The Vacation Trip

By Parrot




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Hi, my name's Sheryl. Let me tell you a story of what happened to me in a recent vacation trip that I've been on. I've haven't taken a vacation before, so I decided to go to San Cabos San Lucas, Mexico, planning to spend three days before returning. I've heard it was a great place to meet guys. I got there late Friday night and went to sleep until next morning. When I woke up, It was a nice Saturday morning. So, I decided to get to the pool very early before every body got there. I hate when people check you out while getting a suntan.

I was outside by the pool getting a sun tan when this hunk came walking by. He was in great shape. He was tall, dark and handsome. He was my kind of guy. He dove into the pool and swam across and got out. He reminded me of Brad Pitt. I checked him out as he toweled himself off until he went inside the hotel. I would personally like to know his room number as I smiled to myself and winked at him, hoping he would glance in my direction, but he didn't. I guess I must have smiled and winked a little too much because the tall woman across the pool got pissed off. We were the only one's by the pool. She looked at me with distaste as she got up and started coming towards me. I guess she knew what I wanted. Oh great. What a vacation this is turning out to be.

She was a tall, white, curly red head. Maybe 26 years old, standing around 6' 1'' and weighing at about 190 lbs. with a somewhat muscular fitness physique, without any ripped muscles. It looked like she was in the off season in bodybuilding, having her muscles relaxed. She was wearing a nice green two piece bikini. Her best assets were her size 36D breasts. They must be natural because were bouncing as she came over. I wish I had them instead of my size 32A because I could get any guy I want. Well, it doesn't matter. I'm still proud of my breasts.

She came up to me as I lay there on the reclining chair, trying to get a tan. She towered above me, thinking her muscular physique would intimidate me, but she didn't. Even though I'm only 18 years old, standing at 5' 0'' and weighing at 92 lbs., she thought I would be afraid of her. Who wouldn't be afraid of her? This woman was an amazon compared to me. When I was younger, I used to wrestle and fight with my two bigger older brothers, holding my ground. I didn't beat them, but I got a lot of experience in fighting. This amazon didn't really intimidate me as she towered over me.

She made a dumb remark to me, telling me that this guy is hers and he prefers red heads and not a puny, black haired, tanned, half Asian American girl like myself. Even though I'm half Asian and half American, people tell me I look more American. I stood up to this amazon and looked up and faced her, telling her to get her racist ass out of here. We were arguing back and forth as I was looking up to her and she looking down at me. I got to tell you that my neck started to strain from looking up all the time. This amazon woman towered over me as she continued to degrade me, thinking I wouldn't fight back. We decided to use our hands to shove each other around as she eventually slapped me across the face with her right hand, jerking my upper body to my right side.

I got mad and tried to hit her in the face with a right hook, but she blocked it with her left arm. I followed that with a left hook, but she blocked that to with her right arm. It was kind of funny because her arms are much bigger than mines, and watching myself trying to punch her with my smaller arms looked out of place. She landed a right hook into my face as I stumble 8-10 steps backwards before falling down to the ground on my butt. That was stupid of me. Picking a fight with a tall amazon bitch, especially someone that has a longer reach than me.

She started coming at me as I got up and started to run around the pool. I looked around and decided to get on the diving board. The diving board was only two feet off the ground. I walked to the end of the diving board as this tall amazon white woman followed me, thinking she got me cornered. As soon she got to the middle of the diving board, I jerked the board with my feet. It worked as her large feet lost its grip and she fell onto her back onto the diving board, with her legs dangling down apart. I carefully walked closer and kicked her between the legs, jerking her body side to side as she fell into the pool. I fell into the pool with her as one of her long legs took my feet from under me.

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I emerged from the deep end of the pool, looking for the amazon woman. She was by the diving board, holding it with one hand as she used the other hand to hold her bruised crotch. I paddled towards her and as soon as I got close, I punched her in the face with my right fist, drawing a grunt. I punched her again in the face with my right fist, drawing another grunt as she let go of the diving board and grabbed my hair with her hands, drawing me near her. We were both peddling with our legs to stay afloat in the pool. Once I was near her, I sank my nails into her precious size 36D breasts and squeezed them as she screamed and moved ominously in the pool.

