Beaten Up By the Aerobics Girl by (Questions and comments to The following memory contains female domination, mixed boxing, male humiliation, forced pussy worshipping, femdom facesitting, and female supremacy. If you find this distasteful, I'm sorry. This description is age appropriate and should be consumed only by those who appreciate such situations. The 1980s was a very sexy decade. Aerobics classes were all the rage. The young women wore these sexy body hugging Aerobics outfits. I joined a health club just to stare at the pretty sweaty girls. I wasn't into lifting weights, so I tried the coed Aerobics classes. The rooms had mirrors on the walls so it was easy to check out the girls as they jumped up and down. I liked to be in the back to try and blend in. Besides, I was always screwing up the routines and really didn't want all the girls to see it. I especially liked the classes that mixed boxing routines with aerobics. I liked to look at the sexy girls practicing their punches and fantasized being on the receiving end. At that point of my life, I had wrestled with a number of girls but had never tried boxing. It was sexy and fun to lose at wrestling and I wanted to see what it would be like to be punched out by a girl. I didn't really how to go about it. I wasn't about to ask some stranger if by chance she wanted to punch me out. So the Aerobics boxing was as close as I got. The Tuesday night class at 6:00 was my favorite. The sexy Aerobics instructor mixed in a lot of boxing maneuvers in the routine. There was this one girl in particular who I very much fancied. She had straight dark brown hair which she wore in a ponytail with a headband. She was kinda small but she took the class seriously and had a ton of stamina. She always completed the whole routine. I could never finish and took a lot of water and rest breaks. She always came to class with her friend. I spent more time watching her than I did performing Aerobics. She really got into the boxing maneuvers and I wondered what it would be like to be punched out by her. I was hoping to find out. But how? One day after class, she and her friend were talking on the way to the locker rooms. I followed them trying to listen but not being too obvious about it. She mentioned that she really loved doing the boxing and fantasized about boxing a man and winning. Her boyfriend was too big and wouldn't go for it. He was too macho. She thought it would be nice to make him go down on her instead of him always wanting her to give him a blow job. She said something about "just once" before we arrived at the locker rooms. It took everything I had NOT to follow them into the ladies locker room. The picture in my mind of boxing her and having her make me her bitch was vivid and distracting. I skipped the shower and just grabbed my clothes and drove home to jerk off. Afterward, I started scheming on how to make this happen. I didn't want to walk up to her and say "Hi. You don't know me, but I was listening in on your private conversation with your friend. I know you would like to box a man. I heard you say that you wanted to beat up and dominate a man. Well, I'm your guy." That certainly didn't seem very practical. It was however, a decent fall back, last resort position one could try in case of emergency. I decided to try and position myself next to her at the next class I was able to attend, 2 weeks later. I could smile at her and not feel too badly about struggling just to finish the class. After class I would tell her she's really good and in way better shape than me. It seemed like a good way for her to notice me and strike up a conversation. I showed up a few minutes early and sort of hung out around the room waiting for her. When her and her friend arrived I looped around and walked into class right behind them. As they found their places, I moseyed over into the spot directly to her left. I took a swig of my water, smiled at her, and said I was going to NOT stand in the back this time as an incentive to try and keep up. She smiled back and wished me luck. She seemed pleasant and sincere. Soon we were jumping up and down and following the teacher's lead as we performed the routine. Occasionally I would look at her and smile as I struggled to keep up. About ten or fifteen minutes into the class, I was really dragging. As the maneuvers went to boxing punches I decided that it was the perfect time to take a rest. I grabbed my water and took a couple of sips as I tried to catch my breath. I set the bottle down moving ever so slightly forward. I turned and faced her as she was going through the routine. Left, right, shoulder roll, uppercut and again. I smiled as I looked like I was her intended target and moved my head side to side mimicking being punched by her. It was very playful and we both smiled as she continued her work out. A moment later I rejoined the exercises. By the end of the class, I was soaking wet but still didn't do half as much as she and most of the other girls did. I smiled at her and said she's pretty good and I'm trying to get better. She laughed and offered encouragement. We engaged in idle chitchat as we cooled down and caught our breath. Then, I tossed out my feeler. I mentioned that she looked