A massive wave of weakness overcame the powerful heroine as she tried to get herself together.
To her horror, the mighty Super Shelly was unable to get up!
This had never happened to her before. She had no idea what was going on and why she was suddenly so powerless.
Her powers were being diminished at a rapid pace. A new experience for her, to say the least. The world's most powerful woman had never experienced weakness before.
She looked at the green pendent that the evil Sandy waved at her menacingly, knowing that this mysterious element was wreaking havoc on her, but she didn't know what it was, or what it could really do.
All she knew was that she somehow had to get away so that she could get it together and fight back. After all, she was the most powerful heroine in the galaxy.
She struggled to get to her feet
But it was no easy task. Her once overwhelmingly powerful legs could barely hold her up.
Her thighs rubbed up against each other weakly as she tried to steady herself.
Sandy kept coming closer....
And closer...
With that horrible pendent that was sapping the super powers of the most heroic of all Heroines.
Super Shelly was trapped up against the wall with no place to go.
And her powers dwindled away.
Making her weak. Almost helpless.
The evil Sandy moved in and unleashed a sharp right directly into the heroine's midsection.
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