We were moving desperately in the pool as she tried to pry my hands off by using her large hands, but she couldn't as I continued to squeeze her breasts with my nails. The tall bitch moaned as I saw her looking at her breasts being clawed by my small hands. She submerged herself under the pool, trying to take me with her, but I stood my ground, ripping her top bikini top off from the force. I waited for the amazon red head to emerge from the pool before punching her in the face with my right fist, drawing another desperate grunt. That punch must have hurt because she placed her left hand on her left side of her face as we continued to paddle with our legs to stay afloat.

Fighting with my older brothers when I was younger sure gave me the confidence I needed to stand against this amazon red head. She then lashed across at me with her hands, hitting me a few times on my shoulders and head, stinging me a little. As she came closer, I decided to submerge myself under the pool.

That caught her off guard as I came closer to her and slid my right hand down the inside her bikini bottom between her legs. Her crotch was hairy by the way as I quickly searched and opened her large pussy lips, sinking my fingers deep into her big pussy as I squeezed it very hard, digging my nails in deep. Boy, it must have hurt pretty badly because her long, muscular legs were swaying in every direction from the pain.

I couldn't hear her scream because I was under the pool, but there was this screeching sound from above. I guess it must be her. She eventually reached down between her legs with her right hand and pried my hand off of her precious womanhood, taking with me a handful of her pussy hair as I yanked it out.

I emerged behind her back and quickly placed my left arm around her throat, wrapping my short, skinny legs around her waist as I used my right hand to brush her face area with her own pussy hair, before holding my left arm in place, choking this tall amazon bitch. This should slow down this tall bitch down a bit. Her large arms and legs were moving desperately in the pool, trying to stay afloat. I just stood motionless on her back, choking her as she coughed and gasped for air. She was really strong. She definitely was at least three times stronger than I was.

She started to paddle us to the shallow part of the pool as I kept choking her as we got closer. The pool was only thirty feet in length. I wanted to deplete some of her strength before we got there, so I started choking her harder. It worked because she started coughing and gasping for air quicker than before.

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As the tall amazon bitch paddled closer to the shallow end of the pool, I felt the bottom of the pool with my feet. As I planted my feet, I let go of my chokehold on her and grabbed her hair with my hands as I dunked her head under the pool for ten seconds. I picked her head up as she breathed heavily and looked baffled as her lungs searched for air desperately.

I kneed her in the face with my right knee, hurting her a bit. I then ducked her head under the pool again and held it there for ten seconds before picking her head up. She looked delirious with her mouth open as she panicked for air. I then picked her up to her feet by her hair, and as soon as she stood up, I punched her in the face as she fell backwards into the water.

As soon as her head emerged from the water, I grabbed her hair again with my right hand. I stood her up again and moved her to the edge of the pool, her back facing the edge. I then punched her in the face as her back came out of the pool as it hit the cement pavement, having her legs dangling in the pool. She was so tall that her feet almost touched the bottom of the pool, even though that end of the pool was four feet deep.

She just stood in that position for a while. I guess I decked her pretty good. I decided to walk out of the pool and towards where she was laying. From behind, I grabbed her hair with both hands and pulled her fully out of the pool, having her moan from the pull. Once I released my hold, I jumped up and came down, straddling her huge breasts, knocking the wind out of her as I faced her. It felt like I was sitting on fluffy pillows, trying to stay still in one area, but couldn't. I then hit her twice in the face with two right hooks, but she somehow found some strength and bucked me off as soon after the second hit as I fell onto my side.

I got up quickly and saw her she was about to get up. As soon as she stood up, I ran up to her and jumped up, grabbing her hair with both hands and bringing her down, having her slouching forward as I put her in a reverse headlock, and started choking her. It looked kind of funny having a smaller person put a reverse headlock on someone taller. Her big butt stuck way out there. I kept choking her as I walked us slowly over to the patio table. She must have been really exhausted because she didn't try to break free. She walked in the direction I pulled. Once we were at the patio table, I released my hold and grabbed her hair with my hands and slammed her head onto the patio table. She grunted loudly and looked baffled and dazed as she fell on her ass, using her hands to prevent her from falling backwards.