very proficient at the boxing and wondered if she actually boxed. She replied that she enjoyed practicing punching but she had never boxed, but thought it would be fun to spar with a somebody sometime. Then she asked if I boxed. I laughed and said not since camp as a boy. I always got beaten up. She nodded as she studied my reaction. I continued. I have actually wrestled a few times and I enjoyed that. It's a lot more fun to lose at wrestling than it was at boxing and laughed again. She smiled and looked at her friend and they both laughed. I think I was beginning to get her attention. She turned back to me and said that she was hoping to find a guy to do some light sparring with and wondered if I would like to spar with her. I said that it might be fun if she didn't beat me up too badly. Her friend arched her eyebrows and the two of them laughed some more. She responded that she couldn't guarantee that, but it still might be fun and we all laughed some more. I could tell her little devious mind was beginning to picture a dominating scenario. She introduced herself as Carla and her friend as Darla. I told her I was Sid. Then she asked if I wrestled with guys or girls. I blushed and admitted that I liked wrestling with girls. It's more fun to lose to them. Well maybe it's time to see if it's as much fun losing at boxing as it is at wrestling she added. I looked at her and wondered if I might be getting in over my head. I was getting very nervous, scared, and excited. She looked down and noticed the lump in my pants which was more pronounced than it probably should have been. She said let's go and talk about this. As we talked about a possible match, Carla said that it appeared to her that I like losing to girls and wanted to lose to her too. I nodded nervously. We eventually agreed to box at my house but she wanted to bring Darla for safety. I said that was fine and offered to buy 2 pairs of boxing gloves. We set a date for Saturday. I gave them the address and told them I would see them Saturday. I bought 2 pairs of boxing gloves and 2 mouth guards. I moved the furniture to the kitchen so we could box in my living room. I looked at the white carpet wondering if I was going to get blood on it. It seemed like Saturday was never going to come. The girls arrived around 1:00 Saturday afternoon. We exchanged greetings and started talking about some rules. I suggested that I would not punch her in the face and only aim for her torso. She could punch me in the face and body. They liked that rule. Darla was going to act as the referee and keep time. We agreed to 3 minute rounds which I was about to find out was an eternity. Before we started Carla looked at me and again reiterated she thought that I wanted her to beat me up, didn't I. I just looked at her and didn't answer. She repeated herself. "I asked you a question. You want me to beat you up and dominate you. DON'T YOU? I nodded nervously and anxiously. "Good. I was hoping to find someone like you." We put on the gloves and I put in the mouth guard and with my heart a thumping we began. I put my fists up in a defensive posture and waited for Carla to throw the first punch. She threw a left jab which I blocked with my right glove. The force of the punch knocked my glove into my face. I quickly realized that I had better brace myself for the oncoming onslaught. As the bout unfolded, Carla continued jabbing and throwing hooks into my rapidly withering opposition. I managed to block most of them but my arms quickly began to hurt and burn. The few punches I attempted were easily blocked by her. It felt like she had been punching me for 10 minutes but the first round hadn't even ended. Her punches weren't too hard but they were adding up. It was like death by a thousand cuts. Darla, who was supposed to be refereeing, was cheering her on. She also offered instructions. I kept hearing "punch him in the face or his stomach is open, punch him in it. Good job Carla, beat this sissy's ass. Ooh, nice punch. That looks like it hurt. Beat him up Carla," and more comments like those. Then she said "30 seconds." Finally, this round was mercifully coming to an end. Or was it? Carla intended to end this round with a flourish. She began her Aerobics routine of left, right, left hook, right hook, repeat. She was doing a number on my stomach and ribs. I pulled my elbows in closer to protect my aching tummy but she kept punching me. I bent down to try and minimize her target area. That was a BIG mistake! She took a step back and ripped an uppercut from the floor straight into my unprotected and vulnerable chin. The effect was devastating. My head snapped back and everything went foggy. The next thing I knew, I was on my ass. She knocked me down. My mouth hurt and was beginning to bleed. At least I could taste blood. I stayed down for a little while and Darla announced the end of the round. The FIRST round. I had more punishment in store. Carla and Darla waited in the corner for me to rise. Carla took a couple of sips of water. She looked so menacing and sexy too. She was wearing a black 2 piece bikini with a white headband and her dark hair in a ponytail. She asked how I was doing. I smiled a painful smile and said that I was ok. She