Morphenomenal III

Story by AK. Pictures courtesy of Masschine.

Part 2

The flowers worked.

Following Mary Jane Stockton's advice, Dan Wilson had gone to the New Superman Institute before noon wearing his new suit and carrying a dozen long-stemmed red roses, which he had managed to buy at the hotel gift shop. In addition, he'd also bought a box of chocolates. Presenting them to Nan Chandler, he'd first thanked her for her work on his behalf the previous day and then asked whether she would care to go out with him for dinner that evening. Somewhat to his surprise and much to his delight, she'd accepted. They'd agreed to meet again when she got off work. The fact that they would be relying on her car and driving hardly dampened the situation.

Mary Jane was in the lobby talking with Hiroko Tanaka, the not-very-petite Japanese receptionist, when Dan returned to the New Superman Institute at the appointed hour, wearing the new suit that he'd bought the previous day. Both women turned at his approach. "Lookin' good, sugah," Mary Jane said, twirling her finger to indicate that he should turn around.

He did so, feeling his face redden a little. He felt like a model on the runway. Still, it was a good feeling, having a pair of beautiful women checking him out.

"Lookin' real good, sugah," Mary Jane repeated, giving him a wink.

Hiroko simply whistled at him before picking up the phone to tell Nan that he was here. "She'll be out in a minute," she said as she hung up.

He moved over to a chair and sat down to wait. Mary Jane came over and sat down next to him, the chair threatening to collapse under her huge body. "Ah s'pose Ah was wrong 'bout lil' ol' Nan," she said, leaning forward. "It seems she does swin' for men, after all."

"I don't know about that, Mary Jane. I brought her some flowers, and now we're going out on a date. Just dinner and a movie. Nothing special."

"Don't sell yawself short, sugah. She ain't never gone out with nobody since she come heah." She sighed, giving him another once-over. "And Ah've never gone out with a guy looks as half as good as yaw'll, sugah."

Even in his new tailored suit, his physique was evident. He wondered how everyone at the Daily Planet could be so blind as not to have noticed Clark Kent's physique.

Again, he felt his pride swelling. It was a good thing that she hadn't used The Voice on him, or else some other part of him would also be swelling.

Nan came out just then. Taking one look at Dan's suit and tie as he stood up to greet her, she looked down at herself. "Uh oh, I feel underdressed. Maybe I should go home first and change."

He looked at her white blouse and dark gray slacks. She had apparently gotten her hair done sometime during the day, it barely hung down to her shoulders and it was curlier than it had been that morning. It also seemed to be a little darker. All in all, he liked the look. "If you ask me, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the way you look."

"Yaw'll look great, sugah," Mary Jane agreed. Hiroko chipped in with her agreement.

Since she was driving, he had naturally left the itinerary to her. The movie turned out to be a bit of a disappointment for him, other than for the fact that he got to spend two hours sitting in a dark room next to Nan. She didn't object when he put his arm around her, resting his hand on the hard muscles of her far shoulder. Instead, she snuggled closer, putting her hand over his and resting her head on his broad shoulder.

After the movie she drove them to the edge of what looked like a bad part of the city. Parking on the street under a broken streetlight, she led the way to an Italian restaurant across the street.

The food turned out to be quite good, better than he had expected considering the exterior and the neighborhood. There was also a lot of it. The dinner conversation was even better, though she was still reluctant to talk about herself. They mostly talked about his plans, once he returned to his home at the end of the week. The plans didn't amount to much, since his uncle's legacy had left him with no need to work -- at least as long as his investments didn't completely bottom out.

"That was a thoroughly delicious dinner. Thank you." He held the door open for her.

She stepped through. "Thank you for buying."

The sound of breaking glass made him look up. There was a group of five or six young men standing around a car on the other side of the street. One of them had just broken a window with a tire iron and was reaching in to unlock the door.

"Hey! That's my car!" Without releasing his hand, Nan started to run toward her car.

Planting his feet, he was able to wrap her arms around her waist and lift her feet from the ground. Without her feet on the ground, her greater strength was of no use in running. She had grabbed hold of his wrists and was starting to pry his arms loose when a gunshot rang out. Without thinking, he flung her aside and shielded her body with his.

Apparently the car thieves weren't satisfied with a mere warning shot. Fanning out, they started to cross the street toward Nan and Dan.

If it was simply a matter of muscle, either one of them could have handled the six youths. But it wasn't just a matter of muscle; at least one of them had a gun. Dan and Nan did the smart and prudent thing; they ran in the opposite direction, both of them running somewhat faster than an Olympic sprinter could have done, ducking around a corner and into an alley.

Dan stopped and carefully peeked around the corner. "Damn!" he said, his heart sinking as pulled his head back. "They're still coming."

His heart sank further when he looked deeper into the alley. It was a dead end, the far end abutting against the back of a building. The buildings on all three sides were at least three stories high, and there were no windows or doors on any of the blank walls. The only thing in the alley was an old junked car. Perhaps stripped would be a better word; the car was sitting on blocks, hood and trunk open, most of the interior ripped out. "Get in the car," he told her. "We can hide in there."

"They'll find us for sure," she replied, walking toward the car. But instead of getting in, she jumped up onto the rusted hulk and looked up at the building roof thirty feet above her head. Crouching down, her legs exploded as she leaped up, getting her hands on the edge of the roof. Quickly pulling herself up, she motioned for him to follow her.

He jumped up onto the roof, which threatened to collapse under his weight. Carefully planting his feet, he leaped for the roof. An Olympic high jumper would have been proud of his jump, though a pole-vaulter wouldn't have been. His hands hit the wall at least a foot below the top. The rusted hulk rocked precariously when he came down upon it.

"C'mon, Dan, hurry" she called down, leaning over the edge and extending her arms down as far as she could.

The metal creaked as he gathered himself and leaped again, this time aiming for her hands.

He felt one of her hands clamping around his wrist. Then he was being yanked up onto the roof and into her arms.

They shrank back from the edge as the first of the car thieves came around the corner. They could hear the voices from below as they searched the alley.

Pulling him closer, she whispered into his ear. "Somebody's got to do something!"

"Cell phone?" he asked. "Call the cops?"

She shook her head. "By the time the cops get here, they'll be long gone. I've got to get down there and stop them."

"No way. They've got guns."

"That's why I've got to do this." She rolled him over onto his back and unzipped his fly.