I loved it as her breasts jiggled up and down constantly till they came to a halt. I positioned myself behind her as I took my bikini top off and put it around her neck and started choking her with it. She grabbed my top with her hands, trying to stop the pull, but she was too weak to do it. Since that didn't work, she started to stand up on her feet by using her long arms and legs. Like I said, she was a strong woman. I eventually lost my grip of my bikini top as she stood up, holding her neck, with my bikini top, still in her hands, coughing and breathing continually for air.

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With her legs slightly opened, I kicked her, from behind, up her muscular legs and right in her big pussy with my right foot, bringing this tall amazon woman to her knees as she yelped and placed both of her hands on her womanhood. She let out a scream you wouldn't believe. I hope nobody heard her. I took a running start as I jumped forward and slammed my foot onto her back as she shot forward, smashing her breasts on the cement floor, as she grunted and moaned from the pain.

She was lying on her stomach motionless as I reached down and grabbed her bikini bottom and slid it down her long, white, muscular looking legs and through her big feet. I threw her bikini bottom in the bushes. She just let me do it and didn't move. I guess her breasts must be in too much pain. I grabbed her by the hair and started pulling her up, trying to stand her up, but she resisted. So, I held her by the hair with my right hand as I used my left hand to grab a handful of her size 36D, left breast. I dug my nails into her left breast as I squeezed it softly, teasing her what I'll do if she doesn't comply. She got the message and started to stand up slowly. I had to raise my hands a little above my head because of her being so tall. I released my hold on her left breast and now grabbed her large left arm, putting it behind her back in an arm lock.

I walked us over to the front of the reclining chair. I turned her around and surprised her by punching her in the face with a right hook, causing her to fall backwards and onto the reclining chair with her legs apart and arms dangling down to the floor. It was now that I noticed that she had a nice thatch of long, trimmed, pussy hair between her long legs. I also noticed there was a small section of her pussy hair missing from her crotch.

I climbed on the reclining chair on my knees towards by her open legs as I placed my hands on both sides of her waist. I kneed her big pussy with my right knee as she placed her hands on her womanhood as her body jerked back and forth. It was great because her breasts jiggled through the motions as well. This should teach this tall amazon bitch a lesson from messing with me in the first place.

With my small hands, I grabbed her large hands and pried them away, revealing her bruised big, pink pussy once more. I kneed her big pussy once again with my right knee, causing her to grunt as she placed her hands on her fragile womanhood as this tall bitch started to cry and whimper in front of me, begging me to stop. It was funny having a tall grown amazon woman crying in front of a smaller, younger girl. To me, it felt very satisfying. I couldn't describe the feeling but it felt good.

She still was whimpering, holding her sore big pussy with her hands, as I moved up her long body and straddled her waist, pinning her arms under my smaller legs. I slouched forward and held her by the hair with my left hand as I punched her in the face with my right fist repeatedly until she passed out. A small amount of blood was drooling down her nose. Never mess with a smaller girl when a man is involved.

I got off her and stood there standing there in front of her, looking at her muscular physique. I guess it didn't help her in this fight. I didn't think I could beat this tall amazon, but I did, even though she was twice my size and three times stronger. I got my bikini top from the floor and put it on. I grabbed my belongings and decided to get out of the pool area before someone sees me. I left this tall amazon bitch naked out here so every body can check her naked body.

As I walked around the corner of the pool, heading towards the hotel, the Brad Pitt look alike was standing behind the bushes, smiling at me. I was kind of shocked for a moment, but I started smiling too after realizing he saw the whole fight. He introduced himself to me as I introduced myself to him. He told me this wasn't the first fight he's seen amongst women after leaving an area. He apologized to me as I accepted of course. We dated the remaining days in San Cabos San Lucas, Mexico, and I have to tell you that I've had a great sexual experience with him.

We still keep in touch even though we live in different states. Were going on another vacation trip about a month. I can't wait for that. I still remember the tall, red headed amazon I had to beat up to get to this guy. From this day, I still don't know the tall bitch's name, and wondered what happened to her after I left. Anyway, that was the greatest vacation I've ever had. Thanks for stopping by. Love, Sheryl.


The End

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