replied that I wasn't looking too good. Then she employed some scary trash talking. "How do you like getting punched out by a girl? Are you enjoying yourself? I'm having a good time. We're just getting started you know. Are you ready for some more? I'm going to pound you. I'm going to make you my bitch. That's what you want anyway, isn't it loser? You're such a pussy. You're getting your ass kicked by a woman. You fight like a girl. Let's go pussy, it's time to kick your ass loser." Then she turned to Darla and said I needed to be reminded that I'm getting beaten up by a woman. Take my top off, she said. I want to make sure he knows a woman is doing this to him. Darla smiled and slipped off the straps of her bikini top revealing 2 beautiful little tits with bullet shaped hard nipples. God, she was sexy! And if she wanted to intimidate me, it was working. I couldn't take my eyes off them. Darla said that I had enough rest. It's time for round 2. Ding. Carla moved toward me and went right back to work. She threw a jab to my chin. I was concerned about getting hit in the face so I kept my guard up. I blocked her punch but she just changed her target and began punching me in the body. Left, right, left, right, left, right. Naturally, I dropped my guard to protect my body and she came back over the top with a left right combo. Both punches landed cleanly and I raised my arms again. More punches to my stomach and ribs. The effect of these punches was starting to hurt. I had wanted to lose but now I was beginning to have second thoughts about this whole thing. I was becoming very afraid of what I had gotten myself into. That feeling of pure dread was overtaking me. I was getting more and more discouraged. I was also completely terrified. If she kept on punching me I was afraid that she was going to make me cry. I didn't mind losing but I wanted to maintain my dignity. Men don't cry. Boys cry. I felt my chin begin to quiver. Carla was undeterred. She backed me into the corner and varied her attack. If my defense was high, she punched me in the body. When I lowered my defense to protect my body she went back upstairs. Carla had no fear as I was no longer punching back. I was too busy trying to avoid getting punched. She was aware of what she was doing to me. "You look like you're going to cry. Are you crying?" "No" I replied. But I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to hold back my tears much longer. I tried to slip away to my right and regroup. Carla was having none of it. She just followed me and stepped up her attack. Another combo to my stomach and I slumped to the floor. I needed a break. She barked at me to "get up. I'm not done with you yet. You wanted to get beaten up by a woman, so get up and take your beating like a man. Get up loser." I felt like a loser. It was still very humiliating to be called that. I was getting overwhelmed. The pain, the shame, the inevitability of it all, it was becoming too much. I didn't want to fight anymore. There was no way out. The hopelessness was really getting to me. My heart was beating faster and faster. But it was also breaking. I was too. I wanted to hide. My shame. Just a loser getting beaten up by a girl, that's what I had become. It was all too much. I felt like a pussy essentially hiding on the floor so she wouldn't hurt me. I knew I had to get back up and try to maintain my dignity. So I nervously got back to my feet and awaited my fate. Carla went right back to work. She punched my arms and body relentlessly. Left, right, shoulder roll, hook and repeat. Carla was doing her Aerobics routine on me! And it hurt. My chin was quivering like a child about to cry. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. Then she let me have it. A left right combo to my stomach followed by a double straight right to my nose. I felt her fist flattening my nose and I couldn't hold it back any longer. Oh God. No. This couldn't be happening. But it was and I couldn't stop it anymore. I started to cry. Once I started I couldn't stop. Carla yelled "oh my God, you're crying. Oooh, are you getting beaten up by a girl? You're crying. You loser. I don't care. I'm going to really pound you now crybaby." I stood there totally defeated and worse, completely humiliated. My arms no longer were trying to protect myself. I just stood there crying and taking punches to the face. I told her that I had enough. Please stop. I quit. But Carla was really getting off on humiliating me. She kept punching me and talking more shit. "You want me to stop. Beg me. Beg me for mercy. Beg me loser. Tell me I'm the better girl." She kept punching me throughout. I didn't need any more encouragement. "Please stop hurting me. You win. I'm begging you. Please, please stop. You win. You're the better girl. Pleeeeeze!" Another couple of punches to my beaten belly followed by a punch to the nose and I crumpled to the floor at her feet. I was openly crying like a baby. Carla stood over me with her legs spread shoulder length and spoke. "You want some mercy? Kiss my pussy. Go ahead, kiss it. If you want any mercy you have to kiss my pussy and make me feel good." I didn't need to be asked twice. I got to my knees and looking up at her I leaned forward and