"Nan!" he gasped out, barely remembering to keep his voice down. "What are you doing?"

"Quiet!" she hissed, working his shaft out of his pants.

He had hoped to have sex with her tonight, but not like this. "Nan! This isn't the time!"

"Quiet!" she hissed again.

This time, she had used The Voice. He tried to resist, but it was useless; the combination of her greater strength and The Voice was too much for any man --- even a New Superman --- to resist. Despite their predicament, he felt himself hardening.

Kneeling over him, she ran her tongue lightly over his shaft before taking it into her mouth. Even though she had never sucked him off before, she quickly brought him to his climax, spurting his seed into her mouth.

She rocked back on her heels, running her tongue over her lips to pick up every last drop. Her breathing got faster and shallower as she gasped for air. He looked to her face, afraid that she wasn't feeling well, but the expression painted there was one of total bliss, her eyes closed, the corners of her mouth turning up in a smile.

Then he was looking up as she started rising to her feet. Except that she wasn't. She was still sitting on her heels, but her head was going up. Incredibly, she was growing taller.

Not just taller, but bigger as well. Her already impressive arms were getting thicker, the sleeves of her blouse bunching up toward her shoulders. Her pecs were growing, pushing her breasts outward and upward, until he feared that they were going to burst through her blouse.

A ripping sound from below drew his attention to her legs. Her slacks were parting at the seams as her legs grew thicker with muscle. At the same time, he could see the cuffs moving up toward her knees as her legs also grew longer. Her pumps popped, unable to contain her expanding feet.

Her blouse could no longer contain her expanding torso. Buttons popped, giving her more room to grow. But that wasn't enough; the cloth started tearing, revealing more and more of the abundantly muscled body underneath. It reminded him of the old TV series about the Incredible Hulk. Except that Nan was obviously the She-Hulk. She only needed the green skin to make complete the illusion.

She arched her back, lifting her hips into the air, and her body seemed to erupt with a burst of muscle growth. In the seconds that she held her hips aloft her thighs hardened and thickened, growing even longer. Her shoulders grew broader; the deltoids that capped her shoulders swelling outward and curving down to her arms, which grew even thicker. Her waist rippled like fluid cobblestones.

As she settled back down on her heels, she was definitely bigger. A lot bigger. She must have gained at least a foot and a half, maybe even two, in height since she started, and during that spurt she'd put on more than enough weight to make her a heavy heavyweight.

"Mmmm," she moaned as she rocked back, her eyes finally opening. Looking down at herself, she showed no surprise at the state of her clothes. She got up to her feet with a speed and grace that was somewhat surprising in somebody of her immense size.

"Thanks, Dan." Her voice had seemingly dropped a couple of octaves, now even lower than was Mary Janes. "I needed that." And with that, she walked over to the edge of the roof and stepped off into space.

He quickly got up and ran to the edge. He was just in time to see her grab two of the gang by their throats and lift them off their feet. Another man was coming up behind her. Before he could warn her, the man raised his tire iron and swung at the huge and nearly naked woman so effortlessly holding two of his cohorts.

Even from his high perch, he could hear the meaty THUD as the steel impacted her ribs. He winced, expecting her to go down. Instead, she merely turned her head and looked down at the man, who in turn was looking down at the tire iron in his hands.

There was a SMACK as she brought her hands together, banging the two men's heads together. Dropping the two men at her feet, she reached out and grasped the tire iron with one hand, easily ripping it out of her assailant's hands.

Gripping the other end with her other hand, she raised it. The bar started to bend, seeming to offer no more resistance than the spaghetti that they had just eaten had. She then swung the bar down, looping it around the man's neck before twisting the ends together to imprison him in a steel collar. A simple push sent him sprawling across the alley and against the far wall.

The sound of gunfire made him look away from her. There were two men were standing deeper in the alley, both of them pointing their guns at her. Turning to face them, she put her hands on her hips. From where he was, Dan couldn't see the feral smile on her face as she started walking toward them.

One of the men seemed to be paralyzed with fear, staring at the apparition blocking the exit from the alley, his arms wavering as they attempted to hold his gun. The other seemed to have no such trouble, quickly firing off another shot.

Dan was sure that he saw the bullet striking her chest, the tattered remnants of her blouse flapping with the impact. Yet far from stopping her, she continued her advance.

The man fired again. And again. The bullets seemed to have no effect.

Raising one hand from her hip, she swung her arm. What appeared to be a casual backhanded slap but was actually far more powerful than anything that a heavyweight boxer could have thrown lifted the gunman off his feet, flinging him into the corner. His body slid down to the ground in an untidy heap.

She had already turned to face the last car thief, her hand back on her hip. He still hadn't fired a shot, merely holding the gun in front of him. As she took a step toward him, he lowered the gun until it was aiming roughly at her stomach.

She took another step toward him and he raised the gun, pointing it in the general direction of her face. His aim lowered as she took yet another step forward.

She brought her hands up to the sides of her breasts as she took one more step forward, trapping the gun and the man's hands in the deep valley between her breasts. He screamed as his hands were crushed between her huge mounds.

She released her breasts and let him withdraw his mangled hands, the gun dropping out of them. Catching it with her right hand and holding it in front of her stomach, she put her left hand on top of it. As the man collapsed to his knees, cradling his hands to his stomach, she began to squeeze. There was a series of popping noises as she crushed the gun, the unused ammunition going off in her hands.

Opening her hands, she let the remains of the gun fall to the ground. Brushing off her hands, she looked around the alley. Seeing no more of the gang, she looked up.

Dan raised his head.

"Okay, Dan," she called out to him, her voice definitely deeper than it had been before, "you can come on down now."

He looked down at the ground, thirty feet below him, and drew in a breath. Even as a New Superman, could he jump down that far without getting hurt? A memory from his childhood flashed through his mind. He'd once almost broken a leg jumping down from the garage roof, a towel tied around his neck, pretending that he was the Superman from the comic books. That leap had been from barely a third the height that he was facing now. Letting out his breath, he drew back from the edge.

"Oh, wait," her voice came up, sounding surprisingly casual. "Could you get my purse first?"

He looked around and located her purse. Retrieving it, he returned to the roof's edge.

She was standing directly below him. "Hurry, Dan. Jump." She gestured with an arm.

Still, he hesitated.

"C'mon, I'll catch you." There was a hint of urgency in her voice as she gestured again.

