at his conqueror with a look of complete doom. "You're in trouble now. I swear to God if you try to kick me, I will break your back. Don't think I won't do it. And your arms are useless. So I'm just gonna punch you in the face until I knock you out cold! You can cry all you want to, but you, me, and everyone else knows you've got it coming." Everyone started chanting "knock him out. Knock him out." Rhonda was happy to oblige. She began softly punching his face side to side. Left, right, left, right. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, she increased the force of each and every punch. Every so often she would punch him in nose or mouth. Then back to a left to the cheek. Right to the cheek and so forth. Brian's head was moving side to side with the force of each punch. His crying was sweet music to everyone's ears. His pleas for mercy went unrequited. Rhonda was ready to knock him out now so she aimed her fists at his temples and really let him have it. Right left right and all resistance ceased. Brian stopped crying. He stopped screaming. He just went to sleep. Rhonda got off the beaten carcass of the one time quarterback and big man on campus. He was just a little baby having an afternoon nap. Rhonda said that he was out cold but he'd wake up in a minute or so. And then it happened. A big stain started expanding from the crotch of his pants. Big bad Brian was peeing himself. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't awake to enjoy it. We loved it. Everyone was pointing and laughing. Rhonda just stood over Brian waiting for him to wake up. She started kicking his face ever so lightly to try and wake him. A moment later Brian started blinking and then opened his eyes and looked at that girl who had just beaten the ever loving shit out of him and he started crying again. Rhonda quipped, "looks like some little boy just peed his pants. I think it's time to change your diaper. And I sure as hell ain't gonna touch it. Now strip. Take that dirty diaper off or so help me, I will really make you sorry. Brian somehow managed to get his useless arms to un button his pants and kinda shimmied backwards trying to get his pants off. He was as beaten and scared as anyone I have ever seen. Somehow he managed to get them off and exposed himself obscenely to everyone. Rhonda laughed and said she was finished. Well, not quite. She couldn't help herself. Rhonda put back on her soccer cleats. She spread his legs a little wider and kicked him as hard as she could right in the balls. She yelled gooooooaall! Never mess with the feet of a female soccer star. Brian passed out again. We left him there laying in the field. Surely, his friends would come and get him and take him to the hospital. Brian never threw another pass for Central High. Rhonda decided to skip practice and went over to Jimmy and gave him a kiss. Right on the mouth. She took him by the hand to her car. Jimmy's gift wasn't quite finished. She took him to her house and made him a man. A very happy young man!