kissed her pussy right through her bikini bottoms. I could smell her arousal. I could taste it too. She liked it and instructed me to keep doing that. I kissed her like my life depended on it. Kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss. Smooch more kisses. Carla was liking this. She stepped back and managed clumsily pull off her bikini bottoms with her bulky gloves still on. Suddenly, her dark brown pubic triangle was revealed. It was lovely. It was hairy. It was so fragrant. It was perfect. And now it was right in my face. I kissed that naked yummy cunt and tasted her female nectar. Carla grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face tightly into her. I noticed that my crying had stopped and I was enjoying this segment. The desire to prove myself worthy, unlike my boxing prowess, was strong. I wanted to show her that I was good at something. I wanted to make her come. I needed to make her come. She was getting wetter and wetter and was really getting off on this. Carla was offering instructions. "Lick me. Lick my cunt. Oh ya that's nice. Keep doing that. Ooooh. Aaaaah. Lick my clit. Make me cum. Kiss it now. Ohhhhh, good boy. Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah, ohhhhh! Keep doing that. I followed her instructions to the letter. I wanted to feel and taste her cum. I needed to make her cum. She was grinding harder and harder and yelled that she was getting ready to cum. Her lips were quivering and her body began to convulse. She screamed that she was coming and filled my mouth with her tasty cuntal offerings. For a moment, I was happy. A few minutes ago I was experiencing hell. Now, suddenly I was at the gates of heaven. Carla stepped back and said it was time to finish me off. She told me to get up. I didn't want to as I knew she was going to hurt me some more. Carla had proven her physical superiority over me. But it was more than that. The sexual domination and psychological abuse was also part of the game. And she didn't want this game to end. Hurting me was physical. Making me cry was psychological. Creaming on my face was sexual. And making me like it, well, that was the icing on the cake! Her domination of me continued. She told Darla to strip me. As if she hadn't humiliated me enough. I asked Darla not to. She told me to shut up and slapped me in the face. Hard! She laughed and proceeded to rip my shorts and undies right off with no resistance. Worshipping Carla from my knees with my face getting bathed by her succulent hairy cunt juices had caused my cock to get hard. The last shred of dignity had just been removed. Naked, with a boner and boxing gloves, cum soaked and bloody, and the promise of more to come. This is what I had been reduced to. "Look at yourself. You like this don't you? I'm beating you up and you've got a boner. Did I do that? I'm going to dominate that little cock too. You'd like that. Wouldn't you? You think you're going to fuck me with that little dick? I don't think so. I'm gonna make you sorry. And you're gonna be my cunt licking bitch!" I stood there trembling, awaiting my fate. At least I wasn't crying anymore. I was determined to take the rest of my punishment like a man. Carla went to work and began hammering at my sides. I groaned with each strike. She had already beaten me up so in a way I had nothing left to lose. Maybe I could redeem some of my self respect. I decided that I wasn't done yet. I threw my own punch. A right. It was straight and accurate, even if it wasn't very hard. And it landed! Right below her left tit. It felt good. It surprised me and her and Darla too. (If you're still reading this, I'll bet it surprised you too!) I forgot about the pain and her fists for a moment and wanted to hit her again. So I tried a left hook to her right side. My confidence and success was short lived. Carla was ready and blocked my punch with her right arm, pivoted, and fired a left hook of her own with evil intentions. It was the hardest punch she had thrown yet. I think when I actually punched her that it made her mad. A moment later the right side of my face was paralyzed by the force of a vicious left hook. It landed with a thud. It hurt and disoriented me for a moment. Carla took advantage of my surprise and moved in for the kill. With me temporarily stunned and standing like a statue, Carla unleashed a brutal barrage. She forgot all about my body and concentrated on my face. She punched me in my face over and over again. She was moving forward and I was backing up. I felt the wall in my back and we stopped moving. My nose was bleeding and I was just standing there taking it. I was aware of the pain and what she was doing to me. But it was like I was somehow detached from the situation. A right hook to my left cheek knocked me down and brought me back to my senses. I remember laying on my side looking up at her wondering what just happened. She told me to get up. She wanted to knock me out. I didn't want to get up. I'd had enough. I was beginning to notice how badly she was really hurting me and didn't want anymore. Then Darla, the unfair referee came over to me and yelled to get up. I just looked at her and shook my head no. Undeterred, she grabbed me by my hair and hauled