He had to get down, one way or another. Taking a deep breath, he went over the edge. Despite his best efforts, his eyes closed as he fell.

Then he was no longer falling. Opening his eyes, he saw Nan's face. She then set him down lightly on his feet. Somewhat to his surprise, he stood unshaking on his feet.

Up close, she was even taller than he'd originally thought. She had to be nearly eight feet tall. He stared up at her, the top of his head not even coming up to her shoulders. His head didn't even come up to her breasts, easily visible through the shreds of cloth hanging from her neck and shoulders. She didn't need to use The Voice to attract his interest. He raised his hands and started to reach up for the breasts through the tattered remains of her blouse.

"Not now," she replied, most definitely not using The Voice and backing away. "We have to get outta here before the cops get here."

"Uh, what about them?" he asked, waving a hand to indicate the would-be car thieves.

Miraculously, all of the men were still alive, although in serious need of medical attention. He helped her gather them up and dump them in the trunk of the stripped car. She closed the lid and then twisted the metal to lock it.

"Now, we have to get out of here," she said, turning and heading for the street.

"Wait." He took off his suit and draped it around her shoulders. It didn't come close to covering her completely, but it was better than nothing.

They returned to her car. "I don't think I can fit in this," she said, looking down at the Honda Prelude, whose roof barely came up to her waist.

He remembered thinking that Mary Jane couldn't fit in here. Could Nan?

Just then, he heard the sound of approaching sirens. "Here, give me the keys. I'll drive."

"You get 'em." She handed over her purse.

Digging out the car keys and unlocking the passenger door, he moved the seat back as far as it would go. Turning his head, he looked Nan over from head to toe, shook his head, and moved the seat forward as far as it would go. Tilting the seat back forward, he stepped aside to let her into the back seat. It was a tight fit, but she managed to fold herself in, sprawling across both sides, her knees scrunched up against her chest. He tossed her purse onto the passenger seat.

Going around to the other side, he brushed the broken glass from the seat and got in behind the wheel. He turned the key and the engine roared to life, at least if a Honda engine could be said to roar. He could see the flashing lights coming around a corner as he pulled out onto the otherwise empty street. The car felt a little sluggish, which was to be expected with the huge mass of female muscle sprawled across the back seat.

He drove in silence for a couple of blocks before asking the question foremost in his mind. "Uh, Nan, you wanna tell me just what happened back there?"

"Turn left here," she said quietly, as if he hadn't spoken at all.

He turned left at the next intersection.

"Turn right and get on the freeway going south."

He turned right, followed the signs, and got on the southbound freeway.

"You want to get off at Exit 29."

She still seemed reluctant to talk about herself. He was beginning to despair about getting any information other than the driving directions when he felt her moving about in the back. He heard a deep sigh, and then she spoke.

"I suppose you deserve to know." There was another sigh before she continued. "When I went through the treatment, I wanted a way to gain additional strength, at least temporarily. That's what happens when I ingest semen from a New Superman. The size is just a side effect. I needed bigger muscles, and that was the easiest way."


"It'll wear off by morning."

"And the bullets? He did hit you, didn't he?" He couldn't remember seeing anything in the brochures about being bulletproof.

"When I'm like this, my muscles get so hard, and my skin so tough, that bullets just bounce off." She continued to intersperse her explanation with navigation instructions. He wasn't sure of their destination until they were in front of her house. "The garage door opener is on the visor."

He found it and pushed the button. Driving into the garage and closing the door behind them, he shut off the engine, got out of the car, went around to the other side, and helped her out.

"Uh, Nan..."

"C'mon, you can spend the night here." She opened the door leading to the interior of the house. "I can't exactly drive you to your hotel." Ducking through the door, she entered her kitchen.

He followed her, closing the door behind him. "Uh, you sure you want me to stay here?"

"Do you?"

That was what he had been hoping for when the evening started. "Uh, sure."

"Good. Come with me." Taking his hand, she pulled him to her. Draping him over a massive shoulder, she carried him through the house to her bedroom. She then set him down on the floor, his back to the bed. She put a hand on his chest. Her fingers nearly spanned the entire width of his broad muscular chest as she effortlessly pushed him down to sit on the bed. "Take off your clothes," she told him.

Earlier, he had hoped that the evening would come to something like this. Well, not quite exactly like this. "Uh, Nan..."

"Take off your clothes," she repeated, "before I rip them off." There was just a hint of The Voice in order to ensure his compliance.

He took off his shirt and then stood up to remove the rest of his clothes.

She remained standing with her hands on her hips. "Now, remove mine."

He had to reach up in order to remove his suit from around her shoulders. He began fumbling with what few fasteners that remained on the remnants of her cloths.

"Just tear it off," she said. "It's all ruined, any way."

Cloth and leather parted before his strong fingers, ending up in an untidy pile on the floor. When she remained unmoving, he started to run his hands along her unbelievable body, starting at her hips and working his way up her sides. Her muscles were absolutely incredible, so large and yet so well defined.

"Do you like it?" she asked, her hands remaining on her hips. "Most men would have run away, screaming."

"I... I'd never run away from you."

"I'm glad you didn't run away." She took her hands from her hips and put them around her waist, pulling him closer. His head nestled under her huge yet firm breasts, her pecs providing more support than a bra ever could. She lifted him up, his body seemingly weightless to her, to allow his mouth easier access to her breasts. He covered as much of her mounds with his kisses before taking a large nipple into his mouth and suckling.

"You like that?"

"Mmmm," he mumbled around her nipple.

She pulled him higher, pulling his mouth from her breast as she held him face to face. "Better than you like Mary Jane's?"

"Uh... what?"

"C'mon, I know she went to visit you last night."


"Well, which set do you like better?" She gave him a little shake to emphasize the question.

"Uh, yours, of course."

"Really?" She didn't sound very convinced. "Prove it!" She pulled him closer, at the same time pushing him down until he was kneeling at her feet.

Instinctively knowing what she wanted, he kissed a foot and worked his way up her tree-like leg to the knee.

"Keep going," she urged.

He did, working his way up her thigh. Just before he reached the juncture with her other leg, she picked him up again, jamming his head against her chest. This time it was the other breast. He covered this mound with kisses before taking the nipple into his mouth.

