Divorce Court by Ibfeysaat (Questions and comments to ibfeysaat18@gmail.com) I have been married for 12 years. The first 10 were decent. The last 2, not so good. My husband ruled our home and I did as he said. We both worked and have no children. It was up to me to be ready, willing, and able whenever he wanted. You get the picture. About 2 years ago, he slowed down his sexual advances. It became obvious that he was getting it from someone else. So I redoubled my efforts to win him back. I joined a health club and worked on my body. Jacob became my personal trainer. And Jacob was so sweet and comforting that it became inevitable that we would hook up. The first time was a disaster. And it really opened my eyes and led to changes in me that ended my marriage. It was a one sided divorce. In my favor. My husband had always demanded that I keep myself shaved bare. When Jacob finally took me to bed, he politely spoke to me about the world after he got me naked, sort of. He gently was working his way down my stomach and when he lowered my panties, he looked up at me after readjusting my panties back up. He slowly got up and began speaking. He apologized and told me that a little girl doesn't have hair around her vagina. A woman has hair. He adored me, but he only wanted to be with a woman. That morning was the last time I ever shaved myself. A month later, he took me to bed and ate me to several orgasms before fucking me like a queen. Suddenly, I didn't care about my husband anymore. At the gym, Jacob taught me how to box. It was an excellent workout and it really helped with my confidence. After a couple of months, I had gotten pretty good. My biceps, actually appeared. But my husband didn't even notice my newly healthy glow. He hadn't touched me in probably 2 months. He certainly hadn't seen my bush. He would have blown a gasket. It was time to confront my husband. We spoke at dinner on a Thursday night. I mentioned that he never seemed to make moves on me lately and accused him of having an affair. Of course he denied it. We argued. For close to 12 years I had been completely faithful to him but I was beginning to doubt that he had for many years. At first I was hurt. But that hurt turned to anger. We began screaming at each other and our dinner was disintegrating quickly. I mentioned that I had taken up boxing because I really wanted to beat the shit out of him but we had never raised a hand to each other. Richard took the bait and asked me if I wanted him to beat me up. "Fat chance" I replied. So we agreed to have a boxing match to get our anger out and to determine the future pecking order. Friday night at 6:00 in the basement. Just us. I wanted Jason hiding, just in case. A little spoiler alert. The wife won the match. And it wasn't close! Richard stands 6 feet tall weighing about 170 pounds. I'm 5 foot 9 inches tall and weigh a solid 139 pounds. Wearing only a black bra and panty combination, I wanted him to get a good look at the body that was doing this to him. Temporarily, I had forgotten that I had stopped shaving and had more hair under my arms than he did. His eyes bulged out of his head when he saw me. He pretended not to notice, but he looked confused. Make that scared. Anyway, it had an unidentified positive impact on the proceedings. Remember, he demanded that I be shaved bare, head to toe. And now he is looking at an athlete, like a serious one in the gym unconcerned with what they look like, just focused on the job at hand. And I was. With Jacob hiding in the basement, it was time to lay into each other and determine the course that we would be following. I set the course! I gave him his gloves and mouthpiece and put mine on. He was bare chested with a pair of gym shorts. I intended on stripping him naked after beating the shit out of him. We agreed to no rounds, just fight. He invited me to throw the first punch but I wanted him to. So I threw a soft left toward his stomach which he easily blocked. Then, he smiled and reared back and fired a left jab right at my nose. I just moved my head to the left and he missed. I clubbed him with a quick left jab right in the face. It startled him. I danced away and then moved forward and wrapped him with a 3 punch combination. A left jab right cross and left uppercut. All 3 punches landed on his face and he looked at me with a look of pure shock. I danced backwards and he missed with his retort. A moment later I punched him 3 times in the belly and swiveled away quickly as he missed me yet again. He lunged forward and came with a big roundhouse right meant to put me in my place. I ducked and punched him with a right uppercut as he missed me completely. This was the best punch of the fight and snapped his head. I noticed a trace of blood on his left nostril. I laughed at him as I danced away to safety and give him a moment to think about what I was doing to him. His mood was rapidly changing. First, he was all cocky. He even told me not to worry, I was going to be sucking his cock after he pounded me. But the cockiness was gone. It had been replaced by a look of astonishment. Meanwhile, I was having fun and we were just getting going. He was plodding. I was dancing. My way was better. Another stiff double left jab to his nose and away before he could retaliate. Dance sideways and attack. Left right left to the body and out. He groaned upon impact. 