me up. I pleaded with Carla to stop hurting me. But my pleas landed on deaf ears. She just stood in front of me with her fists at the ready and fired a string of straight right hand punches into my nose. "Stop me." Another straight right. My nose was bleeding from both nostrils and the tears returned to my eyes. I started softly whimpering and crying from the abuse. "Cry all you want loser. I'm going to knock you out!" My crying and begging intensified as did her attack. She began ripping vicious hooks into my cheeks and temples. Left right left right. And then everything went silent and dark. I had slipped out of consciousness. Apparently, the punches to my temples knocked me out but I hadn't fallen yet. I was just sort of wobbling before my legs gave out. Carla threw one last punch. An uppercut which landed flush on the point of my chin. My head snapped back and I fell flat on my back with my arms outstretched and my legs spread. They told me that I looked like a human X. My eyes remained open but my eyeballs rolled back in my head. They told me I laid there silently breathing and bleeding from my nose, but otherwise sound asleep. After about 30 seconds I began to see again out of my eyes. Everything was blurry but the clarity slowly returned. I kinda realized what had happened but my suspicions were confirmed when Carla spoke. "I beat you up and knocked you out cold! It was fun and I want to do it again. But right now you're not in any shape to continue. I made you cry like a baby and if you want to cry again, it's ok. Cry for me loser. It turns me on. You are such a pathetic little sissy. Cry little boy cry." She sat on my chest as I was taking it all in. My face was a mass of pain. My spirit was crushed. My manhood had been eliminated. I had become what I fantasized about and now was being forced to endure it. I told her that I was so sorry and began to cry again. The tears were streaming down the sides of my head. I felt so ashamed. The agony that I was experiencing was matched by the ecstasy Carla was savoring. It must have been such a powerful aphrodisiac to so completely dominate, humiliate, and subjugate a man. I could smell her intoxicating arousal. I could also see it as her pubic hair was sticky and wet. It was hovering over my mouth and then it was on my face. Carla's cunt was dripping with desire. There was a fire burning inside her and my nose, mouth, and tongue was the only thing which could extinguish it. She quickly rewarded me with a creamy treat followed by another and another. She was having multiple orgasms on me and grinding my face into oblivion. My cock which had deflated during the final onslaught returned to attention. Darla commented about my cute little boner returning. She said to Carla "I think he likes you." After a fistful of orgasms, Carla got off me. I still had to pay Darla for refereeing. Another hairy cunt. Another happy woman fucking my face for her own dirty pleasure. Another delicious buffet of orgasmic treats. And no doubt, another dominant girl who would one day soon beat me up too! After Darla finished riding my face, Carla had one final demand. She intended on making sweet passionate love to me. Not exactly! No, she was going to RAPE me! And she was going to like it. I, was going to LOVE it! If she thought that she was dragging me into the fires of hell, she was sadly mistaken. She must have killed me, because I found myself staring at my maker, my master, my Lord and mistress, and the closest thing to heaven that I ever would see on earth. Some stupid man once said, if you're going to get raped, and you know it's inevitable, just lie back and try and enjoy it. It seemed like good advice at the time. Carla pinned my arms down and inhaled my throbbing forgotten cock into her hairy burning inferno. It was pure hell but I managed to soldier on. Carla threatened my very existence if I committed the ultimate sin of coming too quickly. She told me that I could only come when she demanded, otherwise there would be unbearable hell to pay. She fucked me stupid. She bounced up and down with a vengeance. She rode me like she was trying to break me. She moaned and groaned. She screamed and creamed. She balled up her fist and threatened to kill me if I jumped the gun. She slapped my face for her own sadistic insanity. She laughed at my futile attempt to delay the inevitable. And then she smiled and said NOW! Oh God. Just in the knick of time. I came. I came some more. I came longer and stronger than I ever had before or ever would again. I came until I just couldn't cum anymore. Frankly, she should have just killed me right then and there because nothing I would ever see again could ever come close to what she just did to me. I passed out from sheer exhaustion. I awoke alone several hours later and climbed into bed and slept for 24 hours. She did quite a number on me. Later Sunday night, the phone rang. It was Carla. Apparently, she just broke up with her boyfriend and was ready to go to sleep. She was going to need to be eaten out properly before she could go to sleep. She also was going to need me to wake her up by licking her cunt at the appropriate hour. I was the new alarm clock. I eagerly left to attend to my new mistress.