"You're almost starting to convince me," she said, pulling him off her breast and tossing him onto the bed. Before he could sit up, she put a hand on his chest and pushed him back down on his back. "But you're going to have to try harder." The bedsprings creaked in protest as she climbed on, kneeling beside him.

He put his hands on her arm and tried to move it aside. It was like trying to move a tree.

"C'mon, you're not really trying," she teased, pushing down a bit harder.

"Nan... please..." he gasped out with the last of the air left in his lungs.

With a short laugh, she let go of him. Sliding a hand around him, she pulled him back up, burying his head between her breasts.

He worked his tongue across the inside of a breast as she allowed him to work his way out until he could get his mouth around a nipple again.

"You really like that, don't you?"

Remembering that bullets couldn't hurt her, he clamped his teeth on the large hard nipple and bit down as hard as he could. He was rewarded with a low moan.

She turned to one side and lay down on her back. "C'mon, convince me."

He positioned himself between her parted legs and thrust his shaft into her waiting pussy as she wrapped her arms around him. He had to spread his arms wide to get his hands on either side of her chest. That put his face at an ideal location. Suckling at her breast again, he began thrusting.

He had been ready for this since the previous day, last night's visit from Mary Jane notwithstanding. It wasn't long before he was ready to climax.

She had other ideas, however, tightening her inner muscles around his shaft and delaying his release. She climaxed once, her huge body shuddering under his as he valiantly maintained his rhythm.

As she approached her second climax, she relaxed her inner muscles. They climaxed almost simultaneously, only the powerful arms around him keeping her bucking body from throwing him off the bed.

Eventually she stopped bucking, lying still except for the rise and fall of her chest as sucked in air. Gasping for breath himself, he rolled off her.

"I'm almost convinced," she said, sliding an arm under his head and pulling him to her.

He snuggled his head against the side of her breast while he regained his breath. "How did you know Mary Jane visited me last night?"

She laughed. "You told me. I wasn't sure until I asked you, and then I saw it in your eyes." She laughed again. "Don't worry, she does it with just about every new man we get, at least if he doesn't come with a woman of his own." Another laugh. "And if Hiroko doesn't beat her to it. I had about a seventy-thirty chance."

"That was a dirty trick." He reached up and pinched her nipple.

"It worked, didn't it?" She covered his hand with hers, pressing it harder against her breast. "And now, are you ready to finish convincing me?"

Her use of The Voice made sure that he was. Rolling over, she kneeled over him. But instead of lowering herself down onto him, she slid her hands under him and lifted him up into her.

A hand behind his shoulder blades pressed his face against her breasts. Another hand on his ass thrust his shaft into her pussy. Even though she was using only one arm, this round was far more physical than the first one had been.

He had been helpless in Mary Jane's arms the previous night. This was similar, only more so. And Nan was like Mary Jane, only more so --- bigger, more muscular, and stronger. Even her large breasts seemed to be firmer than his own muscles were. Her muscles were rock hard, it wasn't hard to believe that she indeed could bounce bullets off of them.

She was like a wild animal. Whenever he thought that he couldn't continue, she used The Voice on him to get him hard and erect for her again. It was the best night of his life, even better than the previous one had been. Finally, he fell into exhausted slumber, her arm wrapped around him as he lay against her warm body.

The sound of traffic in the street outside woke him up. Opening his eyes and seeing the light spilling in around the shades, it took Dan a couple of seconds to remember where he was. So, he hadn't dreamed the whole thing. He had indeed spent the night with Nan. Closing his eyes and smiling at the sweet memory, he rolled over and reached out a hand.

His hand only found more of the bed. Reopening his eyes, he saw that the other half of the bed was empty. He climbed out of bed, stretched, and looked around. His clothes had been neatly folded and were sitting on a chair, though still a little dirty from the adventure of the previous evening. The tattered remnants of her clothes were gone. He put on his shorts and his pants, leaving the rest for later.

After using the bathroom, he went into the kitchen in search of her. She wasn't there either. Instead, there was a box of cereal, a bowl, and a spoon all laid out on the table. And a note.

Sitting down, he picked up the note, printed in a neat but distinctively feminine hand.

Sorry, had to go in early. Breakfast is on the table. There's milk in the fridge. Come in to NSI any time.

Love, N.

Well, at least she wasn't throwing him out. If she wanted to throw him out, he wouldn't have been able to resist her any more than those five car thieves had.

Not only was she feeding him, but she wanted to see him again. And she had used the L-word in the note. Standing up, he practically floated across the kitchen to get the milk out of the refrigerator.

Finishing breakfast, he returning the milk to the refrigerator and put the dirties in the sink. Taking a quick look in the garage and confirming that her Honda wasn't there, he returned to the bedroom and finished dressing.

He first returned to his hotel to shower and change clothes. It was nearly noon when he arrived at the New Superman Institute. Hiroko was at the desk, as usual. She gave him an enigmatic yet inscrutable Oriental smile. "Good morning, Mr. Wilson. She's in the lab."

"Thank you, Hiroko." With some trepidation, he walked to the door and stepped through.

As promised, Nan was indeed in the lab. Last night's effect obviously had worn off, for she looked as she had the day before. Seeing him, she put down a clipboard and came toward him with a wide smile nearly as inscrutable as Hiroko's on her face.

No, not completely the same as the day before. He immediately sensed that there still was something a little different about her. She was wearing a black tank top and a pair of white jeans, but that wasn't it; he'd seen her in similar clothes before. No, it wasn't her clothes. There was something different about her. Was there more of her?

That was it! It was her arms, they...

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"You left me a little something last night," she said, raising her arms. She struck a double biceps pose, making her already large arms swell even more. Her thighs looked as if they were about to burst through the seams of her jeans. And it wasn't just her limbs, either. Her pecs were larger, making her breasts stand out even more.

"You... you didn't go through the treatment again, did you?"

"I went through your treatment."

"My treatment? What do you mean?" He had done a lot of things to her, and with her, but he wouldn't exactly call any of them a 'treatment.' Then he remembered the first part, how her body had grown larger after drinking his seed. "But you said it wasn't permanent."

"It wasn't supposed to be," Dr. Paul Waid said, having come up behind Dan while he had been busy staring at Nan's biceps. "She was supposed to have the extra size and strength for about six hours before reverting back to her normal self."

Dan turned around to face the Doctor. "So what happened? This isn't her 'normal' self, as you called it." He turned back to Nan. "Not that I'm complaining, mind you."