3 times. Dance right, pivot and punch him in the face. Right hook, left jab, right uppercut. A smirk had developed on my face as I noticed him struggling. This was fun. I wanted to hurt him, but it was so fun to punch him out slowly. Every time he fired, I avoided it. Each time I fired, I connected. His face began to show the signs of getting beaten up. There was a little blood on his nose, his lip was swelling up, and the look in his eyes... I didn't at first recognize it. But I think that he was frightened. But, whatever it was, it made me smile. So I smiled at my hurting husband. It was a happy smile and it had to hurt him. He wasn't smiling. And he was about to get beaten up a little worse. Swivel left and a right cross to the cheek. Stop and swivel right and a double left hook to the body. He groaned and pawed at me to stop. There was no way I was stopping. Step back and forward and I just pistoned a left right left right left right left right all to his guts and arms. Ya, I was hurting him. I danced away and twirled sideways and hammered him in the face with a left hook, right cross, left jab, and a right uppercut. The uppercut flooded him. "Get up loser. I'm just getting started. I'm going to beat the absolute shit out of you and you deserve it. So get up and take your beating from your wife." Richard got up with a look of concern on his face. I stuck my face in front of him and told him to hit me. The idiot wound up and fired a roundhouse right which was going to arrive about 5 minutes later. I easily moved my head and the moron missed badly. He was also unbalanced. I popped him with an uppercut which snapped his head back and straightened him up. A left right left right combo to the face bloodied him some more. I snuck away and came back to the body with a bunch of punches. I was determined to beat the stuffing out of him. And I was. He was groaning upon impact. And he was having difficulty hiding the fear in his eyes. For the next few minutes, it was more of the same. Only now, I was punctuating the beating with humiliating comments. Things like, I'm kicking your ass. Or, you're getting beaten up by a girl. It wasn't enough to win the fight, I wanted to absolutely humiliate him. His nose was bleeding and getting mashed. His lips were bleeding too. His chin actually started to quiver. My sissy man was fixing to cry. It occurred to me now that I was getting wet and fiery in my loins. A left right left right to the body lowered his head. And I just moved upstairs and pummeled his face. A right uppercut put him down a second time. I stood over him with my fist cocked and he lost it. He put his gloves over his eyes and began crying like a baby. I laughed at him and pulled my gloves off and undid his pants before removing them. Astonishingly, he was hard as a rock! So I decided to finish the fight with both sides naked. I removed my bra and panties and stood there right in front of him with my legs spread putting back on my gloves. "Take a good look at your wife. Look at my hairy bush. You used to make me dress up like a little girl, shaved bare like a prehair. Well, my man is named Jacob. He doesn't like to look at little girls. He likes a woman to look like a woman. So get a good look because this Amazon is going to knock you the fuck out! And I notice that you have a boner. Guess you like getting beaten up by a woman. Enjoy, I certainly am. Jacob, sweetheart, please come in and enjoy the end of my marriage and husband." The beaten crybaby just pleaded for mercy without getting up. I told him that I would get down on top of him and beat the shit out of him if he didn't get up. And maybe barefisted. He slowly picked himself up and looked at me. He pleaded once again for mercy. But he just stared at my hairy bush. She seemed to excite the pathetic loser. I couldn't care less and went back to face punching time. Jab, jab, jab, jab, uppercut and down the beaten sissy went. I didn't like his defensive action. So I kicked him in the face. He started screaming and his nose was busted. I got on top of him and sealed his arms with my knees. I made him beg. And begging and crying he was. Left right left right left right left right left right left right and then he stopped talking. I knocked him out. I climbed off his carcass and said to Jacob "come here and fuck me. Fuck me hard and cum in my cunt. I want you." Jacob kissed me and standing over my victim he stuffed me. It felt so good getting fucked over my knocked out ex. It was dirty and hot. My drooling cunt was quivering and fixing to cum. He apologized and said that he couldn't hold it. "Don't worry sweetheart, it's ok. Cum deep inside me." And then Jacob fired his load all over my pussy and bush. I made eye contact with Richard who had woken up. He was crying again. Jacob stepped back and pulled out leaving me to facesit my soon to be ex. Lining up my cum filled bush with his face and slowly sitting on his face was so liberating. I ground my hairy cunt all over his face as I described our impending divorce. Guess who got the house. Guess who got the money. I got the diamond mine. He got the shaft. Richard also got a liquid dinner of Jacob's salty cum and my cunt slime. Afterwards, Richard's credit card paid for Jacob and my feast. Jacob slept with me in our bed with a tied up naked Richard on the floor in the corner. In the morning, I made Richard invite his girlfriend over. She was shocked when she arrived and saw her man naked and tied up. I offered her a choice. Either, she could watch Richard and me have a rematch or she could fight me. She wisely chose to watch. I beat him up badly in front of Jacob and Kerry. She enjoyed it and left him after servicing the winner. I guess my marriage finally worked out alright!