My Introduction Send questions and comments to I have been a fan of dominant athletic girls and women for many years. My introduction came in high school when I saw a girl badly beat up a boy after school. I witnessed it along with many other students. At the end of the fight, she was sitting on him and punching him in the face. He had a bloody nose and mouth and was crying like a baby and begging for her to stop hurting him. But she didn't until she knocked him out cold. It was brutal, gory, violent, and one sided. It also turned me on. Afterward, I went home and jerked off to the most intense and satisfying orgasm of my young life. I had my first experience getting beaten by a woman in my 20s. It was a wrestling match and although I gave it my best, I was no match for her. She delighted in making me give. Over and over. At the end she sat on my face and made me eat her out. It was my first experience being facesat. Because of that, I go my the nickname of I B Feysaat (pronounced I B Facesat). I have been beaten up many times by many different women. My favorite experiences were boxing. There is just something so exciting about seeing a beautiful woman standing in front of you and beating you up with her gloved fists. I have been a big fan of this site since the very early days. Each and every day I check for new stories. Until recently, I never submitted a story. By nature I am pretty shy. I was uncomfortable with being honest about my identity as well as the temptation to indulge my old masochist tendencies. I'm too old to do those things again. Diana was kind enough to print my stories anonymously. I have created an account for this site only. It seems like a proper title. I have been facesat many times, usually after suffering another humiliating defeat. My stories range from 100% true to far fetched fantasy. Even the fictional ones are loosely based on real people or real events. For instance, Tanya and Uncle Joe is about as ridiculous as anything ever written. I had a lot of fun and laughs creating those obscene story lines. But even that is loosely based on a woman I know who enjoyed beating up her brother over many years. Thankfully, she didn't have a daughter. Afterschool special is 100% true as I remember it. And those memories are seared in my mind. Sadly, the boy never came back to school and the last I heard, he ran away from home. The names of all characters real and fictional have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty. The previous stories lines I submitted anonymously are the "Lynn and Patrick," "Runs in the Family" with Tanya and Uncle Joe, "He Paid Me to Beat Him Up," "She Made Me Write This," and "Afterschool Special" series. Feel free to comment at I would hope that the comments are given in good taste, but good taste and tact are two noticeable flaws in my writings.