The Doctor held up a gadget identical to the one that he had worn while Nan had put him through his paces the first day. "We've spent all morning analyzing it, and we think we know what happened. There was something about your semen, Dan, that locked in part of the change. This is her 'normal' self now. Not only did she get bigger and stronger than ever before in what she calls her She-Hulk form, but some of that muscle size remained. And some of that strength. She's now about twice as strong as she was before, about on par with Mary Jane."

"I'm also about an inch taller now," Nan added brightly, rising up on her toes to make herself appear even taller.

"And now she's also about an inch taller than she was before," the Doctor confirmed.

"And, uh, is this going to happen every time? I mean, every time she, uh, you know, uh, drinks my, uh, she's going to get bulkier and taller?" That could put a serious crimp in their relationship. If they were going to have a relationship at all, that is.

"No, it looks like it's a one-time thing," the Doctor said. "She'll still grow and get stronger every time she ingests your semen, but after about six hours she'll return to her current form. She won't keep getting bigger and taller."

"Shucks, I won't have a reason to keep getting entire new wardrobes every time Dan comes back," she said with a frown. The two men laughed at her joke and her frown inverted into a smile.

"Now, if you two will excuse me, I have to get back to work. And I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about." The Doctor made pushing motions with his hands, shooing the two of them out of the lab.

"So, you actually wanted it this way?" Dan asked when the two of them were alone in the gym. "You didn't want the strength and size all the time?"

She looked around as if to confirm that they truly were alone. "You mean, like Mary Jane or Hiroko?"

"Uh..." He didn't want to insult someone with twenty times his strength.

"I didn't want to stand out. I wanted to be able to look like an ordinary woman."

"Just like the She-Hulk, eh?" He was glad that he wasn't the only to have that image.

"Exactly. You've seen that comic book?"

"One of my favorites. But you're more impressive. And much prettier."

She smiled at the compliments. "Thank you." She then looked him in the eyes. "Be honest, Dan. When you first saw me, did you think I had gone through the New Superman treatment?"

"No. I wondered why somebody who hadn't been through it was working here."

She grinned. "So, it worked, didn't it? I had you fooled."

"Uh, yeah. You completely surprised me when you took that weight from the other guy."


"Yeah, that was his name. But why? I mean, why don't you want your muscles to show?"

"Like I said, I wanted to be able to pass for an ordinary woman. I think Mary Jane and Hiroko look fantastic, but that's the problem. They look fantastic, but one look at either of them and you know there's something special, something fantastic. I didn't want that for me. There was something that I had to do, but in order to do it I couldn't stand out."


Her eyes got a faraway look as she retreated into herself. He had again apparently touched upon a part of her that she didn't want to talk about.

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Then she brightened again. She brought up her left arm and flexed it, showing him her new muscles again. "Later. First, you're coming shopping with me. I'm going to need a whole new wardrobe."


"C'mon, fair's fair. I went shopping with you, now you have to come shopping with me." Grabbing her purse with one hand and taking his hand with the other, she started pulling him toward the door. "After all, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't need new clothes." She gave his arm another tug. "At least, I'm not asking you to pay for it."

"Okay, okay, I'm coming. You don't have to act like a wife."

She stopped and turned. "Why, was that a proposal, Mr. Wilson?"

He stopped in his tracks as his jaw nearly hit his knees. "I... uh..."

She tugged on his hand again. "C'mon, let's go shopping. The stores won't stay open while you make up your mind."

The only damage to her car had been a few minor scratches and the driver's window. It did mean that all the purchases had to go into the trunk instead of into the back seat.

Driving from store to store, they had a chance to resume their conversation. "Did you really mean it? About my coming back and all that?"

"You said you didn't really have anything definite when you got home. No job, no family. You could always move here to be with me."

"Uh, are you asking me to move in with you?"

She gave a short laugh. "I didn't say that, Big Dan. Though that is tempting. I could certainly put you up for a while until you found a place of your own. And Dr. Waid could always use more people at the Institute. The pay's not all that great, but you don't need the money anyway, and it's a lot of fun."

"Uh, I'll have to think about it, Nan. Do you want me to bring you a diamond ring when I come to visit you?"

"I don't know if I'm quite ready for that, Big Dan. But having you around would certainly make it easier for me to decide."

After all her shopping, he insisted on buying dinner. She made no objection. However, she refused to drive him back to his hotel. Instead, they ended up at her house again. However, she did not lead him to her bedroom. He settled down on the couch in her living room as she retreated into the kitchen to find something to drink.

"There's something else you should know about me," she said, coming back with a couple of bottles of orange juice, handing him one as she sat down next to him.

Now what? he wondered, twisting the top off his bottle. Instead of the She-Hulk, she turns into a wolf when the moon's full? He managed to refrain from speaking that last thought out loud. "I'm all ears."

"Earlier today, you asked why I didn't want really big muscles, and I didn't answer you."

"Uh, you don't really have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, you need to know this." She took a drink of her orange juice, and then took a deep breath before continuing. "I told you I used to be a nurse?" Seeing his nod, she continued. "A little over a year ago, I was working the night shift in the Emergency Room when they brought in my little sister. She was unconscious, having been beaten and raped. The police never found out who was responsible. She died without regaining consciousness."

"I... I'm sorry," he said, putting his hand on hers. What else could he say or do?

"At her funeral," she continued, "I swore I'd find him and make him pay."

"But how? If the cops..."

"The police can't, but I can."

"How?" Suddenly he remembered the two bodies that he'd found in the trash dumpster his first night in the city. He told her about that incident. "You mean, you did..."

"That was you, Dan? I heard the footsteps, and I left. I never thought that it was you."

"Does anybody else know? I mean, about you doing this kind of stuff?"

"I'm sure Paul suspects. After all, he's the one who helped me set up my morph. And, and..." Her voice broke. She took a long drink of her orange juice before continuing.

"So, now you know." She stood up. "You want me to drive you back to your hotel?"

"Don't you want me to stay here with you?"

"Uh, Nan, can we take it a little slower tonight?"

"Did I hurt you last night?" There was a look of genuine concern on her face.

"No, no, it's just that I want to try it nice and slow for a change. And with you, as you are right now, not with the She-Hulk."

"Didn't you like it?"

He took her hand and raised it to his lips. "I loved it. But tonight, I want to make love to you. To Nan, not the She-Hulk. I want something to remember Nancy Chandler by, until I come back."

Leading him into her bedroom, she allowed him to undress her. Removing his own clothes, he pushed her down onto the bed. She offered no resistance as his hands and mouth explored every inch of her body.

There wasn't nearly as much of her as there had been the previous night. That didn't decrease his desire for her in the least. Finally, when he could no longer hold himself back, he parted her thighs and thrust into her.

She was by no means a passive partner. Still, she let him control their lovemaking.

At least for the first round. She got on top and mounted him for the second round. They more or less alternated for as long as he was able to keep going. Finally, when not even The Voice could get a rise out of him, they cuddled together and slept.

She certainly did give him something to remember. If anything, the experience was more intense than the previous night had been. They were still far from being on equal terms; even in her smaller form she was still much stronger than he was. And The Voice gave her an additional advantage, as if she needed it.

In the morning, she drove him to his hotel and helped him to pack. She then drove him to the airport for his flight back home. They exchanged a kiss and a hug at the drop-off area, drawing more than a few envious looks from the other travelers.

Both Nan Chandler and Dan Wilson knew that he would be coming back.

Back home, he'd enjoyed himself at his old gym, showing off his new body. He was always careful not to show off too much of his new strength. His new physique, he couldn't hide --- nor did he particularly want to, that was why he had gone in for the treatment in the first place after all.

He particularly liked the looks that he was getting from the other women in the gym.

It was about a month after his treatment when Dan Wilson flew back out to the city to spend a couple of weeks with Nan Chandler again. During the entire time, the two of them had been in constant communication, via phone and email.

Flying in, she picked him up at the airport, still driving the little Honda Prelude. Driving him to her home, they spent the night getting reacquainted with each other.

Their plans for the first weekend were in place; they'd rented a cabin at a mountain resort. They tossed their suitcases into her Honda Prelude and, after a quick stop at a supermarket for some groceries, were on the road heading out from the city.

Pulling into a roadside truck stop for gas, they decided to fuel up their bodies as well as the car. After tanking up the Prelude, they went inside. "Take a look over there," she said as they settled into a booth.

'Over there' turned out to be a table at the back where two truckers were arm wrestling. Others stood around, watching and cheering.

The one on the left forced down his opponent's arm. The defeated man stood up as another took his place. Money changed hands among the spectators.

"You wanna give it a try?" Nan asked Dan.

He shook his head but kept watching the action. "Nah. It'd be too easy."

He continued to watch even as the waitress brought their menus and a pot of coffee. The one on the left won again. This time, when the defeated man stood up and walked away, nobody moved in to take his place. The champion stood up, looked around, spotted Dan watching him, and came over. "What about you, pal? Wanna give it a shot? You look like you've got strong arms."

Dan kept his arm bent, holding his coffee cup to his face. "No thanks."

The man's gaze swept across the table to Nan. "What about your old lady? She looks like she's got strong arms, too." He might have sounded more convincing if his eyes weren't concentrating more on her breasts than they were on her arms.

"Sure, why not?" She put down her coffee and started to stand up.

"Nan..." He reached with his free hand and took one of hers.

"It's okay, Dan. I won't hurt him."

The man smirked at the comment and followed Nan to the arm wrestling table. Putting his coffee down, Dan stood up and followed them.

The other men made room for the woman, ogling her and making lewd comments. Ignoring the babble, she sat down and put her right elbow on the table. The man who had challenged her sat down on the opposite side and put his elbow on the table. They clasped hands, his hand dwarfing hers.

Someone shouted "Go" and the man began pushing. She simply smiled at him. He pushed harder, his arm swelling to rather impressive dimensions --- at least for a man who hadn't been through the New Superman treatment. Her arm didn't move at all. The man put his all into it, grunting, working up a sweat, his face turning red, but he couldn't make any headway against her right arm. He still hadn't moved it a single inch.

"Somebody else want to help him out?" Nan cooed to the other men who were standing around slack-jawed and buggy-eyed.

One of them, a huge black man, grabbed the hands and started pulling with all his might. Another man began pushing from the other side.

"Hmmm... only three of you, huh?" purred Nan, "Anbody else? No? Then I guess this'll have to do." She looked into the eyes of the man across from her, smiled, and then slammed all of their hands down on the table, sending their sprawling down to the floor.

Getting out of her seat, she helped the three men up from the floor. They sat down, rubbing their arms. Coming back to her side, she leaned over the table and said something to them. Dan couldn't hear what she was saying, but it was obvious to him from the way that they were squirming in their seats that she was using The Voice.

As she continued to talk to them, the man on the left stiffened in his chair. His head fell back, his jaw dropped open, and his eyes rolled back into his head. Dan knew that the man had just creamed his pants, brought to orgasm just by the sound of Nan's voice.

"That's enough, Nan." He grabbed her arm and tried to pull her away from the table.

She didn't even turn around. Shaking off his hand, she continued to talk softly to the men. The big black man on the right stiffened, then slumped forward onto the tabletop. The man in the middle, the one who had first challenged her, was the last to succumb, also slumping forward onto the tabletop.

"Did you really have to do that?" he asked when she finally allowed him to lead her away from the men and back to their booth.

She didn't answer him immediately, since the waitress was ready to take their orders. But after the waitress left, she leaned back in the booth. "I don't think they'll bother us while we eat lunch."

"Are you kidding? They may try to rape you."

She laughed. "I don't think they're in any condition to try that." A jerk of her head indicated the table in the back. Looking that way, he saw one of the men get up to his feet and then stagger toward the bathroom in order to clean himself up. By the time that the waitress returned with their food, the other two men had also left the table and made trips to the bathroom.

Sure enough, they were able to enjoy their lunch in peace and quiet. They also got a bonus when the waitress brought two slices of apple pie without their having asked for any dessert. "It's on me," she explained, looking at Nan's arms. "I'm glad somebody put those jerks in their place."

Leaving enough of a tip to cover the apple pie, they headed out to the parking lot. Since Nan had driven all morning, Dan offered to drive the rest of the way. She accepted.

"How often do you use The Voice?" he asked once they were back on the freeway.

She turned her head toward him, looked behind her, then turned to face him again. "You mean, like this?"

He stiffened almost immediately. The car swerved into the left lane. "Hey! Watch it. In case you haven't noticed, I'm trying to drive." Taking a look in the rearview mirror and not seeing another vehicle, he slowed down and pulled back into the right lane.

"Sorry. I couldn't resist." This time she used her normal voice.

"Yeah, well, there might have been a car in the other lane."

"I wouldn't have used The Voice if there had been."

"Yeah, well, be careful, okay?"


How could he remain angry with her? "You still haven't answered my question."

"Huh? Oh, you mean how often I use The Voice?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Not very often. Unless I have a man in bed with me."

He remembered the first time that she'd really used it on him. "Or when you need to become the She-Hulk?"

"That was the first time. Outside of the Institute, that is."

That made some sense; if the transformation required the semen of a New Superman, the easiest place to find one was the Institute. But what was it that Mary Jane had said? "Uh, let me know if I'm getting too personal, but Mary Jane said that you didn't go out with anybody from the Institute."

"No one ever brought me flowers, before you did."

"You'd go to bed with any guy who brings you flowers?"

"Of course not!" She sat up and turned to face him. "You don't think we're here just because of a bunch of flowers, do you?"

"Uh, yeah, well, I hope there's something more than that."

"Or course there is. I felt some sort of connection almost from the first moment I saw you, even before Paul started the treatment on you. And I think you felt it, too."

"Uh, yeah, I sure did."

It was exactly because of the She-Hulk effect that she had avoided going out with any of the New Supermen. Once the process had been verified, she hadn't wanted to get addicted to the additional power. It was much too enjoyable.

There was still some daylight left when they arrived at the resort. Checking in at the office, they got the keys to their cabin and a map.

They'd specially requested a secluded cabin. Finding it at the end of a dirt road, they carried their things inside. She took the groceries to the kitchen and began preparing dinner while he began unpacking their things.

It wasn't a great dinner, but he had no complaints. Nor did he have any complaints about what came after the dinner.

While eating dinner, they'd decided to go jogging first thing in the morning. But deciding on a plan and actually carrying it out are two totally different things. Dan woke up to find Nan beside him, propped up on an elbow as she looked down at him.

Seeing that he was awake, her other hand came to his chest, tracing the lines of his pecs. "Good morning, sleepyhead."

"Good morning to you." Reaching out and cupping a breast, he gave it a squeeze.

"So, who do you want to jog with this morning?"

"Uh, you, of course."

She rose up and straddled his legs, putting her right hand on his chest and keeping him down on his back. "You sure you don't want to go jogging with the She-Hulk?"

"I'm probably not going to be able to keep up with you, as you are. There's no way..."

"Probably? Probably?" She pressed down on his chest.

"Okay," he gasped out. "Okay, I won't be able to keep up with you."

"In that case, what difference does it make who you jog with?"

"Nan..." He put his hands on her arm and tried to move it aside. He may as well have tried to move a tree.

Keeping her right hand on his chest, she moved her left hand down to his crotch, gently massaging his balls. "Please, Dan?"

It no longer mattered what she said or did. Her use of The Voice left him with no choice. Still lying on his back, he reached up to fondle her breasts while she pulled down his shorts, freeing his already fully erect shaft. She turned her head and smiled at him. "So, you do want it." Rising up on her knees, she put her hands around his waist and lifted him into the air. Holding him above her head, she took his shaft in her mouth.

It didn't take her long to bring him to his climax, shooting spurt after spurt of his seed into her mouth. She nursed the last few drops of his precious treasure out of the tip of his flaccid, but still rather hefty, shaft, licking them like a contented cat licking the last of her milk bowl.

As she set him down and rocked back on her heels, he could see her body shudder and begin to grow. Even though he knew what to expect this time, the sight still thrilled him. Seeing it happen in a bright bedroom instead of on a dark rooftop certainly didn't hurt. Layer after layer built on top of her already impressive muscles as her limbs lengthened to take on the additional mass.

She climbed off the bed, stretching her arms to the sides. Her head nearly brushed the ceiling. "Now, let's go jogging." Taking his hand as she stood up, she pulled him off the bed and set him on his feet.

He pulled up his shorts and tucked himself in. "You're not jogging like that, are you?"

"What's the matter? Don't you like what you see?" She raised her arms and flexed them. Twin peaks of muscle rose up, each of her biceps larger than a football.

"Uh, yeah, I do. Really. But don't you think you're showing off a little too much?" He stepped forward and reached for her huge breasts. Even though she hadn't used The Voice again, he felt himself getting aroused again. Perhaps they didn't need to go jogging just right now...

She leaned into him, brushing a breast against the side of his head. He staggered back from the impact. "Jog first, fun later." Stepping back, she lowered her arms and looked down at her naked body. "But I suppose you're right." Turning around and rummaging around in her suitcase, she came up with a varicolored swimsuit and slipped it on. Rummaging further, she came up with socks and shoes. "These should fit, though I couldn't try them on earlier, since you weren't here to feed me." She tried to put them on while he put on his own shoes.

Her shoes did fit. She was definitely an impressive sight, her shoulders above the top of his head, her body bulging with more muscles than was found on a typical NFL defensive line. Not a single lineman, but the entire line. And he knew that she had far more strength in her body. Heck, even in her 'normal' form she was stronger than an entire team --- in her She-Hulk form she was probably stronger than the entire league.

He had absolutely no objection to letting her lead the way. The view was superb.

The landscape through which they were jogging wasn't too bad, either.

The dirt road didn't actually end at their cabin. The rutted track continued further into the mountains, though there was no way that Nan's little Honda could have negotiated it any further.

He didn't know how much exercise Nan was getting, her long legs flashing in the sunlight as she loped along. For his part, he found himself nearly sprinting merely to keep pace with her.

They'd just crested a hill and started down the other side when she turned her head and looked down at him. "Race you to the top of the next hill," she said, not even slightly out of breath.

Before he could answer, she was gone, arms and legs pumping, hair flying behind her like a flag as she ran at a pace that a quarterhorse couldn't possibly match. He put his head down and put on all the speed that he could. His pace would have made an Olympic sprinter green with envy, yet she continued to effortlessly pull away from him.

It took him nearly half a minute to cover the distance, which meant that she'd been waiting almost fifteen seconds when he came up, huffing and puffing.

If she'd lost her breath at all from her sprint, there was no sign of it. "It's about time you got here," she said sweetly.

"You... you've got an unfair advantage," he gasped out, collapsing to the ground at her feet. "We may have to chop your legs off at the knees."

She sat down beside him. "Oh yeah? You and what army?"

He didn't know whether she had used The Voice. He reached out a hand and stroked one of her legs, feeling the cut diamond of her calf. "It'd be a shame to chop off such lovely legs." He worked his way up the back of her leg, feeling her pumped up quad.

"Careful, Dan," she warned, putting her hand over his and stopping any further progress. "You don' want to start something if you aren't going to finish it."

Before he could come up with a good answer, he heard the sound of an engine. Looking up, he saw a red four-wheel-drive pickup truck coming up the road.

Rather, it was mostly coming up the road. Despite the deep ruts in the road, it was swerving all over the place.

Dan stood up, while Nan remained seated, not wanting her tremendous height to show. The driver didn't need to see her, for he obvious saw Dan. The truck veered directly toward him.

He leaped to the side, tucked into a somersault, and came up spitting out grass and more than a few expletives.

The pickup was continuing up the road, the driver accelerating, the tires kicking up a cloud of dust. And Nan was right behind it, disappearing into the dust cloud.

He ran after her, though his legs couldn't keep up with either the pickup or Nan's deliciously long legs as they both disappeared around the next bend in the road.

He continued his pursuit. Coming around the bend, he saw another cabin off to one side. Not a cabin like the one in which he and Nan had spent the previous night, this one was much more rustic --- and rundown. The roof looked as if it would leak in a good rain, and there were a bunch of deer antlers hanging from a wooden frame.

There was no sign either of the pickup or of Nan.

Then she walked into view, coming around from behind the cabin. Dan's legs stopped as he simply stared in amazement.

She had her arms raised over her head. But she wasn't surrendering. Far from it. If anything, it was the driver who needed to surrender. Now, before he got killed.

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Muscles bulged on her arms as she held the pickup over her head. The muscles on her legs rippled as she walked toward him. Then she started to squat down, lowering the pickup to the ground.

She turned it over, setting it down on the passenger side, with the driver's door facing the sky. Standing next to the underside of the pickup, she looked down at the driver. Looking through the windshield, Dan could see the driver shrinking away from the giantess peering down at him through his window, at the same time fumbling for a shotgun on the rack behind him.

Her hand was almost too big to fit through the door handle. It didn't matter, since the handle came off in her hand when she pulled on it. Deterred only momentarily, she balled up her right hand as she drew back the arm. Her arm shot down, punching her fist through the metal door as if it was made of nothing more than tissue paper. Still using only one hand, she ripped the door completely off its hinges.

A flick of her wrist sent the door sailing over her shoulder. It kicked up a cloud of dust about forty feet behind her.

Holding the door over her head, she reached in both hands. Her fingers closed around the barrel of the shotgun just as the driver freed it from the rack. A tug of war ensued.

It was a very brief tug of war. A dozen New Supermen couldn't possibly hope to win a tug of war against just one of Nan's arms when she was in her She-Hulk form, there was no way in hell that one ordinary man could beat her.

Gripping the stock in her other big hand, she began to bring her hands together. The shotgun bent into a horseshoe shape, the hardened gunmetal unable to withstand her incredible strength.

Letting go of the useless shotgun with one hand, she reached in and pulled the driver out of the pickup. Holding both the driver and the shotgun over her head, she turned to face Dan. He could see the fear in the man's face as he first looked up at the mangled remains of the shotgun above him and then down at the giant woman who was effortlessly holding him aloft with just one arm.

She then tossed the man straight up into the air.

He went up about twenty feet before coming down. She caught him with her right hand and tossed him up again. This time, he went up about thirty feet before she again caught him. Dan wondered whether she was going to try to launch him into orbit.

She didn't try. Instead, she dropped the man to the ground at her feet.

He rolled over onto his back and stared up at the giantess towering over him. His face was a mask of sheer terror as he pushed himself backward with his legs.

Lifting a foot and stepping over him, she straddled him. He continued his inverted crawl, trying to get out from under her. She easily kept pace, putting her hands on her hips. She then dropped to her knees, straddling him. The man started to disappear from Dan's sight as she leaned forward.

Dan could see the man's arms lashing out as he tried to keep the giantess at a distance. His fists hammered at her stomach, but he might as well have been striking out at a glacier for all the good that it did him in slowing her inexorable advance.

Now all Dan could see of the man was his arms as they continued to flail at her. His fists repeatedly struck her large breasts, but merely caused them to bounce a little.

Her breasts bounced more when she started to slowly swing her chest from side to side. Dan could hear the man's screams of pain as her fleshy mounds struck his head. At least the screams told him that she wasn't hitting too hard; her breasts --- her entire body, for that matter --- really should be registered as lethal weapons. He remembered how she had sent him staggering with just a brush from one of the battering rams on her chest. If she could do that to a New Superman, she could easily kill an ordinary man.

Dan ran to her. "Nan! What're you doing?" Putting his arms around her waist, he tried to pull her off the fallen man. He may as well have tried to move a mountain.

She swung an arm and pushed him aside, sending him sprawling onto his ass.

Picking himself up, he approached her again, but this time circling around to the front. Getting his hands under her chin, he forced her to look up at him. "Nan! That's enough!"

At first, he was afraid that she didn't recognize him. But as he continued to shout into her face, she blinked a couple of times, focused on his face, and raised herself off the man beneath her.

Looking down at the man, Dan could see bruises already beginning to form on his face from the pummeling of Nan's breasts. His eyes were closed --- if he was conscious, he was doing a fair job of playing possum. At least he was still breathing --- Dan could see the rise and fall of his chest. He knelt down and felt for a pulse anyway.

The alcohol on his breath was obvious. So was the other smell from further down --- he had obviously shit in his pants.

Dan felt rather than saw Nan moving toward the fallen man again. "That's enough!" he repeated, positioning himself between the two, knowing fully that she could easily move him aside.

After a brief discussion, they decided to leave the man where he was. They certainly couldn't explain to the police or the state patrol or whoever had jurisdiction here what Nan had done.

"What about the truck?"

"Leave it. When he wakes up, he'll figure he wiped out while he was drunk. It'll all seem like a bad dream."

"And the door? And the shotgun?"

"Strange things happen in rollovers."

They jogged back to their cabin, where they found a way to occupy themselves before Nan reverted to her usual state.

You can read more of my stories on my website.